• Published 31st Jul 2022
  • 564 Views, 19 Comments

EQG: Megaman Zx: The Reploid 7 - Grand-Galvatron

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Prologue: A Miracle

Celestia was out on her back porch drinking from a cup of her favorite Tea while her sister Luna was working on the newest Sniper Joe Model.

The year was 202X, an era where humans and robots lived together in peaceful harmony after the debacles that Dr. Wily and Sigma had caused.

Celestia was hoping that no other conflicts like what the Robot Masters and Mavericks had caused would ever happen again.

Celestia used to love making many types of Robots, as she had been personally trained by her mentor Doctor Light to doing so.

She and her sister were the ones responsible for creating the upgraded version of an android that had free will and thought processes comparable to humans. These Androids were called Reploids.

There were many types of Reploids. They were Normal Reploids, Next Generation Reploids, Advanced Reploids, and finally, Celestia and Luna were able to make the Pseudo-Reploids.

However, the Reploid Prototype that they created had become mentally unstable and violent to others as well as itself. So it had to be confined in a secret facility not open to the public.

Ever since that incident, Celestia had decided to discontinue the Reploid Project, due to not wanting another incident like what happened with the proto-type to ever happen again.

As Celestia was pondering over these memories, she noticed something shiny in the nearby bushes. Almost like there was a piece of metal hidden in the bushes.

"Hmm, that's strange," Celestia thought to herself as she continued to observe the thing in the bushes. It took a little while for her to realize that the shiny piece of metal was in fact an arm.

As soon as Celestia saw it, she then headed over to the area, trying to see if the arm was attached to something, as she thought that someone had gotten hurt.

However, when Celestia saw what was behind the bushes, she was shocked.

"A Reploid Girl," Celestia said. What was a Reploid doing near the bushes to her house.

Celestia knew that this was a Reploid due to the red triangular crest on its fore-head.

But what was most surprising was that this Reploid looked just like the Proto-Type they had built before.

She had long red and golden hair, she was wearing a Orange T-shirt with some small tears in it. It was also wearing a Black biker Jacket, she also had an Purple skirt on as well as purple socks and long black biker boots.

She then went to get her sister Luna so that they could do a thorough investigation.

As they both went back to the area, they noticed that some areas of the reploid were covered in patches of moss and cobwebs. Meaning that it had been there for some time. They both came to the presumption that it had been thrown out and abandoned long ago.

Celestia, with Luna's help, were able to pick it up and carry her back to their laboratory. As Celestia was examining the Reploid's internal components, she may have found the reason to why it may have been thrown out. The Reploid's Power core had a certain power glitch that would severely shorten their life-spans. Many of the first Reploids had this glitch, which led to many people throwing them out or returning them.

However, with Celestia's clever thinking they were easily able to get rid of this glitch, and fix the power-core to tip top shape.

Another thing was that the Reploid's memory chip was completely fried, which was beyond repair. So in order to fix this, they carefully took it out, to be able to prevent any damage to other systems. Once that was done, they put in a new memory chip. The only downside was that she would have to learn everything from scratch.

The next thing they did was cleaning all the dirt, moss and cobwebs off of her. Then they had to clean and brush her hair so it wouldn't look dirty. And after this, the colors of her hair changed from a dull red and yellow to a bright red and yellow.

Once all cleaning and repairs were complete, both sisters were deciding if it would be a blessing or a risk to activate her.

"Luna, I...I don't know about this," Celestia said. "What if over time she turns violent and psychotic as well?"

"I just don't want to have to abandon her too," Celestia said as she started bursting into tears.

"Big Sis, I looked at her brain module," Luna said. "It seems to be perfectly functioning and it doesn't have the memory virus that caused Proto-Sunset to lose her mind and go Maverick. We'll never know unless we try, that's what Doctor Light would say."

"Ok, Ok, I agree with you on that one," Celestia said as she started to calm down. "Alright, let's activate her and hope for the best."

Celestia then pulled a switch that sent a voltage of electricity right into the Reploids Power-Core. Its body quivered a little as the voltage went into its body.

At first nothing happened, but Luna spotted one of the Reploids fingers twitching a little, then Celestia saw her eyes open up, as her eyes glowed a blueish green color.

The Reploid then stood up as it then surveyed its environment, to the two sisters, the Reploid's curiosity seemed kinda cute.

The Reploid then noticed Celestia, as its blank expression turned into a calm smile as she then stepped off the examination table.

"Greetings Creator," The Reploid said. "I am Reploid Unit-SHIMM Model-001, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Hmm, 001 huh, Proto-Sunset's Designation number was 000," Luna said. "That must mean that this was the first SHIMM Model reploid to ever come off the assembly-line."

"Can you please tell me your name so I can get to know you better," The Reploid asked.

"Oh, of course, my name is Celestia Light, Grand-Daughter of Doctor Light, and a leading scientist in Light-Robotics," Celestia said.

Suddenly, the Reploid Girl's right eye twitched. "Error, Error, the name you mentioned is too long for me to scan, will just Celestia Light be sufficient," The Reploid asked.

"Yes that will be fine, but you can refer to me as Professor Light," Celestia said.

The Reploid then saw Luna and proceeded to scan her as well.

"Is that your lab assistant Professor Light," The Reploid asked Celestia.

"Lab Assistant," Luna said with an annoyed look. "I am her sister, Luna Light."

"Oh sorry, you just looked like a lab assistant to me," The Reploid said making Celestia giggle a little which succeeded in making Luna more annoyed.

"Very funny," Luna grumbled.

"Alright, back to business," Celestia said. "What is you purpose or personal objective?"

"My objective is to help around the house and do everything in my power to make you happy," The Reploid said honestly. "I mostly like to cook and help with serving food." The Reploid said with a cute smile.

"Do you have any ulterior intentions that could cause harm to a human," Celestia asked.

"No, why would I want to hurt anyone," The Reploid asked. "I have been implanted with a digital copy of section 7 of the laws of robotics, which clearly says that a robot or reploid cannot cause any type of harm to a human."

"Well, I have no reason to harm anyone, as I do not like to fight or see others in conflict," The Reploid said.

The Reploid then noticed that Celestia was quietly crying, as she was having flash-backs of what happened with Proto-Sunset.

"It seems like you are under high levels of stress or sadness caused by a traumatic event that occurred in the past," The Reploid stated. "I will now do the most appropriate reaction."

The Reploid then approached Celestia and then started to hug her while gently rubbing her back.

"You don't have to worry about what happened in the past Professor," The Reploid said. "it's all in the Past now, what matters the most is what we do in the present day."

"Thank you," Celestia said as she hugged her creation back.

"Your welcome, Professor Light," The Reploid said.

"I think that we should give you a name as well," Celestia said. "How about we call you, Sunset Shimmer."

The Reploid then closed its eyes and turned its head down in order to reboot and scan the new name designation.

Then it turned its head up and opened its eyes once more.

"Sunset Shimmer, New Designation Accepted, I really like my new name," Sunset said with a happy face. "I am ready to serve you Professor."

"Oh no, Reploids were never meant to serve humans, they were mean't to coexist with humans," Celestia said to Sunset.

"I know, but as I said before, I want to do everything in my power to make you happy," Sunset said. "So, should I start with the cooking, the time is 5:20 pm, and it's almost time for dinner."

"Very well," Celestia said as Sunset went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

As time went on Celestia, created six more Reploids, each with different purposes.

The first one was named Twilight Sparkle, and she was made to help Celestia and Luna around the Lab and help build robots. Even though her name was Twilight, she liked it when Luna Nicknamed her Sci-Twi. Twilight was helped by a dog-like Psudoroid named Spike.

Then came Fluttershy, who was made to help tend to gardening and to feed the animals they had in the barn nearby.

Then came Rainbow Dash, who was made as an exercise and fitness teacher for Celestia and Luna to help burn calories.

Applejack came next, who was made to help with manual labor which went from chopping trees to gathering fruit.

Then came Rarity, who was made to help clean clothes and to help Celestia and Luna get ready for important events such as a meeting.

And finally Pinkie Pie came last, she was made to help Sunset cook and to spread entertainment throughout the house.

Celestia treated of her reploids like they were her children, and after many long years sorrow, Celestia was finally happy.

However, very soon, that would all change.

Meanwhile in a secret facility, there was one cell in particular that housed what many have said to be one of the most ruthless mavericks to ever be created. It was Proto-Sunset, as she stared through the window of her cell, with bright red demented eyes.

"I'm coming for you Creator," Proto-Sunset sang creepily as she giggled insanely in her cell.

(Will continue in Chapter 1: Helping a friend in need).