• Published 20th May 2022
  • 256 Views, 3 Comments

The Amazing Adventures Of Peach And Snowflake - TheRealCoolRock

Peach Fuzz and Snowflake Shine wake up as Ponies! in Equestria!

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Chapter 3: Meeting Princess Celestia

Snowflake and Peach couldn't believe what they were seeing.

"Is this a dream? I mean, are they really who I assume they are?" Snowflake's mouth dropped open as she gazed at the group of ponies. Peach started smiling very creepily, Snowflake noticed, and smacked him across the head once again. "Oi! Control yourself! You don't want them to think we're crazy ponies!" She reacted sternly to Peach.

"Ow! Fine!" Peach stated. They both addressed the remaining of the group. "OHMYGOSHHH! These two ponies are new!!!!" Everypony laughed as Pinkie bounced up and down in excitement. Rarity flicked her mane away from her eyes with her sharpened hooves, allowing her to respond. "Of course, we're aware that they're new, darling! In this lovely town, we know everypony." She remarked.

"So, tell me, who are you two? May I just kindly welcome ya'll to Ponyville!" Applejack welcomed by vigorously shaking Snowflake and Peach's hooves. As they were hailed by everypony, they both grinned at each other. "My name is Snowflake Shine, and I'm thrilled to meet you all!" Snowflake acknowledged welcome and then nudged Peach to introduce himself.

"Hello, my name is Peach Fuzz! I'm delighted to meet you, ponies!" Peach beamed at everypony. For a brief moment, everypony kept quiet until Peach shattered it. "So, what should we do everypony?" He questioned. Rainbow Dash took to the air, impatient of keeping her hooves on the earth. "Actually, we were about to have a picnic, so why don't you guys come along?" She probed.

"WHAT A GREAT IDEA, RAINBOW DASH!!!" Pinkie screamed into Rainbow's ear. everypony left, allowing Peach and Snowflake to contemplate what they intended to do. "Snowflake, let us accompany them!" Peach pleaded. Snowflake accepted, and the two of them trailed the others to their picnic area.

When everypony came, they took a seat near a primitive oak tree. Fluttershy, who had been clutching the picnic basket, put it down. "I'm really sorry if this doesn't suit you, Snowflake and Peach. We didn't even ask if you wanted to do something else..." She buried her face in her hair, embarrassed.

"No! Please do not apologize; we appreciate this! Don't we Peach?" Snowflake cast a venomous glare toward Peach. Peach swallowed as he became apprehensive. "Yes...! This is wonderful!" When she heard this, Fluttershy beamed pleasantly.

Rarity took the picnic basket's goods and began arranging them. Rainbow Dash contributed, and once done, everypony began consuming it. Snowflake grabbed a cupcake and chewed into it. But as soon as she did, she began chomping on it swiftly, engulfing it with enthusiasm. "These cupcakes are delicious! I'm guessing you baked these, Pinkie Pie." As she ate some more, she told. Snowflake's lips was plastered in sprinkles.

"How did you discover? Do you have Pinkie sense like I do?!" Pinkie kept her attention on Snowflake. Pinkie, who was baffled, broke out laughing as everyone else did. Just as they were about to talk some more, Applejack noticed Twilight approaching.

"Well howdy do Twilight! Why don't ya come join us in the picnic!" Twilight sped over to where everypony was sitting. She brought out the book that she showed in the library. Everypony gazed at it.

“Thanks so much for asking Applejack; I’m afraid I’m going to have to decline your offer though. You see Peach, Snowflake and I have urgent business to take care to.” Twilight told. Peach tilted his head, wondering what it could be about. Then he asked his thoughts out loud. “What is it about Twilight?”

“We’re all going to meet Princess Celestia in Canterlot. I found a spell for you troubles, but I don’t think I’ll have enough energy to get it done. I know she can though.” The purple pony gleamed brightly, she knew that Princess Celestia was the best for this task.

Everypony loved the idea that Twilight had. They quickly brought tickets to catch the next arriving train to Canterlot. As they got onto the train after a couple of hours, they headed straight down the aisles they always sat, then all waited for their trip to end.

As they arrived Rarity zoomed out of the train, everypony just laughed and stared as they knew Rarity out of them all loved Canterlot. Spike heaved all of Rarity’s luggage and made sure to keep in pace with her. “You can never have too much outfits, darling!” Rarity giggled as she saw Spike wondering what could be in the heavy luggage.

Snowflake and Peach looked around, they took a deep sniff into the air. The smell of fresh donuts and baked goods approached them. “Ooh… I smell donuts! So many wonderful smells have entered my nose, I can’t wait to try them all! What about you Snowflake?” Peach asked, looking over at Snowflake. She just glared in front, then shook her head as if she was getting rid of a bad memory.

“We can’t get distracted by food. We need to meet Princess Celestia, hopefully after we will get out of here!” Snowflake grunted. Peach started sniffling, he really wanted to stay in Equestria, but all Snowflake wanted to do was leave.

“But… I… I…. Like this place!” Peach started sobbing out tears, Twilight put her hoof on Peach’s shoulder thoughtfully. Snowflake just looked at him in disgust.

”Are you seriously crying!?” Snowflake smacked her hoof on her face and shook her head.