• Published 5th Jul 2022
  • 1,299 Views, 39 Comments

Equestria: Singular Point - lazejovanov

Through unusual circumstances, the Mane Six and the Mane Five meet each other and band together to face down a hopeless future.

  • ...

A Meeting of Present and Future

Ever since she was a young filly, Sunny Starscout had heard countless stories from her father about how Equestria used to be thousands of years ago, and who ruled it in those old times. They were six ponies known in her time as the Guardians of Harmony. They consisted of a pink-colored Earth pony named Pinkie Pie, a yellow pegasus known as Fluttershy, a white unicorn called Rarity, a cyan and rainbow-maned pegasus known as Rainbow Dash, an orange Earth pony who went by the name Applejack, and a purple unicorn, who, through fulfilling a special, royal duty, became an alicorn... and her name was Twilight Sparkle. According to her father, they had protected Equestria from countless evils and dangers by uniting the three pony tribes through friendship and love — a power that came to be known as the magic of friendship. Most ponies in her time considered this to be nonsense and fantasy, nothing but a children's bedtime story. But Argyle was certain that there was solid truth behind these seemingly outlandish stories.

Sunny had longed to follow in their hoofsteps and make the world like that of Equestria's past. And through forming her own friendships with four friends and facing some challenges of their own, she eventually got her wish; magic returned and the ponies were united by the magic of friendship.

But, as incredible as uniting the three pony tribes and restoring magic to Equestria was, nothing could have prepared Sunny for this moment — for this special encounter she thought she would never get the opportunity of having in her entire lifetime. Sunny Starscout and her friends were literally standing face-to-face with the legendary Guardians of Harmony — the very same ones her father told her stories of ever since she was a filly, and they looked exactly like the toys she had of them, down to the most minute detail such as their eye color. Even in her wildest and most implausible dreams, Sunny never imagined that she would be blessed with such a miracle and actually meet the original heroes of Equestria in the actual flesh. The same could be said about her friends; despite not being quite as interested in Equestria's past or its history as Sunny was, Hitch, Izzy, Pipp, and Zipp were nonetheless familiar with the old stories about the Guardians of Harmony, though they didn't pay as much mind to them as the apricot Earth pony. Yet, even they were astonished and in complete disbelief to see the heroes from those tales standing before them, as real as the very ground they were standing on.

Sunny was so filled with astonishment, disbelief and growing excitement that she didn't even register Twilight's awkward greeting and asking if they needed help. After her mind finished processing everything she was seeing and confirming that this is indeed reality (thanks to Izzy lightly punching her earlier at her request), a loud squeal of excitement escaped the Earth pony's mouth.

"IT'S THE GUARDIANS OF HARMONY!" She cried out at the top of her lungs. Her excited yell broke the awkward silence between the Mane 6 and Mane 5, slightly startling both parties in the process.

"Uh... the Guardians of what, now?" Rainbow, understandably confused by the sudden yell, couldn't help but ask.

"Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! One of them talked to me!" Sunny was rapidly breathing in and out, unable to describe the sheer euphoria she was experiencing right now. This only made Rainbow and the others feel more uncomfortable, however.

"Sunny, take it easy." Hitch gently said as he tried to calm his friend down, despite being pretty shocked himself. "You're gonna pass out if you keep breathing like that."

"So, I presume your name is Sunny, then?" Twilight asked as she stepped closer to them, still not quite sure what to make of this. At the same time, she and her friends were also looking at the tall robot that was standing in front of these ponies protectively, staring directly at the quadrupedal dinosaur with its body in a defensive fighting stance.

The two Earth ponies looked back at the ruler of Equestria, who was looking at them with concern and confusion. This prompted Sunny to heed her friend's advice and take a deep breath before exhaling softly too calm herself down.

"Yes, um... princess. My name is Sunny Starscout and these are my friends: Hitch Trailblazer, Zipp Storm, Pipp Petals, and Izzy Moonbow." The orange Earth pony politely introduced herself and her friends, all while barely being able to suppress her excitement. "And I just wanna say... I'm a really, really big fan of your work! So meeting you all here and now is literally a dream come true for me!"

Twilight couldn't help but smile. "Thank you. Although, if you wanted to meet us, you could have simply asked or sent me a letter. I may be the ruler of Equestria now, but I do have some free time on occasion."

As the two pony groups were conversing, Anguirus and Jet Jaguar, both standing by the side of their respective pony group — the former with the Mane 6 and the latter with the Mane 5 — were staring at each other like two gunmen in a Mexican stand off, waiting for one of them to make the first move. Both of them were on the defensive, both ready to strike at the slightest indication of a threat from the other.

"Um... just to be clear, can I ask what year is it... um, princess?" Zipp asked hesitantly. She had a creeping feeling that this may not be the world they knew.

"Oh, it's the year 01 AT." The alicorn responded matter-of-factly, a little confused why these ponies would not know the year. "Why do you ask?"

Another wave of awkward silence fell upon the group of five ponies as they stared at the Mane 6 with shrunken pupils that were the size of pinpricks and wide gaping mouths, as if shocked by what the princess had told them. It was at this moment Sunny and her friends silently realized that when they fell into the sea and somehow emerged from a lake in the middle of the woods, they didn't simply relocate to another location... they had somehow relocated to another time: The time of the Guardians of Harmony!

At this point, Rainbow Dash moved to hover next to the princess and whispered, "No offense, Twilight, but I think these ponies need some help. I mean, I know we're famous and all, but they don't even know what year it is, and they're acting like they're not from around here."

Twilight herself also wondered that; these five ponies did not seem to know much about the current timeline, judging by their surprised reactions when she informed them about the year, it was almost as if they had been living under a rock and missed out her coronation and ascension to the throne of Equestria.

"Princess... We have a confession to make." Hitch suddenly said, piquing the Mane 6's interest.

"I know this is gonna sound really crazy — and I mean really crazy — but hear us out." Pipp said as she allowed Sunny to step forward.

"Guardians of Harmony... my friends and I are from the future." Sunny declared calmly and firmly.

Now it was the Mane 6's turn to be filled with shock and astonishment as they gasped out loud in disbelief. As soon as Sunny said this, however, Pinkie Pie's body suddenly started vibrating like a jackhammer yet again.

"Pinkie, what is it?" Fluttershy asked.

The pink Earth pony's body begins undergoing rapid and swift changes such as her head growing larger than her body for a split second before shrinking, followed by her mane and tail puffing up before her entire body inflates like a balloon and then deflates in a similar manner, returning the Pinkie Pie to normal. Once her body stopped undergoing these bizarre rapid changes, Pinkie stood still for a moment and then spoke. "That's it! That was the doozey!"

"You mean them being from the future?" Rainbow asked, pointing at the Mane 5, who were now staring at the pink Earth pony with shocked and even a bit disturbed expressions on their faces — minus Izzy, who was looking at her with childlike fascination.

"Yup!" Came the cheerful response of the pink pony.

"Wooow! You predicted that we were gonna meet today?" Izzy asked Pinkie in amazement.

"Double yup!" Pinkie happily declared. "I get different, little, niggly feelings and they mean different things. Like if my tail is twitching, it means to watch out for falling objects. And when my knee gets pinchy, that means something scary's about to happen."

"Oooo..." Izzy awed in fascination. "I wish I had my own little, niggly feelings that tell me what's gonna happen. But, oh well, you can't have everything." She shrugged. "Do all Earth ponies have the power to predict the future in this time?"

"Nope! Just me!" Pinkie cheerfully replied.

"Neat!" Izzy smiled.

"I know, right?"

"Umm... should we be worried about your friend or something?" Zipp, who was more than a little freaked out by Pinkie undergoing these bizarre transformations, couldn't help but ask. Pipp, Hitch, and Sunny were still somewhat disturbed by this, except Izzy was growing more excited.

Rarity turned to the white pegasus and smiled. "Don't worry about it, darling. Pinkie is just being herself."

"Hold on a second. If ya'll are from the future, how did ya get here and how far in the future did ya came from?" Applejack asked curiously.

Sunny bit her lower lip and looked down, unsure how the Guardians of Harmony will react to what she is about to tell them. "Well, to answer your first question — and to make a long story short — our town was attacked by flying creatures that we now call Rodans, and the water of the sea around our town started turning red. The Rodans attacked us and threw us into the water, where we were sucked into a whirlpool... and then, when we resurfaced, we found ourselves in a lake, in the middle of the woods. After walking through the woods for a little while, we met him." She pointed at the towering Jet Jaguar, who was silently staring at the Ankylosaurus and keeping his defensive posture. "His name is Jet Jaguar, and before you ask, we have no idea where he comes from or who made him. And also, he can't talk."

"Wait. You said the sea around your town turned red?" Twilight suddenly asked in a concerned tone, something that did not go unnoticed by Sunny and her friends.

"Yes..." Hitch hesitantly answered. "Do you know what's causing that?"

A growing sense of dread began filling the princess' body. At the time, another important piece of information from Sunny's story came to mind. "And these 'Rodans'... What do they look like, exactly?" The alicorn asked.

"Well, the look like giant lizard-birds. They don't have feathers, have membranous wings and long beaks. Oh, and they're also red in color." Zipp answered. "There's actually two species of Rodans; the first one was bigger but died for some unknown reason. The second ones are much smaller, but are a lot more numerous and more aggressive. Trust me when I say these things mean business." She shuddered as she recalled how she and her friends were attacked by the pterosaurs.

Judging by the seriousness and anxiety that was barely concealed in the princess' voice, Sunny and her friends could tell that this sudden phenomenon may not exclusive to their time. "Don't tell me these things are here, too." Hitch said in dread.

"Tell me, when did the water start turning red and when did the 'Rodans' start appearing?" Twilight asked, her voice filling with more worry and anxiety by the second, something Zipp mentally took note of.

"The first Rodan appeared around 11:45 PM just this morning. The sea started turning red almost an hour later, though." Sunny answered.

"That's about same time the water in my animal sanctuary also became red in color!" Fluttershy gasped in shock at the seeming coincidence.

"You have an animal sanctuary?" Hitch asked with interest.

"Hmmm... the water here turned red and the Rodan appeared in Maretime Bay around the same time..." Zipp whispered to herself in deep contemplation. "Interesting."

"One more question: did you happen to see giant sea serpents in the sea, or a giant red sea creature with spikes on its back hunting them?" Twilight asked.

"Oh, right! I completely forgot to mention the sea serpents!" Sunny slapped her hoof on her forehead at her forgetfulness and filing to mention that important phenomenon. "But we haven't seen any giant red monster with spikes on its back. Much less one that hunts the sea serpents."

"But we did see one of those giant sea serpents eat a Rodan!" Izzy exclaimed enthusiastically. "It was both scary and kind of cool at the same time."

"I almost got eaten by that same sea serpent, so for me, it was 100% on the scary side." Zipp muttered as she recalled her near-death experience before turning to the Mane 6, looking specifically at Twilight. "All of this tells me that you know what's going on."

With a heavy sigh, Twilight's ears flattened against her head as she looked at the five ponies sympathetically. "Unfortunately, yes. The water is becoming red due to the spreading of an anomalous substance that we discovered just recently. We call it Archetype, and the particles that comprise it are able to soak up magic, effectively robbing magical creatures of their abilities."

The Mane 5 gasped in shock and horror upon hearing this. At first, they merely thought of the substance turning the water red as an odd phenomenon that occurs naturally, if very rarely. But now hearing what this mysterious substance was truly capable of, they felt a sense of dread as an even bigger realization hit them.

"That explains why we can't use our magic after getting out of the lake." Zipp muttered, flapping her wings to try to get airborne to no avail. "We were exposed to the Archetype."

"But this still doesn't explain how you traveled back in time, or what connection the Rodans, the sea serpents, and that other creature have to the Archetype." Twilight pondered out loud.

"Wait. If this is the past, and if this substance is capable of doing such a thing, does this mean this is how magic in Equestria was lost in the first place?" Sunny asked curiously.

Sunny's question piqued Twilight and all of her friend's interest as they looked at her in surprise and confusion. "What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked curiously.

Now it was Sunny's turn to flatten her ears against her head and take a deep breath. "I guess I should start from the beginning..."

Canterlot; catacombs

Deep beneath Canterlot Castle, there exists a forgotten labyrinth of caverns that were filled with dark crystals. Long ago, these caverns were once home to greedy unicorns who wanted to claim the gems that could be found inside for themselves. But thanks to Princess Celestia and Luna's intervention, the greedy unicorns were arrested, the location was sealed off from the outside world, and its existence was kept a secret in order to prevent more thieves from trying to enter. However, four years ago, these forgotten caverns became the prison of Princess Cadance, who was imprisoned there by Queen Chrysalis, who took her place in order to feed off of Shining Armor's love and gradually weaken his spell in order to take over Canterlot, as well as Equestria. When Twilight Sparkle became suspicious of her 'foalsitter's' rude and demanding behavior, she, too, was imprisoned in the crystal caverns to prevent her from interfering with the changeling's plans.

Thankfully, Twilight and Cadance managed to escape the caverns, and confront Chrysalis. But thanks to feeding on Shining Armor's love, the evil changeling was powerful enough to initially defeat Celestia and capture the Mane Six. However, Cadance breaks the spell that Chrysalis placed on Shining Armor and strengthens his magic with her love. Their combined magical power and love repelled and threw Chrysalis and her minions out of Canterlot, and far away from Equestria.

About an year later, these catacombs were once again used as a prison by Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, and Tirek to imprison Twilight's friends, Discord, the former Princesses, and the Pillars. But once again, the heroes managed to find a way to escape and defeat their adversaries, this time for good.

Today, these catacombs remain hidden from the public eye and were once again sealed off from the outside worlds. There was not a single living creature that inhabited these forgotten caverns.

Which would soon turn out to be for the better.

With no logical explanation, and with nopony to witness it, a growing dense cloud of crimson dust suddenly manifested seemingly out of nothing and began spreading through the dark, crystal-filled tunnels of the catacombs. Engulfing everything in its path, the red dust spread far and wide, filling every corner that there was. Then, a deep, guttural growl came from inside the red haze and echoed through the empty cavern with no creature to hear it. From within the thick cloud of Archetype, a pair of white, pupiless eyes appeared, joined by an upward-curved horn that was poking out of the dust, just between the two eyes.

Whatever this mysterious creature was, it had only one thing on its mind: To breach the surface and spread the red dust outside.

Back in the woods, Twilight and her friends stood on the spot, staring at Sunny and her friends with looks of utter shock and horrid disbelief. They were completely silent, barely able to believe everything that Sunny and her friends had just told them. The apricot pony had a feeling that this would be their reaction. And how could it not? They had just learned that, in the future, not only will Equestria lose its magic, but the three pony tribes will once again become divided and blinded by fear and mistrust of each other, just like they were prior to the founding of Equestria. At one point, Twilight could have sworn she felt her heart skip a few beats as Sunny and her friends explained everything about their past lives and what had been happening in their time before they restored magic and united the three pony tribes.

"N-No. This... This can't be right! How could this have happened after everything we did for Equestria?" The princess asked, her mind racing with questions as to what kind of tragedy could have occurred to undo so much of her and her friends' hard work.

"Believe me, we wish we knew, Princess." Sunny said sadly. "Unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth ponies have been divided for as long as I can remember."

"But don't forget; we did unite the three pony tribes and have them be friends again, and brought back magic to Equestria!" Hitch said with a grin, hoping to ease uneasiness.

"Yes. And we're very happy that you did that." Twilight said with a smile. Of course, the Mane 5 wouldn't leave behind the fact that they also helped unite the three pony tribes, and by bringing three crystals together, restored magic back to Equestria. "However, I've never heard about these three magical crystals you brought together to help return magic." The alicorn pondered out loud.

"Maybe ya made 'em — or, will make 'em — at some point during your rule, Twilight." Applejack suggested.

"Hmmm. That's definitely a possibility." The princess acknowledged, rubbing her hoof against her chin in contemplation.

"But what about the Windigos?" Rainbow Dash suddenly asked.

In response to her question, Sunny and her friends gave the cyan pegasus puzzled looks. "...Windigos?" Zipp quirked an eyebrow.

"Yeah, you know. If ponies were, or will be, divided — Gosh. This time travel thing is so confusing — then the Windigos should have turned Equestria into a frozen wasteland."

Again, the Mane 5 looked at the cyan pegasus and her friends with even more confused looks.

"Umm... sorry to say, but none of us have the slightest clue of what a 'Windigo' is." Pipp said innocently.

This casual response surprised the Rainbow and her friends even more. The Windigos are the fierce winter spirits that feed off of the infighting and hatred between ponies to create blizzards and freezing weather. And if ponies will become separated by hatred and mistrust again, then surely they would manifest to transform Equestria into a frozen wasteland as they tried to do prior to the founding of Equestria and when the Legion of Doom (Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Chrysalis) once again turned the ponies against each other through their rumors and lies. But, at the same time, the Windigos were also responsible for inadvertently uniting the pony tribes in harmony in the first place, so why hadn't they manifested in Sunny's time when the ponies were again divided?

That was when a realization hit Twilight as she gasped: "It's probably because there was no magic." She said out loud, prompting both her friends and the Mane 5 to look at her in surprise. "The Windigos are made out of ancient magic, and if all magic somehow disappeared from Equestria like Sunny said, that would include them, as well. With the Windigos incapable of posing a threat anymore, overtime, the ponies likely saw no reason to stay united, and regressed to what they were like prior to the founding of Equestria: divided by hatred."

For Twilight and her friends, it was a truly terrifying thing to imagine, made worse by the fact that this scenario did/will in fact happen/happened. At the same time, it was also rather ironic to think that the absence of the Windigos would contribute to the three pony races becoming divided once again.

"I don't mean to sound rude..." Twilight and her friends turned back to Sunny and her friends. "But do you mind telling us what these 'Windigos' are?"

"We will. But let's head back to Ponyville, we'll talk about it there." Twilight said with a smile. "I'm sure you have as much questions for me as I have for you."

"Believe me, I do." Sunny said giddily, barely able to contain her excitement.

As the Mane 5 began approaching the Mane 6 to join them on their way to Ponyville, Anguirus suddenly began vibrating his spikes, causing his body to be engulfed in a bright aura. Sunny and her friends immediately stopped when the kaiju did this, and stared at him in surprise and confusion. But before anypony could utter a word or explain what was happening, Jet Jaguar suddenly ran past the Mane 5 and tackled Anguirus, wrapping his long arms around the Ankylosaurus' head. With a loud roar, the armored dinosaur thrashed his head around violently and forced the robot off of him, sending him flying and then crashing on the ground.

"Jet Jaguar, stop!" Sunny cried out.

As Jet Jaguar got up, he saw the now-enraged Anguirus charging at him with his jaws wide open. When the dinosaur came close enough and prepared to clamp his powerful jaws on the robot, Jet Jaguar threw a right hook punch, striking the side of the kaiju's head, followed by a left hook to the other side. Although painful, the punches mostly enraged Anguirus further, who responded by spinning his body around and sending the robot flying with a powerful swing from his clubbed tail. Jet Jaguar bounced across the ground several times before coming to an abrupt stop, landing on his back. As he attempted to get up, Anguirus quickly raced over to him and pinned the robot on the ground by placing his right foreleg on his chest. Jet Jaguar responded by immediately grabbing Anguirus' throat with his right arm and began to squeeze hard. The Ankylosaurus couldn't roar in pain due to his larynx being tightly compressed, so he instead responded by putting more pressure on the robot's chest via his leg.

Now it was a question if Jet Jaguar's chest will break first or if Anguirus will pass out from being choked. However, before either of them could expire...


Two feminine voices prompted both Jet Jaguar and Anguirus to cease their struggle, and turn to see the Mane 6 and Mane 5 looking at them in anger, shock and concern.

"Anguirus! Get off of him this instant!" Fluttershy scolded harshly, which was extremely rare for her to do. Complying with her demand, Anguirus removed his leg from Jet Jaguar (who, in turn, released his grip from the former's throat), and stepped away from the robot, allowing Jet Jaguar to get up.

"You, too, Jet Jaguar!" Now was Sunny's turn to scold their robot companion. "What were you thinking attacking him like that?"

Jet Jaguar tried to respond with a series of hand movements, which didn't help explain his reason for suddenly attacking the kaiju, and only made the ponies more confused.

"I think I know what he's trying to tell us." Twilight suddenly said as she stepped towards the tall robot and looked up at him, "You thought Anguirus was going to attack your friends, didn't you?"

Jet Jaguar nodded.

"Oh..." Sunny flattened her ears against her head in guilt and shame. She just scolded him for trying to defend them.

"Don't worry. Anguirus wasn't going to hurt anypony." The Princess assured him with a soft smile. "In fact, he was making sure that you and your friends weren't a threat."

"No offense, but how's moving those spikes on his back making sure we're not a threat?" Zipp asked in genuine confusion. "Not that we are, mind you."

"Well, 'bout 'n hour ago, we found out the hard way that the big fella here can somehow see the future by vibratin' those spikes." Applejack explained.

"Kind of like my Pinkie Sense! But he can activate his power whenever he wants!" Pinkie chimed in.

Sunny and her friends were amazed and awed upon hearing this as they looked at the Ankylosaur in astonishment, fascinated that this creature was capable of such a feat. That also begged the question: Just what kind of creature was Anguirus? Even Argyle, who was an expert researcher on Equestria's forgotten past, never mentioned a creature like this. So many questions that need answering — but said answering will have to wait.

"Jet Jaguar, I think you owe Anguirus an apology." Sunny said to the tall robot while gesturing with her hoof to go and apologize.

Jet Jaguar looked at Sunny and then at the Ankylosaur, who maintained his defensive posture. Although hesitant, the robot complied with the pony's request and slowly approached the dinosaur. Once he was close enough, Jet Jaguar extended his right arm to the armored kaiju. Confused by this, Anguirus turned to Fluttershy, who nodded at him to accept the robot's apology. Reluctantly, the Ankylosaurus approached and sniffed the robot's extended hand before placing his head underneath said hand, allowing Jet Jaguar to gently pet him.

The Mane 6 and Mane 5 smiled at the surprisingly adorable scene. Who knew that seeing a tall robot petting a scary-looking dinosaur would be so touching?

"Okay, that's pretty cute." Zipp Storm admitted with a smile.

"I wish my phone was still working so I can take a picture of this." Pipp muttered in disappointment.

"Wait. Did you say 'phone'?" Twilight suddenly looked at the pegasus princess in surprise the moment she mentioned said device.

"Well, yeah." Pipp said matter-of-factly, pulling out and showing her mobile phone to the alicorn princess. "Unfortunately, it short-circuited when we fell into the water. Don't tell me you still haven't invented phones yet?"

Twilight stared at the mobile phone in awe and fascination. She was already aware of these devices and how they worked thanks to her time in the human world, where they were an every-day norm along with other advanced technologies that, for the most part, Equestria lacked. Now hearing that ponies will invent such advanced technology in the future filled her with amazement and pride.

"So that's what a phone looks like?" Pinkie chimed in, observing Pipp's mobile phone curiously.

"Huh. So ponies really haven't invented phones around this time." Hitch raised an eyebrow of surprise.

"Twilight did tell use about them when she was in the human world, but we've never actually seen what they look like in real life." Rarity explained, equally-curious about the device Pipp held.

" 'The human world'?" Zipp quirked another eyebrow of curiosity.

"It's a long story. We both have a lot of questions for each other," Twilight chuckled. "But let's save them for when we get to Ponyville."

"Okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie and Izzy happily said in unison.

Now that the misunderstanding between Jet Jaguar and Anguirus has been settled, the two pony groups and their giant companions began heading for Ponyville.

School of Friendship

Starlight Glimmer was currently in the Teachers' Lounge. She was busy writing down some important documents when she heard a sudden knock on the doors, she said "Come in." Opening one of the doors, Smolder, Yona, Silverstream, Sandbar, Gallus, and Ocellus entered the room.

"Oh, hey guys!" Starlight smiled. "What brings you here?"

"We just want to inform you that school's almost over." Sandbar said.

"So we're planning on heading to our treehouse to do our homework." Ocellus said.

"I'm not sure if that's such a good idea," Starlight said worriedly. "Twilight said that there's a substance in the water called Archetype that's capable of stealing the magic from creatures, and that it's apparently spreading. Not to mention the recent occurrence of mysterious flying creatures that have been spotted across most of Equestria."

"Yeah, we know about that," Gallus assured her. "But we're not gonna go anywhere near the water."

"Plus, there's nothing that indicates that those creatures are dangerous." Silverstream added.

The unicorn pondered this; the students certainly made some pretty valid points. "Well, as long as you don't touch the water and don't provoke the creatures, I suppose it'd be safe for you to do your homework in your treehouse." Starlight said hesitantly. "But on the off chance you get attacked or hurt, immediately return to your respective kingdom and tell them to be on-guard."

"Got it." Smolder nodded. "Tough, I doubt we'll be in any danger." She said confidently.

"Yona not scared of red water, because Yona has no magic!" Yona exclaimed happily and proudly.

"That's convenient." Gallus couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Well, have fun, then." With that, Starlight smiled and waved her students goodbye as they turned and left the Teachers' Lounge, closing the door behind them. "I hope you'll be alright." She murmured to herself after the students left. She could only hope that Twilight and her friends have already found a solution to this new problem, and stop the Archetype before it is too late.

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed the meeting between the Mane Six and Mane Five. The next chapter will have them interacting more, so stay tuned.