• Published 6th Sep 2022
  • 686 Views, 21 Comments

Lightning Dust's Third Act - Pip232

After a long stay in the hospital, Lightning Dust decides she and her team need a new approach.

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5: Arts And Crafts

Short Fuse barged into his bedroom and kicked the door shut behind him with a sharp noise. He marched over to one of the cloud tables, grumbling to himself as he pulled a record out of its sleeve and set it on the player, moving the needle into place.

“Stupid idea… Open to other top talent? The whole point of this team is that we don’t need to be top talent to draw a crowd…” Short Fuse muttered to himself as he started the turntable, soft orchestral music filling the room. He took a deep breath in through his nose and held it for just a second before exhaling through his mouth, a chunk of tension going with it.

Short Fuse quietly hummed along to the sound of his record player, letting the classic orchestral music soothe his frazzled nerves. He looked around the room, his tension replaced by a smile.

From the soft colors and action figures displayed on the wall to some of the room’s other decorations, it could make an outsider think it was for a pony a decade younger. It was just how Short Fuse liked it. A space all his own, a space where he was free of any outside stress, and as his eyes landed on the easel stand in the corner he felt anticipation welling up inside him. A space where he could create personally rather than professionally.

He strolled across the room, stepping from the plush cloud carpeting to a more sturdy cloud tarp. His smile began to stretch further as he picked up his paint smock and draped it over his neck, ensuring it was smoothed out over his front and back. Pairs of gloves for his hooves and wings followed suit.

The next few minutes were spent squeezing various paint colors onto the pallet, before finally grabbing it with a wing and setting a blank canvas on the stand. Short Fuse felt his tail swish to the music as he worked, occasionally wiping excess paint on his smock, alternating between using his brush and his free wing.

As he worked three distinct ponies began to appear on the canvas. The only three that mattered to him. Short Fuse looked at each pegasus on the painting before his eyes landed on a blank spot and he thought of that filly. Sure, she’d only been with them one show and hadn’t actually done anything, but she had been one of them nonetheless.

He glanced at his palette; it wouldn’t be hard to mix up colors to match hers, but with the setting that was coming together he decided against it. He could always put her in something later if Lightning Dust was serious about adding her to the team for real.

For now, he grinned as he shifted to adding more details to the background. Falling streams of rainbows were carefully added color by color, settling into multicolored lakes surrounded by lush green grass. A pair of saddlebags were layered over each of them, white puffy clouds above.

“Looks lovely, dear.” An accented voice whispered right in his ear.

Short Fuse squeaked in surprise and nearly dropped his brush. It took all his self-control not to jump in surprise and ruin the painting, fighting to keep his wings down as he gripped hard on the brush. He wheeled around, nearly clipping Rolling Thunder as she couldn’t help but laugh. He gave her a sharp glare, resisting the urge to dye her coat a multitude of colors.

“You know I hate it when you sneak up on me like that, especially when I’m working! You do know this paint is a pain to get out of your fur, right?”

“That squeak was so cute it’d be worth it!” Rolling Thunder’s laughter calmed to chuckling. She couldn’t see it, but she’d bet her bottom bit he was blushing, even if he was glaring at her. “You stormed off right after lunch, thought I’d give you a few minutes to cool off before I checked in on ya.”

“I’m fine.” Short Fuse muttered before turning back to his latest project.

“No, you’re not. You always say you are but you’re easier to read than a foal’s bedtime story. So come on, tell me what’s wrong.”

“Look, I get what Lightning Dust says that we need to be safer, but open to other ponies?” He struggled to keep his hoof from trembling as he returned to his painting. “It’s not fair. It was our blood, sweat, tears, and bits that got this team going, and now some random strangers get to come in and reap the benefits? That's not right.”

“We were strangers until Dusty and I invited you to join us for lunch in the weather factory. Every relationship starts with something.”

Short Fuse paused mid-brushstroke, thinking about what she said before setting the brush down and walking over to his mini fridge. He pulled open the door and grabbed a jug of milk, a bottle of chocolate syrup, and a stack of cloud cups. Setting two cups on the counter, he started pouring milk into them.

“Our team dynamics are like cups of milk with a bottle of chocolate syrup: the fewer cups there are, the sweeter things are,” He added some syrup before setting two more cups on the counter and pouring in them, too. “But the more cups of milk the syrup has to go in, eventually…” The sugary treat stopped on cup number three, and despite Short Fuse squeezing it for all it was worth, not another drop came out.

“Then we’ll get another bottle of it, Fusie. Too much of it in too few cups tastes nasty, too,” Rolling Thunder smirked as she watched him stir up two of the glasses, accepting one of them when he offered it out to her. “Besides, any new ponies we get won’t get any of our stash. They may get some strawberry syrup or butterscotch, but the chocolate we’ll save for just the three of us.” She said with a wink.

Short Fuse thought for a moment before he deflated, sighing in resignation. He was doomed to lose every argument today, it seemed. “How do you always know just what to say?”

“I’m the oldest of four, love. I know how to persuade stubborn ponies,” Rolling Thunder smirked as she took a drink from her cup, staring out the windows. “I can see why you went for the floor-to-ceiling choice, quite a view.”

“Yeah,” Short Fuse’s smile gradually returned as he continued to work on the painting. “I’m thinking of putting this one in the living room once it’s done, what do you think?”

“Painting of the first picnic the three of us shared in the first space we shared together… I like it.” Rolling Thunder grinned as she reminisced about the picnic they’d shared at Rainbow Falls, but it soon turned into a smirk as her thoughts shifted towards their once-shared-bedroom turned living room.

As the two pegasi began to quietly enjoy each other’s company, Rolling Thunder sat on the edge of the room and leaned against the wall, the soft but sturdy cloud wall cradling her back. She sipped on her chocolate milk while listening to the orchestral music and watching her friend paint. The moment was only interrupted when the record ended, but as soon as Short Fuse had flipped it over a new song began.

She glanced out the window, enjoying the view until a new sight caught her eye. “Short Fuse, come with me, Dusty's in trouble.”

Author's Note:

Hello everyone! Wow, I know it may not feel like it, but for me these chapters are coming out fast! I hope you're having as much fun reading it as I am writing it. I hope you all have a great day and I hope you tune in next time~ :pinkiesmile: