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Into the Arabian Nights

*Sonic's POV*

All of a sudden, the marks of the Mobian Guard as well as Sunset's cutie mark were glowing.

“I wonder what mission it is this time.” I thought aloud.

Twilight asks "Didn't you mention something about a genie?"

“Yeah.” I answered before Wamuu showed up in a gust of wind with Rachel and Katherine appeared from a warp ring.

Danyelle spoke "Sorry guys, only my group was called."

Wamuu spoke "That may be, but I sense a familiar ally at your destination."

I spoke "If it's Shahra, then I already know. And no Pinkie, you can't come."

Wamuu spoke "Hmm… I believe I know her, but that’s not whom I’m sensing."

Danyelle senses the same thing too.

Danyelle spoke "We might as well bring Wamuu and Mystic along, who knows what dangers we could run into without at least one genie around."

I spoke "Fine."

Soon, we got ready as I brought in the book that said, “Sonic and the Secret Rings.”

Megaman spoke "Where Danyelle goes, Roll and I go too."

Popping up, Mystic spoke "Same."

“Well, everyone ready? I asked.

Yuki spoke "Ready!"

Ben spoke "Yep."

Knuckles spoke "Yeah."

Danyelle, Megaman and Roll spoke "Let's go."

We went into the book, back into the world of the Arabian Nights. We found ourselves in a desert at nighttime.

Automatically, I was in my werehog form.

But then we saw a skeleton come to us, badly burned. But by what was a mystery.

Danyelle's ears were on full alert.

Roll asks "What happened to you sir?"

The skeleton spoke "Some kind of anthropomorphic dog with a horn on his head, wearing an orange turban. But what he did, it was mind-boggling! It was like he thought two steps ahead of me and the others!"

Danyelle growls "Pillar Diamond Dog...."

Wamuu spoke "I see. It was Lord Esidisi."

Danyelle yeets Mystic at Wamuu, causing the two to kiss.

“Seriously, sis?” I asked, not surprised one bit.

Danyelle giggles "Think about it Sonic, Mystic did say she hadn't found love since before she became a genie... And since Cadence isn't around, I'd have to handle it myself."

“You keep this up, you and Ben might have to compete against Cadence and Shining in a love-off.” I dreaded.

Yuki spoke "I doubt it since just look how happy Mystic is."

Mystic was snuggling Wamuu.

But then wind vapor started swirling around the two, making them invisible to all of us except for the two of them.

Danyelle's fur bristles suddenly.

Danyelle spoke "Oh cuss! We've GOT A T-REX!!!!"

The others scatter as Danyelle took flight before she pulled out a rather thick rope and lassoed the T-Rex's mouth shut, wrangling it in a similar manner as a certain one eyed weasel.

But then the T-Rex’s head and back suddenly erupted, showing… boiling blood in his head and back?!

Danyelle flew away fast to avoid the boiling blood.

Esidisi laughs "Heh. I know what you’ll say. “How on Mobius did that T-Rex just erupt like a volcano?” Watch."

“How on Mobius did that T-Rex just erupt like a volcano?” Danyelle asked before she gasped, as well looked around and saw someone in the shadows.

I snarl "Who the CUSS are you?"

Esidisi chuckles "Heh, that dinosaur tried to attack me, so I only put in some of my boiling blood into it. Besides, an animal’s temperature increases when greatly exerting itself or fighting a disease. I sensed that Wamuu was here, and as he has the ability of wind, mine is that of heat. I control the inferno."

The figure revealed himself to be a pillar diamond dog like Wamuu, having a horn on his head and wearing an orange turban.

Danyelle hisses "You'll regret pissing ME OFF!!"

A bright light engulfs Danyelle as she transforms into Danydonna.

Danydonna growls "HELLFIRE BOMB!!"

A sudden Fire Dragon Roar hits the male dog.


But then it was revealed that the strange Diamond Dog dodged it. “I see. That was certainly impressive.”

A full blown fight was about to start, when suddenly…

“That’s enough, Lord Esidisi.” A familiar voice said as Wamuu reappeared.

Tor growls "You know that prick?"

Wamuu spoke "Yes. And he is only defending himself."

Esidisi spoke "Wamuu, explain what is happening."

Wamuu spoke "Of course, Lord Esidisi. Our world has changed and discovered new ones, as well as I have discovered new things as well."

I spoke "If Sir Tor and Lady Tryamon are here... Then that means.... The Arabian Nights world has merged with another..."

Tor spoke "It's worse than that King Arthur, the Dark Queen is back and she's teamed up with someone..."

“Merlina? But why? Something’s not right here.” I noticed.

Danyelle suddenly had armor on.

Danyelle asks "What the?"

Lady Tryamon spoke "It seems you are Lady Anna's counterpart... She went missing 15 years ago and none of the knights can find her."

“That’s not good.” I dreaded.

Tor spoke "All we found was her armor since Excaliwav vanished."

Danyelle asks "Wait… You mean…?"

Danyelle brought out Caliwave.

Tor and Tryamon both bow down before the nekomata.

Tor spoke "So it's true... Thou are Lady Anna's reincarnation. Tryamon and I will protect thou and King Arthur."

Danyelle spoke "Sonic....."

“Hey. I’m just as confused as you are.” I responded.

A talking magical sword spoke "I however, am not."

Caliburn appeared in my hand. “Good to have you back, buddy.”

Danyelle groans "Great... It's the floating letter opener...."

Caliburn spoke "I see you still have your sharp tongue, Anna."

Danyelle gave Caliburn the stink eye.

Ben spoke "Danyelle…"

Danyelle spoke "Ladies do not start fights but they can finish them."

Yuki groans "Oi vey...."

But then a familiar castle floating in the air appeared. “This is bad. We need to get the Three Sacred Swords and the Seven World Rings!”

Danyelle spoke "Since we don't have a certain pale mulberry kyubi, we need a way up there!"

But then we found ourselves surrounded by black creatures wearing strange white masks. “So you’re the one who caused master so much trouble!”

Ben roars loud.

Ben spoke "ENOUGH!! How dare you approach the REAL KING ARTHUR? We oughta rip you to shreds!"

But then a familiar masked smasher showed up. “I’ll reveal your true form!”

A random creature asks "What’re you doing?!"

“Joker!” I realized with a smile as he ripped off that creature’s mask, before jumping off as the creature transformed into a monster.

Danyelle spoke "Master Hand must have sent him to help."

Several magic blasts and fireballs hit the creatures as Twilight and Twiliterasu flew into battle.

Twilight spoke "He sent me as well!"

Knuckles spoke "He almost looks like a dragon!"

“Alright! Talk about great timing!” I said with a smile.

Esidisi spoke "Let’s see if these fools can handle my new power and my burning, boiling blood!"

Danyelle yowls as she flew into battle.

Joker spoke "Watch out! We’re up against a shadow! And it’s taken the form of the Missionary of Depravity!"

Twilight spoke "Good thing we have a sun goddess on our side!"

Twiliterasu shot light beams from her horn at the monsters, turning them to dust.

Joker spoke "Great job!"

Esidisi kicked his foot right into one of the monster’s chest, and it immediately started burning up in flames.

Danyelle used the Twiliterasu gene and transformed into Danyterasu before howling loud, causing several monsters to explode.

Wamuu spoke "Behold, my Divine Sandstorm!"

Wamuu’s left arm started spinning clockwise and his right arm spinning counter-clockwise, causing a maelstrom of tornados formed by his spinning arms to attack a horde of enemies.

After Twilight switched to kyubi form, Danyterasu fuses with Twirama to form Danyterama.

The kyubicorn-wolftaur fusion howls loud, calling in the other Smashers to help.

Portals opened, revealing all of the other Smashers, including Athena and Vetur.

Danyterama howls "ATTACK!!!!!!"

We fought all of the monsters, with Vetur going into her unbound form at one million pounds, helping us greatly without getting us caught in the crossfire.

Danyterama kicks a few monsters away.

Jotaro and Star Platinum Ora’d a thousand enemies without breaking a sweat.

At least three Chaos Blasts were seen.

Danyterama incinerates hundreds of monsters with her fire.

Since her daughter was in Mako's care, Korra was flying about while blasting monsters.

But then a TNT block suddenly appeared before it blew up on some monsters, revealing Steve to be responsible for that.

Riding on the back of a group of Pegasi, Aphmau and her friends fight back by launching poison tipped arrows at the monsters while Ein flung TNT.

But then Lancelot, Gawain and Percival showed up as the Seven World Rings appeared.

Danyterama held Caliwave in one hand while holding the Cosmic Star keyblade in the other hand.

Danyterama shouts "COSMIC FIRE SLASH!!!!!"

Meanwhile in a different universe, an immortal Twilight had sensed a powerful alicorn.

*Back with the Smashers and the Mobian Guard*

Several monsters had been shredded to pieces

But then a spark of lightning appeared out of nowhere before a red blur beat thousands of monsters in only less then five seconds.

Yuki spoke "That wasn't Knuckles...."

“Wait a minute… That couldn’t be…” I realized.

A male spoke "Long time no see, Sonic."

“Flash! You’re back!” I said in surprise.

Barry spoke "Wow, that's a big wolf...."

“Oh, that’s the fusion of Danyterasu and Twirama.” I responded.

Barry asks "Who?"

Yuki spoke "In a nutshell, it's a fusion of Princess Twilight Sparkle and Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari."

Ben spoke "Twilight has a kyubi form called Twirama."

Barry spoke "Look, I know I’m smart, but I still don’t understand. This is the first I’ve heard of fusions."

I spoke "It's more of a common occurrence in Goku's dimension though, plus you should have seen Dany in battle against Galeem and Dharkon! She blew the two up with the Kamehameha!"

Ben chuckles "And she stopped Tabuu with the Wuxi Finger Hold."

Barry spoke "Ooookay… I’ll just take your word for it."

The Danyelle half of Danyterama spoke "Oh hi Barry."

Barry asks "Is that a good idea to say that out here?"

The Danyelle half of Danyterama spoke "It's just so that the Twilight half of me doesn't get you mistaken for her husband... Plus I won't tell."

Barry spoke "Okay… Just don’t blow my identity over."

The Danyelle half of Danyterama spoke "I'd rather choke on a hairball than do that."

Barry spoke "Good."

The Twilight half of Danyterama groans "Eww.... Seriously Dany?"

The Danyelle half of Danyterama growls "Don't make me use the word on you Sparkles."

The Twilight half of Danyterama retorts "That would hurt you as much as it would hurt me."

Barry spoke "That’s basically Rule #1 of fusion."

Aphmau spoke "One squabble can split a fusion apart..."

“Like a Mixel’s mix or max.” I added.

Ben spoke "I dare not use the word since it'll affect Twilight too."

*After Erazor was sealed away and Merlina defeated*

Danyterama had split back into Twilight and Danyelle, just before the marks of the two royals glow.

Danyelle groans "Oh COME ON!!! AGAIN????"

Twilight asks "Is anyone else glowing?"

Danyelle spoke "Think it's just you and me Sparkles...."

Danyelle uses a universal map to pinpoint where the next problem was.

Danyelle spoke "Oh cuss... You're not gonna like this Twilight but it's in the Attack on Titan world...."

Twilight spoke "You gotta be cussing me!"

A tan earth pony stallion with gray eyes and a dark gray mane as well as a key cutie mark spoke "She's not.... It's my home world... Or it was until I died...."

I ask "Does anyone know that stallion?"

Various responses were heard.

The stallion spoke "Anyways, my home world isn't safe for a pair of females that haven't fought titans before. Oh, those things are mutated monsters that eat everything in their path."

Danyelle and Twilight just yawned at that.

I spoke "I don't think Fluttershy would last an hour in that world though..."

Chameleo showed up. “Maybe yours might not. But my Fluttershy did.”

The stallion spoke "Either way, Mikasa and the other will freak out once they see me."

Chameleo spoke "Well, I’m sure Misaka will recognize you."

Eren spoke "I'm not human anymore...."

Chameleo spoke "True, since you could turn into a Titan."

Eren spoke "I lost that power when I reincarnated... I'm just a normal pony now."
