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Splatfest Fiesta!

*Pinkie’s POV*

Wow! I couldn’t stop thinking about inklings and octolings!

Danyelle spoke "Just as a warning Pinks, your airbending will be locked since Meggy told me that the other Inklings don't have the same powers we have."

“Aw! Shoot!” I responded before I realized something. “Wait… Would we become like Inklings or Octolings?”

Twilight spoke "I have no clue yet since Fluttershy and Applejack got called away for a friendship mission."

Danyelle spoke "That and Hallow Fire went with them alongside his marefriend."

Blizzardstar spoke "Huh? that looks like a star and snowflake combo...."

Twilight spoke "Well this is new..."

Rarity spoke "I'll say."

But then a colorfully pink ink puddle appeared.

Danyelle asks "What the?"

A white and pink squid jumped out of the puddle, before transforming into a pink and white pony with a crown and her mane and tail were tentacles.

All of a sudden, five cutie marks were soon glowing as images of them were seen floating around the image of a Splattershot.

Blizzardstar spoke "Looks like we're being called to Inkopolis."

A voice spoke "That’s Meggy’s weapon!"

Meggy soon arrived via warp ring though she had taken the form of a unicorn-inkling hybrid.

Meggy asks "Who called me?"

Meggy looked at the new pony and smiled. “Pearl of ‘Off the Hook.’ I’m glad that you’re friends with Marina, who was an Octoling. You helped inklings and octolings get along.”

Pearl spoke "Yeah, but Inkopolis is next to Splatsville. And the music team there is a trio named Deep Cut."

Meggy spoke "These ladies are Rainbow Dash, Rarity Belle, Pinkie Pie, Princess Twilight Sparkle and Alpha-Queen Danyelle. The taur is Rarity's spouse, Chakat Blizzardstar."

Danyelle asks "Should we get going?"

Pearl spoke "You bet!"

*One warp ring later*

Twilight spoke "I look weird...."

Danyelle spoke "That’s because we became like inklings and octolings."

Twilight spoke "Not only that, my firebending is locked.... same with my Twirama form and my roar..."

But then Twilight became a bit of an Octoling as Kurama spoke through her, “At least I can still talk.” before going back to an inkling.

Meggy gasps "Wow, that's new!"

Pearl spoke "Yeah, totally!"

Danyelle notices a poster for an upcoming Splat tournament.

Pearl spoke "Oh carp! Another Splatfest! I gotta get going!"

Pearl ran off.

Meggy spoke "Well I do need new team mates though."

Twilight spoke "Something's not right.... 50% of the Inkling population is missing!"

But then we dodged dark purple ink, looking behind us to see something strange.

Twilight had dual splatter shots on both sides of her body as she fired red ink at the creatures.

Meggy spoke "Time to get to work!"

Danyelle slashes one of the creatures with her claws.

But then we saw a 2-ton ball of fuzz coming right towards us!

Meggy spoke "Dodge it!"

Rainbow flaps her wings fast, kicking up an inky tornado to knock the fuzz back.

A giant fuzzy Octarian was about to land on us before it exploded in ink as we looked back, seeing a red-skinned man that looked like a inkling, but his hair was more eel-like, he had an eel tail, his hair was white, he had horns on his head, yellow eyes with black irises, wearing black business clothes as his legs looked a bit squiggly like an eel, and he used a splatterscope. “Guess Belladonna wasn’t kidding about the form change.”

A unicorn mare with the same sweater as Desti fired an ink shot at a fuzz, knocking it away from Meggy.

The mare spoke "Glad to see you again, Meg!"

Meggy gasps "D-Desti??"

A Mobian fox male with a scar across the right eye chuckles "Hey Beanie Fish Girl."

Meggy gasps "A-Axol?!"

Meggy tackle hugs Axol before crying.

Axol asks "Hey, easy there. You alright?"

Danyelle spoke "She was devastated when she heard you had been killed...."

Meggy punches Axol in the gut.

Meggy spoke "That's for scaring me."

Meggy then kisses Axol on the lips.

Meggy spoke "That's for coming back."

Danyelle asks "Uh.. You okay?"

Axol spoke "Yeah, I'm fine."

Meggy asks "What the cuss are you talking about Axol?"

Axol spoke "It’s a long story, even though I was reincarnated as a Mobian fox."

Desti spoke "Idiot...."

Axol spoke "Sorry, guess my memory got a bit mixed up with another me."

Meggy spoke "You baka axolotl..."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Uh… Hate to spoil the moment, BUT WE GOT TROUBLE!!!"

Danyelle tosses the inkweaver to Axol since she had been holding onto it.

Axol spoke "Don’t worry, I’ve been picking up some new moves."

Danyelle spoke "Let it rip Twi!"

Twilight swapped to Twirama form before roaring.

Meggy spoke "Let's clobber these things!"

Axol spoke "Alright!"

Axol made inky mist that made it hard for the fuzzy Octarians to see.

Despite the scar on the body, Desti was jumping about as she fired ink shots at the Octarians.

Axol suddenly disappeared and reappeared in the ink mist before attacking an Octarian.

Twirama fires multiple rounds of ink at the Octarians.

But then Axol tripled himself in the mist!

A large paw slams down on an Octarian.

Twirama roared as the three Axols attacked an Octarian.

A tempest wolf leapt out of Danyelle's shadow before ripping an Octarian apart.

Meggy spoke "We gotta find out where this is coming from!"

A female spoke "Good to see you again, Meg."

We turned around and saw someone that Meg and her friends knew.

Meggy spoke "Marie!"

Danyelle spoke "SLIME STAMPEDE!!"

Several of Danyelle's pet slimes trample the Octarians.

Danyelle looked around and listened before coming back. “That’s all of them.”

Marie spoke "Good, then follow me."

Twirama carries the group on her back to a safer place.

After letting the others off and switching back, Twilight asks "What happened?"

Marie spoke "Remember, our world does not have mammals. The Octarians you saw, they have become Mammalians due to the Ooze."

A red-skinned Inkling Boy spoke "Oh great. Better bring in backup."

The red inkling started chalking something on a wall.

Desti spoke "Though in my case.... I'm an Octoling-mammal hybrid...."

Twilight spoke "We'll help in any way we can. I'm Princess Twilight though."

As the others and I introduced ourselves, Danyelle went up to the red-skinned eeling.

Danyelle asks So… You know Belladonna?"

The male asks "Yeah. Why’d you ask?"

Danyelle spoke "I scared her one time."

The male asks "Wait. You actually scared her?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, I did."

Moxxie spoke "Wow... That's actually... Pretty cool. Oh. The name's Moxxie."

Danyelle spoke "I'm Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari."

Moxxie spoke "Nice to meet ya. And... Done!"

What the eeling chalked up was a pentacle, much to Danyelle's confusion.

Danyelle asks "What the woomy is this?"

Moxxie spoke "A gateway."

The pentacle glowed red before it turned into a portal, leading to a red city.

Axol asks "Beanie Fish Girl, can I ask y-you s-something?"

Meggy asks "Yeah?"

Axol spoke "I uh...."

Desti groans "For the love of..."

Desti kicks Axol in the rear, causing him to fall on top of Meggy with their lips connected.

Marie spoke "I guess you ran out of patience for that, Desti."

Desti spoke "He's too shy to admit it himself though."

Twilight spoke "Plus my sister in-law isn't here though so Desti took matters into her own hooves."

A female spoke "Moxxie!"

We turned around and saw two more red-skinned eelings jump out of the portal, they both had horns, yellow eyes and black clothes, as the girl hugged Moxxie with a kiss.

Moxxie spoke "Haha. Hi, Minnie."

A voice asks "So Moxxie, did you-?"

Moxxie spoke "No, boss. I didn’t mess up. Just thought bringing in backup would be necessary."

Then two sharklings jumped out of the portal with a deviling. The female sharkling was a goth teenager, had red eyes and the male sharkling wore Egyptian clothes and had cyan eyes. The deviling was a boy, wore Aztec/Mexican clothes and had orange eyes.

Danyelle spoke "Hello."

Moxxie spoke "This is my wife, Minnie."

Minnie spoke "Hi y’all!"

Moxxie spoke "My boss, Blitz."

Blitzo spoke "It’s Blitzo, but without the o."

Moxxie spoke "Our friends, Loona the hellhound."

Loona spoke "Hey."

Moxxie spoke "Ali the Egyptian hellhound, as you he see he’s a bit more jackal."

Ali spoke "Greetings."

Moxxie spoke "And there’s Cuetzpalli."

Cuetzpalli spoke "Hola, amiga."

Loona blushed a bit at the deviling.

Twilight spoke "I'm Princess Twilight but my friends call me Twilight, I also go by Twirama due to the nine tailed fox that resides in me."

Rarity spoke "I'm Rarity Belle."

Rainbow Dash "I'm Rainbow Dash, fastest Pegasus alive! I can switch between pony and dragon forms at will thanks to this necklace."

Blizzardstar spoke "I'm Shir Blizzardstar, tundra chakat and lifemate to Rarity Belle."

Danyelle spoke "I'm Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari, leader of the Crystal Stars hive-pack. I've got six adopted children and three blood related children. and the hyper pink one is Pinkamena Diane Pie but everyone calls her Pinkie Pie."

Blitzo scoffs "Wait… You’re the ones Belladonna told me about? You really don’t impress me."

Twilight spoke "Watch it bub, Danyelle scared Belladonna senseless one time when the purple whippet started a fight with her cousin..."

Blitzo spoke "Come on. My daughter brawls with her."

Loona spoke "He means me, so yes, I was adopted. But I can tell you’re nothing to be underestimated."

A pink light blinks in before revealing Annabelle.

Annabelle spoke "Danyelle's one cat you don't want to piss off though."

Blitzo spoke "Oh great. It’s the good sister."

Annabelle spoke "Belladonna's my cousin."

Blitzo scoffs "Whatever!"

Ali spoke "Hehe. You know, Loona and I are cousins as well."

Loona spoke "*Smile* Can’t deny that."

Annabelle snarls at Blitzo.

Danyelle spoke "Annabelle! SIT!"

Annabelle stopped growling as Twilight was face down on the ground.

Twilight growls "Really, Danyelle? REALLY?"

Blitzo was then rolling on his back in laughter.

Danyelle spoke "That was an accident!"

Twilight growls "You have five seconds to run BEFORE I ROAST YOUR ASS!!!"

Danyelle yowls before flying off with Twilight on her tails.

Blitzo asks "Whoa… Wait, is she half-demon?"

Blizzardstar spoke "Oh heavens no! Twilight has the nine tailed fox, Kurama, in her soul."

Rarity spoke "But Blizz and I do know a few half demons though."

Loona asks "Let me guess, Clarity?"

Blizzardstar spoke "Not just her though. There's also Ifrit, Jasmine and Rose Sapphire. Plus Clarity's cousin is also half demon."

A hyena was heard screaming as he got launched through a warp ring by a roar from Twilight.

Cuetzpalli asks "Que? What was that?

Blizzardstar spoke "That was the dumbass hyena, Ein... But Danyelle calls him the Screamer because he screams a lot."

Rainbow laughs "But he sounds like a girl!"

Blitzo chuckles "Huh. A screamer. Always a hoot to scare the pants off."

Rarity spoke "He nearly killed me one time with TNT if Aph and Maria hadn't gotten in his way."

Rainbow spoke "Plus Dany's planning to throw a Nightmare Night party at her place soon."

Desti, Axol, and Blitzo ask "What?"

Danyelle spoke "Basically, it's a Halloween party."

Cuetzpalli spoke "A fiesta?! Count me in!"

Danyelle spoke "I'm still getting things set up though."

Ali spoke "I see."

Danyelle asks "Uh Meggy... You okay?"

Meggy was cuddling Axol.

A flustered Axol chuckles.

Desti spoke "He was too shy to admit it so I kicked him in the butt."

Blitzo spoke "At least Verosika isn’t here."

Danyelle asks "Who?"

Loona spoke "Verosika Mayday, Blitzo’s ex and succubus of Hell."

Twilight growls "I see..."

Ali spoke "Yeah. We heard that she, Vortex and her posse are in a jail on Mobius right now."

Danyelle spoke "Can't be on my Mobius though...."

Loona spoke "Ugh… If we know Belladonna, then of course it’s your Mobius."

Annabelle spoke "I had those jerks relocated to the No Zone, they can't get out of that place since it's heavily guarded by folks like Zelestia and Zadence."

Blitzo spoke "Alright! Yeah!"

Danyelle spoke "I may be the Nekomata of Redemption but I see no chance of them being reformed any time soon."

Blitzo scoffs "Uh, hello? They’re from Hell!"

Danyelle growls as she engulfs herself in fire, shifting to the Danydonna form.

Danydonna spoke "This is just one of my forms. I've got a few others too."

Blitzo exclaims "Whoa!"

Loona spoke "At least Vortex helped find a new friend."

Cuetzpalli spoke "Si, mi amiga."

Danydonna spoke "I've also got the Danyterasu form, the Danyterama form, the Danylight form, the MegaDanyelle Crossfusion form, the Megadanyoll tri-soul form and the Solare form. Solare was an accident though since I had gotten it from Sunset by mistake one time... And I also have the Supernova form but it takes a lot of magic and anger to get me into that form."

Twilight spoke "As for me... I've got my base form, my Twirama form, the Danyterama form and Danylight form which is a fusion of me and Danyelle."

Blitzo spoke "Okay."

Danydonna's ears twitch suddenly.

Danydonna asks "Does anyone hear screaming?"

Rarity spoke "I hear it too!"

Danydonna flew up into the sky before her eyes shimmer.

Danydonna spoke "You guys aren't gonna like this but..... There's a bunch of Inklings being rounded up!"

Meggy gasps "WHAT?!"

Axol spoke "We have to do something!"

Danydonna spoke "This must be why Twilight, Rarity, Blizzardstar, Rainbow, Pinkie and I were called here!"

We ran over to the rounded up inklings to find them surrounded by mammalians.

Twilight fires a roar, knocking the mammalians away.


The Mammalians only responded hypnotically. “Mammals must be return as prime life.”

Desti snaps "I'm half Octoling half mammalian though!"

The Mammalians fired at Desti anyway.

Desti countered with ink blasts.

Twilight roars loud as she fired from the splattershots she has.

Danydonna fights the mammalians barehanded.

Moxxie fought with Duel Splatters, while Millie fought with ink brushes.

Danydonna shouts "SLIME STAMPEDE!!!"

A large horde of slimes that was led by a single wolf slime had trampled the Mammalians.

Blitzo asks "What the?!"

Twilight spoke "That's Slime Stampede, Danyelle's personal attack if she can't access her fire powers."

Blitzo spoke "Oh. Well fire doesn’t really hurt me or the others because that’s not how it works."

Twilight spoke "You don't want to piss me or Danyelle off though."

Desti screams loud in anger since one Mammalian had body slammed her.

Desti snaps "THAT HURT!!!"

Desti's scar had got torn open on the back.

But then the Mammalian exploded in ink as Meggy splatted it.

Desti had to rip off her sweater since it was now blood stained.

Desti groans "Carp!"

Danydonna roundhouse kicked a Mammalian, sending it flying into a wall.

Ali opened his mouth as locusts flew out of it and attacked a group of mammalians.

Ali spoke "Let’s see how they like one of the plagues."

Danydonna fired a Chaos Spear at a Mammalian, causing it to explode.

Cuetzpalli screeched, causing a sonar wave to hit a mammalian, and bounce off to other enemies.

All of the Inklings were now behind Twilight before she fired a Royal Voice boosted Roar, sending all of the Mammalians flying.

Blitzo exclaims "Okay. I’ll admit, THAT was impressive."

Twilight spoke "They don't call me the fiercest of the Pony Guard for nothing!"

Blitzo spoke "If you were dead, you’d fit perfectly in the Wrath Ring of Hell."

Twilight growls "Watch it, I've got six kids that depend on me to survive."

Danydonna spoke "I've got nine kids, six are adopted."

Blitzo spoke "Huh. That’s new. Six adopted kids."

Switching back to default form, Danyelle spoke "There's Nyx, Bluestar, Thunder, Iris, Guinevere and Gallus. Irene, Ralph and Stella are my blood related children."

Blitzo spoke "Like I said, that’s new."

Twilight spoke "I've got six children though. Three boys, two girls and a hermaphrodite."

I spoke "I've got three children, all girls plus they're triplets."

After Splatfest was done, the girls and I wave goodbye to Blitzo and his friends before we head back to Equestria with Meggy and Axol.

Desti was on Twilight's back since she didn't want to risk tearing the other half of her scar open.
