• Published 27th Aug 2022
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My Little Pony: Clash of Dragons - RobtheMorpherPony

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Chapter 17: The Social Butterfly - Wonderbolt Test

Author's Note:

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Rainbow Dash entered the chambers of the Wonderbolts Falculty. While Cresent Moon managed most of the wonderbolts stuff, if he or Sptifire ever did something that didn't sit well with the Wonderbolt Higherups, they would get overruled by those very ponies.

And yet, Rainbow Dash was told that she was being requested not because she was in trouble though. But the Wonderbolt Higher Ups wanted a meeting shortly after it was discovered that she had stood up for what Equestria had believed in: Forgiving and forging friendships.

"Rainbow Dash, we apologize if this was short notice." One of the higher ups said.

"Yet, given recent events, we felt that this was important." Another higher up said.

"Is this about how I battled Rob Snowden? I get that me beating him was sort of a big deal and all, but, I wanted to do something. I saw him hurting, and I had thought that he was going to cross a line he couldn't come back from." Rainbow Dash said.

"Yes, Spitfire was quite detailed in her report about what had occurred based on what you told her, but we wanted to hear it from you. Guess we did without you needing to be prompted." The third higher up said.

"So is that it? Is that all you called me for? Because I'd like to get back to Ponyville so I can ask one of my friends to help me study for the test that'll get me into the Wonderbolt Reserves." Rainbow Dash said.

"Actually, speaking of that test, there has been a slight change in plans." A fourth higher up said. "If you manage to pass that test, you will not be going to the reserves itself." She added.

"Given what had occurred and how you stood up just out of nowhere against Rob Snowden; famous as he is; we have decided that should you pass the test, you will be sent straight into the Wonderbolts Line-up." The fifth higher up said.

"Huh? But I thought the roster was full." Rainbow Dash said.

"Normally, you'd be in the reserves until a position would be opened up, but even though you were tricked into thinking Rob would kill the now former dragon lord Ember, you still defended her like she was a fellow pony." The first higher up said.

"I honestly didn't care that she was a dragon at all. And I would've easily done the same for any creature; pony or otherwise; because why wouldn't I do that?" Rainbow dash asked.

"That statement is proof that you examplify everything the Wonderbolts are meant to stand for: Protection and insperation. That's why we believe that this decision is the right one." The second higher up said.

"That said, you still must pass that test. You have three days." The third higher up said.

"R-right." Rainbow Dash said.

"Spitfire, please see Rainbow Dash out. Take some time to say good bye, because the next time your here Rainbow Dash, you will be taking the test." The fourth higher up said.

"May Celestia grant you the best of luck." The fifth higher up said.

"I make my own luck." Rainbow Dash said and left with Spitfire.

"...Well, I have something I need to go do. Excuse me." Crecent Moon said.

Crecent Moon had flown off to and approuched a strange pink onion fairy like creature.

"...You are back. I see you've discovered the one I was referring to." The creature said.

"So, Tellma, you knew it was Rainbow Dash all along. You knew that's who would help the Wonderbolts return to the way it should be." Crescent Moon said.

"I did warn you that my forsight powers would be vague. Though it should've been obvious that Spitfire was not the one I was referring to." Tellma said.

"What is she capable of really? How can she use that hyper break state or whatever it was called?" Crescent Moon asked.

"...Pardon, did you say she has accessed Hyper Break?" Tellma asked.

"Yeah. Your the one that can see the future. Surely you knew that would happen." Crescent Moon said.

"...The only thing I saw was her being in front of the sun and being able to defeat Rob. I never forsaw how exactly this would come to pass. After all, that image is reflective of the dream Rob had before he started his own tale." Tellma said. "Rob dreamed of a rainbow up in front of the sun. Rainbow Dash being in front of the sun as she defeated Rob would heal him from the pain he carried from his battle against The Wildman. A pain that Rainbow Dash has healed from his heart." She added.

"So you had no idea she'd use Hyper Break then." Crescent Moon said.

"In hindsight, I should've suspected she would. But my powers of foresight are vague even to me. I once forsaw me becoming the immortal known as The Goddess of Time, not realizing that such a position had to be created first." Tellma said.

"Well what can you tell me about Rainbow Dash's future? What's in store for her?" Crescent Moon asked.

"...Only that as we speak, she is making history yet again. Beyond that, I see something not for her, but for her adoptive sister. Something that I'm afraid I can't see clearly. All I see is the color purple." Tellma said.

"That could be anything." Crecent Moon said.

"Exactly. Something is stopping my powers from getting a more accurate picture. Something evil is stirring." Tellma said.

At that, Crecent moon gulped. "Wh-what can you tell me about this evil." He said.

"I'm afraid my powers have reached their limits on that. I do see one thing though: I see a courtroom battle in the future." Tellma said.

"...But Cynder is free. What else would we need a court--" Crescent Moon went wide eyed. "...It can't be..." He said before leaving.

"...Hmm. I didn't even have to get more specific there." Tellma said.

"So, you really think Princess Twilight can help you?" Spitfire asked. "Must be nice, being friends with a princess." She added.

"Twilight's different. Sometime, you've got to come and try to be friends with her. You won't know unless you try." Rainbow Dash said. She noticed a white unicorn stallion in the lobby.

"...The Creator..." Spitfire said. "What brings you here?" She asked.

"That would be Rainbow Dash." The Stallion said, his voice pretty much god-like.

"Me? Also, do you know that Omega thing Deca talked about?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"The Omega...yes I know him. I assisted in his destruction alongside The Guardian and many others. The Omega was a rogue fate who had stepped out of his proper tasks and refused to go back to neutrality. So, with permission from The First One, and some help from the Immortals I created, an army was cast against The Omega. Eventually, he was defeated thanks largely to Rob unlocking the power of Hyper Break. Something you too have unlocked." The Creator said. "That's why I'm here actually. It seems right now the power is sleeping in case you ever need it again, but worry not: It will not effect your normal perfomance. It's not essentially a cheat code or anything. That power will only assure that you achieve what you want if nothing else works." He said.

"So, are you another one of the fates then? I'm glad your social." Rainbow Dash said.

"Yes. I am another of the fates. I go by many names, but I much prefer to be called The Creator. I wanted to check on you since you achived the power of Hyper Break, as I want to tell The First One right away. I'm sure he will be quite the interesting character for you to meet." The Creator said before suddenly vanishing in a blinding light.

"Dude really knows how to make an exit." Spitfire said.

"Guessing he's chummy with Princess Celestia." Rainbow Dash said. "Better go to Twilight now." She added.

"How exactly do you think she can help?" Spitfire asked.

"I don't know how I was able to see this, but just before that first punch Rob hit me with when he was using Hyper Break, I could actually see him next to me." Rainbow Dash said.

"B-but that's impossible! He was moving at light speed! How were you even able to see that?!" Spitfire exclaimed.

"I don't know. That's why I need to talk with Twilight. She's better at the geek stuff then I am." Rainbow Dash said.

And that's what Rainbow Dash did, making Twilight get freaked out.


"...I'm kind of a fellow geek as you say Rainbow, but, I admit I don't know what Twilight is freaking out about." Moondancer said.

"Considering it's Twilight freaking out, I'm guessing it must be huge." Flash Sentry said.

"Oh, only the hugest thing ever. Rainbow Dash, it seems your awareness for when you're flying causes you to have basically picture-perfect sighting to the point where no matter how fast you or something else is, you can recognize and memorize it in an instant." Twilight said. "In other words, I believe that while flying, you retain information much better than any other time!" She added.

"And that's ground breaking how?" Rainbow Dash said.

"Well, meet me the day you have to go get your test done. And I'll gadly show you." Twilight said. "Don't worry too much about studying though. If I'm correct in my analysis of what you told me, you won't need it." She said.

Rainbow Dash was a bit worried.

About three days later, Rainbow Dash did just that, and when she took the test, she got a ninety-eight percent on the thing. Which shocked Rainbow Dash. Not just because it's the highest any pony had ever scored, but because Rainbow swears she didn't study, so she checked with Twilight. Which is when the purple alicorn revealed that on the way, ponies had things set up that would show Rainbow Dash the history of the wonderbolts.

"So that's what you mean then." Moondancer said. "Wow. She has near picture perfect memory of things she sees when she's in the air." She added.

"I guess that would make sense. The entire test, I knew things but didn't know how I knew them. It seems that I really do retain things better when I'm flying." Rainbow Dash said.

"And that relates to how you were able to see Rob's first punch. Your perception when you're flying is so laser focused, that I doubt you even realize that you have such high visual awareness when flying ninety percent of the time." Twilight said. "Oh my gosh, this is groundbreaking." Twilight said.

"...I think we've lost Twilight." Flash Sentry said.

"Agreed." Moondancer said.

"Yep. She'll be like this for a while." Rainbow Dash said. Suddenly Spike came in.

"Hey, we got a message from Celestia. Apparently, Ponyville is expecting a royal from a desert kingdom to show up at some point." Spike said.

"Wow. Then I hope I make a good first impression." Twilight said.

"And she's back." Flash said.

The train bound for Ponyville with the black fox soon stopped ther, and the black fox got off.

"Mmm...smell that fresh country air~" The black fox said.

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