• Published 10th May 2022
  • 1,545 Views, 55 Comments

Crystal Prison - HeirofHades

Dusk Shine the top student of CPA struggles to understand the value of Friendship. Cinch forces him to compete in the upcoming Friendship games against CHS. Now he must work with those he labeled him an outcast to achieve victory.

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Let the Friendship Games Begin!

Hello you wonderful people. I didn't expect this chapter to take so long but it's here. We're here at the Friendship games. Can you feel the magic in the air? Can you hear the voices too?! Now regarding the Elements of Harmony, their bearers and their powers.

Here's what we have:

Dusk Shine and Starlight with similar abilities. Dusk is magic/Aether but I would like another element name. Starlight is Empathy as she’s an expert on reading and manipulating people. Plus, emotions fuel her strength—the Empathy tea thing when she was the guidance counselor.

Indigo Zap will have super speed powered by lighting. Her element is Loyalty/Determinion because she defended Twilight from Sunset and was more focused on winning even though plant monsters were around.

Sour Sweet is the archer bearing the Element of Forgiveness for herself, remembering what she did to Dusk Shine.

Sunny Flare is the tech gal as her wrist garment resembles a Pip-boy from Fallout. She’s the bearer of Justice. Undoing everything her mother did.

Lemon Zest is Kindness/Cheer because she is the nicest out of all the Shadowbolts, even making friends with Vinyl Scratch. Sound or Air manipulation can work. I think she’s a Lucio, using her music for various situations.

Sugarcoat is the most difficult to figure. Truthfulness is perfect for her, thanks to her blunt analytical nature. Now her powers … Invisibility or some form of Light manipulation, like Toru from My Hero Academic. Also, the Glamour quirk which creates illusions. Her name and personality are ironic.

Fleur De Lis is the Element of Beauty. However, she becomes more than her looks. A Fleur De Lis is a flower, typically a lily. Plant manipulation.

Adagio Dazzle is the element of Perseverance. She’s patient, pragmatic, focused, and logical. Adagio keeps the others in line and focuses on the objective. Even when they lose, she figures out a way to maintain stability. She’s the most Siren of the Sirens, the only one of the Dazzlings who still have magic after Rainbow Rocks but a minimal amount. In mythology, they were bird-like creatures. I can give the Sirens bird-like abilities. Adagio gets crystal-style powers.

Aria Blaze is Strength. She’s tough and in your face, willing to stand up to Adagio. She has super-strength, but I want to give her more. Hydro-kinesis. Why? The move Sparkling Aria from Pokémon.

Sonata Dusk is another hard too. She’s similar to Pinkie Pie and doesn't have much characterization besides her love of tacos and ditzy nature. I’ll give her the Element of Cooperation as she goes with whatever Adagio and Aria does. I’ll give her Shadow or Night related powers

The time has finally come; it’s the day of the Friendship games—another victory for Crystal prep. Principal Cinch arranged for a pre-game prep rally within the auditorium. The student body awaited for the Shadowbolts to appear, chatting with their friends or playing on their phones to pass the time. Now, where are they?

The Shadowbolts were in the dressing room, preening themselves before facing the entire school. Suri Polomare sat in front of a mirror, grumbling as she attempted to fix her hair. “Damnit,” She pouted as her hair won’t stay in place. Come on, this should be a simple process. “Aha,” Suri Polomare smiled. Yes, Finally. POP!OH, COME ON,” She groaned, her silken hair gilded down her back. The rest were making the finishing touches. Checking their attire, adding lip gloss or eye shadow to their features, or fixing their hair.

“Suri,” Dusk Shine appeared behind her, holding a hair tie and pins. “Please excuse me,” He requested before grabbing a handful of her hair. They watched him instinctively do her hair in a few moments. “Done,” Dusk Shine concluded as he walked away.

“Woah,” Suri Polomare marveled at her reflection. It’s a match for her usual style. “Thank you,” She smiled. He nodded when a knock came on the door.

“Is everyone ready?” Cadance asked from the other side before entering. They all nodded. “Come on, Cinch is almost done with her announcements,” She opened the door for them to follow her. They waited offstage as she continued. Cinch called them individually; the B-team was first, then Lemon Zest, Indigo Zap, and Sour Sweet. Only three of them remained.

“Now, I introduce to you the Big three of Crystal Prep,” Cinch announced, signaling them to march on stage. Dusk Shine was at the center, flanked by Sugarcoat and Sunny Flare, with polite applause from their schoolmates. They were here.

Cold Forecast, a school newspaper member, approached the group, focusing on Dusk Shine. “Dusk Shine. Reports claimed that you and Sunset Shimmer, the top student of CHS, have a close relationship,” She started, causing a frenzy of gossip among the students. “As the top student, will this impact your game performance?” Cold questioned, awaiting his response as did the school.

“Let me answer your question with a question,” Dusk Shine retorted, his hand pushing up his glasses. “Do you know what it means to be the top student?” He asked monotonically. It’s a simple question yet holds a complex answer. His team and crowd muttered at the strange question. What is he talking about? Cinch raised her brow, curious about what her star student was planning. Her chiseled jaw opened in response, placing a foot forward. No. She chuckled under her breath with an amused grin, remaining as she was. Go, Dusk Shine. Tell them what it means.

“To get the highest grades,” Cold Forecast answered straightforwardly, unsure of where this conversation was heading. Cinch shook her head at the feeble reply. She shrunk her body from disapproval.

Dusk Shine sighed with the exhaustion of a disappointed teacher. Such a superficial answer. “I didn’t think you heard what I asked,” He countered, his voice sharp with indignation from the hollow reply. “So I’ll ask again,” Dusk Shine said, closing the distance, his polished shoes echoing throughout the halls. “Do you know what it means to be the top student of Crystal Prep High?” He emphasized, sizing her up, their bodies mere centimeters apart.

“Uh…” Her body compressed itself with a mutter. She pressed her clipboard to her chest.

“I said, do you know what it means to be the top student of Crystal Prep High?” Dusk Shine repeated, pacing across the columns of students gathered for their departure to Canterlot High. His amethyst eyes scrutinized the retinue. An inspector scanning the products of the school’s curriculum. The students adjusted their postures with straightened backs while fixing their ties and other clothing. None desired to be the faulty product. He paroled the front as an apex hunter searched for its prey, his footsteps echoing throughout the auditorium.

“What else could it mean?” Sugarcoat shrugged. It’s a simple question, yet he’s making it more complex.

“Yes, that's the point-” Sunny Flare continued.

“That’s why I’m the top student now. You forgot what it meant!” Dusk Shine responded, narrowing his eyes at the two. “So I’ll answer your prior question,” He focused on Cold Forecast. “Yes, Sunset Shimmer and I have a close relationship. She’s my best friend after all, besides my dog Spike,” The intelligent teenager answered with a rare wide jubilant smile. A genuine one at that. Not those polite counterfeit ones for pictures or business deals. “She’s the only person I consider my better and my equal,” Dusk Shine announced, resolute in his statement. The auditorium erupted in murmurs. Sunset Shimmer is his equal and better. She’s that good?!

“Dusk Shine, you can’t be serious,” Sunny Flare retorted. She clenched her fist at his answer, retaining a mask of indifferent smugness. They can’t see her enraged. Nobody! Her anguished heart cried for his praise of this … Sunset Shimmer. Two fucking years. And she wasn’t even his primary rival.

“We’re the top students in our respective schools. The best out of hundreds, chosen to lead them to victory as we have the skills and means to do so,” Dusk Shine continued, ignoring the downplay of his opponent. What else is new? They haven’t faced anybody like her. They don’t know what it’s like to push themselves to the breaking point just to find a meager scarp more for an extra push. Have they ever ground their fingers in vestige nobs, wailing to the heavens with burning tears? Have they ever endured insults, betrayals, and mistreatment from their peers for simply being cut above the rest? No…they haven’t.

“Will this impact how you’ll perform in the games?” The rookie reporter repeated her previous question.

“Sunset and I are fighting for the same things. Victory,” Dusk Shine remarked. She’s probably making a similar speech at her school now. “My reputation as the Schola Perfecta. For her, it was the first victory for CHS in the Friendship Games,” Both schools were striving for success. Another for him was escaping through Everton. “Those who know me will know my answer,” He implied, crossing his arms behind him. Cadance, Discord, and Cinch nodded while his schoolmates had confusion buzzing around him. Just say it already. “ Now, did you know me?” Dusk Shine asked, scanning their befuddled expressions as his team and teachers were also confused by this question. A few meek confirmations squeaked from the crowd. It’s not enough. His amethyst eyes blazed with resolution. “DO YOU KNOW ME?!” Dusk Shine bellowed with reignited dominion echoing throughout the auditorium.

“Yes,” The crowd arose, their words thundering against his skin. His team’s eyes expanded at his unconscious authority. Everyone was standing. Even those who despised him, like Fleur De Lis. Cinch smiled at this situation. Where the fuck did this come from?! Dusk Shine has been soft-spoken for years. Was this fire always there?

“My name is Dusk Shine, your top student, your Schola Perfecta. The younger brother of Captain Shining Armor, the Glimmering Shield. Brother-in-law to Dean Mi Amore Cadenza, the Princess of Love. Although she should’ve stuck with the Crystal Heart for the sake of originally,” Dusk Shine began his ordination, offering a small joke at the end. Some snickered while others murmured to themselves as he divulged to them.

“Hey!” Cadance whined, narrowing her baby-blue eyes at him. Although, at least he’s making jokes.

He’s not wrong,” Discord whispered, making the Dean pout. It’s still a good epithet.

“I’ve won Crystal Preparatory Academy countless awards since my introduction to this fine establishment,” Dusk Shine continued. OH, they all knew that fact. Cinch constructed an entire section into the main trophy case dedicated to him. “I didn’t become the top student during my arrival. That went Sunny Flare,” He revealed to the horde of bewildered eyes. Sunny Flare was the top student before him?! It … would explain their relationship, yet multiple questions were unanswered. Dusk Shine was never her assistant, but now she was his. Numerous students and faculty members eyed Principal Cinch skeptically. Was it a punishment for Sunny Flare as a constant reminder of her shortcomings? Or something more nefarious? “ I, too, had the same notion of the elite position. Getting the highest grades. It wasn’t until I obtained this title and all that came with it. The prestige, admiration, scorn, fear, envy, jealousy, and more,” The mulberry academic contributed his naivety to the audience. “To be the Schola Perfecta, you have more than what you are. More than what others think you are. A paragon of what everything it means to be a student of Crystal Prep,” His tone was low and insightful as he articulated his thoughts. “You honestly think I would let her win?” He coldly stared at Forecast, keeping his voice above a whisper. “What about those who came before me? Fancy Pants. Dean Cadance. Our Principal Cinch. As if everything they did was meaningless,” The words hung in the air, enabling them to shimmer in their minds. He gritted his teeth.

I WILL NOT! THEIR ACHIEVEMENTS, ACCOMPLISHMENTS, AND VALUES ARE AN EXAMPLE TO ALL! COURAGE! DETERMINATION! INTELLIGENCE! SOPHISTICATION! COOPERATION! RESOLVE!” Dusk Shine resounded, his heart thundering in his ears. He opened his arms, gesturing to the shocked women. This is how he saw them. The students' spines straightened with a newfound pride, and respect swelled in their chests. Members of the school newspaper snapped a few photos. They’ll never have a chance to witness Dusk Shine’s fiery emotions again. “AS THE SCHOLA PERFECTA, I HONOR THEM AND MY PREDECESSORS BY GIVING IT MY ALL AND MORE!” He pounded his chest where his cutie mark lay. It symbolized what made him who he was. A shining star. Everyone stood speechless, unable to comprehend his voice's raw power and passion. Their bodies heated and tingled with an army of hairs saluting him. It’s like they were in a movie, listening to a general giving an emboldened speech before the final battle in the darkest hour, where it’s victory or death. “EVEN WHEN I’M A DISTANT MEMORY!” Dusk Shine paused, focusing his intense stare on the youngest members. “I TRUST MY SUCCESSORS TO DO THE SAME FOR US!” He pointed to them, opening the door to more extraordinary destinies.

Indigo Zap, Lemon Zest, and sports teams wondered why Dusk Shine didn't do this before. They could’ve had epic prep rallies. “Our ancestors built this school. I will not sully their legacy and efforts turning this place into a cushy country club,” Dusk Shine growled. He knew two alternate paths for those in prolonged power. Compliant or Corrupt. He would have neither. “My fellow Shadowbolts … will you help me with this task?” Dusk Shine turned, offering his hand, tampering with the passion in his voice. All that yelling strained his voice. Someone stomped their feet, causing an echoing chain reaction. His speech worked.

“Duh. That’s why we’re here,” Sour Sweet took the initiative, locking their hands before standing on his left. An action…longed between them. The rest of the A-team marched forward, doing the same. Sugarcoat, and Sunny Flare chose a firm professional handshake. Lemon Zest went a casual bro-fist. Indigo Zap gave him a military-style handshake.

“Man, if Dusk Shine is asking us for help. I guess we have no choice but to accept,” Jet Set and Trenderhoof acknowledged. Neon Lights shrugged, joining the front as the rest. Their photos were being taken, some even posing as flickering lights blinked in the crowd. The amulet thumped against his heart when … something bolted towards it. He glanced at ethereal red energy. It was absorbed into him before he could react. This energy did something to him as if he was walking on clouds, emboldening him to weather any storm.

“We are your representatives for the Friendship Games. The best of the best,” Dusk Shine announced. “I have another question for you,” He asked before an energetic smirk cracked on his face. Dusk Shine raised his fist in celebration. “ARE WE GOING TO WIN CRYSTAL PREP?!” He questioned in thunderous rapture. His team leaned away from him, startled by the sudden motivational demand but couldn’t with this infectious energy.

YEAH!” Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest were the first to cheer. It was followed by the youngest grade inspired by his declaration. More joined, using this competitive nature to good use, not wanting to be overshadowed by their peers. “COME ON! LET THEM HEAR YOU BECAUSE I CAN’T!” Dusk Shine taunted, pointing at them. “LOUDER!”

“WE’RE GOING TO WIN!” They shouted as if it was a concert. Cadance and Discord joined in.

“AGAIN!” Dusk Shine ordered. Cinch arched an interested brow from his unexpected but welcomed enthusiasm. She’s never seen Crystal Prep students having this level of vigor. Perhaps his proper place is here at her school.

“WE’RE GOING TO WIN!” They yelled with the crowd raising their fists in support,

“LET’S MORE LIKE IT!” Dusk Shine confirmed, calming himself with an exhale. “My name is Dusk Shine. I am the star that shines through the eternal dusk,” He divulged the origins of his name. The top student jumped from the stage into the aisle. “Shadowbolts, move out!” They smiled, following his order. The entire school chanted his name in full support after years of isolation. It’s what he deserved.

Yet why didn't he feel anything?

The Shadowbolts are stimulated and ready to go, thanks to Dusk Shine’s speech. Cadance and Principal Cinch guided the students to their respective buses. Dusk Shine arched his brow in interest at the Luxury black and yellow charter bus with the school’s emblem on the front and sides. Talk about VIP treatment. He waited in the line, peeking at Sour Sweet and Sunny Flare, giving Moon Dancer a rough time for cutting in line. The rest of the Shadowbolts were already on the bus.

“Ladies, can you please save the aggression for the competition?” Dusk Shine defended his old classmate. The two glared at her, turning their noses before stomping on the bus. Cadence gestured to her to enter the bus. Moon Dancer narrowed her eyes as they walked up.

“ARE WE GOING TO WIN?!” Indigo Zap shouted, frightening the girl. She had a broad smile on her features. Electricity tingles throughout her spine. It’s ready to surge. “Come on, Moon Dancer. ARE WE GOING TO WIN?!” She encouraged, raising her fist in impending triumph.

“...uh,” Moon Dancer stammered, unable to respond to the sudden question. They gawped at her hesitation as AC roared in the background. It’s a simple yes; come on already.

“Don’t worry, we will,” Dusk Shine answered in her place, stepping on board. “We can’t get cocky,” He warned his team as they focused on him. “Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer,” Dusk Shine quotes. Can anyone get that reference? His glare darkened to an assassin’s dagger. They fixed themselves in their seats as he scanned the bus’ occupants. “I’m not losing because someone didn’t take the competition seriously,” The top student cautioned, swapping his stare to the B-team. “Got it?” He whispered, tilting his head at the sweating Indigo Zap. The Everton program is his only reliable option for escaping Crystal Prep. He has to. He must. There’s no other option accessible to him right now. Cinch won’t allow him to transfer. Dusk Shine’s too valuable an asset to slip through Cinch’s grasp. Early graduation? No. His family and Cinch deny it, explaining that he’s young and deserves to enjoy life. FUCKING HELL! The amulet pulsed against his chest, siphoning his magmic rage coursing through his veins. It tasted Dusk Shine’s desperate determination to figure out his exodus from this crystal prison. He tightened his fists before relaxing in a neutral position.

Indigo Zap’s heart raced with an arid throat. Oh shit, he’s mad. “Got it,” She nodded, getting back to her seat. It’s probably best to ease the enthusiasm for the moment. Indigo Zap didn’t want to get on his bad side. Dusk Shine revealed his burning passion and determination during the prep rally. His scathing observant words towards Suri Polomare terrified her. Plus, Cinch as well. After watching them for years, he connected the dots, creating a proper hypothesis through fundamental analysis. He knew their habits and social interactions and applied this knowledge to humble and terrify them to prevent their loss. Nobody wants to be a scapegoat. The recent event of Dusk Shine restricting Royal Pin’s arm within quarters of a second with a paused threat of snapping the arm echoed in her mind. Furthermore, that gut punch made her REAL humble instantly.

Good,” Dusk Shine remarked coldly. Spike nuzzled his head against the back of his backpack, comforting his owner. Sunny Flare and Sour Sweet exchanged a worried glance at his aggressive tone. It’s becoming more frequent as the Friendship Games approached while whipping the slackers into shape. They desired to win like the rest, yet there was a sense of desperation in his pursuit.

Dusk Shine stepped to the back of the bus, seating next to Sugarcoat. Moon Dancer followed, opting for the empty space next to Lemon Zest.

That was a pretty good speech,” Sugarcoat said blankly, breaking the silence. Dusk Shine raised his brow at the praise. That’s new. The last time Dusk Shine gave a speech, Sugarcoat told him it was horrible and that he should stop talking. What’s with the attitude change? Wait. Why the fuck does he care about her opinion?! Everyone on his team is a means to the end. They didn’t matter to him before. They sure as fuck didn’t matter to him now.

Thanks,” Dusk Shine replied dully, placing his bag on his lap. Moon Dancer groaned at the ear-splitting metal music that Lemon Zest forced her to listen to. She snarled at the unexpected audio. How wasn’t she deaf already?! Fleur De Lis entered the bus, to their surprise. Why was she here? Did the bus leave her or something?

Cadance totaled the number of available seats. There are sixteen seats. The sudden addition of Fleur De Lis complicates things. “Excuse me, can some of you make room for Fleur, please?” The pink Dean requested. Some of the buses started their engines and left for CHS. It’s impolite to be tardy. Fleur De Lis strolled down the runaway, ignoring Trenderhoof’s charming grin. She rolled her eyes at Sunny Flare and Sour Sweet’s grimace. Moon Dancer and Lemon Zest were out of the question. That leaves one. Fleur De Lis crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at Dusk Shine. He returned a blank stare. What the fuck does this chick want? His amethyst eyes glanced at Cadance’s smile. She can’t be fucking serious right now. Dusk Shine shook his head, wrinkling his forehead in annoyance. No fucking way. His giddy sister-in-law nodded, raising her thumbs in support.

He exhaled through his nose, sliding over to the side.“Please excuse me, Sugarcoat,” Dusk Shine acknowledged their new proximity. She nodded. It didn’t bother her as their thighs were squished together. Being between two beautiful girls is most guys' dream. However, Dusk Shine isn’t most guys, resulting in total pain in the flank in this ideal situation. He withheld his annoyed growl from the violation of his personal space. Just relax, Dusk Shine. It’s only for a few minutes. Cinch entered and sat down. The metal doors hissed shut before a subtle rumble pushed the transport forward, joining the rest. Several moments passed by. Their modest chatter filled the dead empty air. A quality pair of headphones rested on Dusk Shine's ears. His eyes were shut, relaxing his back into the cozy black and purple seat, losing himself in one of his numerous playlists. He needed something to ease his mind. Fleur De Lis, one of his primary tormentors, was on his left, scrolling through her phone. His pale amethysts glimpsed an array of beauty products and … educational videos. Huh. The teenage beauty is pulling her weight for once. Sugarcoat reviewed her flashcards on the right, refusing to be the deadweight of the group. More people they obtain, the sweeter the victory. Dusk Shine’s oration forced Sugarcoat to reexamine her skills, using the bus ride for a quick revision.

A sudden jolt from a hidden pothole quaked the interior. “WOAH!” They yelped, holding themselves steady with the seats

“Is everyone fine?” Cadance requested, turning her head to view the students. She received nods and confirmations of safety. “How about you, Dusk Shine?” The Dean asked, aware of his silence.

He’s fine,” Sour Sweet answered blankly. “But he’ll need to cool down when we get there,” She implied about his situation. Cool down? Their heads turned to Dusk Shine and a few snickered. His face mimicked Cadance's complexion with a rigid soldier spine. Why? With an abrupt jolt, Sugarcoat’s light body frame launched her firmly into his lap.

“...Sorry,” Sugarcoat muttered, her cheeks flushed a shiny pink. Hopefully, Sour Sweet won’t kill her or wait until after the games.

It’s fine,” Dusk Shine replied stoically. His fingers dug into the cushions to regulate his raging emotions. Her body’s subtle heat permeated through the stretchy black-blue fabric onto his lap. By the everlasting radiance, she’s wearing LEGGINGS! Sugarcoat is petite, but holy shit, she had a curvaceous ass. Easily in the top five at CPA.

Trenderhoof and Neon Lights raised their thumbs in support with teasing smirks. Sour Sweet, Moon Dancer, and Cinch’s dark and cold glare halted any celebratory fervor. The duo flinched, retreating into their seats. Sugarcoat’s body relaxed, gilding through the flashcards, focusing on her review session. Something was pokin-oh. She adjusted her position, sliding off Dusk Shine’s lap but leaving her legs on his thighs. That’s more … appropriate. Dusk Shine eased after several moments, closing his eyes and floating in the rhythm. Her orchid eyes gazed at the slumbering statue.

“Hey, Dusk Shine, how do you pronounce this?” Sugarcoat asked, her back resting on the rumbling window. He shifted one of his earmuffs with a single opened eye and read the word.

Anathema,” Dusk Shine articulated in his speech. “It’s something or someone that one vehemently dislikes,” He explained, finding ironic humor in the word. The students of Crystal Prep viewed him as an Anathema for being the Schola Perfecta. Sugarcoat mouthed slowly, flipping over the index card for the definition. She asked for his assistance throughout the ride while remaining on his lap.

Moon Dancer held a repugnant scowl within her clenched jaw as she watched them study. “Stuck-up bitch,” She grumbled as Lemon Zest continued to rock out. You can get off his fucking lap now! Unfortunately, Sugarcoat can’t. Cadance needs more material for her shipping calculations.

They arrived at CHS shortly after. Several lines of CPA students were established at the registration desks. Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna warmly welcomed the CPA students departing from the buses, motioning them to the sign-up table. “Never thought I would be back here soon,” Dusk Shine muttered as he stared at the building, recalling his short tenure as Twilight Sparkle. Sugarcoat and he shared a look, turning away with vibrant pink cheeks. Lemon Zest hopped out of the bus, performing a quaking air guitar solo. Her eyes were shut, ignorant of the surroundings, dancing her way into the road. Dusk Shine grabbed her upper arm, pulling the rocker back onto the sidewalk before a sports car blitz passed. HEY FUCKER, IT’S A SCHOOL ZONE! What is it with sports cars causing people to have safety amnesia?

“Oh shit, thanks, dude,” Lemon Zest exhaled with a cold sweat, lowering the music’s volume. He nodded as she joined the registration line.

Coming through,” Indigo Zap shoved Moon Dancer out of the way into Sunny Flare. Dusk Shine extended his forearms, preventing the pair from crashing into the pavement.

“Thanks, Dusk Shine,” Sunny Flare replied before narrowing her eyes at Moon Dancer. “Seriously?!” She snarled at the girl.

Why the hell are you blaming me for?!” Moon Dancer countered with a glare of her own, pointing her finger at Indigo Zap as they joined their classmates. Dusk Shine observed his surroundings. Good. His team was on the registration line. Cinch and Celestia were talking about CHS’s changes. Cadance and Luna were laughing as the Shadowbolts ogled in confusion at the familiarity between the adults. They knew Dean Cadance as regal and professional, not having a gut-busting laugh with Vice-Principal Luna, who’s more formal and disciplinarian than Principal Celestia.

Spike popped from the bag, licking Dusk Shine’s cheek. “Hey, save it for later, buddy,” He snickered, checking his phone’s notifications. “In the dressing room on the first floor.” Sunset’s message read. Dusk Shine coldly gazed over his shoulder at his ‘team.’ Typical. They don’t have an inkling of his missing presence. At the end of the day, he was a measly pawn for their lowly indigent self-gratification. Nothing more. Even the brief warm moments of kinship sharing music with the energetic Lemon Zest stalled his encroaching apathy towards his classmates. Dusk Shine tried. Still. Nothing. His attempts to make friends at Crystal Prep were a hopeless fallacy, creating a gluttonous whirlpool of insanity, breaking his body every rotation.

Why waste his time?

Holding back wasn’t a viable option. It’s incredibly disrespectful to him. What’s the purpose of repressing his skills when he’s already at the apex? Why hinder himself just to appease those who despise him? They’ll hate him twice over with interest. The mercy will embolden their hatred of him. At his casual play, they won’t compete with him. Cadance's encouraging words brought no solace. There are friends at Crystal Prep; he’s only the exception to this essential human skill.

Spike nuzzled his purple and green head against his cheek, attempting to comfort him.

Dusk Shine returned the favor with a few rubs behind the ear. “Let’s go, Spike,” He replied, without glancing at his classmates back as he focused on the building. They’ll survive without him for ten minutes.

Lyra and Bon-Bon exited the door. Bon-Bon squeaked at him, climbing the stairs. Why now?! Lyra calmed her bestie with a comforting hand. “Hey, Dusk Shine,” She smiled, masking the abject tension in her gullet from the upcoming academic obliteration. He nodded in silent response. Spike barked, greeting an old companion as they walked past.

“Save it for later, Spike,” Dusk Shine whispered. His canine groaned before retreating into the bag.

“Think he’s looking for Sunset,” Bon-Bon whispered, holding Lyra’s hand, who nodded. Why else would he be entering the school without his classmates? Bon-Bon’s eyes bounced around for prying eyes. “You think she can make him show us some mercy?” She whispered in a hushed voice. Lyra stared blankly. Really? “Yeah, that was a dumb idea,” Her shoulders hiked up, cringing at the absurd possibility.

“No, it’s not dumb,” Lyra comforted. “Just severely unlikely,” She pinched her fingers. If Sunset Shimmer can’t stop him, then nothing else will.

Sour Sweet checked her phone, waiting for her turn to register behind Upper Crust. She peeked over her shoulder. “What the?” Her body turned to discover the absence of a purple nerd. “Where’s Dusk Shine?” She narrowed her eyes, searching for the star player. Other students followed her action. He was just here a few moments ago.

Lemon Zest lowered the music’s volume, panning her head. “Maybe he went to the bathroom,” She considered. It was a long and bumpy bus ride, plus having a cute girl on his lap would cause a few … complications.

Or he’s looking for Sunset Shimmer,” Sugarcoat suggested a more logical explanation. Sour Sweet’s left eye twitched, cracking her indifferent mask. No. Stay calm, Sour Sweet. Save the murderous indignant rage for the Friendship games.

“Ugh,” Sunny Flare groaned, rolling her eyes. “I’ll go look for him,” She checked her nails before starting her journey. Cinch will scold her if she lets Dusk Shine wander off into enemy territory.

“Hurry up before Cinch finds him first,” Sugarcoat gestured towards the chatting principals near one of the buses. Cadance and Luna continued their small chat, enjoying the casual atmosphere before the match. Sunny Flare nodded, turning her pace into a brisk jog.

Dusk Shine slowly opened the entrance, his amethyst eyes scanning the hallway filled with students. Shit. He sighed. Stealth wasn’t an option for this mission. Well, fortune favors the bold. Dusk Shine entered. A coiling rampant shivered rumble in the students' vertebrae. His spectacle-covered eyes examined the frightened, whispering students. The crystal demon resided in their school. Dusk Shine turned right, ignoring the hushed whispers. He’s already used to it from his petty colleagues. He scrolled past them as usual during his search.

“Hey Twi-sorry, Dusk Shine,” Cherry Crash smiled, correcting herself before resuming her walk.

He paused, widening his eyes. “Um, hello,” Dusk Shine greeted, unsure how to interpret the friendly welcome. His forehead was wrinkled in confusion before shaking those thoughts away. The dressing room is down this hallway. More students came.

“Hi, Twilight,” Mystery Mint said in a nasal voice.

Sweet Leaves punched her forearm. We don’t deadname people around these parts. “Hi, Dusk Shine,” She corrected in a laid-back manner. What the hell? Dusk Shine continued to walk down the hall, staring at the two girls with a befuddled expression.

“Hey, you. Lookin' good,” Scribble Dee pointed to the glasses. A scrawny male walked beside her. He swallowed his spit, aware that they would face off within a few hours.

“Um, hi,” Dusk Shine replied. What the hell is going on here? Why are they being so … friendly to him? No detection of hostility or fakeness besides the rattle of fear and anticipation in their vocal cords. They know he is Twilight Sparkle, yet they welcome him with open arms.

“Hey, what's happenin'?” Sophisticata welcomed. She lived up to her name in that business casual attire.

“Really nice to see you,” Blueberry Cake said calmly with a posh hand gesture. She examined her dress, grateful that there wasn’t a stain.

“Dusk Shine, how ya doin'?” Velvet Sky commented. She’s ready for the winter season.

“Dusk Shine, yo!” Starlight clicked her tongue with finger guns. This is a totally different girl from Starlight Glimmer.

“Hi. Hello. Uh, good, thanks,” Dusk Shine responded, walking backward to return the greetings. It’s only fair. He doesn’t know how to process these new sensations. CHS warmly welcomed him despite an enemy. Only a short walk through the halls and already receiving an abundance of kindness. Drastically contrasting the conditional superficial unity Cinch and Cadence drilled into their minds. What a fucking load of steaming horseshit! Bet Cinch had a script ready from previous years. Useless prattle. Huh, a lot of girls welcomed him. His back crashed into another student. Both groaned from the impact. “Oh, sorry,” Dusk Shine adjusted his glasses. Cold malignant rage flickered in his pupils, acknowledging who he bumped into. It’s him.

“It’s fine-oh…hey,” Flash Sentry brushed off, picking up his guitar case. The words choked and gurgled in his throat, witnessing who bumped into him. “Oh geez,” He muttered, rubbing the back of his head. Crap, it’s him.

“Hello, Flash Sentry,” Dusk Shine greeted coldly behind his scorching glaze. Sunset’s ex reeked of mediocrity and self-insert of a Gary Stu. His actions proved it during the AAM event, the Battle of the band. At least Flash Sentry had the semblance of basic human decency to remove himself and not grovel at Sunset Shimmer’s feet like a savant pleading with their lord for a pyrrhic betrayal. “Are you competing in the friendship games?” He asked, placing his hands behind him. Oh, please say yes. Give him every reason fucking brutalize this blue-haired bastard.

“Yeah,” Flash Sentry answered, regaining a drop of confidence in his stature.

Good,” Dusk Shine remarked grimly with lowered eyelids. A tingle of savage exhilaration slipped through his indifferent facade. Flash’s throat constricted while his heart thundered and electrified from the answer. It promised no quarter, granted he deserved from his previous actions. Betraying someone you love? Yeah. Expect payback. “Please don’t disappoint her or me,” He demanded, leaving his competitor alone.

“Oh yeah, um, later,” Flash Sentry stammered, coherent with the foreboding annihilation as Dusk Shine walked down the hall. He groaned, covering his face and recalling his folly. Derpy Hooves approached, patting his back in support, and tugged him to the gymnasium. They have a welcoming party to attend.

Dusk Shine halted after a few moments, sniffing the air. What? This again? The amulet reacted with a sublime heat against his chest. His purple eyes flashed cyan momentarily. What is this bizarre sensation? He sniffled. No. This one was different from the earlier one during the prep rally. A deep royal lavender pulsating with pure-hearted generosity. He followed, arching his brow at the location. It’s the dressing room. Sunset Shimmer should be in here. Laughter and chatter erupted from the room. Yep, she’s here. He opened the door, sharply tilting his head. A jet-black hockey puck jetted across his ears. Fluttershy covered her mouth in shock, holding the hockey stick.

“Dusk Shine,” Sunset Shimmer grinned at his appearance, moving up her welder mask. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie sank behind their group. How did he find them? The pair embraced each other. Her friends smirked in teasing earnestly at the moment. Pinkie Pie informed them that he wasn’t as fierce or merciless as they claimed.

“Hey, Sunset,” Dusk Shine smiled as well. His body relaxed as their hug continued. Fuck, he needed this. Spike’s head popped up from his bag, panting and wagging his tail.

Hey, Spiky,” Sunset Shimmer’s eyes brightened at the canine. She rubbed his ears as a greeting. Spike nuzzled his head into her touch, unable to resist a head scratch.

Care to introduce us?” Rarity purred, her polished white hand resting under her chin. They want details. My goodness, he is handsome. Much better than the picture he sent to Sunset and Trixie. Dusk Shine oozed refinement only accessible to the privileged elites from generations of sophistication. His posture announced subtle confidence, even arrogance. Yet humble enough to mingle in any social circle, but his authority endured. You can almost call Dusk Shine a Prince.

“Everyone, this is Dusk Shine,” Sunset Shimmer introduced, resting her hand on his toned shoulder while using the other hand to gesture. “Dusk Shine, these are my friends,” She continued, squeezing his shoulder. Holy shit, did Dusk Shine get bulkier? And taller?

“I’ve already met Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash,” Dusk Shine recalled the two from earlier.

“Did they spy on your school?” Sunset Shimmer predicted, arching her brow, shooting them two a look. The pair shifted to the back with a bashful expression as their friends glared at them. Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal already gave them a scolding and extensive detention.

“Yep,” Dusk Shine confirmed with a nod, pushing up his glasses. Now for the rest of them. “I believe you’re Applejack,” He gestured to the farmgirl. She tipped her helmet to confirm the answer with an honest grin. His analytic eyes scanned the country girl’s form. Applejack is likely the oldest out of her friend group or holds the most responsibility. Farm work isn’t for the weak. Her hair was a radiant golden stream with the skin of ripe, juicy oranges absorbing the sun's rays. The Orange family of Manehattan was a branch of the Apple Clan.

Wait, let me check the wiki. Applejack better be orange and not some weird random color. Okay, Applejack is a gamboge that can be either brown or orange. I’ll let this slide for now.

Two dazzling emeralds occupied her skull. Dusk Shine admits that Applejack is a country-born beauty. She'll turn heads with a quick cleanup and a stylish dress, especially those thighs bursting through those form-fitting white football pants. Generations of apple-bucking her justice. They were powerful juicy pieces combined with an appetizing waist too. The amulet heated with a burst of dark laughter, breaking his thoughts.

What the fuck?!

Why are these amorous emotions plaguing his thoughts? Night Blaze’s presence was minimal once he acquired this amulet, yet nothing extinguished that configuration within his skull. Dusk Shine knew that his alter was still buried in his mind's crevices. Waiting, but for what? He’ll worry himself after the games. Please allow him to enjoy the next few minutes before Cinch or one of his teammates finds him.

Dusk Shine recalled that Applejack had two siblings. Big Macintosh, the elder brother. His blood seethed at the memory of the younger sister, Apple Bloom. No. It’s not the time for that.

Fluttershy,” She shyly waved at him. His amethyst eyes scaled her statuesque form. Holy shit, what are her parents feeding her?! Fluttershy is kissing the tip of six feet, making her the tallest of her friend group, with Applejack on the 2nd place throne. Fleur de Lis and Cadance could rival in stature. She emitted the serene presence of Mother Nature. A delicate rolling meadow of rose rested over her shoulder. Fluttershy’s skin was a luminescent golden, only matched by her kind heart. She also has a sibling. Zephyr Breeze. Was he the older or younger sibling?

“And finally, Rarity,” Dusk Shine announced the group's final member as she was the only one not wearing a costume. The fashion lover gave a slight bow as if greeting her social superior. His eyes lingered for a few moments, detecting a familiar aura about her. Same with all of them. Something in the back of his mind screamed that he knew them despite this being their first official meeting. Did they know each other in a previous life? In fact, Dusk Shine can fit into their group, being Pinkie Pie’s opposite. Rainbow Dash with Fluttershy and Applejack coupled with Rarity. It’s like a cartoon interracial group where each demographic is equal and represented. Two Earth, Pegasi, and Unicorn. Or shipping dynamics. Cadance would create an entire shipping Armada for them. Although they needed someone for Sunset.

Eh…he’ll worry about it later.

Rarity straightened her posture from his analytical stare, puffing up her fabulous chest, slightly bouncing in her light blue blouse. They groaned, rolling their eyes as she fluttered her lavish azure eyes with a flirtatious smile. Dusk Shine remained expressionless, arching a confused brow. Holy shit, she’s attempting to seduce him. Rarity is an elegant beauty and could seamlessly integrate into Crystal prep on looks and style alone. Her skin was lustrous porcelain with the finest purple silk for hair. Each clothing article was coordinated, highlighting her features in a coherent system. Sunset Shimmer stared at Rarity.

What are you, a spy?” Rainbow Dash accused, crossing her arms, skeptical of how he knew of their names. Well, that’s the pot calling the kettle black. She wore an old-school cartoonish police officer uniform.

“No, but I did hack into your school’s mainframe as an experiment,” Dusk Shine corrected, blankly staring at their befuddled expressions. “And one of your teachers is planning a test after the games,” He rubbed his chin, attempting to recite the information. “A Ms. Harshwhinny, if I remember correctly,” The top student clarified, gesturing to the students.

WHAT?!” They yelled at the information. A test with MRS. HARSHWHINNY?! Rainbow Dash groaned, clutching her head from the news. She’s one of the most demanding teachers in the school. They would’ve thought Harshwhinny worked for Crystal Prep from the mountains of homework she assigned during the semester. Their brains were deep-fried and served with a side of garlic butter from strenuous studying in preparation for the Friendship Games. Wait until you girls get to college. Then again, college is somewhat easier than high school, depending on the teacher. Some of these teachers fucking suck ass.

That was a joke,” Dusk Shine said monotonically. They exhaled with a few anxious chuckles, easing their stress. None of them expect him to have a joking streak.

“Please don’t do that, Dusk,” Sunset Shimmer muttered, using his shoulder as an armrest.

“I won’t make promises that I know I won’t keep,” Dusk Shine vowed. Sunset Shimmer playfully rolled her eyes at his statement. “To answer your question, I use deductive reasoning,” He answered, pointing to the rest of the group. “Fluttershy. Butterfly. Apples. Diamonds are a rarity” His amethyst eyes scanned Rarity's outfit, focusing on the gems. “Those are frost-shrouded diamonds,” Dusk Shine calculated, analyzing the light blue color and sharp angular shape.

Rarity beamed, impressed with his knowledge. She didn’t anticipate Dusk Shine to be a connoisseur of the finer things in life. Well, he was of noble birth. “Why, yes,” Rarity purred, holding the edges of her lilac skirt. “C'est assez glamour,” She bragged about her glamorous cutie mark.

Je suis d'accord. Les régions françaises leur conviennent bien,” Dusk Shine articulated in fluent Prench. Their eyes widened at the sudden language change. He might as well have smacked them with a flaky baguette while wearing a beret.

“Uhhh..oui,” Rarity hesitated with a nod. His elegant words razzled her, making the fashion lover lose her composure.

“Work on the pronunciation a bit,” Dusk Shine playfully critiqued.

“I didn’t know you were acquainted with romance languages,” Sunset Shimmer commented. It shouldn’t have surprised her, knowing that he was constantly reading. A foreign language is an essential one. The gothic rocker smiled, expecting nothing less.

“ I’m the Schola Perfecta of Crystal Prep, requiring me to be a man of many trades and disciplines,” Dusk Shine bragged, making Sunset roll her eyes. “Such as stopping an uncontrollable smear campaign,” His eyes intensified, glaring at the five girls. Oh fuck right, he knows about the AAM incident.

“Dusk Shine,” Sunset Shimmer muttered. She couldn’t blame him for being confrontational. It was a mess.

“We apologized, and Sunset forgave us for being stupid,” Applejack stepped forward. Their faces were of remorseful pawns playing someone else’s game.

“Yes, Sunset forgave you,” Dusk Shine repeated. “I didn’t,” He acknowledged, his eyes obstructed by the lights. The amulet cackled, pulsating against his bosom.“I trust Sunset’s reasoning as she’s more empathic than me,” That’s probably one of several reasons why she’s able to make friends. However, the majority of the social skills went to Shining Armor. He made do. It worked until Cinch got heavily invested in his life. “Unfortunately, I don’t have such qualities,” Dusk Shine confirmed, tilting his head, revealing this lifeless purple one to them. “The only option I see is burying you guys,” His voice lowered, concluding his sentence. Sunset’s cyan eyes were rife with alarm. This isn’t Dusk Shine. The rage bellowing within him, his callous tone and hostile body language. She better stop this and needs to have a talk with him later. Something happened before the Friendship Games.

“I hope you’ll keep that tone when CHS is in the winner’s circle,” Rainbow Dash gritted her teeth. She remembered what he did to some of her friends in Cloudsdale. They contacted her, voicing their desire for payback.

You in the winner’s circle?” Dusk Shine mocked. “That’s not going to happen,

“Why’s that, Prep?” Rainbow Dash crossed her arms. Where’s her baton? Her athletic heart sank along with the others as they watched him twirl around the missing baton like a windmill. Wh-wha-HOW?! Did he get that? The scholar stopped, tossing the stick back to her.

Dusk Shine approached the pretend police officer. She established a brave front, but it was hopeless. Her face paled into an overstuffed cloud, leaking precipitation down her cheeks. His scolding breath tingled her sensitive skin with the hunger of an apex hunter as she gripped the baton. “My drive and power to win are beyond what you can possibly comprehend,” He declared, loosening his tie. His amethyst eyes blazed and roared in his authoritative tone as all civility exploded with the casual motion. His lustrous hair relaxed and sharpened into sapphire daggers with a thuggish glimmer in the overhead lights. The prince mutated into a callous underground mob boss, indomitable to getting his hands bloody. His wrathful flames licked their heels, exterminating what pitiful attempts they conceived during their preparation. He’s the Schola Perfecta.

The elite student out of elite students. Nothing was beyond his grasp. They harmed his dear friend, made her cry, and only forgave her when everything they held precious slipped away after being played like a cheap dollar store kazoo. Twice! Sunset Shimmer accepted their meager apology, understanding their frustration and distrust during their victory celebration in the Battle of the Bands. His amethyst eyes narrowed, tightened his jaw, remembering how they embraced like all they did to her … NEVER HAPPENED. No. Something has to be done about their fickle nature. Spike whimpered; his primal instincts told him to flee. Bless Sunset Shimmer for being the wonderful and forgiving person that she was. Although…He doesn’t have such human weaknesses. Sunset’s friends' hearts hammered in their ribs, trembling from his vengeful gaze. The door squeaked open when he was about to speak.

There you are!” Sunny Flare exclaimed, barging through one of the doors. The Rainbooms ogled her sudden appearance. Who’s this girl? Sunset Shimmer raised two fingers, gesturing to Sunny Flare, reducing to one finger at Dusk Shine. Their eyes widened, translating the message. This girl is the 2nd place student at Crystal Prep and the principal’s daughter. Great.

Fuck, here we go,” Dusk Shine sighed heavily, turning around to face her. Shit, he didn’t close the door behind him. Sunny Flare crossed her arms, sneering at their opponents. Why was he here, of all places? “Can I help you?” His empty voice dragged, petting Spike’s head in the meantime. He doesn’t want to deal with her bitchy attitude right now.

“Well, sweetie, you can help me by dragging your ass back to our team,” Sunny Flare ordered, glaring at the indifferent Top Student. He blinked like a fish, hearing her command but didn’t adhere to her authority. She groaned, rolling her eyes, and her focus shifted to one of the girls. A Sun shaped medallion. “You must be Sunset Shimmer,” She dismissively acknowledged Dusk Shine’s primary rival with an arched brow. Her cerise surveyed Sunset’s form. She’s…decent looking.

“That’s right,” Sunset Shimmer grinned, walking up to meet her. “And you must be Sunny Flare. Dusk Shine told me about you,” She offered her hand.

Mhmm, I’m sure he did,” Sunny Flare mumbled, offering a more profound interest in her finely manicured nails. Sunset Shimmer frowned as she retracted her welcoming hand. So much for putting Friends in the Friendship Games. She’s Cinch’s daughter; neither is the most approachable person. “Now that you’re finished with … them,” She vaguely gestured to their foes with a twirl of her fingers. They frowned at her pompous demeanor. “We need to leave before Cinch finds us,” Sunny Flare demanded before peeking at his loosened tie. “I’ll fix your tie for you,” She reached for the garment when his hand snatched her arm, chilling her skin under the noticeable pressure. Holy shit, he-he’s strong. His eyes blazed in a demonic cyan haze.

“I’ll handle it myself, Sunny Flare,” Dusk Shine assured, his voice gruff with corrosive acid. He released his grasp before robotically adjusting his school tie. She crossed her arms, disguising the earthquake in her cardiac and respiratory systems. That … kinda hurt. Sunny Flare rotated her wrist to ease the bizarre sizzling on her skin. Dusk Shine’s ear twitched. Two people were coming from the left.

“And our music program has especially taken off,” Celestia's voice echoed from the hall. Spike dipped into the bag like a whack-a-mole, knowing that Cinch was nearby. She gasped upon opening it with Principal Cinch by her side. “Dusk Shine?” Her surprise shifted into joy with a widened grin at his appearance. Oh, he did get a haircut. The short hair suited him, highlighting his delicate academic features. Her eyes softened, scanning his jaded expression fueled with frustration. Again with Sunny Flare. She had her mother’s cold pride and boastful sense of superiority. However, Celestia determines that it’s a mask. Someone who desperately needed a parent’s unconditional approval and support. Her cerise pupils were drowning in fear and self-criticism as she habitually corrected posture under Cinch’s dire gaze. A child shouldn’t have this face. She viewed Cinch suspiciously, alluding to what Cadence reported.

“Principal Celestia,” Dusk Shine smiled, albeit weakly. His voice relaxed, returning to his default intelligent tone. They exhaled, appeased by their lovely principal’s appearance.

Celestia embraced him, allowing Dusk Shine to bask in her sunny aura. “You should’ve told us that you were coming,” She tightened her hold on him. By Faust, Dusk Shine required one from someone he trusted. His face rested into her bountiful chest as he did as a child.

“Sorry, I got a little sidetracked,” Dusk Shine confessed, his amethyst eyes gilded to Sunset Shimmer. The two released each other.

“I must apologize for the curiosity of my prized student,” Cinch stepped forward, creating a roadblock between them. “The smart ones are always curious,” She snaked her arm across his shoulder, drawing him closer to her body like a dragon hoarding a mound of treasure. The CHS members arched their brows at the possessive action. Dusk Shine’s shoulders hiked up from the unexpected and unwanted contact. Her artificial fragrance assaulted his olfactory cells, restricting him like an animal who knew only bondage. It severely contrasted what occurred between him and Celestia. Dusk Shine was … human when with Celestia and Sunset Shimmer. But with Cinch. Nothing. “Sunny Flare, would you kindly check in with the rest of your classmates?” The headmistress of the elite school demanded her daughter harshly. This should be a simple task even for her. Sunny Flare nodded, ushering Dusk Shine along as they strolled down the hall.

“Sunny Flare?” Celestia recalled, forcing the pair to stop. Sunny Flare nodded. Of course, CHS’s principal knew her. “You’re Dusk Shine’s…” She paused, twinkling her brain. Her heliotrope eyes glimmered mischievously. Dusk Shine narrowed his eyes. She wouldn’t dare.
“Girlfriend?” Yep, she did with a trolling smirk on her sunny features. A record scratch echoed throughout the hall, leaving them flabbergasted.

The two paused and turned around.“Excuse me?” Dusk Shine exclaimed, bridging his brows with a screwed-up face. His eyes met Sunny Flare’s blushing face. “No offense, but given the status of our relationship. That’ll be concerning,” He explained, attempting to avoid ire from her and Cinch.

“Why?” Sunny Flare demanded with cross arms and a pout.

Dusk Shine vaguely gestures to Principal Cinch as Exhibit A to Z. It clicked. The Scholar Perfecta getting intimate with the Principal’s daughter. People will gossip. “Maybe after Crystal Prep, we can give it a shot,” He shrugged, opening the possibility. Sunny Flare blushed, causing Cinch to smile, not a maternal smile witnessing a potential blooming romance. This was a circulating smile, enjoying a sense of assurance that their plan was succeeding. The pair walked off as Dusk Shine glanced behind him. That should keep Cinch off his back until the welcoming party. “I’ll see you later, Sunset,” Dusk Shine remarked with a tiny smile.

Shall we continue the tour, Principal Celestia?” Cinch requested, shooting the named girl a stare. Celestia and Sunset shared a knowing glance. The principals left the girls alone, leaving them wondering what was going on here.

The duo exited the building where their team was waiting for them by the CHS horse statue. Sour Sweet acknowledged their presence, glaring at Dusk Shine with hands on her hips. “Where were you?” She demanded.

“Around,” Dusk Shine answered, refusing to give her a straight answer.

“He was with Sunset Shimmer,” Sunny Flare revealed without a second. Dusk Shine grumbled. What a fucking tattle-tale!

“So you were flirting with the enemy?!” Sour Sweet seethed.

“No, she’s your enemy,” Dusk Shine corrected. “What Sunset and I do is none of your damn business,” He countered as she continued to glare at him. “Besides, her friends were there, so I wasn’t telling them our secrets,”

“Let’s get you two registered,” Cadance announced, breaking the tense atmosphere. “You guys can head inside. We’ll be right with you,” She smiled as the students nodded. Squads of Crystal prep students entered the building as Vice-Principal Luna guided them inside. The younger Celestial sibling glanced from her clipboard. “Dusk Shine,” She smiled at her fellow child of the starry night.

“Vice Principal Luna,” Dusk Shine muttered with an adorable blush. Some of his classmates whispered about this new reaction. It wasn’t like him to be flustered. “I apologize for being unresponsive,” He bowed.

“No need to be so formal,” Luna consoled, aware of how demanding Principal Cinch was. “That’s my thing,” She turned the pen to herself before handing it to the top two students. “Alright, you were registered. Follow the signs to the gymnasium,” The herald of the moon instructed before they marched off. “Also, Dusk Shine,” Luna called him, standing from her foldable desk. She embraced him, to his and Sunny Flare’s shock. It’s as gentle and comforting as her name. He returned it awkwardly, snaking his arms around the middle of her back. “ It’s good to see you again, and … please talk to us if anything happens,” Luna comforted in a solemn tone. She’s aware of the whirling storm of emotions brewing in his mind. The anger, envy, ruthless cunning, social isolation, and narrow hostile determination to achieve their goal. Luna knew … all too well. From she briefly walked on the Stygian Path. There’s no way in hell Luna’s allowing him to journey on that forsaken path.

“Oh…okay, Vice-Principal Luna,” Dusk Shine muttered as Spike rummaged through his bag. The amulet vibrated, almost sympathetic towards Luna. He released his hug, following Sunny Flare to the entrance. She observed them hugging with a brooding look. Cadance, Celestia, Luna, and probably Sunset Shimmer. Her heart was an envious balloon, ready to burst. Sunny Flare desired them too. Cinch’s suggestion is gradually removing her reservations, witnessing what a boon awaits her. Dusk Shine isn’t against the idea. Maybe … when he gets to Everton … they can grab a coffee or something. She smiled. Yeah, that doesn’t sound bad at all. Cadence and Luna exchanged a knowing glance before tailing them. The rest of the Shadow five were still loitering at the statue.

“It’s about time,” Sour Sweet grumbled, narrowing her eyes at them. The B-team was already inside. They ambled towards the steps when Dusk Shine’s fingers grazed across the stone monument. He froze. Something or someone was holding him. His body reacted, attempting to free himself. Nothing. He was the magnet to this refrigerator. A rodent stuck in an adhesive trap. What is this?! The amulet roared with rapture, absorbing that haunting amethyst flame-like aether into his body. A surge of power roared into his nerves.

RELEASE THE MAGIC!” Something ordered from within the crevices of his mind. Night Blaze?! “You have the power. Greater than anyone in the world. Use it,” The molten voice bargained, darkening Dusk Shine’s expression. It’s right. Why should he be consistently submissive to Cinch?! How long will he endure this isolation and conditional interactions?

With them?!

The posh gilded sycophants?! Their blue blood was corrupted by conceitedness and entitlement, demanding his services. As if he was a clanless blank-flank serf that should be grateful for their presence. HORSESHIT! He’s the fuckmothering Schola Perfecta.

His ancestors commanded and served the celestial bodies, documenting generations of information within their libraries throughout Equestria and establishing alliances with distant countries. He built this country, dragging dozens of regions and nations out of the primitive mud. They were allowed to live in his world. Dusk Shine gave, but it was his turn to take. Spike’s head popped from his school, barking to awaken his friend from this trance. His barking alerted his team, Luna and Cadance.

His babysitter and Sour Sweet ran to him. Cadance grabbed his shoulders, giving him a shake. “Dusk Shine. Dusk Shine!” She pleads. His eyes were cyan dragonlike shadows, ignoring her pleas. Sour Sweet held his wrist. Her eyes widened at the flaming substance. The touch aroused him, breaking his trance as he removed his palm. Dusk Shine blinked before shaking his head, restoring his bearings. The two worryingly observed him rub his wrists and crack his neck. Dusk Shine groaned from the pulsing in his forehead. It stopped. His team cautiously approached him, not wanting frightened Dusk Shine.

“Dusk Shine, are you-” Sour Sweet asked softly. Did his brain overloaded again?

“I’m fine,” Dusk Shine interrupted; his tone was lifeless and calculated. They opened a path for him as he walked. “We have a game to win. Let’s move,” He ordered, adjusting his bag. Worried glances were exchanged amongst the women before following him inside. A haunting sensation buzzed in their minds. They didn’t know what it was, but this Friendship Game will be marked in history for better or worse.

“Let the games begin!” The amulet cackled. It’ll finally be free soon. Dusk Shine will be free soon, claiming his long-awaited birthright.

His right to rule.

Thanks for reading the story. Follow and Favorite to be alerted of an update. Leave a review for any comments, questions, theories or to show your support.

Thanks again. Have a good day.

Author's Note:

Fun Fact/Trivia
The Stygian path. I use Dark Determination from Jojo Bizarre Adventure and what Stygian aka the Pony of Shadows did.

The Stygian Path is a treacherous route for anyone. Becoming a demon or worse, discarding everything that makes someone a human. Nothing matters besides their ambition