• Published 6th Aug 2022
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Finn and Jake Meets... My Little Pony - RevvEmUp

A tale of two heroes' next great adventure in another world

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Chapter 3

At a train station, Twilight Sparkle’s friends wave goodbye to Finn, Jake, and Twilight Sparkle as they sat aboard a train bound to the Crystal Empire. “See ya soon, Finn!” Rainbow Dash waved.

“Good luck on your friendship quest, Jake.” Fluttershy added.

“Don’t fall into anything, Twilight…” Applejack warned. “…Or for anyone.” she teased.

“W-what does that mean?” Twilight Sparkle said in a flustered tone as she peeks from the passenger car window as the train departs.

“What’s the Crystal Empire like? Is it an entire city made of crystals?” Finn asked Twilight Sparkle.

“We have one of those, but it’s another dimension.” Jake added.

“The Crystal Empire is a city built in ancient times. For a thousand years, it vanished due to the evil King Sombra’s curse and reappeared when he did.” Twilight Sparkle explained.

“Did you do something about him?” Finn asked.

“He was blown to smithereens by the power of the Crystal Empire’s Crystal Heart, which channelled the city’s light and love. I doubt we’ll see him again.” Twilight Sparkle answered.

“You blew him up?” Finn widened his eyes.

“Hard. Core.” Jake added.

“I’ve sent a letter to my brother and captain of the guard for the Crystal Empire, Shining Armour, that we’ll be arriving soon. He sent a response stating he’s busy, but we should expect a welcoming party.” Twilight Sparkle informed them as the train drives through a tundra.

After some time, the train leaves the tundra and enters a green plain where a shining city stood, stopping at a crystalline station in front of a gate of crimson crystal pillars leading to the Crystal Empire. They disembark and are met by five guard ponies with sparkling coats, clad in crystal armour.

At the front is a cheerful Pegasus mare with a yellow coat, freckled cheeks, and a medium-pink mane with a green streak, styled in a ponytail.

Among the guards behind her is a bluish-grey mare with silvery twintails and a bored look.

Next to her is a pink mare with a long green mane, bobbing her head as she listens to music on her headphones.

Next is a light blue unicorn mare with short, dark purple hair, and an impatient look.

Finally, is a cream-coloured Pegasus mare with a swept-back mane of darker blues, wearing goggles on her helmet.

“Hello, you must be the welcoming party.” Twilight Sparkle greeted them.

“Of course we are! It’s so nice to have the Princess of Friendship herself come to the Crystal Empire!” the yellow guard greeted her cheerfully. “Now let’s move this along so we can get this over with.” she quickly changed to an impatient, grumpy demeanour.

Twilight Sparkle follows them when the pink guard prances into her way. “You gotta hear this!” she told Twilight Sparkle before putting headphones on her, metal music ringing through her head.

“Don’t say no! Just live more! Don’t say no! Just live more!” the vocals screamed into her ears before the guard takes back her headphones, leaving Twilight Sparkle dazed.

“Nice plates. They made of crystal?” Finn asked the unicorn guard as he admires her armour.

“They are, but I find the design too similar to Canterlot’s. I have my own designs that sets it apart from them… or at least I used to.” the unicorn guard glares at the cream Pegasus.

As Twilight Sparkle tries to find her footing, the cream Pegasus rushes to her with a confident look. “Princess, you know Rainbow Dash, right? Next time you see her, can you tell her Indigo Zap wants a race? Y’know, t’see who’s really the fastest in Equestria.” the Pegasus convinces her.

“I’ll see what I can do.” Twilight Sparkle answered unsurely.

As Jake walks off the platform, the twintails guard stops him. “That’s a really ugly dog, kid. It looks like something out of Tartarus.” she said unamused.

“You sure aren’t sugar-coating your first impressions of us.” Jake said to the pony’s surprise.

“Don’t mind him, he’s not used to meeting new horses.” Finn added before they move on, leaving the pony stunned.

“Pick up the pace! We’re not tour guides!” the yellow Pegasus guard pushed the paralyzed guard along.

They are taken into the Crystal Empire: a dazzling city with crystalline buildings, streets, and the ponies like living crystal figurines with their sparkling coats. “It’s even shinier than the Crystal Dimension, better-carved, too.” Jake noted.

“A little too shiny.” Finn added as he shields his eyes from the glares before the twintails guard rudely tosses sunglasses to him.

“What’s her problem?” Jake wondered as Finn puts on the sunglasses.

“These guards aren’t very well-disciplined.” Twilight Sparkle observed.

“Sugarcoat, why’d you give them my glasses?!” the unicorn scolded the pony.

“It’s not like you were using them, Sunny.” Sugarcoat groaned as the pink pony almost bumps into the yellow Pegasus.

“Lemon Zest, knock it off!” the yellow Pegasus scolded her.

“Maybe you should’ve watched where you’re going when you know Lemon Zest’s around, Sour.” the cream Pegasus teased.

“I was looking where I was going, Indigo!” the yellow Pegasus growled.

The princess and adventurers are taken to the entrance of a castle where a revolving crystal heart spin between crystal spikes. “It’s nice meeting y’all, but we gotta go! Enjoy your stay!” the yellow Pegasus said before the guards leave. “Or don’t…”

“Where can we find the friendship problem?” Jake asked Twilight Sparkle.

“The Map doesn’t specify who’s in trouble. You have to find it yourself.” Twilight Sparkle answered.

“Then let’s get started!” Finn said as he and Jake turn around, but Twilight Sparkle leaps in his way with a smile.

“Why don’t I come with you? Y’know, to observe your process.” Twilight Sparkle asked excitedly as she gets close to Finn.

“We’re good.” Finn declines as he backs away.

“Okay… I’ll just be in the library… waiting…” Twilight Sparkle said before flying away.

“Jake, what time is it?” Finn turned to Jake.

“Friendship Time!” they hoofbumped to kick off their new adventure.

They explore the streets, passing shops and cafés run by fancy-looking ponies. “Why’d you think this Tree chose us to give counselling to random ponies?” Jake asked Finn.

“Maybe it’s a test to see if we’re righteous heroes.” Finn suggested.

“We’ll have no problem, ‘cuz we’re already righteous heroes!” Jake said confidently as they approach a male yellow Pegasus guard with a blue mane. “Hey, you. Have you seen friends having problems?”

“Did your dog talk?” the guard asked Finn in surprise.

“Again with the talking dog thing! There are dragons that use their fire to send mail, for crying out loud!” Jake exclaimed in frustration.

“I’m Finn, this is Jake. We’re sent by Princess Twilight Sparkle to solve a friendship problem.” Finn introduced themselves to the guard.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle? If there’s anything I can do to help wards of her highness, Flash Sentry is at your service.” the pony introduced himself proudly. “If you’re looking for friends having problems, I think I know who fits the bill.”

“Lead the way, Flash.” Finn said as they follow him.

At the castle, they peek inside a breakroom to see the five guards from earlier doing their own things away from each other. “They’re the welcome party the captain sent. They didn’t make us feel all that welcome.” Finn observed.

“They joined pretty recently, and were tight as a hay bale. Now, they barely tolerate each other.” Flash Sentry explained.

“Sour Sweet might seem nice, but she loses her patience fast. Don’t wanna get on her bad side.” Flash Sentry pointed to the yellow Pegasus polishing her helmet.

“Sunny Flare’s creative at designing armour and weapons, and is really protective of her work.” he pointed to the unicorn screwdriving a metal cuff.

“Indigo Zap is competitive, and gets intense during training, aiming for the top in anything.” he pointed to the other Pegasus doing sit-ups.

“Sugarcoat always has something on her mind, and lets everyone know, even if it hurts.” he pointed to the twintails guard squinting her eyes at a book.

“Then there’s Lemon Zest. She never takes off her headphones and gets distracted all the time. Despite this, she’s got some crazy focus when needed.” Flash pointed to the pink pony dancing to her music.

“If you need help, don’t be afraid to call on me.” Flash Sentry told them before walking away.

“Thanks, Flash!” Finn waved.

“How should we enter? We can’t go in without a good reason.” Jake asked Finn.

“But we do have a reason.” Finn said as he held Sunny Flare’s sunglasses.

They barge into the room, gaining the guards’ attention. “Hey, us again! You forgot your sunnies.” Finn announced himself before Sunny Flare swiftly takes the sunglasses back.

“Thank you! Now get out! This room’s staff-only.” Sour Sweet growled before pushing them to the door, only for Jake to stretch into a door-sized block, terrifying everyone except a distracted Lemon Zest.

“First it talks, now… that! Who are you two?!” Sugarcoat said in surprise.

“We’re the guys who’s gonna make y’all friends again!” Finn answered proudly.

“*SCOFF* We’re already best friends forever, aren’t we?” Indigo Zap asked the others, only to be ignored.

“We don’t need your help, so go away.” Sunny Flare refused sternly.

“As a hero, I vow to help anyone in need, no matter how small their problem.” Finn told her seriously.

“My problem is that a foal and his freak dog waltz in thinking that they can stick their muzzles into other ponies’ business! And the only way to solve it is for you to leave!” Sour Sweet yelled before bucking Finn and Jake out the door and slamming it shut.

“That’s a bust.” Jake groaned in defeat.

“I’m not giving up. We’re gonna make them friends again. Once they’re on duty, we’ll split up and talk to them one-by-one, ask what happened between them.” Finn declared.

Sunny Flare is in the armoury, checking for damage on helmets when Finn approaches her from behind. “You’re the kid that returned my sunglasses. What’re you doing here?” Sunny Flare asked him.

“I wanna see what you’re working on, just in case you’re slackin’.” Finn answered.

“I’m a hard-working guard who takes her job seriously… unlike Indigo…” Sunny Flare said before moving to another table to resume working on her cuff.

“You think she’s not hard-working?” Finn peeks over her shoulder.

“All she does is fly circles around the castle and calls it patrolling. One time, she kicked up wind strong enough to blow all my designs out the window.” Sunny Flare recalled.

“Why don’t you talk to her ‘bout it?” Finn suggested.

“As if she’ll ever stop to listen.” Sunny Flare scoffed. Finn tries to peek at her work, but is met by a wall of spears pointed at him.

“Get out.” Sunny Flare said sternly as her horn glows. After Finn is escorted out the door by the spears, Sunny Flare hears a clatter from the armour racks and sees a purple blur jumping out the open window.

Sour Sweet is patrolling the garden, decorated with beautiful crystal foliage and flowers, relaxing as she sniffs a strange yellow flower from a topiary. “The flowers look beautiful this time of year.” Jake greeted her.

“Ah!” Sour Sweet screamed before swatting him out of the bush and into the crystal flower bed. “Don’t you have anything better to do?!” she growled in frustration.

“Nope. This is what I’m here for, and I’m not leaving ‘til I fix your problem.” Jake answered as he stretches into dog form.

“Will telling you my problem make you go away?” Sour Sweet rolled her eyes.

“Probably.” Jake answered.

“It’s Sugarcoat!” she blurted. “That blabbermouth runs her trap about whatever whenever she pleases! Once, I told her to take my place guarding the royal baby’s room while I did errands. When I came back, the captain was there and said Sugarcoat ratted me out!” Sour Sweet explained, getting increasingly angry. “I had to sharpen spears overtime as punishment!”

“Did you talk to her?” Jake asked.

“I don’t see a reason to.” Sour Sweet turned away. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a garden to patrol.” She flies off without another glance at Jake.

Indigo Zap is at a track doing pre-flight stretches when Finn approaches her. “Hey there, Indigo Zap. I heard from the other guards that you’re pretty fast.” Finn greeted her.

“Fast’s an understatement. I’m the best flyer in the Crystal Empire, and I make sure everypony knows!” Indigo Zap boasted.

“You must’ve broken records.” Finn said.

“I would’ve… if it weren’t for Sour Sweet.” Indigo Zap clenches her teeth.

“What’d she do?” Finn asked.

“I was ‘boutta make my fiftieth winning practice race in a row when she pushed a thundercloud in my way! I made second place!” Indigo Zap ranted.

“Did she apologize?” Finn asked.

“She didn’t even stick around to see me lose!” Indigo Zap exclaimed. “I’m done talking. See ya never, kid.” Indigo Zap groaned before zooming off. Finn hears a click and turns around to see a camera engulfed in purple aura floating away.

Sugarcoat is in the city, reading a notebook when a weird yellow bird falls on her face. “Hi.” Jake greeted Sugarcoat before she shakes him off.

“You’re a stubborn dog-thing, y’know that?” Sugarcoat said to Jake.

“You investigatin’ crime?” Jake asked.

“Theft. According to the victim, the perpetrator was a yellow unicorn mare with a curly red-and-yellow mane. He didn’t see her face or Cutie Mark since she wore a cloak. They clearly didn’t want to be recognized.” Sugarcoat explained.

“I’ll tell you if I see her.” Jake said. “With that seg outta the ue… what happened between you and your friends?”

“I found the hard way they can’t be trusted.” Sour Sweet looked down. “Sunny Flare asked if she could borrow my glasses for a project, and I said yes. A few weeks later, I found she’s been hiding the fact that she broke them.” Sugarcoat explained.

“All this over glasses?” Jake commented.

“It’s not about the glasses. I thought I could trust her with something important.” Sour Sweet answered sadly as she turns away. “Apparently, I can’t.” she said before walking into a lamp post. As Jake goes in the opposite direction, Lemon Zest emerges from an alley behind him, looking distraught.

Outside a café, Finn and Jake meet with Flash Sentry to exchange their findings. “Glasses! Glasses!” Jake recounted frustratingly, attracting the other patrons’ attention.

“And they all refuse to talk?” Flash Sentry asked.

“Communication is key in any relationship.” Finn commented. “What can we do to convince them to just talk?” Finn wondered.

“We kidnap them and put them in a room.” Jake suggested.

“I won’t be an accessory to that.” Flash Sentry declined.

“If we’re going to make them friends again, we have to do it non-violently.” Finn told Jake.

“What about Lemon Zest? Have you talked to her?” Flash Sentry asked them.

“We couldn’t find her anywhere.” Finn said.

“Um, hi…” a voice greeted them. They around to see Lemon Zest with a sheepish smile and her headphones down. “Got room for one more?” Lemon Zest asked.

“Sure. Take a seat.” Finn gestured to an empty chair.

“I’m sorry about my friends.” She took her seat. “I appreciate that you’re trying to help us.”

“Lemon Zest, what can you tell us about your friends?” Finn asked.

“We met in prep school before King Sombra’s rule, and suffered during it.” Lemon Zest began. “We stuck together as friends and held onto the hope of better days to come. That day came when the Spike the Brave and Glorious and his allies saved the Crystal Empire and restored our hope.” Lemon Zest explained.

“Were they always this stuck-up?” Jake asked.

“Not always. We were miserable under King Sombra. After the Crystal Faire, we expressed ourselves more freely and followed our passions, becoming different ponies than before.” Lemon Zest answered.

“The fact you’re here means you’re different from your friends. Why’d you come to us?” Jake asked.

“I…” Lemon Zest said before she tears up. “I’m tired of it! The bickering, the fighting! I can’t take it! ” Lemon Zest cried. “We joined the guard to defend the Crystal Empire against evil-doers like King Sombra so nopony can be miserable again! Now we can’t be in the same room without starting an argument.”

“Haven’t you talked to them?” Flash Sentry suggested.

“You’ve met them! They’re not the friends I knew, they’re… mean! I may look happy when my music’s on, but I still hear every mean thing my friends say!” Lemon Zest answered.

“Lemon Zest, this situation isn’t something you should avoid. If you talk your friends through, you can bring them back together.” Finn persuaded.

“I’m too scared to talk to them. They won’t listen to anypony, not even me.” Lemon Zest declined in fear.

“They need more convincing. Got any keepsakes from the good ol’ days?” Jake asked Lemon Zest.

“Sure do. I sometimes look at old pictures of us.” Lemon Zest said as she gives Finn a black-and-white photograph of Lemon Zest and her friends; looking plainer than their present selves.

“Jake, you may be onto something with the room, but they have to come willingly.” Finn turned to Jake. “Flash, you’re gonna help gather them, since they’re probably not keen on seeing us again.” Finn instructed Flash Sentry. “We’re gonna make them friends again, or my name isn’t Finn Mertens!” Finn declared.

Unknown to them, Twilight Sparkle is spying on them at another table, hiding behind a newspaper as she stares at Finn intensely

In the tundra, a portal opens for two towering figures to emerge. “So, this is another universe? We just had to land in their arctic.” the shorter figure with glowing blue eyes groaned.

“Our target is nearby. Focus on that.” the larger figure said in a menacing voice as their yellow eyes burn through the snowfall. Metal clanking echoes through the snowstorm before two fast-moving shapes plough through the snow.

To be continued…