• Published 6th Sep 2022
  • 684 Views, 21 Comments

Lightning Dust's Third Act - Pip232

After a long stay in the hospital, Lightning Dust decides she and her team need a new approach.

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6: Catch You When You (Almost) Fall

Lightning Dust wiped sweat from her brow, panting as she struggled with her own weight and the weight of her bag. Zecora had been helpful, although she’d loaded the pegasus down with a heavy burden. Her wings ached with each stroke, and now the idea of looking down at the world below filled her with dread instead of wonder. She could distantly make out her home like a lighthouse to a ship at sea, complete with the evening sun in her eyes, but her tired body would not stop protesting.

Look at you! You’ve ruined yourself, and for what?

Lightning Dust shook her head, trying to dislodge those words. She wasn’t about to fail, not when she was so close, but her wings and lungs burned as they struggled to keep her aloft.

Your road to recovery is going to be long and painful, if you ever fully do!


Her teeth clenched as she shoved Spitfire out of her thoughts, a lesson from her meemaw replacing it.

The mind is stronger than the body, and tired and weak are merely states of mind. The body is capable of more than it seems if your mind is in it, too.

Lightning Dust focused on steadying her breathing even if her lungs burned in demandment. She shifted her attention from her aches and fatigue to the target ahead, the pain slowly subsiding as she headed forward.

As she flew she adjusted the strap on her bag. If she’d known she’d be carrying this much weight on the way back she would’ve just gone for a full pair of saddlebags. At least the weight distribution would’ve been better than all to one side.

Though her focus was on making it home the strap digging into her shoulder nagged at her, and the protests of her body were getting harder to ignore. Her eyes scanned the sky looking for any nearby cloud she could land on to catch her breath, but the closest was still her original destination.

She shut her eyes, her body starting to go on autopilot as she contemplated her options. If she glided back down to Ponyville, maybe she could rest up long enough to get back. Of course, there was the matter of how long it’d take, and she'd have to start this whole trip over with the same burden. Not like she had enough bits left for a hot air balloon or an inn, either.

And all of that was assuming she could keep her wings open long enough to make it down.

Her body interrupted her thoughts, the pain and ache getting to be too much. She could already feel herself starting to lose altitude, and as she held her wings out she could feel them cramping. If she couldn’t hold out she’d be asking Doctor Horse for that mint on her pillow not a day after she left. A shudder ran through her at the thought of being back in that wretched hospital.

My advice is to use this time to think about how you got here, and how you can avoid coming back here again. You’ve got plenty of it, after all.

Lightning Dust grimaced, imagining what Spitfire would say to her this time.

Just before her body gave out she felt herself being grabbed around the barrel, opening her eyes to see a cloud shoved under her before she was dropped on it. Lightning Dust bounced once before landing, the cushy cloud contouring to her form. She finally allowed herself to relax, her wings searing where they were attached and aching throughout. With great difficulty she rolled onto her back and stared up at the sky as she took several greedy breaths, trying to quell her racing heart. Rolling Thunder’s displeased visage came into view hovering a few feet above her.


“We’ll talk more when we get home.” Rolling Thunder flew out of view as Short Fuse landed beside her. He leaned in like he was going for a kiss, but he bit down on the bag strap and carefully untangled her from it.

"Geez, what’ve you got in here?"

Lightning Dust didn’t answer, content to lie on the plush cloud and catch her breath as the fatigue set in. The cloud shifted and started moving while Short Fuse sat beside her, the sight of him wearing his stained smock making her smile as she idly wondered what he’d been working on. The motion gently rocked her back and forth as the cloud was being pushed.

Her breathing started to even out, her heart settling down with it. Between the ultra-soft texture against her body and the gentle rocking it provided, she found it hard to keep her eyes open. Lightning Dust didn't fight it and soon she’d managed to doze off.

Short Fuse’s eyes widened seeing how quickly Lightning Dust fell asleep. His first thought was to let Rolling Thunder know, but she’d see for herself when they got home. His gaze fell on the messenger bag and his curiosity tempted him to look inside, but he decided not to go snooping.

Soon enough their cloud was fitted back into place on the lawn as Rolling Thunder landed beside Short Fuse. She looked at her friends and sighed to herself, her voice dropping to just above a whisper. "Short Fuse, please take that up to her room.”

He sighed in turn but complied nonetheless. Shortening up the strap he threw it over himself, grunting as he carried it into the house. As soon as he was out of sight, Rolling Thunder turned toward Lightning Dust. She considered waking her, letting her know just how close she was to disaster, but after a moment decided that lecture could wait until she woke up.

Rolling Thunder went to work gently maneuvering Lightning Dust onto her back. Bracing herself, she stood back up but was surprised at just how little resistance there was. She chuckled briefly, musing that she might’ve accidentally given Short Fuse the harder task.

As she headed inside and up the stairs she kept her movements slow and careful not to jostle her passenger, and soon enough she’d reached her room. She noted the bag set beside the desk before pulling back the covers and carefully moving Lightning Dust into her bed. Pulling the covers over her she offered her younger friend a quick nuzzle before heading out the door.