• Published 5th Jul 2022
  • 1,299 Views, 39 Comments

Equestria: Singular Point - lazejovanov

Through unusual circumstances, the Mane Six and the Mane Five meet each other and band together to face down a hopeless future.

  • ...

The precognitive monster

Equestria; Present time

Twilight, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie arrived in Ponyville as quickly as they could. Already, they saw several ponies screaming in terror and fleeing from a certain direction, which gave them a clue of where the trouble was currently at. After galloping deeper into town, the three ponies finally came face-to-face with the terrifying scene: Anguirus , having just smashed though the wall of Sugarcube Corner, emerged from the building and was holding a terrified Mrs. Cake by her tail in his jaws, as she was dangled helplessly and screaming in terror.

"What in Equestria is that thing?" Twilight asked, looking at the armored kaiju in a mixture of shock and fascination despite the terrifying circumstances. She turned to the yellow pegasus. "Fluttershy, have you seen anything like this?"

"N-No." Came the frightened reply of Fluttershy as she stared at the beast in awe. "I've never seen a creature quite like this before."

"Well, whatever it is, we need to stop it before-" Twilight stopped mid-sentence when she spotted something on the kaiju's body. At the tip of his long tail, she spotted a familiar Stetson hat embedded on one of the spikes protruding from the creature's tail club. Upon closer observation, the princess recognized it as Applejack's hat. "That's Applejack's hat!" She exclaimed.

Indeed, both Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy also noticed it, and immediately became alarmed upon seeing said hat. At that moment, the three ponies remembered that Applejack and Rarity signed up to chaperone Cheerilee and her class when they went on a nature hike through the Everfree Forest. A horrifying possibility came to mind. Applejack would never intentionally leave her hat behind, and if this creature has her hat, then that could mean either a wind blew it, an animal stole it, or it could mean...

Twilight immediately banished the horrifying possibility from her mind and wasted no time in firing a purple beam of magic, striking the kaiju squarely in the face and prompting him to drop Mrs. Cake, who immediately ran off in terror. Irritated by the attack, Anguirus growled and glared at the purple alicorn, who shot back a fierce glare of her own.

"What have you done to our friend, Applejack?!" Twilight demanded, her horn lightning up as she prepared another spell. It was unusual to see the alicorn princess fly into a rage so suddenly; but if the worst possible scenario happened, and if this creature did indeed hurt their friend, or possibly worse, then Twilight will not hesitate to use her full power on the beast.

Anguirus responded with a loud roar that sounded similar to the horn of a train, which was followed by the spikes on the monster's back vibrating rapidly, seemingly producing a transparent, asymmetrical force-field around his body. Twilight and her friends watched the kaiju preform this unusual move in puzzlement, unsure of what it was doing. Then, with another angry roar, Anguirus suddenly begins charging at the three ponies with speed that belies his large size. Responding to this, Twilight aimed her horn at the charging kaiju and fired three blasts of magic, only for the creature to dodge each and every one them by suddenly jumping to the right, then to the left, and even jumping over the last purple beam. The princess' anger gave way to astonishment as she and her friends watched the beast flawless dodged all of her spells without any visible effort. The trio did not have much time to contemplate this as Anguirus was closing in on them fast.

"Scatter!" Twilight cried out before she and her friends dispersed in different directions; with the princess herself taking to the air, Fluttershy jumping to the left, and Pinkie Pie to the right. His spikes still vibrating, Anguirus quickly jumped to the side to avoid another stray blast from Twilight who now hovering in the air. "How is this creature able to predict my attacks?" She asked herself, baffled by how the armored kaiju continues to flawlessly evade her spells.

Figuring that blasting the beast with offensive spells won't work, Twilight decides to use her magic to instead telekinetically restrain the creature. However, just as she was about to do that, she noticed that the kaiju's spikes have started vibrating again. As she watched this, the princess' eyes widened as a possible realization came to mind. Could the vibration of those spikes somehow allow this creature to predict the future? She didn't have too long to think as Anguirus, having spotted a nearby barrel, swung his tail at the object and flung it in the air like a football. straight at the hovering pony. The princess was completely caught off-guard and subsequently struck by the full-force of the flying barrel, which shattered to pieces upon impacting the alicorn. The object hit her with such force that it knocked Twilight out cold in an instant. Now unconscious, the alicorn began plummeting to the ground.

"Twilight!" Pinkie cried out and started galloping as fast as she could towards her falling friend. Pulling out a blue-colored balloon from her mane, Pinkie quickly blew the balloon up and contorted it to make a trampoline out of said balloon, a trick she learned from Party Favor. She quickly placed the balloon-trampoline on the spot where she predicted Twilight will land, thanks to her tail twitching due to her Pinkie Sense. Sure enough, the princess fell directly on the balloon-made trampoline, and bounced back up before landing in Pinkie's hooves. "I got you, Twilight!" The pink pony exclaimed happily.

At that moment, a large shadow was cast over them, prompting the party-planner to look up and see the still-infuriated Anguirus looming over them, glaring daggers at the two ponies; mostly at the unconscious alicorn.

"Oh, dear." Pinkie gulped in fright as her ears flattened against her head.



Farther away from Ponyville, located on a northeastern island outside the borders of the Equestrian mainland, resides a metropolitan city known as Manehattan; one of the most populated places in the land. It was a relatively normal and peaceful day in Manehattan, with ponies casually roaming the streets, going about their daily business, as the day was sunny and clear with not a cloud to be seen anywhere. It would be hard to imagine for this beautiful day to suddenly turn for the worst... but little did the ponies who resided in the city knew, that was exactly what was about to happen.


An Earth pony mare who went by the name Coco Pommel was now the manager of her own boutique. At the moment, Coco was busy sewing fashionable dresses with her sewing machine. It was mostly a uneventful day, and Coco was considering on visiting Ponyville to meet up with Rarity after her work was done here. Sitting next to a window that gave her clear view of the outside city, she continued her work... until a quick blur suddenly passes by the window, startling her slightly. Coco looked out the window, but saw nothing out of the ordinary.

"Hm. Must have been a bird." Coco shrugged and resumed her work.

Less than a minute later, two more blurs passed, and again, the Earth pony saw nothing outside. She was honestly beginning to think that her mind was starting to play tricks on her due to having so much work on her hooves. "Maybe I should start taking longer breaks." She said to herself and tried to ignore the 'mind tricks' as she again resumed her work.

Eventually, after nearly another minute, instead of seemingly seeing something that may or may not be there, Coco heard the unmistakable sound of... something coming from outside. Looking out the window, Coco's eyes widened when she saw something she never expected to see. A strange bird-like creature with a long, stork-like beak, membranous wings, and two backward-facing horns on its head was perched on the roof of a slightly smaller building, right next to the one she was in. Coco Pommel was no animal expert, but she did know a good deal of creature like phoenixes, dragons, griffons, hippogriffs, and manticores. But this didn't resemble like any creature she knows or has heard of.

"I should ask Rarity's friend, Fluttershy, about this." Coco noted to herself as she observed the bird-like creature in curiosity.

Just then, another creature of the same species flew past the window, quickly making the Earth pony realize that her mind was not playing tricks on her, and that she was indeed seeing something — and she now knew what. However, this odd and interesting sight soon turned into a slightly concerning one as Coco saw more and more of these strange reptilian birds flying in the skies over Manehattan. There must be hundreds, if not thousands of these flying creatures that now occupied the blue skies of the metropolitan city. What was perhaps even more strange was the fact that these flying reptiles also appeared to be leaving behind trails of some kind red dust as they were flew. Ponies all over Manehattan ceased their daily activities and turned their attention to the sky to observe the unusual phenomenon in shock and disbelief; cab drivers stopped on the spot, shopkeepers emerged from their shops, and tourists started taking pictures of the mysterious creatures.

As unusual and terrifying as this phenomenon was, the ponies who had the unfortunate view of seeing the entirety of Manehattan — whether they were on top of the Statue of Liberty, riding on an air ship or happen to be a pegasus, sailing the sea on a boat, or simply had a good view of the horizon due to living in some of the taller buildings — were in the process of witnessing a far more terrifying sight. The seawater that surrounded the entirety of Manehattan was crimson red, and even worse, the changed water also appeared to be emitting some kind of crimson mist or dust, which grew and expanded perpetually. A few ponies even went as far as to deliberately cause minor physical pain to themselves, hoping that this is a dream and that the pain will release them from it, only to be proven wrong when nothing changed, showing beyond any form of doubt that this is in fact reality, and that this is indeed happening.


Mount Aris/Seaquestria

In the opposite direction of Manehattan, located southeast outside the borders of Equestria altogether, resides the Kingdom of the hippogriffs, known as Mount Aris. Here, the hippogriffs were living a life of peace and prosperity. Thanks to the defeat of the Storm King at the hands of Twilight Sparkle and her friends, Queen Novo split up the Pearl of Transformation into hundreds of fragments and distributed them among her subjects. This allowed them to transform between hippogriffs and seaponies at will, thus allowing them to live in both Mount Aris and the underwater kingdom, Seaquestria.


"I'm off to go see the whales, mom." Terramar told his mother.

"Alright, but just remember not to be late for dinner. Okay?" His mother, Ocean Flow, said as she set the dishes on the table.

"I'll keep that in mind." Terramar said before he exited the house.

Following the Storm King's defeat, the Mount Aris capital city of Hippogriffia was restored to its former glory, and so, half of the population decided to live there, including Terramar's father, Sky Beak, while the other half continued to live in Seaquestria, which is where Terramar currently was. For the longest time, Terramar wasn't sure whether to live with his father on Mount Aris or with his mother in Seaquestria. This indecisiveness almost lead him to abandoning both Mount Aris and Seaquestria in fear of disappointing on parent or the other should he choose to live with one of them in one place. But thanks to the efforts of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and some pep talk from his parents, Terramar ultimately decided to live with both parents by continuing to go back and forth between Mount Aris and Seaquestria as he pleases.

Having transformed himself into a seapony, Terramar swam farther away from the Seaquestria due to the water there being too shallow for large whales to swim in. He remembered an incident that happened about 2 years ago, when a young whale ventured a little too close to Seaquestria, and accidentally stranded herself in the shallow water. Thankfully, with the assistance from Twilight and her magic, the seaponies were able to push the whale back into deeper water, where she reunited with her pod. Arriving at the drop-off that chasms down into deeper and darker water, Terramar stopped near the edge of the underwater cliff and watched intently at the pelagic zone, knowing that this is where whales usually gather. But after waiting nearly 4 minutes, nothing seemed to come. In fact, come to think of it, the seapony didn't see any marine creatures in this area. No crustaceans, no fish, no jellyfish, no shellfish, no cephalopods, no dolphins or sharks; nothing.

"That's odd. This area is usually full of sea creatures." Terramar said to himself. This whole area just seemed... empty and silent.

Then, out of the (literal) blue, the seapony spotted movement within the open ocean area. Swimming a little closer to get a better look, Terramar's eyes widened when he saw something massive appear before his very eyes — and it wasn't a whale. What emerged from the vastness of the open ocean was a gigantic creature that resembled a cross between a whale and a lizard. Possessing an elongated body with red skin and a beige underbelly, the creature had two pairs of whale-like flippers that were adorned with several claws; the first pair appeared to be its forelimbs and the second pair were its hind limbs. It's head looked similar to that of a crocodile, with two antenna located on the top, orange-colored fins protruding from either cheek, and a single larger fin sitting atop the head between the antenna. The creature also possessed many dorsal spikes shaped like maple leaves protruding from its back, and a very long tail which terminated in a whale-like tail fluke that it used to swim in a manner similar to a cetacean.

Terramar was at a loss for words, not just at the presence of the creature, but also its size. This thing, whatever it was, was positively enormous. Its head alone was nearly the size of the some of the biggest whales he's seen. Yet, as awe-inspiring and jaw-dropping as the beast's size was, what was even more bizarre and frightening was the substance its body appeared to be producing. A dense cloud of red dust was being expelled in large amounts from the creature's skin as it swam, leaving a behind a trail of redness in its wake. Terramar compared it to an octopus or squid squirting ink — if the ink in question was red instead of black, and the cephalopod was able to produce it perpetually without ever stopping. The seapony was so distracted by his mind processing what he was seeing that he didn't even notice that the sea monster had turned its head in his direction and was looking directly at him. His body tensed up and he instinctively swam back a couple of feet. He didn't need to be a genius to know that this creature was far too big to enter the shallow waters, let alone Seaquestria. Still, that didn't make him feel any less easy. And the way the beast was staring at him certainly didn't help. Terramar couldn't help but wonder what was on the sea monster's mind. Was it considering on attacking him?

The sea monster continued to stare at him for roughly a minute or two before ultimate shifting its attention away from the seapony, and turned north. Flexing its enormous tail up and down, the Mosasaur-like creature began swimming toward its chosen direction, leaving behind a trail of the crimson cloud in its wake. Terramar continued to watch as the beast slowly disappeared into the redness that it created, his mind racing with questions of what he just witnessed.



"What is going on out here?" Mr. Cake cried out as he exited Sugarcube Corner qia the large hole Anguirus made, with Pound and Pumpkin on his back. That was when they saw the colossal quadruped standing not too far from their building. "What in the name of Equestria is that?!" Mr. Cake asked out loud, which prompted the beast to turn its head and look at him. The sight of this frightening monster gazing at him prompted the stallion to turn and gallop away from it as fast as he could.

Seeing the yellow stallion fleeing from him, the armored kaiju shifted his attention back at the two ponies that were before him.

Having knocked his attacker unconscious and now at his mercy, Anguirus raised himself onto his hind legs and prepared to bring his front legs down upon the two ponies before him. Pinkie, refusing to leave Twilight to perish, placed herself in front of her unconscious friend protectively and shut her eyes tightly. In the distance, Fluttershy could only scream out at the monster "Stop! Don't hurt them!" but her cries fell on deaf ears as the kaiju brought his front legs down. Suddenly, right before Anguirus' clawed feet could smash down on Twilight and Pinkie Pie, a rainbow-colored streak flashed by, temporarily blocking the two ponies from view — but that didn't stop the armored kaiju from thrusting his front legs through it and stomping down with the full weight of his body. However, when the multicolored streak faded, Anguirus was surprised to discover that his targets had disappeared, and his legs simply sank into the dirt harmlessly.

"You guys okay?"

Anguirus heard an unfamiliar voice, prompting him to turn to the source and see a cyan pegasus pony with a rainbow-colored mane and tail, hovering in midair several meters away. What's more, Pinkie and the still-unconscious Twilight were also present with her. Somehow, they had disappeared and reappeared in the blink of an eye. The kaiju's amber eyes widened as he distinctly remembered seeing a rainbow-colored blur before his helpless prey disappeared. That flying pony must have been the one who saved them.

Pinkie opened one eye and stirred around before opening both. Realizing that she and Twilight were still alive and safely out of harm's way for the moment, she quickly jumped up and hugged the rainbow-maned pegasus. "Oh, thank you, Rainbow Dash! You're a life-saver! We could have ended up flattened like pancakes, but luckily we didn't!"

"Yup. That's what I do!" Rainbow proudly boasted, puffing up her chest.

"Oh, thank goodness you're alright!" Both ponies turned to see Fluttershy galloping towards them before coming to a halt, breathing a sigh of relief. The three ponies were then startled by a loud growl, and turned to see Anguirus glaring at them menacingly, pawing at the ground.

Rainbow Dash immediately got into fighting position. "What is that thing? And why's it attacking you?" She asked while not taking her eyes off the armored kaiju.

"We don't know. Twilight, Pinkie, and me heard a loud cry from Ponyville and got here as fast as we could. When we arrived, we saw that creature attacking Sugarcube Corner. Twilight tried to stop it with her magic, but... it seemed to be able to predict her moves." Fluttershy quickly explained.

" 'Predict her moves'?" Rainbow repeated, rising an eyebrow of confusion by what her friend meant by that.

The ponies shifted their attention back at the armored kaiju as it let out another loud, train-like roar.

"What's it saying, Fluttershy?" Pinkie asked, hoping her animal-expert friend can tame the creature like she did with the Manticore and Cerberus.

"I... I don't know." Came the meek response from their friend who stared at the angry kaiju with a mixture of fear and curiosity. "I've never seen a creature like this before, so I honestly don't know what he's saying."

"Well, maybe if we beat some sense into him, he'll calm down!" Rainbow exclaimed, smashing her front hooves together.

"We also think he might've hurt Applejack." Pinkie Pie worriedly added.

"Applejack?" In an instant, the pegasus' eyes widened as she examined the kaiju more closely, before she spotted their friend's unmistakable hat stuck on Anguirus' spiked tail club, at which point her eyes widened even more while her pupils shrunk. "Did that thing...?" Rainbow was unable to even finish her sentence due to her mind struggling to deny the horrifying possibility.

"Let's not jump to conclusions." Fluttershy quickly chimed in, trying to remain positive. "We don't know for sure if that's Applejack's hat. They're many hats like it all over Ponyville."

"I recognize Applejack's hat anywhere. And that's definitely it." Pinkie assured her without a shred of doubt in her voice.

The three friends now began fearing the worst and even almost felt like giving into despair. Rainbow Dash, however, narrowed her eyes at the armored kaiju, anger overcoming her initial thoughts of horror. If this monster truly had hurt their beloved friend, she will make sure that it pays, one way or another. Anguirus once again began vibrating his spikes, causing a bright aura to appear and seemingly envelop his large body. Having seen the monster do this several times by now, Pinkie and Fluttershy tensed up and got a bad feeling, but Rainbow, due to her rage-induced state, shot straight at the imposing kaiju like a rocket.

"Rainbow, don't!" Fluttershy cried out in vain.

Anguirus, meanwhile, simply stood his ground and watched calmly as the speeding pegasus covered the distance between them in an instant, before she spun her body around to deliver a flying kick to his face. But right before her hoof could connect, Anguirus suddenly jumped seven feet up in the air. Time seemed to slow down as Rainbow Dash found herself looking up in shock and disbelief by the fact that not only did the kaiju evade her kick but was now also in a perfect position to counterattack as gravity started pulling the massive beast back to the ground, directly on the cyan pony.

Rainbow didn't have time to steer herself to safety, to move to the side or even slightly forward before the monster's massive foreleg could come down and crush her into pulp. The usually proud pegasus could only stare in shock and desperation as she watched Anguirus' foot coming at her faster than she had time to flap her wings. However, as the kaiju's foot was inches from her muzzle, Rainbow's entire body became engulfed in a light-purple aura before the cyan pegasus seemingly popped out of existence. Time returned to normal, and Anguirus landed on the ground, producing a shockwave when his massive body slammed against the ground with incredible force, kicking up a large dust cloud in the process. When the dust settled, the kaiju lifted his foreleg to find nothing but a large hole.

"Thanks, Twilight."

The beast turned to the source of the voice and saw the purple alicorn now conscious and back on her hooves, with the rainbow-colored pegasus by her side.

"Don't mention it." Twilight gave her friend a brief smile before said smile shifted to a frown as she turned to the armored kaiju, who narrowed his eyes at her.

"That thing almost squashed me like a bug." Rainbow said, still shaken from nearly being crushed. "And he knew exactly how to react when I tried to kick him."

"It's almost like he can predict the future." Fluttershy said, having seen the kaiju in action for long enough to come to this reasonable assumption.

"Or maybe he can directly see it." Twilight suddenly said, prompting her friends to look at her in surprise. "Have you noticed that every time we try to attack him, the spikes on his back vibrate, and when we attack, he manages to counter our attacks. What if vibrating those spikes somehow allow this creature to see the future?"

"You mean kind of like my Pinkie Sense?" The pink Earth pony asked in fascination.

"Yes. Except this creature seems to be able to activate its ability at will, similar to how I use my magic." Twilight concluded.

The ability to peer into the future is something that is surprisingly rare in Equestria. Sure, there are many weird and crazy powers that Twilight and her friends have seen and experienced during their many adventures, like a cockatrice's ability to turn creatures into stone via eye-contact. But a living creature possessing the capability to directly see the future whenever it wants that allows it to counter any and all threats was something even Twilight's didn't thought possible (excluding Pinkie Pie's Pinkie Sense, which she learned not to question).

"How do we fight something that knows everything we're going to do before we do it?" Rainbow asked.

"Um, we could always try peacefully reasoning with him." Fluttershy meekly suggests.

"No way! That monster hurt Applejack! And-"

"What in d' hay is goin' on 'round here?"

The cyan pegasus' sentence was cut short when she and her friends heard the all-too familiar voice of their friend call out.

The owner of said voice and her friend emerged from behind a house, twenty meters from where Anguirus was. Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rainbow felt relief wash over them as the sight of the unharmed Applejack (barring her hat) and Rarity caused the tension that was in their bodies to finally release. "Applejack! You're okay!" The pink Earth pony shouted in excitement and relief.

"Of course she is, darling. Why wouldn't-" Rarity stopped mid-sentence once she and Applejack spotted the same armored kaiju they encountered in the Everfree Forest, now in the middle of Ponyville. Anguirus looked over his shoulder and saw the two ponies he encountered not too long ago. "It's that beast again!" The white unicorn cried out.

"And it's got mah' hat!" Applejack added, quickly spotting her beloved hat on the monster's spiked tail club.

Anguirus roared loudly and began vibrating his spikes again. Rarity's horn lightened up and Applejack prepared to go on the defensive should the beast try to attack them or their friends, but both immediately halted when Twilight Sparkle shouted "Stop!", prompting them to immediately cease. The kaiju, meanwhile, continued vibrating his spikes and looking at the ponies cautiously before his eyes landed on Fluttershy, who began to cautiously approach him. The pegasus had a calm yet sympathetic look on her face as she approached the wary kaiju. Eventually, Anguirus ceased vibrating his spikes altogether and his eyes widened, seemingly in surprise. Once she walked up to the towering kaiju, Fluttershy gently nuzzled his snout, which seemed to calm the creature even more.

"Way to go, Fluttershy!" Applejack cheered, happy to see her friend managing to tame yet another beast. Anguirus then gently lowered his tail to the ground, and wagged it a little, signalling to the farm pony behind him to come and take her hat. After a bit of hesitation, Applejack cautiously approached the kaiju and quickly snatched her Stetson hat before placing it on her head.

With the whole situation now resoled, the six ponies came together and embraced each other in a group hug, not only because of the fact that their friend was safe and sound, but being together right now after spending so much time apart due to tending to their different lives filled the six friends with nostalgia. Some may call it a coincidence, but Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy believe this reunion to be the result of fate. Regardless of the reason, the Mane Six were all filled with euphoria to be reunited once again.

"Oh, it's so good to see you all again!" Twilight exclaimed happily as she and her friends finished their group hug.

"Heh! I'll say!" Applejack smiled.

"I've always dreamed of a moment like this." Rarity said.

"So have I." Fluttershy nodded.

"I think we all have." Rainbow Dash smirked.

"And how!?" Pinkie added cheerfully.

"Well, you did say that a doozy was gonna happen, Pinkie, and, well, this day has been quite the doozy one." Twilight smiled. Encountering a creature that can see the future that subsequently lead to her, Pinkie, and Fluttershy reuniting with their friends was definitely a day and experience that they will not soon forget. As she thought of this, Twilight turned to Applejack. "Say, Applejack, why was your hat stuck on that creature's tail in the first place?" She asked, pointing at Anguirus, who hasn't moved from the spot and only stared at the six ponies curiously, all anger and aggression having disappeared.

"Ya'll remember how Rarity and I agreed to go on a hike to watch over Cheerilee's class?" She asked, to which her friends (except Rarity) nodded. "Well, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo ran off into the Everfree Forest, so Rarity told Cheerilee to return to Ponyille while we go find them. But when we found 'em, Apple Bloom was literally fact-to-face with the creature. I got scared, and thought it was gonna to hurt her... so I attacked it first." The farm pony explained, guilt swelling up inside her as she recalled this. "After it managed to dodge my kick, it tried to attack me with its tail, but I managed to dodge it. I' didn't realize the tail hit mah' hat before it ran off and disappeared."

"You're hat must have gotten stuck on his tail, and when we saw it, we thought he hurt you, or worse." Twilight's ears flattened against her head in remorse, realizing that she unjustly attacked a creature that meant them no harm. The same want for Rainbow Dash, who also felt guilty about recklessly attacking the kaiju under the assumption that he hurt Applejack.

"I think he was trying to tell use that he didn't hurt anypony, but I couldn't understand his language." Fluttershy lowered her head in remorse.

"Although, he did attack Mrs. Cake when you, Twilight, and me arrived." Pinkie pointed out.

"Well, actually, deary, I sort of threw a pepper shaker at him when I saw him eating my cakes before you arrived." Mrs. Cake, who was hiding behind a nearby barrel, suddenly explained.

All of the sudden, a puff of smoke appeared before Twilight's face before it condensed, and in a flash of light, transformed into letter. Using her magic, the princess began reading said letter. After reading it, Twilight's face turned into a mix of shock, dread, and horror as a loud gasp escaped her lips.

"What is it, Twilight?" Applejack asked, getting an uneasy feeling when she saw her friend like this.

"The water around Manehattan and Mount Aris, as well as Seaquestria, has mysteriously started chaining color and becoming red! Also, there are apparently some kind of bird-like creatures flying around in Manehattan, and a giant sea monster was allegedly spotted swimming near Seaquestria!" The princess quickly explained, earning shocked gasps from her friends. "In fact, reports are saying that the Celestial Sea as a whole is slowly turning red in color!"

"No! Not red! Why does it have to be the color red~!" Pinkie exclaimed dramatically.

"This could only mean one thing:" The Princess of Friendship gulped with dread as she realized that the worst case scenario was already happening as she speaks. "The Archetype is spreading!"

Equestria; 4,000 Years into the Future

Sunny, Hitch, Izzy, Pipp, and Zipp, along with Queen Haven and Alphabittle, as well as the other ponies were standing by the cliffed coast of Maretime Bay, watching with horror and disbelief as the nightmarish scenario was unfolding before their eyes. Everything had happened so suddenly and without warning; a strange, bird-like creature arrived in Maretime Bay, attacked several ponies, and, after being temporarily defeated, suddenly died. Nearly an hour after the creature's demise, the once beautiful seaside view changed into an eldritch environment as the seawater around the coast of Maretime Bay turned crimson with no explanation. What's more, as the ponies were staring at the frothing red sea, giant sea serpents, the likes of which no pony had ever seen before, started rearing up out of the scarlet surface every now and then. The atmosphere had gone deathly silent, with only the waves below making any noise; the air itself was windless and still.

The silence was finally broken when froths started forming on red surface of the transformed sea. Sunny and her friends immediately thought it was gonna be one of those huge sea serpents that recently started appearing rise up. However, instead of a Manda, what emerged from the red water was a winged, bird-like creature that quickly flew out of the crimson sea and towards the sky. Almost all the ponies instantly recognized it as the same species as creature that attacked them an hour ago.

"Look! It's another flying bird monster!" Pipp cried out, watching as red water rained down from the Pterosaur who flew higher and higher.

"Looks a little different, though." Izzy suddenly inquired, prompting her friends to look at her in confusion.

"What do you mean, Izzy?" Hitch asked curiously.

"Well, doesn't it seem a little smaller than the first one that attacked us?" She asked, prompting the ponies around her to look at the Rodan more closely, and, sure enough, they also spotted the difference.

"You're right. It is different from the last one that attacked us." Sunny said.

In addition to being smaller than the previous one, this Rodan's body was dark brown in color, with beige-white blotch patterns on its back and a red dewlap underneath its neck. As oppose to the previous Rodan's upward-curved beak, this Rodan's beak was straight like that of a stork, with no visible teeth. The scaly parts on the upper mandible were narrow and red-colored, running towards the creature's eyes. Another dissimilarity from the previous specimen was the fact that this Rodan's tail was extremely short. Finally, instead of the single, backward-facing crest that was present on its counterpart's head, this Rodan had two backward-facing horns. The only feature it shared with its counterpart were the spikes located on the chest.

"Oh, relax." Hitch suddenly said. "There's just one of it and countless of us. We're totally prepared to take it on this time!"

While a statement like this would normally inspire confidence in the ponies, this wasn't the case. And it got worse when Zipp saw something that made her face change to silent horror. "I think you might wanna a count again, sheriff." She gulped and pointed towards the crimson sea.

The anxiety the ponies were experiencing grew and intensified as countless more Rodans like this one suddenly started rising from the crimson sea and taking to the air. Likely numbering in the hundreds, and still growing, the flock of Rodans turned and began flying towards the mainland — towards Maretime Bay. Sunny and her friends watched in horror as the flying reptiles headed in their direction, letting out loud screeches and shrieks. In her mind, Sunny silently began praying to the Guardians of Friendship, hoping that they will get out of this nightmare alive.

Author's Note:

Godzilla has finally appeared in the story, ladies and gentlemen, even if it was just a small cameo in his Aquatilis form. But don't worry, Godzilla will start becoming more active as the story progresses.