• Published 10th May 2022
  • 1,575 Views, 55 Comments

Crystal Prison - HeirofHades

Dusk Shine the top student of CPA struggles to understand the value of Friendship. Cinch forces him to compete in the upcoming Friendship games against CHS. Now he must work with those he labeled him an outcast to achieve victory.

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Bodyguard preview

Hello you wonderful people. I'm back with another chapter. This time it's with the iconic DAZZLINGS. This went in a different direction than what I originally planned but that's how writing goes sometimes. Don't worry, I have the next official chapter in the works. So sit back and enjoy

Dusk Shine stepped off the bus, arriving early at Crystal Prep Academy on this chilly morning. Other students followed as they approached the front gate. Teachers and monitor students inspected their uniforms before allowing them access. Dusk Shine remained the Top student, so they let him through without a second glance. A trio of students followed closely, forming a protective barrier behind him.

"Hey, Dusk," Spike whispered, popping his purple and green head from his backpack. Dusk Shine grunted in acknowledgment. "Are we going to do anything about . . . them?" Spike emphasized, gesturing to the trio behind them.

Dusk Shine released a sweat drop as his body tensed, revealing his anxiety to his closest companion. "I would if I could, buddy," He confessed as they entered the building, garnering attention from the public student body. The trio's harsh glares immediately silenced mutters. They were often called his 'bodyguards' despite numerous times showing that Dusk Shine doesn't require protection. He's the Schola Perfecta of Crystal Prep Academy. Various corporations and colleges are vying for Dusk Shine's attention upon graduation. The captain of Canterlot's police force is his older brother. Only the genuinely idiotic or arrogant would be foolish enough to harm him. Dusk Shine exploited this as he culled Crystal Prep's population of any dissenters during Dean Cadance's ascension to Principal Cadance. Cinch frequently stated that her influence ran deep after being principal for over twenty years and being at CPA for around thirty years. However, Cinch's horrid actions at the friendship games forced her distasteful departure, invalidating her once-polished influence. Furthermore, police and federal investigations were opened up.

Nobody wanted to be associated with her. A criminal, a horrible mother, and a deceptive person. Dusk Shine recalled her disgruntled rants about how everyone abandoned her. He countered with Law 10: Avoid Infection. Distance yourself from the unlucky, unhappy, and misfortunate if someone is constantly displeased with their life and is in frequent trouble. It's likely their fault, and they need to be avoided before they suck others into their whirlpool of misery. Also, her favorite law in Law 5: So much depends on reputation, guard it with your life. People associate themselves with Cinch only because of her reputation and influence, enabling them to achieve their goals. Now she's just Abacus Cinch. They're no longer indebted to her, but so was she.

Dusk Shine used her vulnerable position to his advantage, along with Shining Armor and Cadance. Cinch had to give names with concrete evidence before negotiations could be made. She sang like a canary in a fully booked amphitheater, resulting in a MASSIVE chain reaction throughout Equestria, especially in Canterlot and CPA. The school endured a reconstruction period, but Cadance was extremely popular and competent in her job. Some even speculated that Cinch planned for Cadance to succeed her in the future or make Cadance into a principal or president of another established school. Despite the warm welcome, some weren't eager to relinquish the boons from being in Cinch's circle. Numerous faculty, alumni, parents, and students attempted to cozy up to Dusk Shine and Cadance with compliments, lavish gifts, and supposed loyalty.

Fucking flunkies.

Rageful disgust filled Dusk Shine's blood. Did they honestly think that suddenly being nice to him would make him forget ALL OF THE PAIN THEY'VE CAUSED HIM?! His bodyguards glanced at him, softening their expressions. Dusk Shine waved off their concerns. They nodded, keeping vigil as they closed their ranks.

Granted, some were remorseful and apologetic for their behavior, but most weren't. They reeked of pathetic self-preservation, hoping to avoid punishment or reduce societal backlash. It didn't work. It made it worse as many criticized them for their lack of responsibility and blamed Cinch for how they treated Dusk Shine. They pointed fingers at each other. Friends blaming friends. Parents throw their children under the bus to maintain the image of a responsible individual. Others stayed quiet, not voicing their opinions, trying to play double agent. Helping Cinch from the shadows and assisting Cadance in public. That should be the end of it, right?


Humans love stability, desire to avoid punishment and acquire more resources. People will lie, cheat, steal, and kill to get what they want. Several students wanted revenge against Dusk Shine for destroying their reputation and livelihood. He was aware of them, activating Law 15: Crush your enemy. No mercy, no quarter, no diplomacy. Also, Law 9: Win through actions.

The Prismatic Gauntlet was the ultimate humiliation for them and their peers. Dusk Shine proved why he was the Schola Perfecta, facing dozens upon dozens of students single-handedly, taking their cutie marks as a reward and making them bow and kneel before the entire student body and their guests. They still had burning embers of rage in their eyes, clinging to conceited pride and arrogance like a life raft. All those years of Smokey the Bear commercials told him it only takes one tiny ember to start a wildfire. His classmates, likely through their parents, won't take this humiliation lightly. Therefore, Dusk Shine uses several laws and stratagems to continue his plan.

Law 39: Stir up the waters to catch fish. He mocked, taunted, and embarrassed them in front of everyone they held dear. Their pride shattered, leaving only revenge in their souls. That makes them predictable as they're focused on him. Furthermore, it'll cause discord within their ranks—the old reliable Divide and Conquer. Also, law 23: Concentrate your forces. He knew his mission and how to achieve it. One single concentrated action was required.

After that, it was Law 12: Disarm with strategic honesty & generosity. He returned their cutie marks with a massive feast prepared for them and job applications. Why? Cinch was talking and wasn't looking suitable for his snobby classmates. Their parents and businesses will either collapse or suffer some form of financial difficulty. Dusk Shine decided up the ante with Law 32: Play to people's fantasies. He said they'll be free, considered responsible and trustworthy, and finally independent from their more established peers. This was 43: Win both hearts and minds. Places were looking for new workers, and their prestige would skyrocket if they were Crystal Prep. Secondly, it would prove to Equestria that they weren't idle wealthy kids who only got into CPA because of their families' wealth and connections. Thirdly it's simply practical, some were in their final year, and this would serve as practice in the workforce.

Unfortunately, everything was Law 31: The illusion of choice. Dusk Shine was the puppeteer pulling strings, at least within his school, with Cadance's help. She didn't want to be this ruthless but had enacted Law 26: Get people to do the dirty work for her. That was Dusk Shine. He was fully willing to get his hands dirty to wipe Cinch's stains from their school. Besides, Dusk Shine knew his opponents, their weaknesses, how they'll react, and when to do it. Laws 19, 33, 35 and 44.

Working with Shining Armor, Cinch provides him and Sombra, his family lawyer, with the best way to cull the infection. Yes, Sombra is involved in Dusk Shine's affairs. Some of Dusk Shine's schoolmates had some juicy secrets, and he let it slip that a few investigations would be opened against them. He already had some, but he needed more to keep them guessing. Law 13: Get help by appealing to others' self-interest. People are naturally selfish; they always look for ways to benefit themselves. What's a better way than removing an enemy by revealing what a scumbag they were? It removes bullies and other troublemakers, cleans the school's reputation, and likely inspires others to do the same.

Finally, Law 42: Strike the shepherd to scatter the sheep. This would take time, as Dusk Shine was already months deep into his plan, so he needed to accelerate things. He asked himself a simple question. Who are the biggest troublemakers with the most to lose from anything that occurred? Dusk Shine found them after he calmed down and went to therapy. They thought he was weak and easily intimidated, but they were utterly wrong. Dusk Shine boldly countered, keeping them in suspense as he revealed some of his cards. Truths and speculations with data from Cinch, Cadance, and some of their classmates forced them to act drastically, resulting in their isolation and, for some, expulsion and in cuffs.

Crystal Prep had an influx and exodus of students after Cinch's departure and during the reconstruction phase. One was Starlight Glimmer, becoming 2nd place and assisting Dusk Shine by gathering information. She was his first friend at Crystal Prep in ages. Moondancer and Starlight became close friends. Another was Juniper Montage, a film and photography student. Sunny Flare established a connection with her using their love of cameras. Then were Dusk Shine's 'bodyguards,' who are they?

The one . . . and only


But how? Simple. They enrolled, likely using Cinch's remaining influence. These three relished in the animosity within Crystal Prep, finding a full-course all-you-can-eat buffet. More importantly, the Aether that Dusk Shine released during the Friendship games. It was perfect. After stockpiling enough power, they attempted to conquer Canterlot with their music, then spread to Equestria and beyond. However, Dusk Shine stopped them with Night Blaze taking over. The Dazzlings suffered a brutal fall from grace. Their popularity was in the toilet. Agents dropped them. Locked in a secured facility as society scorned them. Forced to live in a lower-rent area in the downtown area with expulsion on the horizon. It sucked but was well deserved. However, Dusk Shine couldn't sit back and watch them suffer, as it remembered how he used to be at Crystal Prep. So he helped them, getting them back on their feet. Not on par with their previous life, but significantly better than what could've been. They were utterly baffled by his generosity as nobody was this altruist. He rejected their offers to have some fun during their alone time as it would leave a rancid taste in his mouth, using someone's desperate situation to satisfy his carnal desires. Furthermore, Dusk Shine's the top student, so they were his responsibility. Before driving off on his motorcycle, he said he better see them at school on Monday.

He did and many more after that. The Dazzlings went to every class on their best behavior, becoming model students. They wanted to repay Dusk Shine's kindness, so bodyguards it was. Dusk Shine didn't need the protection but can't deny its benefits as some students might still retaliate against him. He glanced over his shoulder as one of them hooked his arm.

First, it was the youngest, Sonata Dusk acting as arm candy. She's the most friendly and approachable compared to her . . . sisters(?). Her uniform was in prime condition ever since she got it, wanting to make a good impression. Like her sisters, she cut her hair into a neck-length bob, keeping side lengths to frame her face. Hair was essential to their culture, and cutting was a set of remorse, guilt, or starting a new life. A closing cycle is what they called it. No wonder it was so long. Sonata was placed in the grade below them due to her age and less-than-stellar grades; thus, Dusk Shine often had to tutor her.

"See you later, Dusk one," Sonata smiled, nuzzling her face into his muscular arm before skipping to her homeroom, and swaying her hips. She wanted Dusk Shine to look.

"Hey," Spike snapped his paws, breaking his friend out of his stupor.

"Don't judge me," Dusk Shine grumbled as Spike rolled his eyes. Some people called them Dusk to Dusk, with him being Dusk One and Sonata being Dusk 2. The other two closed their ranks, each taking a side.

Next was Aria Blaze. She removed her extended pigtails as it made her look childish. Her new hairstyle reached her chin, grazing her shoulders when her head was down. It separates her from Starlight Glimmer. Both were identical except in personality, body type, and uniform. Blaze chose a more casual style with a light sweater vest. Aria became the main bodyguard, more willing to fight than her sisters. Her bored mulberry eyes remained vigilant as she scooped the area. Dusk Shine was brilliant and much more formidable than she imagined. He single-handedly wiped out virtually all of his opposition. Heh. Some were stupid enough to get themselves kicked out of CPA. Aria purred with a mischievous smirk and lowered eyelids. Tough, intelligent, determined, and crafty. She liked that. Chills erupted on Dusk Shine's spine, getting a cold sweat from Aria's stare as they climbed the stairs. Just don't look, Shine, and you'll be fine.

"Catch you later, nerd," Aria Blaze said, playfully bumping her shoulder into him. Her class was on the other side of the hallway. Dusk Shine nodded as Adagio followed him to their homeroom. Aria's cheeks turned bright pink with a still confident grin, using her thumb and index finger to make a heart directed at Dusk Shine.

"How are you holding, Adagio?" The Schola Perfect asked as they strolled down the hallway.

She sighed, playing with what remained of her luxurious hair. The eldest Dazzling valued her hair above all things. It was her signature. Adagio's orange hair stays puffy and curly, reaching the nape of her neck and the perimeter of her upper back. She discarded her spiked headband, finding no use for it now that her hair was more manageable.

"I'm doing better. . . thanks to you," Adagio confessed with a meek smile. She suffered the most from their fall from grace, being the mastermind behind everything she and her sisters had done. Her posture became bored, indifferent, losing that scheming pride she adored. It's shown in her uniform. Sloppy or delinquent even. An untucked shirt, wrinkled skirt, and coat with her hand in one of the pockets.

"Don't mention it," Dusk Shine remarked, shrugging it off. Her gaze softened at his humility. She couldn't understand it. Why did Dusk Shine help them? Adagio and her sisters made Sunset's life hell, helped with the Anon-A-Miss event, stirred the boiling pot within Crystal prep, challenged his and Dean Cadance's authority, and attempted to take over Equestria. After everything they did?! He still helped them. No loopholes, no exploitation agreements, or special favors. The only cost for them is redemption and atonement. She couldn't help but smile. No wonder why Sunset Shimmer valued him so highly. Students muttered venom under their breaths as Adagio walked by.

"Who does she think she is?"

"Uh, why are they still here?"

"This must be Dusk Shine's punishment for being around them."

"He's too nice for his own good by helping them out,"

"Think one of them fucking him?"

"Nah, Dusk Shine won't lower his standards for them. He'll rather do it with Fleur De Lis than them,"

Both ignored their comments, but Adagio couldn't help to feel self-conscious. "Did you have to go through this crap?" She asked, making herself smaller. Adornment was the standard reaction towards her entire life. Now she's met with rancor and jeers like other students attempted to destroy CPA to destroy Dusk Shine. He nodded. Shock widened her eyes at his confession. "To go from being adorned," Adagio breathed.

"To be treated like a demon," Both mentioned before releasing a soft chuckle with their understanding. Adagio raised her head, regaining a measure of her ego back, stepping to his side. The dynamic duo: The Siren and The Demon.

Dusk Shine checked his watch. "Want to get some breakfast before class," He suggested. They have some time to kill. The lunchroom is serving pancakes today.

"Lead the way," Adagio agreed, changing their path to the cafeteria. Her raspberry eyes soften, cracking a heartfelt grin. "Thank you, my. . . Maestrkyraminus," She lowered her melodious voice, adopting a more respectful tone, even slightly bowing.

Dusk Shine raised his brow; there's that name again. He wants to know what it means or its significance. They've been calling Dusk Shine that name ever since he helped them. Was it an honorific or something along those lines? It didn't resemble any language he was familiar with. That's a later issue.

It's after hours at Crystal Prep, the majority of students have already left for home and to hang out with their friends. The only ones who remained were students in their clubs, lingering teachers, and students getting some extra studying done in the library. Although some desired respite from their parents' ire. Wounds from the Friendship games and Prismatic gauntlet are still fresh.

Dusk Shine and Sonata Dusk were studying together. He's helping her with her remedial assignments as she isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. It's his job to bring the youngest Dazzle up to standard. Sonata focused on the practice quiz he created along with her other assignments. English, math, science, geography, and history. Dusk Shine organized his notes as she placed her pencil down.

"Done," Sonata said, passing the stapled pages toward him. She waited anxiously as he marked her work, aware of her naivety compared to her sisters. Dusk Shine was crafted of studier material virtually immune to their charms, so they had to rely on their skills. Her heart rumbled as he stopped, double-checking his answer key.

"You're improving," Dusk Shine mentioned, pushing him his glasses. Her eyes glimmered with excitement as she received her paper. It's still a C, but C's get degrees. When you're in college, you will live and breathe this mantra.

"Heh, not so stupid now," Sonata commented as she viewed her grade.

Dusk Shine raised a brow at her comment. "Aria and Adagio said that to you a lot, huh?" He acknowledged. You can tell much about a person from what they mention and their interactions with others. She frowned, nodding slowly.

"I . . .," Sonata started with a pause. The library was virtually empty, with small groups of students scattered throughout. Late afternoon shifted to early evening soon. People needed to head home. "Know that I'm not smart. I sometimes say things without thinking and messing up our plans," The youngest Dazzling confessed, keeping her head down, avoiding eye contact with him.

"You're smarter than you think," Dusk Shine comforted. She looked up with tears in her eyes. "You're aware of your limitations and finding ways to compensate and improve yourself," He continued, boosting her morale. Sonata straightened her posture upon hearing his encouraging ones. "It takes a certain level of intelligence and self-awareness to acknowledge one's limits. Some people are so ignorant that they actually think they're competent," Dusk Shine continued, finding a breakthrough with his words.

"Like some of our classmates," Sonata whispered, pointing to some patrons. She heard that he offered them a life raft before the storm hit. Come on, how stupid can someone be? Dusk Shine warned them about what would happen, and they rejected his offers. Some were on probation or had entire graveyards in their closets. Yet several continued acting as Spritomb with the Wonder Guard ability without the Fairy type. For those who don't know what I'm talking about, they think they're untouchable, invincible thanks to their wealth and connections. The combination of those factors elevated the fatal flaw of arrogance. They believed they could be hellraisers or abandon their past without some level of revenge. An easy life was within their horizon.

But karma was patient, and Dusk Shine was their avatar, slamming them with a remorseless dose of reality. Actions have consequences. That bruised pride poisoned their minds, becoming wrath and vengeance. Unfortunately, their anger and Dusk Shine's anger were utterly different. Dusk Shine's rage was justified and focused like a career sniper after years of torment and being offered as a sacrifice, threatening the fabric of reality, nearly killing him just so they could win a few kilograms of golden plastic. He didn't want to eradicate the infrastructure, just the cancerous cells and the putrid trash as his targets. Cinch probably had a similar plan, but he took off of it for her.

However, their anger was equivalent to a child's temper tantrum. Spoiled brats are being told no for the first time and can only whine, complain and break things. Some took their punishment with some level of maturity. Others didn't and are now suffering from the backlash but can't comprehend why or what they did wrong.

"Exactly," Dusk Shine smiled, causing Sonata to giggle slightly. The pair worked on any remaining assignments. She narrowed down her topics for her history paper while Dusk Shine handed her some flashcards for later use.

"The library is closing in 10 minutes. I repeat, the library is closing in 10 minutes. Please return any items and wrap all assignments. Thank you," The librarian announced over the intercom, causing students to pack up. Sonata and Dusk Shine exited shortly, pacing down the empty hall. The night began to fall.

"Thanks for your help Dusk Shine," Sonata Dusk declared in a thankful tone. She had a gentle smile on her periwinkle feature. "Is there any way I can repay you?" Sonata asked, lowering her eyelids with a flirtatious tone. His spine tingled at her voice, but he pushed those thoughts away.

"Just keep doing what you're doing," Dusk Shine replied, keeping the conversation professional.

Her grin widened, displaying her teeth. "I have an idea," Sonata purred, pausing as she stood before him. His eyes widened as her fingers loosened her top.

"Are you insane?" Dusk Shine muttered. His heart raced as he scooped the area. Nobody was here. She kept her smile. "I keep telling you, you don't have to do this," He explained. The Dazzlings were in a desperate situation, and he helped them out. Dusk Shine didn't want to exploit their position for his personal benefit.

"You're right; I don't have to," Sonata responded, getting close to him. "I want to," She answered, pulling on his tie and smooching his cheek. Dusk Shine's cheeks turned bright pink as her face turned crimson. Sonata giggled as he stammered a response. "This is my way of saying thanks . . . for everything," She commented, recalling everything he had done for her and her sisters. There's no reason for him to help them. They could've rotted in that facility until their mini-twenties with the rest of society's youthful rejects. Nobody would've batted an eye. Yet. They are at Crystal Prep Academy with a clear shot at redemption and atonement.

"You-You're welcome," Dusk Shine stuttered, his face still a warm pink.

Sonata scoped the area. No eavesdroppers, footsteps, or security cameras. A Cheshire's smirk cracked on her face, aware that she'll probably never have this chance again. At least Sonata Dusk got a headstart on her sisters.



"Surprise~," Sonata Dusk praised, flashing her bare chest to him. His scholarly amethyst eyes exploded out of their sockets. THEY'RE PIERCED?! She chuckled at the screeching brakes from his succulent lips as his brain attempted to process this event.

"Um uh, Sonata," Dusk Shine stuttered, unable to decipher how to properly proceed with this engagement.

"Shh. . . don't worry about it," She purred softly, teasing him to her gleeful delight. "Normally, guys would have to pay a fee for this, but since it's you . . . I can make an exception," Sonata divulged, highlighting the shape of her bosom. There's something so . . . exhilarating witnessing their flustered faces and denying them when they attempt to get more. The only redeeming thing about those patrons is their money. Dusk Shine took most of their power, leaving them with base desires. Oh, but to reject them and have begging and pleading to taste a crumb from a stale piece of bread now, the tantalizing flavor of wine and steak eludes them. Her body and mind tingled with cruel delight as their pathetic faces fault upon one of the most potent and debilitating words in the human lexicon.


Sonata relished in their desperation, as did her sisters. She wasn't as open with it as Adagio, but that worked to her benefit. Sonata was the 'friendly' one. Those with a weaker spine and disposition always approached her, but Aria and Sonata coached her into keeping them desperate. Needy. On a short leash, cut them off once their usefulness stops, but sometimes they're held in reserve. No wonder Dusk Shine viewed all as dangerous in the beginning. He saw her as a threat. Sonata didn't know why that dazzled her, but it did.

Dusk Shine. Even though she's exposing herself to him as she did with many others. The emotions are different. Mischief was the dominant emotion, loving that stoic expression morphing to uttered flustered shock.

The new emotion was admiration, something she rarely felt towards anyone. Yeah, Sonata had fun with others like everyone else, but regarding Dusk Shine. . . this was unique. She didn't want his money or exploit him. There's something more sustainable. Sonata wanted his respect, his confidence, and his reliability. Why? Dusk Shine never saw her as stupid, the worst, a nuisance, or a simple, pretty face. He saw something more that could be better than what others labeled her. Even before Dusk Shine stopped their plans, Sonata Dusk did everything she could to become what he thought she could be. Her sisters laughed at her as she studied, but it didn't matter. Here Sonata is.

Nevertheless, she still wanted Dusk Shine to look at her. Sonata's smirk expanded as his gaze lingered on her chest. That ravenous glimmer in his intelligent pupils made her heart race. She knew he wanted to move forward and touch her, but his oaths and discipline as a Top Student forced him to remain neutral and professional. This elevated her respect for him and made her loins moist, desiring for him to release everything the females that school denied him. It had made her chest swell, becoming warm and fuzzy.

"An exception," Dusk Shine repeated, swallowing his spit to hydrate his throat. He remained vigilant despite their isolated position, attempting to focus his gaze on other things. They better hurry up before the custodians lock up for the night.

Sonata nodded, keeping her grin as Dusk Shine continued to a gentleman. So adorkable. "Consider it a belated birthday gift," She explained. Dusk Shine arched his brow before remembering that the Dazzlings were imprisoned during his birthday.

"Oh, um, thank you?" He thanked her, still trying to avoid staring for too long. His eyes and primal instincts continued to take glances, placing them in his pristine memory.

"You're welcome, and enjoy your Super Duper Deluxe Sonata viewing," Sonata cheered, biting her lips as she bounced. Her body eased in his presence, enjoying a sense of safety and peacefulness. His brilliant amethyst eyes made her heart race, but Sonata wasn't nervous. Hell, she didn't have the smug rapture of superiority from the others. In fact, Sonata was elated at him holding his gaze for so long.

"You don't have to do this, you know," Dusk Shine repeated, his eyes following her chest as it jiggled. "I told you this from the start."

"I know," Sonata smiled as she swaggered towards him. "This is my way of saying thanks" Her arms snaked around his firm back. He did the same. She experienced his accelerating heartbeat through his shirt. "You helped us out of the goodness of your heart when you had absolutely no reason to," Sonata affirmed, holding him tighter, pressing her breasts against him. "I don't care if it takes my entire life and several reincarnations to repay you," She concluded, gazing up with determined eyes before erupting in a smirk. "Plus, my boobs are pretty nice," Sonata bragged, stepping back and giving him a little show.

"Ye-yes," Dusk Shine answered slowly. His eyes fixated on the light blue flesh as his blood continued to heat his body. She didn't have the biggest pair but certainly had a quality set.

"You can touch me if you want," Sonata Dusk coaxed, lowering her eyelids as she eased her body into his presence. She loved that needy look in his eyes. A part of him wanted to do it as his hand twitched in anticipation. "But we don't have time enough for that as the bus is on the way," She interjected while regaining her dignity but still grinning. He almost looked disappointed, like his favorite show ended on a cliffhanger before going on hiatus. Nevertheless, Dusk Shine "And you'll probably say we're not there yet in our relationship," Sonata predicted why he might be hesitant. Plus, it's getting late.

"Probably," Dusk Shine agreed, fighting now fault in her logic as the two started to walk to exit.

"Oh right, I almost forgot," Sonata Dusk gasped, making Dusk Shine pause. Did she forget something like her book or an assignment? She grinned, flipping her skirt before him. "Here's my butt," A toned pair of cerulean butt cheeks covered by soft cotton panties came into his view.

"AH!" Dusk Shine exclaimed with a crimson face and a war drum for a heart. IS THIS WOMAN TRYING TO GIVE HIM A HEART ATTACK!?

Sonata Dusk grabbed his wrist. "Come on, we're going to miss the bus," She giggled, tugging him along to the exit. "Plus, we don't want our family to think of why we're late, right?" Sonata taunted, making his face a bright pink as his thoughts ran amok. They made it in time. Dusk Shine's face remained heated as Sonata sat beside him, satisfied with her actions. She was the first one off and waved him farewell. He waved back, finally easing his heart as the bus rode off.

"By the stars, if that was only Sonata, then Aria and Adagio would make me have a heart attack," Dusk Shine mumbled, putting in his headphones and texting his family that he was on his way. The sun finally set upon arriving home when he got a text from Sonata.

"Hey, are you home?" The message read.

"Yep, I just got home," Dusk Shine answered as Spike welcomed him home. Both sat on the couch.

"Are you alone?" Sonata asked inquisitively.

"Technically, it's just me and Spike. My parents should be home soon," Dusk Shine replied, scratching Spike's ears.

"Good," Sonata replied with a smiling devil emoji. Dusk Shine raised his brow, wondering what that reaction was, but another part of him knew what she was planning. His phone vibrated as she sent him an entire album of photos. Dusk Shine's heart rate skyrocketed as his eyes expanded. They weren't nudes, still wearing clothes but left little to the imagination. "Enjoy. It's yours to keep. Have a good night, and let's keep this between us, okay." She added with a winking and kissing face emoji. Dusk Shine's face glowed crimson, placing the phone against his chest.

No, don't think about it. Just get dinner started and a cold shower.

It's casual Friday at Crystal Prep. Students used this free day to dress up, away from the stuffy uniforms. You know, just being teenagers without pressure from their parents. However, it's still a school day, so they must do some schoolwork. These sessions were led by Dusk Shine, with Discord and Cadance supervising along with other teachers. They were discussing pre-Harmony events with Starlight providing feedback and clarifications. Sire's Hollow had some of the oldest and complete libraries in Equestria. The Dazzlings sat in the front row, it wasn't required for them to do so, but they were under supervision until further notice.

Aria Blaze focused on the words and dates as Dusk Shine explained them. She wasn't going to let Sonata or Adagio upstage her. He finished his explanations. Aria smiled, waving him over to her.

"Save ya seat, nerd," She beckoned, gesturing to the empty spot. Dusk Shine gulped, peeking over his shoulder as Cadance displayed her support. He sighed, seeing no point in arguing with this woman. Dusk Shine took the seat as Discord handed out worksheets. They got into their small groups and started working. Aria gazed upon Dusk Shine longingly with a gleeful smirk as he worked. She knew that Dusk Shine was more than a simple brainiac from what she heard from Sunset and Adagio. Plus, the decimation of Cloudsdale made the news. However, that wasn't the true Dusk Shine; that version was a corrupted version of him built by the bullshit he endured. Now Aria sees the proper interpretation of him or at least the healing version. The bright-eyed, eager dork with a charming smile and passionate about learning. Hell, it wasn't that crap textbook learning, either. When Dusk Shine learns something, he uses it and expands upon it. He got 5th place in the running of the leaves on his first try by reading about proper running techniques.

Who the fuck can do that?

Aria's features softened, remembering his kindness at their darkest moment. She thought Dusk Shine bullshitting them, as nobody was this generous without asking for something in return. That's why Aria confronted him, demanding to know if this was a bizarre way for him to get in their pants. Dusk Shine's a healthy male in his youthful prime. Obviously, he has wants and needs. Fuck it, Aria was fully prepared to fuck his nerdy brains out. But Dusk Shine refused their . . . generous offer as it won't feel right in his spirit or something. Furthermore, he didn't touch them, make inappropriate comments or attempt to take control of their lives. All Dusk Shine asked for them to be better. That awoke unique emotions in her. Was it a crush or something more profound like love? Probably.

Dusk Shine caught her gaze after a while. She flirtatiously winked back. His face reddened before focusing back on his paper, causing her to chuckle. Aria did her work as well before getting struck.

"Hey, Dusk Shine, can you help me with this problem?" She asked, sliding the paper towards her. He adjusted his glasses to further analyze the question.

"Oh, here's the issue. You mixed up the symbols, so you missed a step," Dusk Shine pointed out. As Dusk Shine explained, she slid her chair just to get a little closer to him. Fuck, Dusk Shine was a pretty boy. Succulent lips, smooth and polished features, gorgeous eyes, a dazzling smile, and got some muscle to him. He had great style, an extraordinary personality and got some money and status to his name. Dusk Shine was an overall stellar choice as a boyfriend and a husband. Yet he was still single, and nobody in the school bothered to pursue him. Are they stupid or something? Did their pride shove their heads so far up their asses that they don't recognize their own bullshit?! Aria's smirk increased at their folly. It didn't matter to her because she would claim him somehow.

"How much are you betting on them?" Discord asked, gesturing to the pair.

"I don't have a favorite," Cadance confessed, causing Discord to arch a surprised brow. Doesn't have a favorite for Dusk Shine? "I have an entire folder with spreadsheets dedicated to Dusk Shine," She added with stars in her blue eyes.

Discord opened his mouth but stopped himself. "I'm not even going to ask," He decided to avoid pressing further. An entire folder and spreadsheets?! His boss was the Princess of love, after all. After an hour or so, the students took a lunch break and went to the lunchroom or outside for some fresh air.

Aria was chilling at a table, chewing on some gum, and scrolling through her phone. "Hey Aria," An annoying smug voice filled with low flattery grated against her ears. She looked up, narrowing her mulberry eyes at the voice's owner. Fuck it's one of the jocks. He's from the soccer team and had a SERIOUS hate boner for Dusk Shine. For those who don't know about this particular character, this one glared at Dusk Shine while he was going to Cinch's office before the Friendship games. I don't have a name for him, or at least I can't find one on the Wiki. So I'll just make one up.

Fleet footwork had a smug grin on his face as he took a seat next to her. She scooched away, but he followed. "You look pretty hot in that outfit," He cajoled, leaning into her personal space.

"Thanks," Aria replied, suppressing a groan as she blew a bubble, ignoring his existence. She wore a gym outfit with a visor hat, high-waist leggings, a sports bra-style top, and arm warmers. It emphasized her hips and toned midsection. She's a tomboy and looked the part.

"Come on, how about you and your sisters ditch Dust Mite and hang out with me instead?" Fleet foot goaded, getting in closer to seal the deal. Other classmates muttered at the scene, facepalming at Fleet's attempt. This is literally every single failed flirtation attempt in bars and parties. Aria Blaze is disinterested, but we all know how guys with fragile egos act. They're like Dora the Explorer, unable to see shit unless somebody points it out for them. "I can do whatever he can and better," He claimed arrogantly with a slimy smile, snaking an arm around her shoulder.

Several classmates groaned. They've seen what Dusk Shine is capable of. Fleet footwork can't produce 0.00000001% of Dusk Shine's output on a lazy day.

"Well, kill yourself and come back to life," Aria Blaze deadpanned, not even looking him in the eyes. He blinked owlishly before widening them at the suggestion.

"Wait, what?!" Fleet footwork queried, hoping that he heard her correctly. His schoolmates snickered at his bewildered expression. He did say he could do whatever Dusk Shine could do.

"Bitch, did I fucking stutter?!" Aria Blaze gibed, smacking his repugnant arm away from her. "You said whatever Dusk Shine can do, you can do better," She repeated, goading him with thin slits. "Well, die and come back alive. That simple," Aria dared, still chewing her gum, waiting for him to reply.

"But I . . .," Fleet footwork stammered, his resolve wavering as he couldn't get his words out. Death and resurrection?! That's impossible!

"Oh, you can't," Aria Blaze mocked in a fake shock, covering her mouth and vile smirk. "I knew you were all talk. Now piss off and flirt with someone else. I ain't interested," She shot, rolling her eyes as she focused on her news feed, turning away from him. Dusk Shine just had to be a good boy and help his teachers. Wait . . . a sly idea popped into Aria's mind. Mhm. She wondered if he liked being called a good boy.

"Bitch, you know WHO I am?" Fleet Footwork thundering as he stood abruptly. Aria's indifference infuriated him, boiling his blood to steaming levels. What makes this bitch think that she can reject him so casually?! Dusk Shine pulled them out of the nadir of their lives, yet they still had this asinine arrogance about them. They should've known their place by now. Numerous students covered their faces in embarrassment. They can't believe he uttered that line. He started to speak, but Aria's laughter cut him off. "Why are you laughing?!" Fleet Footwork glowered at the shaking middle Siren.

"I remembered something Dusk Shine told me a while ago," Aria Blaze chuckled, reminiscing on a prior event. It was a triple date between him, Trenderhoof, Neon Lights, and her sisters. The two hit it off pretty well after bonding over complaining about their older siblings. "I'm the type of girl that weak men call a bitch." She smiled recalling their prior conversation. That's honestly one of the best compliments she's ever received. "Like many times, he's right. And who are you again?" Aria questioned with an arched brow and gestured her phone to him, baiting him into further embarrassing himself. These assholes rely on their given titles to exploit their ego and be gluttonous pigs excessively taking what isn't theirs. They have to be known and recognized as they're considered necessary. To ignore them or pretend not to know who they are. That's gotta sting. Their entire existence depends on people being aware of their existence and name.

"I'm the striker on the school's soccer team. I've won Crystal Prep several games and championships," Fleet footwork seethed with gritted teeth, emphasizing his perceived inflated importance. His face heated into a stinging and boiling red pepper. "I'm one of the stars of this school," He stated, forcing his schoolmates to roll their eyes, mocking his claim.

Come on, you're the striker, not a captain or vice-captain. Hell, probably the goalie is more important than you. I don't play soccer or Football for my European fans. So which role is the most vital?

"Didn't you get kicked off the team or on probation because you were viewed as problematic?" Aria Blaze countered. His body flinched and tightened at her words, stabbing holes in his logic. Gossip and muttering spread throughout the cafeteria upon hearing the news. Is that why he wasn't at practice? That explains why he was on the bench for a few games. Their words crawled across Fleet's skin like a colony of fire ants as he scanned their disappointed stares. "Plus, Dusk Shine's the schola perfecta; I think that's a little higher on the hierarchy," She remarked, raising her hand to emphasize her point. What's a soccer team striker to the Schola Perfecta of Crystal Prep Academy? The school has dozens of strikers, but once injured or stopped, they become irrelevant. Hell, athletes are considered expendable, whereas people like Dusk Shine appear once in several generations.

"Oh please, that fucking nerd has done but nothing study, study, study while I'm struggling every day to bring us the gold," Fleet Footwork scoffed, tightening his fists, agitated by their stares. They viewed Fleet if he was dumb or stupid. Probably both.

"So has Dusk Shine. Where's your trophy case?" Aria Blaze gloated, spiking Fleet Footwork's anger as he couldn't counter her point. Yes, both had earned the school trophies, but Dusk Shine had more quantity and quality awards, even venturing beyond academics.

"Plus, your grades aren't the best, and he helped you stay on the team," Moondancer shot, creating a deeper hole for his accumulating rage.

"So what?!" Fleet footwork exploded. Nobody was intimidated by his outburst. Aria blankly stared at him, crossing her toned arms. She could go for a burger right now, wondering when Dusk Shine will return. This guy is annoying. "Take away his smarts, and he . . . have. . . nothing," Fleet Footwork stormed as he criticized Dusk Shine, hoping someone would side with him. Nobody did.

They shook their heads at his narrowmindedness; some had the same mindset as him. The concept of Dusk Shine being useless without his intelligence was prevalent before the Friendship Games. It's to help them cope with their inadequacy. Then Dusk Shine proved wrong again. His courage, determination, innate sense of justice, strong moral compass, compassion, teaching skills, rationality, and willingness to put himself in danger to help. They envied those traits about him and respected him for it.

Fleet Footwork continued his rambling. They wonder when he'll run out of breath, but he's an athlete, so he had more than average. "Just fucking know-it-all lonely loser who should've burned in that fucking crater," Appalled gasps echoed throughout the room. They sneered at him for his foul words while several students, especially Sour Sweet, were ready to break his jaw in two. Dusk Shine practically died because of them and their foolish and selfish desire to win. Still, his disdain and resentment towards them were sufficient to keep him living and moving even when he absolutely shouldn't.

"What makes that freak so special after everything he has done to us?!" Fleet Footwork snapped, and magma flowed through his veins. His nostrils flared, eyes narrowed, and teeth gritted as he continued his rant. WHY ARE THEY WELCOMING DUSK SHINE WITH OPEN ARMS LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED?!

Dusk Shine humiliated them, taking their cutie marks like stickers in front of their families, alumni, and esteemed individuals. Then returned as if they were nothing while mocking the upcoming disaster they'll experience thanks to Cinch and his brother's actions. Furthermore, Dusk Shine brutalized them, beating their asses in front of everyone. He beat them socially, intentionally, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Financially came later. Cinch's reports and police investigations caused some of their parents to be fired or demoted.

Companies went bankrupt. Families were separated due to divorce or arrest. Hell, some of their classmates moved or transferred because of the events. What's worse of all? Fleet Footwork was put on the bench for a few games until his behavior improved. Fucking bullshit! The team has to know who's in charge. It took some convincing from some of his teammates to help him keep others in the line. But noooooo, some of them had to snitch to save their skins or ruin the dynamic. Even more so, some of his friends were KICKED OFF the team, and others left the school.


Discord observed the entire conservation, peeking through one of the doors. He frowned at Fleet's words. This wasn't appropriate; therefore, his job was to stop it. Only for someone to step up for him.

"Throughout the time I've known Dusk Shine, he has been nothing but the epitome of what's expected of Canterlot's social elite," Jet Set stood up, broadcasting his thoughts. The lunchroom focused on him. Discord arched his brow at the support but smiled nonetheless. "He knows the rites, the codes of conduct, and various values and principles installed in our nation," The aviation company heir voiced his admiration towards their fellow student. Upper Crust stood with him, shooting Fleet Footwork a blank glare. Fleet simply fumed, grumbling his breath. "I'm also indebted to Dusk Shine," Jet Set smiled, holding Upper Crust's silkened gold hand. She affectionately rubbed his hand with her thumb. "He told me to stop being a coward and just go for it,"

Several students gasped, covering their mouths as their smiles widened. Dusk Shine got them together?! Discord chuckled, shaking his head at Dusk Shine's actions. Good thing Cadance didn't hear that otherwise; Dusk Shine will never hear the end of it.

"Despite everything we did to him, Dusk Shine gave us an out to better ourselves," Upper Crust continued, articulating her thoughts about Dusk Shine. Job applications to help them support themselves, gaining real-world experience. Opening several doors, enabling them to achieve justice and free them from their oppressors. She pointed at Sunny Flare. "He even helped Sunny Flare escape Cinch's control, seeing her as a victim. Probably more than himself," They focused on Sunny Flare, and she arose as well.

Her hair grew, reaching the top of her upper back. The controversy revolving around Cinch made her older sister take custody of her. Dusk Shine helped her during the move, standing up to Cinch without fear, even willing to fight the former principal. However, Cinch allowed them to leave. Sunny Flare has been living with her sister ever since, becoming much happier as she developed her hobbies. I would make the sister Sassy Saddles or relate to her like a cousin or aunt.

"IF that isn't a man of quality and respect, then I don't know what is," Upper Crust concluded. He had no reason to help them, but he did.

Fleet footwork growled. "Fuck off, you bluebloods always support each other to suit some goal," He replied with a sneer.

"Um . . . news flash buster, I was one of Dusk Shine's main tormenters, but he saw that I can be one of the top ten students," Fleur De Lis interjected, irritated by Fleet's whining. "He saw something in me beyond my fucking tits," She clamored, pushing the breasts with her crossed arms. Honestly, it felt . . . nice to be seen as more than a pretty face.

"Dusk Shine never hated me for a moment," Sunny Flare attested, smiling as she recalled their few good times together. "Even when he wanted revenge after betraying him like that . . .," Guilt pulse on her tongue, tightening her throat as the memories of the Friendship games rushed in. She paused. "He still wanted me to be happy," Juniper rested a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"But he still ruined some of our lives, our friends and families," Fleet Footwork complained, unable to comprehend the rationality of Dusk Shine's actions. Right now, Fleet's words had the same way as a conspiracy theorist on the roadside holding cardboard signs about the End times.

"So did the rest of you fucking bastards," Lemon Zest argued, pulling her headphones down. " But it's a problem when he wants to get rid of you," She glared with many of her schoolmates at Fleet.

"Yeah, some of you guys were fucking creeps,"

"My parents were going to send me to Canterlot High when they smelled your dirty laundry," Indigo Zap mentioned. Hm. That can be a good Omake.

"He still got away with it!"Fleet Footwork whined.

"No, he didn't. Principal Cadence and Celestia, Vice-principal Luna, and his family placed him under supervision and restricted some of his privileges," Sugarcoat mentioned.

"Baton Switch saw him every weekend at Canterlot High, helping the maintenance and helping other students as atonement," Sour Sweet announced, revealing Dusk Shine's sense of responsibility. "Obviously, taking responsibility for your actions is a foreign concept to you," She chastised.

"I didn't know that," Aria Blaze raised her brow but smiled at his actions. "Heh, he's an awesome guy," This was before they came into the picture.

"Do you like him or something?" Fleet footwork bugged, turning up his nose.

"Probably," Aria Blaze answered with scarlet cheeks. She wasn't the only one who did.

"Whatever, you're probably whoring yourself out to him anyways," Fleet Footwork insulted. That's next on the 'Butthurt guy' bingo. A man calls a woman a whore when she doesn't want to have sex with them.

"Nah, he didn't touch us at all," Aria shook her head. "Not even pics," She clarified, but nothing could stop Dusk Shine from asking. She's more toned/muscular than her sisters but still has iconic curves. Sonata whistled innocently, hoping to avoid her sisters.

"Of course, he's a fucking pussy and a coward," Fleet Footwork grumbled, rolling his eyes but can't help to savor this small moment of satisfaction.

"For what?" Jet Set jeered at Fleet Footwork's petty insults. "Treating them like actual humans?" He asked, assessing the soccer player's character values. The Dazzling's situation and how Dusk Shine handled it increased his respect for the top student. "Typically, someone your caliber would say that," Jet Set marched to Fleet Footwork, roughly poking him in the chest. "No wonder you only lost your virginity after paying a Griffon on one of your family business trips," He disclosed to the lunchroom. Fleet Footwork anxiously looked around the room as more people gossiped and whispered.

"Shit, I thought you couldn't get more pathetic," Aria Blaze mocked, adjusting her visor cap. Seriously, getting a Griffon to take his virginity? People like him loved to brag about how desirable they were. Still, they only could go for people with a price tag or where there was a drastic power difference in their favor. The Griffon better be of age.

"Shut up!" Fleet footwork exclaimed with wounded pride, veins rhythmically pulsed across his face and neck. "Besides his money, status, and looks, what's there to like about him?" He shouted, hoping that someone would agree with him.

"Firstly, he's actually intelligent, not the know-it-all bookworm as you bastards love to claim," Aria Blaze started the list by counting on her fingers. "He taught me things that I didn't know I needed and in ways I can apply myself," Discord and others nodded as Dusk Shine is an excellent teacher. "Secondly, Dusk Shine's completely reliable and trustworthy. When he says he's going to do something, he will do it, unlike you, who makes excuses and takes credit for people's work. I don't have to worry about Dusk Shine doing some sketchy shit because he . . . has . . . principles," She affirmed her faith in Dusk Shine. While transitioning into their new rundown apartment, Aria swallowed her pride and asked Dusk Shine to help with their plumbing. He succeeded more with preventive maintenance. "While you, on the other hand," Her anger spiked, sick of looking at Fleet's face. "I know girls cover their drinks and have a buddy system when you're at a party," She predicted, using their brief earlier interaction as evidence. "Finally and most importantly, I respect him," Aria avowed earnestly, her eyes blazing with intensity in her defense of Dusk Shine. "He always put that big brain of his to work and made consistently impressive results. I saw how the local community respects him and does not use his family name to get what he wants," Her face softened as the images of Dusk Shine went out of his way to help them without some personal gain. He was their hero. "Can you do that?" She asked softly, but those words echoed throughout the room.

". . .," Fleet Footwork didn't answer. How can he answer that question?

"I guess you can't," Aria Blaze said, deciding what type of person he was.

"Well, he was a freaking monster thanks to the Aether," Fleet Footwork protested, using a hail mary attempt to gain some support. "We saw the real him," He alleged, gazing around the lunchroom for any agreeing faces. He found none.

"Aether amplifies the person's emotions at the given time," Starlight Glimmer explained, destroying his argument. "Anyone would be angry after being betrayed, exploited, and forced to use something that dangerous for a stupid contest," They nodded to agree.

"Dusk Shine's will was strong enough to endure and even control it," Aria extolled Dusk Shine's accomplishments. Returning from the brink of death numerous times while discovering how to best utilize his newfound powers to achieve victory. "After he cleaned house, removing the true undesirables, which Dusk Shine already planned to do," Her smirk widened before losing it, adopting a more somber expression. "I can't imagine how tough it must have been for him. Fighting against your own thoughts, fears, and emotions to prevent another personality from taking over," She sympathized with Dusk Shine, taking a sharp inhale through her nose. "Rushing face first into overwhelming danger to protect someone he loves," The image of Dusk Shine charging to save Sunset Shimmer while they were at their full power. "It's pretty fucking impressive," Aria effused, congratulating Dusk Shine's valor. "While you ran away and hid, which is still a smart thing but to make up lies on how you were a hero or did something. That's low," She rebuked such cowardice.

"He's still a fucking virgin loser at the end of the day," Fleet Footwork bickered, getting more desperate as he fell lower on the social hierarchy. Everyone groaned at his final retort. Is that his best

"Oh, come on, dude! Get over yourself,"

"What is this the fucking 80s or 90s,"

"Most of us are virgins,"

"It's not to be ashamed of, so relax already,"

"Oh please, if Dusk Shine wanted to cash his V-card, he would've done so already,"

"He probably never kissed a girl either," Fleet Footwork nickpicked. Come on, there has to be something he can use.

"Dusk Shine kissed me," Sour Sweet answered, raising her hand with a slight blush. Fleet snapped his head in her direction. "And probably Sunset Shimmer and Trixie," She predicted, as it would make a lot of sense.

"Same," Fleur De Lis added, smiling as she remembered their Seven minutes in heaven. "He's really good at it," Her body shuddered in delight with a smile.

"I know, right?!" Lemon Zest yelled with a beam. "I want to know who taught him so I can thank them," She broadcasted because there's no way Dusk Shine has that natural talent. "Fuck I was READY for him to touch all of my bases," Lemon Zest motioned her hands.

"Didn't that scare him or something?" Aria Blaze questioned. She's aware doesn't have that much experience with physical intimacy.

"Nah, we're cool with each other, so it was fine," Lemon Zest answered with a smile, waving off any significant concerns before biting her lip. "Shit, he had me against the wall, and wooooo~" She fanned herself to keep herself cool as the memories heated and tingled her body. That party/concert was so worth it. Maybe Dusk Shine could have a little encore with her.

"Good to know~" Aria Blaze purred at the revelation with lowered lids. Dusk Shine puts Lemon Zest against a wall, making him a top or a dom. However, Aria loves a challenge. She'll make him into a bottom or at least a sub.

"But he . . . he . . .," Fleet footwork stammered. This literally can't be happening. This can't be happening! Not only did Dusk Shine's social life increase, but he also increased his romantic endeavors.

"Fleet, just leave, man!" Indigo Zap yelled. She was sick of his bullshit, as was the rest of the room. Fleet Footwork sneered as his eyes bounced around the room. His face and neck heated at their glares while clutching his fists. He began to open his mouth when Dusk Shine entered. Why were they smiling at him and looking at him warmly?! He doesn't deserve any of it!

Dusk Shine smiled but paused to evaluate the situation. The air was thick, and Fleet was ready to explode again.

"Did I miss something?" Dusk Shine asked. Several students shook their heads and pretended to be ignorant.

"Nah, nothing important," Aria Blaze claimed with a cocky smirk. She distanced herself from the soccer player and got close to Dusk Shine. "Come on, let's get something to eat," She said, wanting to see his culinary masterpiece.

"You fuckers won't get away with this!" Fleet Footwork exploded, stomping away as he shoved Dusk Shine out of the way. Dusk Shine raised his brow, baffled about the situation. What the fuck was his problem?

"Don't worry about it," Aria remarked, gesturing to him at the lunch table. Dusk Shine nodded, but he should still report this Principal Cadance. Fleet Footwork was a cornered bleeding animal with minimal to lose. It'll take a slight push to get him over the edge and hurt someone and himself.

Don't worry, Dusk Shine; Discord heard the entire conservation from one of the doors. He got your back.

The day finally ended. Dusk Shine was relaxing with his Friendship Games team and others. Aria adjusted her cap and pulled on her arm sleeves, and popped another gum into her mouth. Determination fueled her thoughts. It's now or never.

"Hey, Nerd," Aria shouted. All the academics paused and stared at the middle Dazzling. "Glasses," She added. It narrowed the number of participants to Dusk Shine, Jet Set, Neon Lights, Moon Dancer, Juniper, Trenderhoof, and Sugarcoat. Aria rolled her eyes. "The boy," She continued leaving Dusk Shine, Jet Set, Neon Lights, and Trenderhoof to do the Spiderman posing situation. "Ugh! Dusk Shine," Aria concluded, dragging her hand down her face. Why didn't she do that earlier?

Dusk Shine arose and approached, as did she. "Hey, Aria," He smiled. Her eyes widened, and her cheeks burned red, but she couldn't back out now. Why is he so cute?! "How can I he-MHM?!" Aria didn't let him finish, grabbed his shirt, and slammed her lips on his. Alarm bells rang in Dusk Shine's brain as this wasn't a regular occurrence. That's why Aria is planning to make this a memorable experience. His body relaxed, returning the kisses albeit slightly. She took it to the next level, pushing him against the wall and taking complete control of the situation. Aria purred and moaned as Dusk Shine's hands were on her shoulders. But there's something she always wanted to do to a guy. Aria picked him up by the legs, shocking Dusk Shine with her strength displayed while her nimble tongue slipped into his mouth. Both stayed for a few moments to their dumbfounded audience.

Aria detached her soft lips from Dusk Shine's splendid ones. "Thanks for the help, nerd," She smirked, licking her lips to savor his taste. Damn, he tasted scrumptious.

"You-You're welcome," Dusk Shine barely muttered a response. She held him but enabled him to stand on his feet. Mhm. There's something in his mouth. "Um, Aria?" He asked. Her gum was in his mouth.

"Keep it," Aria said blankly, relishing in his nervousness. She guessed it takes the "Consider it a reward, Maestrkyraminus," She muttered, giving him seductive half-lidded eyes. He flinched, unconsciously chewing on the gum. "If you want to taste more, just call me," Aria offered, whispering smokily into his ears before kissing him on the cheek. She watched his legs buckle and collapsed under his weight onto the floor. Aria chuckled, caressing his dazed face before turning around. She sensed his eyes following her swaying hips, making her smirk in delight. Adagio and Sonata shared a look before raising an approving brow at their sister. "The fuck yall looking at? Let's head home," Aria scoffed, rolling her eyes at them. The two shrugged before following the middle Siren.

Several students monitored Dusk Shine, checking to see if he was operational. However, some of them have something on their minds.


Dusk Shine has read books for his entire life. The rule of 3 always seems omnipresent throughout everyone's life. Today's his turn. Since Dusk Shine helped out the Dazzlings, they've been extra friendly toward him. Sonata was always a lovely sister. Aria had that tough on the outside and primarily soft on the inside once you've progressed her social link. Then there's Adagio Dazzle.

Oh boy.

The leader of Dazzlings was placed in Dusk Shine's homeroom and is still there. Principal Cadance believed that he'll be a good influence on her, and he was. However, the pair spent a ton of time together, bonding over their experience with Aether and the scorn of their classmates. Henceforth they've been labeled as the Dazzling Siren & Scholarly Archfiend, among other titles. Of course, people have shipped them calling the pair Dusk Dazzle. Both had a unique bond and defended each other from their foes. Adagio unofficially became Dusk Shine's competent trophy wife while he became her moral compass and boss.

But do they have feelings for each other or see them as a potential candidate? Possibly. Dusk Shine is a total catch and a grateful asset in anyone's life. Plus, Dusk Shine has commented on Adaigo's attractiveness and appeal, which she overheard and greatly appreciated. So how does she thank him? By taking him out to lunch on the weekend. He obliged. This news spread throughout the school, reaching Cadance's ears and charging her romantic skills into overdrive for Dusk Shine's date, which he adamantly protested wasn't. Although a part of his brain kept that possibility in mind.

Now he's waiting in one of the mall's plazas for the lead Siren. "Just relax, Dusk Shine. She's only treating you to lunch," He muttered, attempting to calm his nerves.

"Oh, Dusk Shine~" Adagio's silvery voice called to him. The eldest Siren spent hours practicing her tone and pitch on saying Dusk Shine's name for today. She strutted towards him with her classic model swagger. "Were you waiting long?" She asked, placing her hand on her hips. Her eyes scanned his outfit, purring eternally at how delicious he looked. Damn, Dusk Shine knows how to dress and probably had help from his family.

"Nah, I got here a few minutes ago," Dusk Shine answered, placing his phone into his pocket.

"Good, come on, and let's eat because I made reservations," Adagio smiled, directing him to her chosen restaurant. The pair chatted until they arrived at the place. Dusk Shine's heart dropped when reading the restaurant's name. Oh no…this sushi place is where Sunset works. He gulped as they went to the counter.

"Name, please?" The worker asked.

"Dazzle, a booth for two, please," Adagio answered as Dusk Shine scanned the area. Maybe she wasn't working today. He's REALLY hoping that Sunset wasn't working today because she'll pop a blood vessel if she sees him with Adagio. Mainly they have a booth of all things instead of a table.

"Right this way," The worker remarked, directing them to their assigned booth and handing them a menu as they sat. "Your waiter will be with you shortly," Two cups of water were placed in front of them.

Adagio peered at the menu, figuring out their order. "Hey Dusk Shine, what looks good . . . hm?" She asked but paused at his body. He was fidgeting with his hands as his purple eyes nervously scooped the restaurant, fearing he'd see someone. Adagio knew that he was terrified of meeting a certain someone. "Are you okay?" She asked, causing him to jolt in surprise. This was supposed to be a relaxing afternoon between two people. Good food with good company.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Dusk Shine replied, regaining his composure. "I didn't think you would pick this place," He acknowledged, swirling his water.

"Bad memories?" Adagio predicted, raising her brow as she repeated his motion.

"No, it's not that, but," Dusk Shine clarified, shaking his head before pausing. "It's Sunset, that's all," He confessed when her yellow hand placed itself on top of his own. I know her skin color is labeled as PALE APPLE GREEN. I simply refuse to acknowledge it. Therefore, she's yellow.

"Hey, don't worry, that big brain of yours," Adagio consoled, caressing his cheek to ease his anxiety. Oh, he's blushing; that's fucking cute. "She's a big girl," Adagio remarked before standing up. There's nothing he should be worried about. "I'll get us some extra sauce. I know you like your food spicy," She motioned to the condiment section. He smiled as did she before surveying the menus.

"Welcome to-Dusk Shine?" Sunset Shimmer started. Their eyes widened as they met the other's gaze. "Hey," She greeted, feeling awkward after their last in-person conversation.

"Hey," Dusk Shine replied casually, but internally, he was FREAKING OUT! Fuck, she's working today.

"Oh, you're with someone today," Sunset Shimmer smiled, acknowledging their second menu on the table. "Got a hot date or something?"She wiggled her eyebrow mischievously.

"Not really," Dusk Shine implied with blushing cheeks.

"Right," Sunset Shimmer doubted, keeping her smirk. It's about time Dusk Shine placed himself on the market. "Come on, who's the lucky person?" She wanted to know who caught his attention. Was it one of his classmates or one of hers?

"That would be me," Adagio Dazzle declared, shocking Sunset Shimmer as her jaw dropped at her appearance. Her cyan eyes bounced between Adagio and Dusk Shine. ARE THEY ON A DATE?! Can't be? Wait . . . unless there's something else going on behind the scenes. "Hello, Sunset Shimmer," She marched towards her, holding a few bottles in her hand, and another hand was on her waist. Dusk Shine covered his face. Oh boy, here we go.

"Adagio Dazzle," Sunset Shimmer growled, bitter rage vibrating in her throat at the sight of her. "What are you doing here?" She demanded as she tightly gripped her pen.

"Treating Dusk Shine to lunch as thanks," Adagio Dazzle answered, crossing her arms. "Why? Got a problem with it?" She challenged, tilting her head, keeping her glare focused.

". . .No," Sunset Shimmer grumbled, clicking her pen. "Are you ready to order?" She asked, wanting this over and done with. Holy shit, Adagio did cut her hair.

"Yes," Adagio Dazzle commented as she retook her seat. Dusk Shine exhaled, glad it ended peacefully.

"I'll get your usual Dusk Shine," Sunset Shimmer cited as she started to write on her notepad. She knew Dusk Shine. That's something Adagio Dazzle can't take away from her. Extra spicy shrimp tempura as an appetizer. Yaki Soba with chicken and clear soup on the side with an iced tea easy ice.

"Um . . . I'm going to try something different today," Dusk Shine interjected. Her writing stopped after hearing his response. Something different? "My therapist said I need to occasionally break my routine because of . . .," He explained, looking away as his finger tapped his forehead. Both girls shared a solemn expression, agreeing to a temporary truce for Dusk Shine's sake. Sunset took their orders and went to the kitchen, but her eyes never left their table. She's watched and observed the two like an ambush predator ready to pounce to save Dusk Shine. Yet that moment never occurred.

Sunset frowned as Dusk Shine and Adagio Dazzle enjoyed themselves. They said it wasn't a date, but it might as well be one by how they're smiling and looking at each other. Dusk Shine used to look at her like that. Sunset's eyes widened as her stomach turned and heated. No. . .no. . . NO! There's no possible way she's jealous of Adagio Dazzle. A swift inhale calmed herself before giving them go-to boxes and their checks. Dusk Shine opened his wallet to pay.

"I'll take care of it. This was my treat for you after all," Adagio stopped him, displaying her debit card. He obliged as Sunset took and swiped it. Huh? It actually went through.

"I got you a few spring rolls and fried rice," Sunset Shimmer muttered to him with a wink. He smiled back as they stood up.

"Do you want me to take you home?" Dusk Shine offered like the gentleman he was. The Dazzlings' new home wasn't far off on the route home. Sunset's heart dropped to her gulet. Taking her home? Yeah, it's like Dusk Shine to help those close to him, but this upset her. She observed their entire . . . date. It had virtually no faults as it checked every box for an excellent date. Will Dusk Shine be rewarded for his efforts?

"Sunset and I wanted a little chat," Adagio replied. Dusk Shine glanced at Sunset, aware of their rivalry.

"It's okay, Dusk Shine," Sunset Shimmer remarked. He nodded, leaving the two to have their conservation.

"I'll see you two later," Dusk Shine agreed. He should leave, as his presence would complicate things.

"See you in class, Maestrkyraminus," Adagio Dazzle gave him a heartfelt smile. Envy spiked in Sunset's mind, driving her to act.

"Drive safe, Dusk Shine," Sunset Shimmer embraced him tightly. Dusk Shine hugged her back, only for her to squeeze him more. This is . . . new. Over his shoulder, Sunset shot Adagio Dazzle a foul dark glare, burning in pure possessiveness. Adagio calmly stared at them. Sunset released him. They watched Dusk Shine exit the restaurant. Both girls harshly glared at the other once he was no longer in their view. Sunset motioned Adagio to follow her. She went into a somewhat hidden area near the washroom. "First things first, what's with Maestrkyraminus crap just now," Sunset demanded, wanting a full explanation for this new relationship.

"It's an archaic term from my home," Adagio Dazzle explained. "That term or title is only reserved for those truly worthy of such an honor," Truly worthy? That does sound like an elite title. "And Dusk Shine is worthy," She confirmed with a boastful grin. "Think about it as if I'm calling him prince or master,"

"Isn't that kinda overboard and dramatic?" Sunset Shimmer countered. "Dusk Shine deserves a lot of credit, I get that, but why is that title so important," She affirmed, aware of Dusk Shine's potential and worth. It took for his classmates to openly respect him after he almost blasted them with scorching marks.

"Do you think he deserves less?" Adagio Dazzle shot back, shocking Sunset Shimmer with her answer

"What? No. We both know that" Sunset Shimmer defended with a frown, motioning her finger between them. "I simply want to know why," She quizzed the lead Dazzling with folded arms. "You're not the most honest, genuine, or obedient person," Sunset accused, pointing a judgemental finger at her. "There's something up your sleeve," Her eyes sharpened, attempting to figure out the Siren's plan.

"I don't blame you for feeling like that. I was a scheming bitch back in the day," Adagio admitted openly with a shrug and a little humor in her tone. There's no point denying it.

"Was?" Sunset contested with a wrinkled forehead. Was means past tense. A few short months don't cause a radical personality change.

"I don't do it as much anymore," Adagio professed, as it's still a core part of her personality. She knows what she wants and gets it smartly. "Thanks to Dusk Shine," A soft genuine beam formed on Adaigo's stunning features. It left Sunset Shimmer bewildered. There's no trace of manipulation or malicious intent behind it. She knows that Dusk Shine helped Adagio and her sisters, but what did he do for them?

"One of the core requirements to be someone's Maestrkyraminus is for them to defeat you or be viewed as your better," Adagio continued explaining her sudden fealty to Dusk Shine. Sunset agreed. He demolished the three sisters solo when they were at their full power. Hell. Dusk Shine was probably at half-strength or even less than that. "Next is for the Maestrkyraminus to be someone worthy following into the depths of Tartarus and back without hesitation," Adagio specified. Her eyes grew soft and delicate as the last few months rushed by. "He did all that for us without asking or for personal gain. The price is our atonement and better people," Her hand gilded throughout her growing orange locs. She's gradually achieving her old looks again, but maybe a new hairstyle is in order. Does Dusk Shine like braids?

"But," Sunset Shimmer chimed in

"But what?!" Adagio Dazzle glowered, taking a forceful step forward. "I didn't have that best friend privilege that you have, Sunset Shimmer," She criticized the waitress with disgust in her eyes. "My sisters and I will spend the rest of our lives repaying him," Adagio conveyed, placing a hand on her chest.

"You know, Dusk Shine won't, " Sunset Shimmer refused to believe they would accept any payment from them. It's not clean.

"Exactly," Adagio Dazzle acknowledged; her past grievances left a HEAVY bill with taxes to pay. "Even more reason why I have to," Her grin exploded with relish in all the ways she can repay him. However, the grin was partly bait for Sunset and she took it.

"Listen here," Sunset Shimmer cursed, her heart pumping enraged blood. She's not allowing her to put slimy hands on her Dusk Shine.

"No, you listen," Adagio railed against Sunset Shimmer, shoving her in the collarbone. Sunset snarled at her actions but stopped upon seeing Adaigo's eyes. Burning resolute flickered within her raspberry but sparked a haunting realization if something didn't happen. "Dusk Shine was literally the best thing that ever happened to us," She divulged. Her mind of what her life could've been without his intervention. Traveling throughout Equestria in a rundown bus without a place to call home as a washed-up group barely scratching by. The Dazzlings have an actual life with an acceptable future. Sunset Shimmer listened to what Dusk Shine did for them. She perfectly understood the zeal behind Adaigo's voice. Eternal gratitude is the only reasonable option after all of that. "You must be out of your fucking mind if you think that we're going to betray or exploit him in any way; Dusk Shine sees me as a fully recognized human being," Adagio's voice cracked slightly under waves of emotions going through her. She breathed sharply through her nose to balance her feelings, not wanting to shed a tear in front of Sunset Shimmer. "He's my Maestrkyraminus; his wish is my command. I can't manipulate or seduce him anyway, so whatever he wants is his desire. He's too much of a gentleman and respects me to ask for anything extreme. Fuck I love that about him," Adagio purred and chuckled with determination and glee.

"What?" Sunset Shimmer muttered slowly. Is this really happening?

"Yeah, I said it with my whole chest," Adagio retorted with crimson cheeks as the only other ones who knew were her sisters. "I'll do it all. Treating him to lunch. Done. Cook him dinner for the week. I'll have a full course hot and ready for him. Discuss his day and want to vent. I'm all ears. Show him some skin. No problem," She enumerated all the potential tasks could and would do for Dusk Shine if he asked her. Adagio's face was blank, yet her voice resonated with absolution as if she knew it would happen one day. "Sit on his face. Well, I better get comfortable. He wants to reach the back of my throat. When and where?" She concluded, her words were salted daggers, piercing Sunset's body with each affirmation.

"You can't be serious," Sunset Shimmer doubted with a curt gaze.

"Look me in my fucking face and see if I'm joking," Adagio Dazzle motioned sternly. Sunset gazed at her blank expression, only her cyan eyes partly widening. She's not joking. "We already opened the door for him, and it's up to him when he wants to knock and enter," Adagio stepped back. This conversation was emotionally exhausting, but she wanted more shots before leaving. "Besides, why are you getting heated about his love life? He allowed you to date other people like Flash, but you won't allow him to do the date," There's that malevolent scheming she's iconic for. Sunset looked off to the side from the comment. "Pretty selfish if you ask me, especially when you rejected him," Adagio sneered at her hypocrisy. Did she expect Dusk Shine to hold a torch for her while being celibate as she has all the fun? Was Dusk Shine her long-term backup plan?

"I didn't reject him," Sunset Shimmer muttered, unable to deny the partial accuracy of it.

Adagio Dazzle arched her brow with a dismissive smirk, mocking her answer. "That's what it seems like to me and others from how Dusk Shine acted," She recalled, tapping her chin with a smug grin. "I recalled that he said that you told him to find others that make him feel the same way as you do so he can grow more as a person and not be codependent," Adagio quoted. "That's what he said. Thanks to his sessions, Dusk Shine probably worded in that way and prevented you from being the bad guy. Like the Anon incident," Sunset's heart skipped but still grateful towards Dusk Shine. "He still cherishes you. I saw how he looks at you," Adagio's expression softened before it corrupted with a baleful frown. "Although Dusk Shine will invite you to his wedding but don't be surprised when it's . . . not . . . you," She whispered into her ears, stressing those last few words before walking away. "Thanks for the food. See you later, Sunset Shimmer," Adagio ended her speech without looking back as her bootheels echoed.

Sunset Shimmer's back slid against the walls as she landed on her butt. She stared at her lap as Adagio's words stewed in her mind, but Sunset Shimmer couldn't stay long. She still has a few more hours left in her shift. That'll be a later problem.

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