• Published 31st Jul 2022
  • 568 Views, 19 Comments

EQG: Megaman Zx: The Reploid 7 - Grand-Galvatron

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Chapter 1: Helping a friend in need

EQG/Megaman ZX: Tale of the Reploid 7

Chapter 1: Helping a friend in need

Sunset was busy washing the dishes in the kitchen when Professor Celestia entered.

“Oh, hello Professor,” Sunset said kindly. “I’m almost done cleaning the dishes.”

“That’s good,” Celestia said. “Do you mind if I ask you for something?”

“Of course, Professor,” Sunset said. “What is it that you need?”

“We’re running low on food and milk, do you mind going shopping,” Celestia asked.

“No worries professor, I’ll do it right away,” Sunset said as she went to get ready to go outside and go shopping.

“Oh, before you go, you may need to bring this,” Celestia said holding a small cartridge.

“What is this,” Sunset asked.

“It’s a heat barrier, it protects your internal systems from overheating and malfunctioning,” Celestia said. “I’m giving you this since there’s going to be a massive heat wave coming in.”

“Of course, thank you, Professor,” Sunset said as a small hatch on the right of her neck opened.

She then inserted the heat barrier cartridge in the hatch, which when it closed, made Sunset freeze in place as she was downloading the heat barrier into her systems.

The crest on her head then emitted a blinking green light when the download was complete.

“Download complete, heat barrier activated,” Sunset said as she returned to normal. “Thanks, Professor, I’ll be on my way now.”

Sunset then left to go to the central square of Neo Canterlot City to go shopping.

(Meanwhile, in Neo Canterlot City, Downtown District)

A Reploid with orange poofy hair named Adagio Dazzle was just about done with her afternoon shift as a waitress at the Restaurant, Neo Burger.

Adagio looked at her watch, the time was 2:30 pm, meaning her shift was done.
“Aww, finally, now I can go home and escape from this heat,” Adagio said as she rubbed the sweat off her face. “Man, I should have installed a heat barrier.”

After checking out for her shift, she went to the dressing room to change back into her normal clothes.

As soon as she changed back into her normal clothes, she put her uniform in her backpack.

However as soon as she got out the door and moved towards the shortcut she liked going through, Adagio froze, as her magenta eyes started glowing a bright yellow, meaning an internal malfunction had occurred.

“System error, sy-system error,” Adagio muttered as her malfunction continued. She then walked straight into a light pole and continued bumping into it as her malfunction was getting worse.

“Sy-Sys-System overheating-overheating must seek professional help for internal re-re-repairs,” Adagio muttered.

Sunset was at the cashier paying for her stuff, as she had gotten cabbage, ingredients for chicken stew, some fish, and 3 cartons of milk.

“Ok, thank you for shopping with us,” The Cashier Robot said.

Sunset waved goodbye before exiting the building and heading back home.

However, as Sunset was heading home while listening to music on the nano-pod she installed in herself, when she bumped into someone, causing her to fall to the ground.

“Ow, what hit me,” Sunset said as she rubbed her head. She then noticed another Reploid in front of her, that seemed to be wobbling back and forth.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, I wasn’t paying attention to what was in front of me,” Sunset said as she tried to apologize. The other Reploid didn’t respond.

Adagio then turned around, her cheeks looked blushed and her speech sounded slurred

"Y-You're so Pretty,” Adagio murmured.

“Um, hello, Ms.,” Sunset said. “Are you ok?”

"I-I am now, now that a pretty girl like you is h-here," Adagio slurred as she snorted and giggled like a little child.

It became clear Adagio was suffering from Robo-Heatstroke, which would make them go into what humans would call, a drunken stupor.

"Don't worry, I'll call a mechanic to fix you," Sunset said before she felt Adagio start to hug her. "Hey, what are you doing?!"

"N-No, don't go, I wanna keep looking at your pretty face," Adagio drunkenly said as she would not let go of Sunset. "S-So cold, please stay with me so I can cool off."

Sunset started to blush, "Oh dear, this is so embarrassing."

Suddenly her eyes went from yellow to orange, meaning her malfunctions had reached critical.

“Malfunctions have reached critical, emergency sleep mode engaged,” Adagio said as she then collapsed to the ground as a low-pitched whirring sound emitted from within her. Adagio then closed her eyes as she deactivated, to prevent her eyes from turning red, which would mean a complete system failure.

Sunset could hear Adagio snoring, while quietly giggling as well.

“Oh, dear,” Sunset said with a voice full of pity. “Poor thing, you must’ve forgotten to install a heat barrier. Don’t worry, Professor Celestia will fix you to tip-top shape.”

Professor Luna Light, along with Sci-Twi, had just finished building the newest Metall model.

“Phew, finally,” Luna said wiping the sweat off her face. “Thanks for helping me out, Twilight.

“You’re welcome, Professor Luna,” Twilight said. “Always happy to help.”

Luna then heard a knock on her door.

“Don’t worry, I’m coming,” Luna said as she went to open the door, only to see Sunset carrying Adagio on her shoulders.

“Hello Professor, Luna, I need some help,” Sunset said. “This Reploid was suffering from Robo Heat-Stroke, she didn’t have a heat barrier installed. Could you please fix her?”

“Of course, that’s why Sci-Twi and I are here,” Luna said as she put Adagio on the examination table.

When Luna opened Adagio’s control panel, a big puff of smoke came out of it, and Luna saw that Adagio’s Air-conditioning unit was completely fried.

However, this was no problem that Luna couldn’t fix, as she always had a spare air-conditioning unit.

Once this was installed, and all other damages were repaired, Luna then installed a heat barrier into the small hatch on Adagio’s neck.

Once all of this was completed, Luna re-activated Adagio.

“Mmm, oh my aching head,” Adagio said as she got up. “What happened?”

“You seemed to have suffered from Robo Heat-Stroke,” Professor Luna said. “You would have gone into a complete system failure if Sunset wasn’t there to save you.”

“Oh, thank you so much,” Adagio happily said as she looked at Sunset. “You’re such a lifesaver. I’m sorry for interrupting any of your time, I didn’t think it would get this hot today.”

“Oh, would you look at the time, I must be heading back home, Aria and Sonata must be worried sick,” Adagio said.

“Hey, before you go, you said your name was Adagio Dazzle, correct,” Sunset asked as she blushed a little.

“Yes, that is correct,” Adagio said.

"In your stupor, you said I looked pretty, is that true," Sunset said, which made Adagio's cheeks blush.

“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry, that was rude of me,” Adagio said as she was starting to cry a little.

“No, don’t apologize, I think you were just having the feeling of love,” Luna said.

“Yeah, I guess so, she was really pretty,” Sunset said as she gazed outside.

"I'm sorry for all that, I gotta get home, see you later," Adagio said as she left.

Meanwhile, in a playground in Neo Canterlot City, a group of Robots and Reploids was playing at the playground.

“Hey, c’mon Aria give me a turn on the swings,” A Reploid named Sonata Dusk said.

“Nuh uh, I saw them first,” The other Reploid named Aria Blaze said.

Another Reploid named Wallflower Blush was playing on the Seesaw with a human named Sugarcoat.

Also at the playground, A robot master named Dust-Man was busy cleaning furniture which had dust on it.

“Sigh, I’m just glad I’m no longer working for that Dr. Willy anymore,” Dust-Man thought to himself.

However, a Gardening robot was busy working on some hedge bushes when all of a sudden, the eyes of the robot glowed red.

“GREEN,” The Gardening Robot said in a rage as he tore the hedge to pieces.

The Gardening Robot had gone Maverick.

“HEY, YOU,” The Gardening robot said to the Robots and Reploids in the playground. “ANY OF YOU LIKE THE COLOR GREEN?!”

“Well, I guess green is one of my favorite colors,” Dust-Man said in a friendly manner.

“WELL, I DON’T,” The Gardening Robot roared as it sliced Dust-Man’s left arm off.

“Umm, maybe I could have a new favorite color, like orange or red or…,” Dust-Man said quivering in fear before the Gardening Robot ripped Dust-Man to pieces.

The Gardening Robot then turned and looked right at Aria and Sonata with a menacing glare. “WHO ELSE LIKES GREEN,” The Gardening Robot roared as the Robots, Reploids, and Humans at the playground took off running at the sight of the maverick robot.

“SOMEONE HELP,” Wallflower screamed as the Maverick charged at them.

(This will continue in Chapter 2: Maverick Attack Bio-Metals on the Move).

Comments ( 2 )

Are you going to continue this story?

Yes, I will be continuing this story.

I'm sorry that it's taking longer than usual to update any of my stories; it's a mixture of the schoolwork that I'm doing and a lot of writers block.

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