• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Demon Troubles

*Scootaloo’s POV*

We really need to get our Cutie Marks…

Rusty spoke "But Scoots... You do realize that Lance, Volt, Jazz, Asriel, Silverstorm, Silverstream, Graystripe, Ravenpaw, Flintfur and I can't get cutie marks."

“So? We can still find our talents.” I pointed out.

Mamoru spoke "I may not be able to get a cutie mark either but that doesn't stop me from hanging out with you guys or with Diamond."

Diamond spoke "*Blush* S-Stop it!"

Mamoru chuckles "Well I do want to be a guard one day."

“And who do you wanna guard?” I smirked.

The Ninetales-Mewtwo hybrid had fully fluffed up.

Mamoru spoke "Sh-shut up Scootaloo!"

Diamond blushed harder at that, knowing the answer to that question.

Flintfur spoke "Well I never had a mate in my previous life though!"

We couldn’t really help but wince at that.

Graystripe spoke "I'd rather not talk about my past life."

A wolfish earth filly pounces on Applebloom before tickling her.

Applebloom giggles "Hey! Stop!"

Myuri giggles "Gotcha cuz!"

Mamoru whispers into Diamond's ear about a plan to set Flintfur up with Silver Spoon.

Diamond snickers "You got it."

Mamoru spoke "Princess Cadence might get mad at us though."

Diamond asks "How would she get mad at kids like us?"

Bluestar spoke "Two words.... Love Poison."

Silverstorm spoke "Good freaking grief..."

Jazz asks "So what now?"

Diamond asks "Maybe some news work?"

Volt spoke "Under the condition we don't expose the secrets of everycreature else."

Jazz asks "What do you think Ms. Cheerilee?"

The rest of us were surprised that Ms. Cheerilee was listening!

Jazz giggles "I take after my adopted aunt for keen hearing."

Ms. Cheerilee spoke "Smart choice, Volt."

Volt spoke "I'd rather not get set on fire by my stepmothers and my adopted aunt."

Jazz spoke "Yeesh."

Lance spoke "Same here... and you're one to talk Jazz, you've got a crush on Asriel."

Jazz spoke "*Blush* HEY!!!"

A bleat was heard from Asriel.

Volt spoke "Goat boy."

Asriel spoke "Don't make me roast you hedgefox!"

Volt asks "How? With a flower?"

Lance whacks his brother with a book.

Lance spoke "Volt, you're as big an idiot as Knuckles is. You forgot that it was Jazz that revived Asriel."

Graystripe spoke "I heard a rumor that the Vulpix has a crush on Sonic."

Rusty gasps "Whoa... Really?"

Bluestar spoke "I heard that too!"

*Meanwhile with Sonic,*

Zephyr had pinned the speedy blue hedgewolf-alicorn hybrid down.

Zephyr giggles "Pinned ya!"

Sonic asks "How many more am I gonna get?"

Danyelle spoke "Well, you have five now so I predict three more. A chipmunk, a Vulpix and a Pidgeot-Mewtwo hybrid."

Zephyr snickers "*Mischievous giggle* Guess I'm in already, eh blue boy?"

Danyelle giggles "Well, Michelle's not part of the herd yet since she hasn't asked to join."

Michelle showed up in her 1,000 pound form while carrying her two babies while they were each 200 pounds. "Then I'll ask now. *Giggle* Mind if I join the party, Sonic?"

Sonic spoke "I'd have to talk to Roll about it though since she's my main wife."

A loud bang was heard since Pixie had blown up some TNT from behind Ein.

Ein screamed while being sent flying through the air before he fell onto more TNT Pixie placed as he was sent flying again.

Kim asks "What happened to Ein?"

Moeka spoke "Don't look at me Kim."

Pixie spoke "Tried to prank me with a fire stone. Again."

Tails spoke "Everstone or not, you'll still evolve if you're exposed to a fire stone. I was exposed to a thunderstone though..."

Roll then showed up. "What's going on?"

Kim spoke "Ein tried to prank Pixie with a fire stone."

Roll asks "Again?"

Pixie spoke "Yeah... Last time was with a thunderstone hence Tails' current look."

Moeka spoke "Once an idiot, always an idiot!"

Roll spoke "Anyway, you look like you want to talk to me about something, Sonic."

Danyelle spoke "He does since it concerns Sally, Pixie and Zephyr."

Sonic spoke "DANY!!!"

The two-tailed Mew sticks her tongue out at Sonic.

Roll asks "What’s all that about?"

Kim spoke "Well..."

Kim explains everything to Roll.

Roll asks "Really?"

Michelle spoke "If you don't mind."

Roll giggles "Of you can join in with your kids, Michelle."

Blaze growls "Well I mind!"

Roll asks "Who’s the main/first wife of Sonic, Blaze?"

Spitfire whacks Blaze on the head.

Spitfire spoke "That would be you Roll."

Roll spoke "Exactly."

Spitfire spoke "Yeah and hey Sally."

Sally asks "*Showing up* Hi, girls. What’s going on?"

Blaze spoke "Well... It's obvious you like Sonic though and since he's half alicorn..."

Sally was surprised.

Roll spoke "And since Hearth's Warming is coming up, folks are gonna be busy!"

Sally asks "So… You’re saying I can join in?"

Sonic spoke "Yeah but the choice is yours as far as kids are concerned."

Sally couldn’t help but have happy tears and she tackled Sonic while hugging him.

Sonic spoke "Gah! Watch the wings!"

Sally spoke "Oh! Sorry, Sonic!"

Sonic uses his wings to tickle Sally, causing a pair of brown wings to flail about.

Sally gasps "What the?!"

Sonic asks "Huh?!"

Tails spoke "Uh Sally, you've got wings..."

Danyelle spoke "Something tells me Sal's gonna react the same way Surge did."

Sally asks "Wait, Tails? What happened to you?"

Tails spoke "Stupid hyena pranked me with a thunder stone..."

Sally asks "Huh?"

Danyelle spoke "He's talking about Ein... Who's now a dragon for some reason. Oh, hey Surge! Over here!"

Surge asks "*Shows up like lightning* Yeah?"

Sonic asks "Sal, do you remember Surge?"

Sally growls "Yeah."

Danyelle snaps "Cool it Sally! Surge isn't evil anymore! I personally saw to that!"

Sonic spoke "My grandfather made Surge laugh one time."

Sally sighs "Okay."

Danyelle's left ear twitches before she shot a thunderbolt at Ankha.

Ankha yelps "GAH!"

Danyelle spoke "Remember what I said about M'Della and her sons? Leave them alone!"

Sally spoke "It’ll take some time for Ankha and her sister to warm up to them."

Danyelle spoke "Even if that means I have to shock them just to get the point across."

Sally spoke "Maybe ease up a bit."

Danyelle spoke "Perhaps I could use those enchanted beads to keep Kiri and Ankha in check."

Sally spoke "That might make it worse."

Clarity pops up with a male silver-white furred Mobian dog with gold eyes and a black furred Mobian she-cat with brown eyes.

Clarity spoke "I don't know.... My cousin's got a temper far worse than Shadow on a bad day."

Inuyasha asks "What was that Clarity?"

Clarity spoke "You heard me mutt!"

Danyelle and the others were backing off.

The black she-cat spoke "Inuyasha... SIT BOY!!!"

A loud thud was heard since Inuyasha was face down on the ground, thus scaring the cuss out of Kiri and Ankha.

Looking at the two Zaterrans, Danyelle spoke "See what happens if you two try to piss me off? You'll end up face down on the ground just like Inuyasha."

Sonic spoke "Okay, Dany. That’s enough. They get the idea, but I don’t think that means they’ll like it."

Danyelle spoke "Consider it a warning then... And whoever is touching my rear has five seconds to get his hands away before I set him on fire."

Clarity groans "*Facepaw* Miroku."

Danyelle freezes Miroku in a block of ice.

Danyelle spoke "Stars above.. Sango, control your husband!"

A coral pink Mobian vixen with brown eyes and dark brown hair in a long ponytail groans "I swear Miroku, you can't even give up on your lecherous ways..."

Ash spoke "*sweatdrop* Huh, kinda reminds me of Brock..."

Serena asks "*Deadpan* You think?"

Indigo spoke "Once a lecher, always a lecher..."

Rei spoke "Too true."

Sonic spoke "Even though I now have seven wives, that doesn't make me a lecher."

Meanwhile, the crusaders and I were working on the news.

"Remember, we can't bring out a snoozefest." I pointed out.

A howl rang clear but it wasn't Myuri's howl.

Lance asks "What was that?"

Clarity asks "Huh...? Why does that sound... familiar?"

Inuyasha's left ear twitches.

The howl was heard all the way to Canterlot.

Celestia thinks "{Was that Tama?}"

But then Celestia had a shiver shoot down her spine, realizing something.

Celestia thinks "{Yeesh... Pyre's not gonna be happy...}"

Pyre asks "Celestia, care to explain that howl?"

Celestia mentally panicked and without even knowing it, teleported.

Luna thinks "{She is SO BUSTED!!!}"

Meanwhile, Danyelle's fur stood on end.

Clarity spoke "I haven't seen my mom since I was born."

Danyelle spoke "This won't end well..."

Clarity spoke "I don't remember my mother that well since I was barely two hours old when I was taken from her."

But then Celestia suddenly appeared from teleporting, really scared and concerned.

Clarity asks "Do I know you?"

Celestia suddenly became more scared.

Clarity trots over to Celestia before sniffing the alicorn mare.

Clarity spoke "*tears in eyes* I remember this scent...."

Celestia froze, getting more and more nervous.

Twilight wingslaps her mentor on the back of the head.

Clarity cries while hugging Celestia.

Not a single dry eye was seen since most of the others were crying happy tears.

Twilight asks "You okay Celestia?"

A demonic Mobian dog male asks "Celly?"

Celestia got nervous again. "That voice... Tama?"

Tamashi spoke "I'm sorry for leaving you like that 216 years ago... I didn't want to put you or Clarity in danger so I had to take her away..."

Celestia spoke "Look, as much as I appreciate it, you need to get outta here now, before he finds you."

Tamashi spoke "I left you once before... I don't want to leave you again..."

Celestia spoke "I'm being serious this time! If he finds you, Tartarus will break loose!"

Twilight whacks Celestia.

Twilight spoke "Pyre's not that kind of stallion to lose his temper."

Celestia spoke "*Whispers to Twilight* But I don't know if Tama wants to share. He told me that demons aren't known much for sharing."

Twilight spoke "Not only that, two males might bicker over the same female. Least Sonic has it easier."

That started making Celestia hyperventilate.

Danyelle spoke "And Celestia, you better not turn into Daybreaker."

That only made Celestia panic more.

Danyelle slaps Celestia across the face, calming the alicorn down.

Danyelle spoke "Have you forgotten about Newlestia? Even though she was born a human male, she's a mare now!"

Twilight spoke "That just might work out!"


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