• Published 28th Jun 2022
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Star Wars: The Droid Chronicles - Stalin with Da Spoon

Shortly after General Kalani and his droid soldiers escaped from Agamar, the super tactical droid made the decision to try and re-build the separatist alliance, activating a large dormant droid army, and setting course for an unknown world...

  • ...

15. A Trip to Canterlot

[Alpha Headquarters Officer Meeting Room, 5:00 AM. 2 BBY, Galactic Sector D-6.]

The elevator door opened as General Kalani, Lituenant Colonel TF-3749, and Major OOM-5264 stepped inside the dim room, the only light source being a white light above a circular table, lighting up three chairs as the commander took their seats.

"Aren't there supposed to be more officers here? I mean, we got plenty of OOM droids on base." 5264 asked as Kalani responded.

"I deemed it nesscary to bring only you two here because at the moment you are my trusted subordinates, as well as the fact we lack experienced officer personnel. OOM-9164 and his clone are good candidates, but I have yet to see their skills in action, the same goes for the rest of our droid personnel, they have almost zero combat experience. Regardless, I have called this meeting to discuss our diplomatic approach in the coming diplomatic meeting with the Head of the Equestrian State at their capital city known as Canterlot. Major, you are leading the envoy mission, so it is recommended you be first to make a suggestion." General Kalani said before gesturing for 5264 to speak.

"Well, personally, I have absolutely zero idea about how diplomacy and negotiations work, I'm just a ground commander."

"I see. Colonel, what do you believe is the most viable method of negotiation?" Kalani said as he turned and gestured for TF-3749 to speak.

"I believe the most logical approach is further strengthening relations between Equestria and the CIS through the demonstration of our technological and military capabilities, as well as showing willingness to learn more about their nation. According to what limited information we gathered from the ponies during our first meeting, there are many potentially hostile powers on this planet, and demonstrating both willingness and capability to defend this land could lead to the Equestrians trusting more in the confederacy, and potentially expanding our sphere of influence to encompass the planet, uniting it and allowing us to better coordinate our rearmament and consolidate our resources."

After a long pause, 5264 spoke in a confused tone. "Uh... What?"

Letting out what was the equivalent of a sigh, 3749 simplified. "We must show them our advanced technology, as well as study their nation's history."

"Ooooh, I get it! Yeah, me and my squad can do that. Ask simple questions, gloat about our sweet tech, simple stuff."

"Excellent, you may take my Sheathipede transport shuttle to Canterlot so that you may both arrive on time and, as some would put it, in style. We shall deploy Vulture fighters to escort you and also commence a 'fly-over' to demonstrate our air superiority. Now go make preparations, you leave in one hour."

[Alpha Headquarters Barracks, 5:20 AM.]

The members of Alpha squad, along with several other droids, could be seen lounging around inside the barracks, lazing about and doing whatever it was that helped them pass the time.

7262 was busy inspecting the squad's equipment and supplies, going as far as to count every single grenade they had, approximately counting three in total, including one stun grenade, one explosive grenade, and one... Confetti grenade? Looks like Pinkie tampered and experimented with their equipment while the ponies were here.

3956 was busy playing a holo arcade machine, trying to get his high score, before his little spacehsip got blasted and he got a game over. In a fit of gamer rage, 3956 kicked the cabinet, only to clutch his foot in pain while the droids waiting in the line behind laughed.

And 2197 could be seen with a group of three other droids around a holographic table, watching a game of Dejarik, also known as Holochess, as 2197's massive Rancor battled a much smaller Ng'ok, only for the small beast to use it's mouth hands with sharp teeth to bite attack the Rancor and defeat it, as it faded away and the droid on the other end of the table reached his hand out, leaving 2197 to groan as he handed over a handful of credits.

"Undisputed champ baby."

The door to the barracks opened, as 5264 entered the barracks to see his squad members spending their free time, before quickly getting their attention. "Ahem."



The droids within the barracks quickly ceased their activities before 5264's squadmates quickly stood at attention and saluting, with 7262 speaking up. "Apologies Major, we just got bored waiting for orders."

"You are excused. No need for addressing me by my title, I'm still your squadmate, rank doesn't matter. Now then, in about half an hour we're gonna be heading off to Canterlot as diplomatic envoys, so I want you all on your best behavior, understood?"

"Roger roger." All three droids spoke in unison.

"But why did they choose us envoys? We know nothing about diplomacy, the only thing we are actually good at is blasting! I barely got through that first meeting with them without going ballistic!" 2197 said as he spoke with a frustrated and confused tone.

"The General said we did pretty well with first contact, and he thinks we can do it again, except this time it's a full on diplomatic meeting. I am certain that we can pull it off though, so suit up and get ready to move, we'll be taking the shuttle in half an hour. Oh, and 7262, be sure to bring some blueprints and displays, we gotta wow the crowd on this one. And as for the rest of you, stop lazing about and get back to your duties!"

Collective groans were heard from the occupants of the barracks.

[Canterlot Castle Courtyard, 6:05 AM]

The pleasant sunshine slowly beamed down upon the courtyard, the gentle wind blew through the air causing the trees to sway and the birds to lightly chirp as they flew into the air. The flowers bloomed in a sensation of many colors and scents. Peacefully walking through the courtyard, Princess Luna could not help but admire the beauty of the day that her sister helped bring. Sure, she preferred the night, and honestly she would prefer to be inside playing Super Mareio 64 right now, but still. Today was quite a day, because not only were they having a diplomatic meeting with the Buffalo tribes, but they were also meeting representatives from Griffonstone and Kiria.

However, Luna then realized there was another more unique group that would be coming to the meeting, and she was quickly reminded of that when she heard a distant sound emit from the skies. It sounded similar to that of a metallic screeching, before seeing a squadron of metal birds soar overhead, their grey metal exteriors gleaming in the sunlight as they soared over all of Canterlot, circiling around the castle before they descended upon the courtyard, slowly lowering themselves down before suddenly their wings twisted and shifted into legs, standing themselves upright as they communicated with a series of beeping and whirring while their mechanical 'heads' extended outwards and swerved to survey the area.

[All squadron members report status.]

[All systems are nominal.]

[Affirmative, all lights green.]

[Functions at one hundred percent.]

[Squadron status confirmed. Operational task complete, landing zone secure. Await arrival of VIP transport.]

While Luna had no idea what the massive mechanical beasts were saying to each other, she remembered Kalani saying that they were called 'Vulture' droids. Deciding to try and communicate, Luna stepped forward and lightly waved at the machine.

"Um, greetings Vulture droids! It is uh... Nice to meet you!" Luna said with a nervous tone as the vulture droids all turned their heads toward Luna, nodding collectively.

[Presence of 'Luna' entity confirmed, informing Envoy.]

A few seconds later, a more pleasent humming was heard from the sky before the sight of what Luna knew as a 'Sheathipede shuttle' descended into the courtyard, landing in the center as it's many legs unfolded outwards, lowering it's ramp as four familiar droids exited.

"Good morning miss princess! General Kalani decided that we would be the best team to act as a diplomatic envoy, and as such, here we are!" Major OOM-5264 said as he stepped down the ramp of the shuttle, followed by five other B1 droids, three of which being his familiar squadmates while two of them bore red markings, indicating they were security droids. "Please excuse my security, the General said it was needed to be safe. And don't mind the Vultures, they were just our aerial escorts." He said waving to the vulture as they beeped in return, before he made a signal with his hand gesturing for them to fly upwards.

[Escort duty accomplished, aerial security detail commencing. Engage patrol pattern.]

The four Vultures morphed back into their flight form before ascending into the sky, blasting off as they began flying in a circle around the general area surrounding Canterlot.

Luna couldn't help but feel amazed by how coordinated the Vultures were, before she turned her attention to 5264 and smiled as she shook his hand. "It brings us much pleasure to see you here. And quite nice timing too, the other envoys are soon to arrive!"

"Wait, other envoy's?"

"I'll inform you more once you are acquainted, please follow me."

"Roger roger." 5264 said, gesturing for his droid companions to come with him as they all walked inside.

Meanwhile, the two pilot droids sitting in the shuttle waited until everyone was inside before sealing the ramp and getting out of their seats, opening a secret compartment to reveal a holo chess as they placed it on the floor of the passenger bay.

"I bet 50 credits I can beat you this time."

"Your on."