• Published 28th Jun 2022
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Star Wars: The Droid Chronicles - Stalin with Da Spoon

Shortly after General Kalani and his droid soldiers escaped from Agamar, the super tactical droid made the decision to try and re-build the separatist alliance, activating a large dormant droid army, and setting course for an unknown world...

  • ...

10. The Big Surprise

[Castle of Friendship, Map Room. 6:00 PM. 2 BBY, Galactic Sector D-6.]

OOM-5264 stared in fascination at the massive table at the center of the room, displaying a large map of Equestria. Of course, he had seen the map during his mission briefing, but it still felt cool to see it again. After a long day of helping Twilight's friends with various tasks, like bucking apple trees or designing clothes, Twilight had said that Princess Luna and Celestia had told her and her friends to meet in the Map room, and to bring the droids with them. Of course, OOM-5264 obliged, both wanting to try and improve relations, but also to try and contact the nation's royalty. In fact, this was likely a prime opportunity to reveal the Blade Of Serenity along with his true origin to the ponies, but he would need to judge the situation as it developed.

Though, 5264 was slightly fearful, a sense of anxiety lingering around him, a feeling that he had only begun to feel recently. What would their reaction be to his lies? To learning there were thousands more of him in orbit? To learning of a massive technologically advanced warship sitting right above their home planet? 5264 did not like the possibilities, but considering how friendly and welcoming the populace was to him and his squad, maybe things could work out.

Or they would probably slice him and his squad in half with their weird magical powers and use their crazy magic spells to shoot the dreadnought out of the sky, but hey, you gotta take risks sometimes, and right now he was taking the biggest one of his entire career. Plus, he had gotten a signal from Probe Alpha that it would be on standby just in case things went south. He also instinctively made sure he and his squadmates were carrying their blasters on their backs, with 7262 having a stun grenade on his waist in case they needed to make a quick escape. Of course, this was mostly all just to be safe and avoid any potential risks.


The six seats surrounding the table were occupied by Twilight and her friends, Spike and Starlight Glimmer standing beside side of Twilight's seat while 5264 and his squad took seats in separate chairs pulled up to the table. 7262 closely examined the table and the holographic map on it, clearly fascinated.

"Is this some kind of holographic projection?" 7262 asked Twilight as she happily answered.

"Well, it's actually powered by a magic crystal, but I'm guessing your kind of projection technology isn't?"

"Indeed, it has an entirely different power source, and it may be reliable, but even our most advanced holo projectors can't make maps this good!" Twilight simply giggled as 7262 was infatuated by the hologram, while 3956 noticed how each chair appeared to be perfect for each of the ponies sitting in them. 2197 was simply tapping his metal finger on the table out of boredom, until Fluttershy seemed a little nervous upon noticing that the droid's still carried their weapons.

"Ummm... Mister 5264... Why do you and your friends still have your... Weapons?"

"Well, it mainly gives a sense of security. No offense, but we aren't exactly sure what your leaders will think of us."

"Oh don't worry, Princess Celestia and Luna are the nicest ponies around."

"I hope so."

A few minutes later, and a light knocking on the door to the map room rang out, as Twilight quickly teleported over to the door to let it swing open, revealing both of the princesses in their traditional royal attire, regalia and all, as the both of them easily towered over the rest of the ponies, Twilight only slight matching her size, as Celestia and luna gazed around the room, Celestia having a warm smile on her face, as both sisters saw the droid's who were currently just staring in awe.

"Greetings, my little ponies. I see that you have made some new friends." Celestia said as she gestured to the droid's, as all of them began to nervously shake, both out of anxiety of meeting someone so important, and fear of meeting someone so... Imposing, for while Celestia gave off a feeling of warm and welcoming tenderness, she gave off a feeling of menacing power. Seeing that as his cue, 5264 slowly stood up from his seat, shaking out his fear as he slauted.

"O-OOM 5264, pleased to meet you, your highness." 5264 said, before he then saw the other ponies bowing, realizing he should probably do so as well, as he promptly bowed, before realizing he tipped too far forward and fell on his face, earning a slight giggle from Celestia. "Ow..."

A faint golden glow enveloped 5264 as he felt himself slowly lifted off the ground and back onto his feet, looking up to see Celestia's horn sharing the same glow, deducing she had helped him up using her magic. Now back on his feet, he could feel Celestia's looking over him carefully, as if she was inspecting him.

"You are quite the strange beings, aren't you? Made of metal and machinery, no need to eat or sleep, it almost sounded nice for you. But then I heard of all the tragic things your creators did to you... Gave you only numbers for names, built you solely to fight and die in pointless wars, and made to obey without question. I am truly sorry for what you have been through, my little droid." Suddenly 5264 found himself enveloped in a hug from the large alicorn. Feeling unsure of what to do, he just hugged her back. "But do not worry, for you and your friends will be safe here."

"Glad to hear that, but... I was wondering... What would you say if I were to say that there were... Well, more of us?"

"And what do you mean by that?"

"Well, what I mean is... It's best I just show you." 5264 was released from Celestia's grip, as he then walked over to the table, pulling out a small disc and setting it down on the table. Suddenly, the disc projected a large blue hologram, revealing a large globe shape which the ponies quickly realized was their world. "This is your planet. And as you know, we came from space." Luna nodded in response to 5264.

"Indeed, I sensed you descend from the atmosphere easily thanks to my connection with the night."

"Right... Well, anyways, what I didn't tell you is... We actually have our own ship in orbit." Suddenly, the shape of a large unknown vessel appeared right above the planet, shocking everypony and Spike in the room. Except for the droids of course. "This is our true home, or rather, home ship, the Blade of Serenity, a Providence-class Dreadnought." Twilight was the first to react, sheer awe on her face as she looked at the ship.

"Incredible... It's massive! But... I thought your kind were all shut down and had no armies left!"

"Correct, we were shut down, but our Super Tactical Droid leader, General Kalani, managed to find and re-activate us along with the Dreadnought, and we set course for this world, hoping to find somewhere to call home and maybe use this place to rebuild the confederacy and lead a force to fight the empire."

"Well, why did you have to lie to us? We would be happy to let you stay here!"

"Because we were afraid you would freak out when you learned we had an entire ship full of droids."

Twilight was about to raise a counter-point, but quickly saw his reasoning and became silent, as Celestia placed a hand on the droid's shoulder.

"You do not need to worry about how we react, 5264. We will gladly welcome you and your kind to our planet. Although, I am not so certain of building an army for war... But from what I have heard, this empire is quite evil and corrupt."

"Oh trust me, the republic was already corrupt, no telling how bad the empire is. So uhh, yeah, that's why we are here, to find a new home. Well, the general thinks that you guys could actually help us out, so that's why he sent us to contact you via drop pod."

"I see... And where is this General Kalani now?"

"Aboard the Blade of Serenity."

"Ah, of course. Honestly, I suspected that something was amiss whenever Luna sensed something entering the planet's orbit thanks to her strong senses. Regardless, I look forward to meeting your leader and perhaps even joining this 'confederacy'."

"Oh don't worry, he's a chill dude." 5264 soon turned his attention towards the now rapidly shaking Pinkie pie, a smile on her face so wide it threatened to shatter her jaw line, as she squealed in happiness.

"How many more of you are there? This means I get to throw so many welcome parties, and I gotta note down all your birthdays, and figure out what kind of cake you like, oh right, you don't eat cake, but it's still fun to try!" 5264's head was literally spinning from the rate of speech from Pinkie pie, the spinning quickly being stopped thanks to Rainbow who was now currently trying to calm the highly excited Pinkie, to which he gave a thumbs up.

"Like I said, it's just natural for her." After Pinkie calmed, 5264 continued.

"Right... Anyways, now that I have that off my chest, I would like to introduce you all to my Lieutenant seeing as my orders are to report to him first." Suddenly, the hologram of the planet and star-ship vanished, and in it's place was a completely new figure, complete with a boxy body, limbs, and head, as it spoke in a deep monotone voice.

"OOM-5264, it is good to see you report. And by looking around the room, I see you have successfully moved to phase 3 and revealed the presence of our forces here on the planet and in orbit." The Tactical droid then turned to Celestia, as he lightly bowed to her.

"Greetings princess, I am Lieutenant-Colonel TF-3749, leader of the remaining ground forces for the CIS. 5264, though he has not heard much, has told me about you and your people."

"I see, it is good to meet you, Lieutenant. But may I ask what you mean by ground forces?"

"Earlier this week, we established a base of operations within an abandoned castle located in the deepest part of the nearby forest. I hope you do not mind." Luna's face changed to one of surprise before one of anger, before a quick glance from Celestia calmed her.

"While we originally used the castle as Equestria's capital, I believe that it was only fair someone else claim it after it was abandoned for so long. If it is not too much to ask, I would like to request that me and my sister, as well as Twilight and her friends come to potentially speak with you."

"It is indeed not too much to ask, and we would be happy to have you. I shall alert General Kalani to your imminent arrival, and will send a droid squad to escort you to the base. 5264, be sure to answer any questions the ponies have."

"Roger roger." 5264 saluted, before turning to Twilight, who already had a notepad with several questions on it.

"You have a lot of questions, don't you?" Twilight's rapid nodding answered his question, as he braced himself for the incoming question barrage.

[Blade of Serenity, Bridge Section]

"Incoming message from TF-3749!" B1-202 shouted as Kalani quickly stood up from his seat and faced the holographic screen, as the Colonel appeared on it.

"General, I am happy to announce that phase 3 has officially begun, as Captain 5264 has officially revealed our presence, and from what I have seen, we are not only tolerated, but welcomed. They in fact wish to come to Alpha base for a meeting."

"I see. Excellent work Colonel, I shall arrive down there within the hour, have your forces prepare the base for both my arrival and the arrival of the ponies."

"Yes sir." As the communication cut out, Kalani stood up from his seat and turned to the bridge officers.

"You have the deck until I return."

"Roger roger. Wait, what does that mean?"

"It means you retain full authority while I am away."

"Ahhh." As Kalani exited the bridge, he turned to the now approaching astromech Clakker.

[Did it go good?]

"Affirmative, prepare my shuttle."

[You got it, boss!] Clakker then zoomed away, as Kalani followed behind slowly.

Things were really shaping up.