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Quoth the raven: "CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW" (Patreon)


Cloudy Quartz discovers a giant, beating heart of stone underground. Equestria is alive, and it knows she's there.

A cutesy story about marriage.

An entry to FanOfMostEverything's Ancestral Tribute Contest.

Edited by Mousse and Antsan. Cover art by me! Heh heh heh.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 33 )

Story posted to celebrate my birthday! Which is not today, it's on October 18th, but I wanted to make the contest deadline. So. Happy birthday to me! Hope you liked the story. I'm going back to drawing comics now.

She spoke softly, in the way gold is soft because if you bite hard you leave teeth marks.

Have I mentioned how much I love the way you describe things? Because I really do.

And Cloudy Quartz was rather fond of the ground, so she wasn’t happy with that little fact.

You know, I imagine most people would be. The ground shaking usually means Bad Stuff.

It was the size of a small cow, and whenever it beat, it cracked and broke in places, only to fuse back together a moment later.

How delightfully unsettling.

Quartz only cut stone in front of her husband, because she knew he liked boring things. Only he—and sometimes her daughters—had seen her neck.

I, don't know what to make of this, but it IS interesting.

“Oh. Of course,” Igneous said. “She is a violent one. I love her very much.”

We all do.

A certain truth of nature only mineralogists truly appreciate is that ponies, like river beds, are sedimentary. They are accumulations, compressed sums of individual elements, eroded and shaped by time.

With rocks, it is minerals, deposits, that sum the parts of the whole. With living beings, it’s events: your first love, your greatest loss, the time you learned what it means to cry from happiness.

... Huh. That, actually makes sense, in a weird way. How do you think of this stuff?

The sound made them both flinch. Things had almost gotten too spicy there, for a moment.

That's, flirting for them? Huh.

This was, by far, the most heated argument they’d had in years. Cloudy Quartz was glad she had sent the girls away to have fun. They would have been devastated.

Only with the Pies can that make sense.

Igneous Rock looked away from the fridge, and looked at his wife. “I apologize,” he said. “I worry you underestimate how much you work. I show my gratitude by respecting your rest. But I do not want to sound condescending.”

Actual healthy communication. Be still my beating (probably organic) heart.

Quartz said nothing. Sometimes, she thought, it was really obvious that Pinkamena was the serious one in the family.

... And that's the sort of absurdity that you can make sound sensible.

“You two had a heart to heart.”

... Goddammit. 8/10.

I am Hearth. I am the land that you walk on, and the rocks that you harvest. I am the minerals in your water and the dust on your shelves. You are touching my Heart, where my consciousness resides, but my body encompasses everywhere.

The heart of not just Equestria, but the planet.

That does not surprise me. Life started outside of me, but it slipped through the cracks, and filtered itself through me. Its sediments grew.

Again, this is fascinating.

You are made out of carbon as well, the heart beat. Similarity eases communication.

This makes sense. Why does this make sense?

It wasn’t quite as intimate as romantic love, nor as protective as the bond they had with their daughters. But it was love all the while, and it quenched a thirst Quartz did not know she had.

How, sweet?

Quartz nodded. “Ice melts. I do not. I stay solid.”

Some ice never melts, but, point taken.

Feliz Cumpleaños, Aragon.

Yes. It means it won’t melt. But if you touch it, it’s warm to the touch.

That's a great climax line on like, three different levels


There's something distinctly warm and cozy about this story. It has a vibe and atmosphere I'm not sure I'll be able to get out of my head for a while.

Happy early birthday, you crazy Spaniard you.

Sometimes during reading this, I would feel confused because the choice of words and the way you describe things remind me of those articles I would find in a literature magazine.(I could understand the whole story and the comedy parts, but it feels like poetry as well, beautiful and “simply divine ” if I do say so myself.)
In a word, I enjoyed this a lot, and thank you for this piece of art.
Sometimes I would wonder how do you manage English so well, As an ESL person who does reasonably good myself I can say that you are indeed a master when it comes to fumbling with words.
Also, this is another proof that comedy is indeed serious business.
Also, happy early birthday, you genius.

Well, in THAT case: "A very merry UN-birthday toooooooo YOU!"

This warming Heart is heartwarming to read about :)

very sweet, interesting read with a great handle on these characters. had a few laugh-out-loud moments at their (relatively) brazen flirting. good luck in the contest!

Nice. What happens if it has a heart attack?

A beautiful story indeed, always refreshing to see a story where Cloudy and Igneous are besotted with each other. Indeed, is not every strong marriage founded on clear communication?

Happy birthday! Always glad to see a new fanfic by you.

I really like the portrayal of the duo here. Both Quartz's inner life, and her interactions with her husband, and the heart.

Igneous looked at Cloudy Quartz, his face inscrutable. “You are on a roll,” he said, voice dry. “Sometimes it is truly apparent Pinkamena is the serious one in the family.”

I'm assuming that Pinkie was still not happy and this is before the Sonic Rainboom came around

Quartz said nothing. Sometimes, she thought, it was really obvious that Pinkamena was the serious one in the family.

This line alone says volumes and I love it.

Outstanding work, capturing the surreal perspective of the rock farmer in a deep and surprisingly intimate way. Thank you for it, best of luck in the judging, and happy almost-birthday.

Well this was a pretty nice story about Cloudy and Igneous and how much they really care for each other and even talking with a rock heart this was good keep up the good work

The Pun was there, I had to.

Cloudy Quartz touched Igneous Rock’s hoof slightly a second time, and Igneous Rock touched Quartz’s hoof back.

I know the contest rules say that Mature-rated stories aren't eligible, but I don't think you're allowed to use such explicit imagery in an E-rated fic.

This was… actually so adorable. And mind-blowing my creative, I loved the repetition, I loved the prose, I love the concept, but mostly goddamn I love these two now. The description is right, it is a cute story about marriage

I'm really glad I read this.

This is weird, confusing, and yet strangely endearing. Kinda like marriage I guess

Love a story where the real actual beating heart of the world is both discovered and talked to, and the most important thing about it is that it makes a good friend. Absolutely love these two, their relationship, and their new pal The Entire Planet!

I went away from reading MLP fanfiction for a while. This was an excellent story to come back to. The mythos-esque approach, the quiet but loud characterisation, the mysterious yet clear-cut adaptive scenery. I love this story in a very subtle way.

Signing out, VShuffler42

Lovely and fun character work. Rock on, Aragon

Damn, that was brilliant. Super cute and perfectly characterised. Loved all the little details revolving round their relationship with each other and their daughters. That last line was perfect way to end it.

I love Cloudy Quartz so this was an easy sell for me. Top that with the funny-but-poignant brand of understated humor I've come to appreciate in your comics and we have a fic that treats me just ever so well. :heart:

Heh. Heart, Earth, Hearth, cute. See, this is how I'm thinking when I object to G5's assertion that Earth ponies never had magic!

Quartz got up, and walked next to her husband. “Yes.”

“And then, while digging, I found the Heart of the land.”

“I see.”

“That is all.”

They kept walking in silence.

Quartz looked at Igneous. “Dear.”

you ol chucklefuckle. I love it

it was rock; calcite and magnesite and aragonite, among others—


happy mbirthday, dormk

This was a sweet story. It was nice to see Pinkie's parents just be in love, in their own way, and it was neat seeing this odd metaphysical being find comfort on their farm. You did well presenting their emotions as being subtle but still apparent.


it was rock; calcite and magnesite and aragonite, among others—

Surprised nobody else picked up on that one!

It wasn't me just going full egotistical and having myself as a mineral pop up, though. Aragonite is an actual real mineral, and it's a pretty common calcite -- and since the Heart appears in the field that's getting ready for calcite cultivation, and I wanted it to be made of calcium carbonates because of the whole carbon thingy, it just sorta had to be there.

I don't know much about minerals, so I just looked this stuff up as I was writing it, and then I went "hahah, aragonite? Really?" and found the serendipity quaint enough to include it. I like being cheeky sometimes, too!

local fimfic author makes funny rock in real life just for good joke
right ;)

That was quite delightful. Good luck in the contest!

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