• Published 27th Aug 2022
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My Little Pony: Clash of Dragons - RobtheMorpherPony

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Chapter 5: Road to the Society - Smolder

Smolder was looking at Spike and Ember being with one another. "The Society really want to keep a close eye on Spike for some reason. Well, whatever. It doesn't matter. Even if by some miracle he turns out to be Cynder's kid, the sins of the mother should not reflect on the child." Smolder said to herself before getting up and heading over to the two dragons.

"Hey, you smell like one of them dragons from that dragon clan out near what used to be the volcano at Munitions Forge." Ember said.

"Chill out Society girl, I'm not looking for trouble. You don't want to attack me unprovoked, do you?" Smolder said. "The current dragon lord granted me permission to be here. Her idea of wanting to be more open towards ponies." She added.

"The dragon lord sent you?" Spike asked.

"You bet for sure she did. And just in case, she told me to tell you specifically Spike that she's keeping Garble under wraps." Smolder said.

"...Ah. I see. You can relax Ember; Smolder's one of the good dragons it seems." Spike said.

"Honestly, I couldn't even begin to tell you why Garble's desire to kill off ponies is the stupidest thing in the world. I don't know why he wants to do it, but if you ask me, it's stupid." Smolder said.

Spike laughed. "Oh yeah, you were certainly sent by the dragon lord if you think the same as she does about the whole thing." He said.

"Don't think I'm not going to keep an eye on you all the same." Ember said.

"Heard your name by the way pinkie. Turns out, you and my dragon lord share the same name as one another. Heh...what are the odds of that?" Smolder asked.

"Wait, your dragon lord is also named Ember? Wow...what are the odds indeed." Ember said, relaxed. Perhaps this dragon lord that shares her name isn't too bad after all.

"I didn't catch your name by the way, what is it?" Spike asked.

"My name is Smolder. Oh, and just so we're clear on something Spike...don't hold what Garble did against me okay? The sins of one sibling should not be carried over to the other." Smolder said.

"Sins of the--wait, Garble's your brother?" Spike asked.

"Trust me, despite being his little sister, even I can agree Garble's whole hatred of ponies is a bunch of dragon droppings. I really don't understand why he has it, but what can I do really? He's my brother." Smolder said.

"Giving him a sterner talking to about it would be a nice start." Spike said.

"Except you kind of did that for me. My brother should've known better then to take on a Purple Dragon." Smolder said.

"Wait...you know about that?" Ember asked.

"Yeah. Just because we want your alpha's mate brought to justice, it doesn't mean we hold a full-on hatred for your whole lot. We just want Cynder to stand trial is all." Smolder said.

"The Alpha knows you won't be fair with it. It's why he's impeded your progress time and time again." Ember said.

"Then perhaps, once that road of yours opens up, we can discuss the potential of Equestria's Royalty performing the trial?" Smolder asked.

"...Wait what?" Ember asked.

"In this whole situation, they would be a third party. In fact, I actually pitched the idea to DL Ember before coming here." Smolder said.

Smolder's Flashback

"...Let the Equestria Royalty settle the matter of Cynder's crimes once and for all?" Ember asked.

"The society will never agree to let Cynder stand trial for her crimes if it was our dragon clan doing the trial." Smolder said. "But once they get that road opened up, I was thinking that, we use a third party to preside over the trial." She added.

"...We tell them the list of charges and the accusations against Cynder, and then she gets to plead her case. It's such a foolproof plan. Of course, we'll leave out the fact that if Cynder if found guilty, it will be us who decides on her punishment. And I know for a fact that, Cynder will be declared guilty." Ember said.

Present Day

"She actually said it'd be the perfect way to settle the whole matter once and for all." Smolder said. "Because let's face it, dragons like you hate our clan simply because we want Cynder to stand trial for her crimes. But we ain't got nothing against the lot of you or the rest of your Society. Pitch the idea to your alpha the next time you see him wouldn't you? There doesn't have to be any further bad blood with this whole thing. It's why I came up with the idea on my own." She explained.

"...Your going to let this be a fair trial, and accept the result of the trail right? No take backs?" Ember asked.

"Only if you promise that you will also accept the result. Once the verdict is handed down no one complains about anything. Justice gets served, and everyone gets to live happily ever after at the end of the day." Smolder said.

"Sounds too good to be true. How do we know it's not some trap?" Ember asked.

"Wait Ember." Spike said. "Let me handle this." He said.

"Spike..." Ember said.

"I want you to make a Pinkie Promise Smolder. Make a Pinkie Promise that you will accept the result of this trial no matter what it is. And I'll do the same on behalf of the Society." Spike said.

"Sure but...what's a Pinkie Promise? The way your playing it up, makes it sound sacred." Smolder said.

"It is. Because breaking a Pinkie Promise is a good way to lose a friend FOREVER." Spike said. Smolder gulped.

"...Walk me through it." Smolder said.

"I Pinkie Promise that The Society will accept the result of this trial no matter what it is; cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Spike said. The motions Spike did, made even Ember know, this was something you could not break.

"I Pinkie Promise that I will accept the result of this trial and do my best to get my clan to do the same; cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Smolder said, mimicking Spike.

"What makes you so sure they won't?" Spike asked.

"I can't speak for all dragons, but if nothing else, DL Ember will understand. And she'll force the other dragons of my clan to follow my example and accept the outcome." Smolder said.

"Well, since you were sent by her, I trust you." Spike said.

"Until then, I hope you mind if I hang around. Got a problem with that, Pink Ember?" Smolder asked

"No. No I don't. I'm just glad we can finally settle this. I'm sure the Alpha will be pleased." Ember said.

Some Time Later...

"Hmm...a trial here in Equestria by your court system using your laws." Spyro said.

"I made Smolder pinkie promise that she'd accept the result, and I bet she'll tell DL Ember about our acceptance." Spike said. "...I hope that's alright mom." He said.

"Actually, I'm very proud of you. You've found the perfect way to end my pain once and for all. Thank you, my son. You are very much like your father." Cynder said.

"And the meeting with the mayor went well as well. Their hoping to open the road up by the end of the week." Spyro said.

"That's good news. It won't be much longer then." Twilight said. "Then you and Cynder can see Spike whenever you want, as can he see you. That road will allow all of us to get what we want in the end." She added.

"Yes. A happy ending for all." Cynder said.

Meanwhile, Smolder was in her hotel room DL Ember had set up for her. "...Enjoy your last few days of freedom Cynder. Once every creature understands what you've done, even your precious society will be calling for your head. You're a monster. You will pay one way, or another." Smolder said.

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