• Published 6th Aug 2022
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Finn and Jake Meets... My Little Pony - RevvEmUp

A tale of two heroes' next great adventure in another world

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Chapter 2

At the Castle of Friendship throne room, the six ponies and Spike sit around the table with Finn and Jake present. “We are the keepers of the Elements of Harmony, relics that represent friendship.” Twilight Sparkle introduces everyone.






“…And Magic.” Twilight Sparkle pointed to herself.

“What about the little guy?” Jake pointed to Spike.

“I don’t have an element, I’m just Spike; Twilight’s faithful dragon assistant. I do things like carry books, send scrolls to the princesses, you name it.” Spike answered.

“Together, we save Equestria from threats from within and beyond, and spread friendship across the land.” Twilight Sparkle continued.

“I’m Finn, and this is Jake. Where I’m from, I’m a human.” Finn re-introduces himself.

“We’re super-awesome adventurers travelling the Multiverse, meeting new people and helping them out however we can!” Jake added.

“We’ve been doing this for a while.” Finn added.

“I’ve visited another world populated by humans before.” Twilight Sparkle told them.

“You’ve mentioned humans before, but we dunno what they look like.” Applejack said to Twilight Sparkle.

“We look like this.” Finn holds out his hoof to project a holographic image of his human form.

“Dear me…” Rarity gasped in disgust.

“Yeah, we’re pretty weird-lookin’.” Finn responded.

“No, not that! Your ensemble! It’s… hideous! Are you trying to look like a child?!” Rarity cried.

“You’re worried about his fashion sense? Y’guys don’t even wear clothes!” Jake added.

“Ahem.” Applejack side-eyes Jake as she tips her hat.

“In my experience, I was turned into a human upon entering the human world. Perhaps the reverse is true. I still do not fully understand it, myself.” Twilight Sparkle explained.

“What’s with your hoof?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“This? Pretty cool, right? My mom made it.” Finn said as he pulls his right foreleg off and tosses it to the table. Fluttershy is stunned in shock, while Rarity is disgusted.

“Sweet robot leg!” Pinkie Pie commented as she gets up close to it.

“He lost his real arm, or leg in this case, when he tried to spring his dirtbag dad outta cosmic jail.” Jake explained.

“Now, about the thing we were looking for…” Finn puts his leg back on. “Have you seen a giant alien incubation machine anywhere?”

“A what?” they all asked, confused.

“It sorta looks like this.” Jake said before stretching into a bacteriophage.

“How are you doing that?” Fluttershy asked curiously.

“I’m part alien.” Jake answered.

“Now I got more questions.” Applejack said.

“I’m afraid I haven’t seen what you’re searching for.” Twilight Sparkle answered.

“Oh… thanks anyway.” Finn said in disappointment.

“We’ll be on our way, then.” Jake said as he and Finn walk to the door.

“Don’t go!” Twilight Sparkle exclaimed for them to stop.

“We just met, and y’can’t just leave after making new friends.” Applejack added.

“We’ll visit again, promise.” Finn assured.

“C’mon, just for another day? I’d like to get to know someone who can handle a blade like that!” Rainbow Dash begged.

“Stay a while, take in what Equestria has to offer.” Fluttershy suggested.

“Okay, okay, you talked me into it. But only because y’all look adorable.” Finn said for all the ponies to blush.

“I-I’m not adorable! I’m cool!” Rainbow Dash defended in embarassment.

“Oh, um, that’s very kind of you to say.” Twilight Sparkle said with a flustered tone.

Starlight Glimmer rushes in, panting as she closes the doors. “I finally got the crystals in the lab! They kept trying to reform, so I put them in jars, didn’t work. Then I compacted them in a box, didn’t work. Then I used magic to contain them and it worked!” Starlight Glimmer said hurriedly.

“Starlight, Finn and Jake will be staying over. We’ll need a guest room ready.” Twilight Sparkle informed Starlight Glimmer.

“Waaait!” Pinkie Pie screamed as she stands from her seat.

“Pinkie, is there something you’d like to say?” Twilight Sparkle asked.

“Yes!” Pinkie Pie said before pulling a rope hanging from the ceiling, releasing confetti and a banner reading “WELCOME TO PONYVILLE”. “Welcome to Ponyville, Finn and Jake! This is your welcome party, so let’s have some fun!” Pinkie Pie announced before pulling out a blue cannon to fire more confetti everywhere.

“How can we say no to a party?” Jake smiled to Finn before they join the fun. They party all night, dancing, challenging Rainbow Dash to a cider-chugging competition, and playing games. Throughout the night, rainbow lights beam from the castle windows, and the music rattling everything.

The next day, Finn and Jake awaken in beds withing a crystal room. “Jake, did you remember going to bed?” Finn turned to Jake lying in another bed.

“Sooo much cider…” Jake groaned.

“Must’ve been some party.” Finn said before his eyes widen as he realizes something.

“We forgot about Steven!” Finn shouted.

“Steven? The pink gem guy?” Jake recalled.

“We gotta tell him we’re alright.” Finn told him. “I hope he’s still hanging onto your Amp.” he added as he takes a phone from his backpack to call Steven.

“Hello?” a voice greeted them in a depressed tone.

“Steven, it’s Finn!” Finn greeted Steven.

“Finn! I’m so glad to hear you!” Steven’s voice perked up. “Where are you? Did you find the Injector?”

“No, but we’ve ended up in a universe full of ponies, and I’ve turned into one too!” Finn responded.

“Crazy! But the Injector, you gotta hurry and find it!” Steven responded.

“I’m working on that, but the ponies we met really wanna get to know us, so we’re gonna hang out.” Finn told him.

“Finn, an Injector is dangerous in the wrong hands. If you don’t find it soon, who knows what’ll happen!” Steven warned him.

“You gotta point…” Finn contemplated.

“We’ll have plenty of time to find it after we hang out with the ponies.” Jake said nonchalantly.

“Making friends are important, too, I guess.” Steven said under his breath. “I trust you two to find it soon. If you need help, just call. I still need return this thing back to Jake.” Steven said before hanging up, just as Twilight Sparkle enters the room.

“Good morning, Finn and Jake! Ready for a tour of Ponyville?” she asked them.

“Sure am!” Finn said before he and Jake get out of bed.

Finn and Jake walk around Ponyville with Twilight Sparkle and Spike to take in the sights. “Over there is Sugarcube Corner run by the Cake Family and Pinkie Pie. If you want delicious cupcakes, or a loaf of bread, this is the place.” Twilight Sparkle pointed to a gingerbread house.

“It looks like it belongs in the Candy Kingdom.” Finn noted.

“You have an entire kingdom made of candy? Pinkie would so feel at home.” Spike commented.

“Princess…” Finn addressed.

“Please, call me Twilight.” Twilight Sparkle insisted.

“Twilight, you mentioned you’ve travelled to another universe. Whaddya think of the experience? Exciting? Terrifying?” Finn asked.

“Leave you with existential dread?” Jake added.

“That, and more… but none of that dread, although I was terrified of being in an unfamiliar body.” Twilight Sparkle answered.

“I turned into a talking dog, like you, Jake, but less stretching.” Spike added.

“I made many friends there. In fact, they were versions of my own friends in Ponyville.” Twilight Sparkle added.

“Did you meet your own alternate self? I know, like, at least ten versions of myself. I met one who can summon Card Wars characters with his sword.” Finn asked.

“I’ve only met her once before. I don’t visit anymore due to all my princess duties.” Twilight Sparkle answered.

“Lemme tell ya, Sparky, there’s whole worlds out there waiting to be adventured on by brave peeps. We’ve been living this life, and love it.” Jake told her proudly.

“Well… it wouldn’t hurt to stop by there one more time.” Twilight Sparkle considered.

“Let’s see Applejack at Sweet Apple Acres. If action’s what you love, you’re gonna love how she picks apples.” Twilight Sparkle told them.

They walk to the other side of town to an apple farm where they see Applejack at work. “Mornin’, sugarcube!” Applejack greeted them

“This is a really big orchard, bigger than Tree Trunks’ apple orchard. She makes the best apple pies where I come from.” Finn commented.

“If y’bring me a piece, we’ll see how it contends to the Apple Family recipe.” Applejack challenged before kicking a tree, knocking down all apples from the top into surrounding baskets.

“Now that’s efficiency.” Jake whistled, impressed.

“Apple buckin’: the only way to pick apples ‘round ‘ere.” Applejack said.

“Lemme try! I get lotsa practice kicking peeps.” Finn volunteered excitedly. He goes to a tree, faces away from it, and uses all his strength to kick it with his hind legs, breaking the bark and the apples fall down.

“Woah there, pardner! Be gentle-like with the trees. Buck with love, not with force.” Applejack advised.

As Jake listens to their conversation, he hears someone following them, and turns around to see a pink tail sticking out from behind a tree.

“Fluttershy?” Jake called out.

Fluttershy emerges from behind the tree and gives them a meek look. “Fluttershy, were you following us?” Twilight Sparkle asked.

“Um… yes…” Fluttershy answered quietly.

“You could’ve said something.” Finn said.

“I dunno if you notice, but these ponies are kind appropriately-named. For example: Fluttershy, she flutters, and she’s shy.” Jake whispered to Finn.

“Sorry, but I wanted to say something, but I didn’t know when was the right time.” Fluttershy explained herself. “I just wanted to get to know Jake better.”

“Even if I’m a weird mutant dog?” Jake asked.

“Of course.” Fluttershy answered with a smile. “I love all animals, no matter what they look like, they’re all wonderful.” She walks closer to Jake.

“Aw, shucks.” Jake blushed before Fluttershy rubs his belly, and he soon relaxes on his back.

“Aww… you’re a good boy, yes you are! Yes you are!” Fluttershy cooed at Jake, who continues to enjoy her belly rubs.

“He’s a cuddly one, ain’t he? Where’d you find him?” Applejack asked Finn.

“Actually, his family found me. I was abandoned as a baby, but his parents adopted me and we’ve been brothers since.” Finn explained.

“So yer one’a them wild childs?” Applejack asked for Finn to nod in confirmation.

Suddenly, a dash of rainbow flies in and surprises everyone, then Rainbow Dash lands before Finn with an excited look. “Hey, Finn! Hey, Jake! Wanna check out this awesome obstacle course I made for you? I spent all morning making it!” Rainbow Dash offered the adventurers.

“An obstacle course? Count me in! I gotta see what my new pony bod can do!” Finn agreed before following Rainbow Dash.

“Hey, wait up!” Jake said as he gets up and follows Finn.

“Wait, I wanna see you in action!” Twilight Sparkle said hurriedly before following them, to the confusion of Applejack, Fluttershy, and even Spike.

Finn, Jake, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie stand before an obstacle with skipping logs, rope swings, swinging apple bags, and a water tank with a baby alligator, among others. “Thanks for lending Gummy to me.” Rainbow Dash thanked Pinkie Pie.

“Eh, he needs the exercise.” Pinkie Pie shrugged.

Soon, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Applejack, and Fluttershy arrive in time to watch Finn play the course. “You’re going through all that?” Twilight Sparkle asked Finn.

“Yep. All to test my pony mettle.” Finn nodded.

“And dog mettle, don’t forget ‘bout that.” Jake added. They take their places at the starting line and wait for Rainbow Dash’s signal.

“On three…” Rainbow Dash held her hood before the adventurers. “Three!” and the adventurers are off!

“Go, Finn! You can do it!” Twilight Sparkle cheered.

Finn and Jake climb up a log wall; Jake lending a hand to Finn once he reached the top. They leap down to the skipping logs where Finn lands on the first log perfectly before side-stepping his way to the other side, Jake following not far behind. As they step, the swinging bags swing, but Finn slashes them to pieces to release the apples within. He and Jake finally come to the alligator tank where they leap over seven feet of water to the other side; nary a splinter.

“That was amazing!” Twilight Sparkle screamed.

“What’s getting you so excited?” Spike asked her.

“I don’t know… but seeing Finn do the amazing things he does… it almost makes me wanna faint.” Twilight Sparkle answered as she breathes heavily. She watches Finn taking off his hat to reveal his long, blonde hair, letting it twinkle under the sunlight. “So… cool…” she muttered.

“Man, I’m sweaty. Jake, feel my hat. It’s soaked.” Finn gave his hat to Jake.

“Drenched, man. Like you were swimming in the ocean.” Jake commented.

As Finn puts his back on, Rainbow Dash flies to his side. “You guys completed that under thirty seconds! If that ain’t awesome, I dunno what is!” Rainbow Dash said excitedly.

“Y’know what this calls for?” Pinkie Pie asked them. She produces her party cannon and blows it, shooting confetti and streamers over everyone. “A party! To celebrate your first successful obstacle course in Equestria!”

“Does she always throw parties?” Jake asked Rainbow Dash.

“It’s kinda her thing, being a party pony, and all.” Rainbow Dash answered.

At the Castle of Friendship, Starlight Glimmer brings in a drab-looking pony with a dark purple mane, a grey coat, and an emotionless look on her face. “Thanks for coming, Maud. It’s good to have a rock expert around here.” Starlight Glimmer greeted her as they walk down the halls.

“Yes, it is. What kind of rock have you found?” Maud asked monotonously as Starlight Glimmer takes her to a lab where the dark crystals are being kept.

“Well, they kinda attacked us.” Starlight Glimmer answered as they walk to a crystal specimen wrapped in turquoise aura.

“Now, I’m gonna release it, then you only have forty-five seconds to analyse this before I can re-contain it.” Starlight Glimmer advised before she disperses the aura to allow Maud to examine the crystal.

“I’ve never seen anything like it before. The composition is unlike any regular crystal formation…” Maud commented. The crystal starts to glow, and a dark aura emerges from it, then Starlight Glimmer re-contains it in a magic bubble.

“I think there’s some form of dark magic involved… or worse.” Starlight Glimmer suggested.

Maud notices a punctured crystal in the corner, the same one from the monster that Finn defeated last. “What about that one? That’s not protected.” Maud asked.

“It was damaged when the new adventurer pony, Finn, fought its physical form. It’s the only one that hasn’t reformed, but I think it’s still dangerous.” Starlight Glimmer explained.

“If it’s safe, I can examine it.” Maud suggested.

“Be my guest. I’ll be here in case anything goes wrong.” Starlight Glimmer added. The two stay in the lab to study the crystals, working to understand the crystals.

At Carousel Boutique, Rarity is measuring Finn atop a fancy platform surrounded by mirrors. “Finn, darling, by the time I’m done creating your new outfit, you’ll be the envy of the adventuring guilds.” Rarity declared as she wraps measuring tape around his waist. “You do have guilds where you’re from, right?” Rarity asked.

“I run pretty much the only one with my mom.” Finn answered.

“This the same momma dog you mentioned?” Applejack asked.

“She passed away. This is Finn’s bio mom who’s a computer.” Jake answered.

“Your people can be placed into computers? That sounds amazing!” Twilight Sparkle beamed excitedly.

“We talking ‘bout video game-type computers, right?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Gonna be honest, I dunno how it all works. I just think it’s cool.” Finn shrugged as Rarity put away her measuring tape.

“There we go, all finished. I’ll fix up a new set for you in no time.” Rarity said.

“Now with that done, why don’t you tell us one of your adventuring stories? One where you slay an evil beast!” Rainbow Dash requested.

“The slaying stories are small potatoes. I’ve got plenty of other adventures here in my head noodle. From fetching, fixing, and overall improving someone’s life.” Finn recounted. Before he could say anything else, the mark on Finn’s flank starts glowing and blinking.

“Dude, your butt tatt’s glowing!” Jake asked as he starts to glow as well.

“You’re glowing, too!” Finn pointed.

“Your Cutie Mark! That means there’s a friendship problem!” Twilight Sparkle gasped.

“What’s a friendship problem?!” Finn asked.

“We’ll explain later! To the castle!” Twilight Sparkle said before she and her friends take them back to the castle.

They are taken to the throne room where the circular table now has a magical projection of the Equestria map. In the northern region, Finn’s sword marking and an image of Jake’s head circle around a crystalline tower in the middle of a vast city. “Cutie Marks are a symbol of a pony’s talent and destiny. Yours may be related to your swordsponyship and bravery.” Twilight Sparkle explained.

“The Cutie Map was created with the Castle of Friendship by the Tree of Harmony.” Fluttershy elaborated.

“It usually calls them to help with ponies’ friendship problems, but it’s called others like Starlight and me once before.” Spike thumbed to the others.

“Pretty weird to call you guys, since you’re not from ‘round here.” Pinkie Pie noted.

“Whatever the problem may be, we can help.” Finn said confidently.

“For it to be all the way in the Crystal Empire is unusual as well.” Rarity noted.

“Usually, only the ones the tree called for would be sent alone.” Twilight Sparkle said. Before Finn could ask another question, Twilight Sparkle gets up close to him. “Unless you’d be okay if I came along, y’know, to observe your first friendship quest.” Twilight Sparkle asked excitedly.

“I’d love the company.” Finn answered.

“Great! It’s off to the Crystal Empire!” Twilight Sparkle declared.

“Huh, she’s usually against going along with others’ friendship quests.” Applejack observed.

“Sounds to me she wants to stay close to Finn.” Rainbow Dash raised her eyebrow.

To be continued…