• Published 20th May 2022
  • 255 Views, 3 Comments

The Amazing Adventures Of Peach And Snowflake - TheRealCoolRock

Peach Fuzz and Snowflake Shine wake up as Ponies! in Equestria!

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Chapter 2: Meeting Main 6

Everypony crowded around Peach, their faces astonished as they witnessed him faint. Snowflake rolled her eyes and nudged Peach on the side, attempting to wake him up. But it didn't work, so she curled her eyes even more and approached Spike.

"Spike, could you kindly assist me by fetching some water and splashing it on this idiotic unicorn? I honestly can't believe he passed out..." Snowflake was stunned, and Spike dashed off to get some water. Spike eventually came rushing back and threw it all over Peach.

"Aahhh! Hello, Twilight and Spike!" Peach finally murmured as he emerged from the soaking wet ground. In surprise, he looked about, attempting to figure out what had occurred. Peach turned to face Snowflake, who made a dissatisfied grimace. "What's the matter, Snowflake?" Peach questioned. Snowflake grumbled and whacked her hoof on her face in irritation. "Peach, stop messing around! Kindly assist me in explaining the issue to Twilight...!" She addressed it. Then Snowflake hesitated for a while, pausing Peach to add something else. "You must also be careful what you say, because they could think we're insane..." Snowflake whispered.

"Okay." Peach nodded and moved over to Twilight. They sat down on some wooden seats beside the fireplace, and Peach began narrating everything. Peach claimed that Snowflake and he were from Earth, that they were humans who were miraculously updated into unicorns. Snowflake listened to him and nodded in agreement with all he said.

"So... Let me get things correct... You're both from another world named Earth, and you've been divinely teleported here?" Twilight eventually came to a close, reviewing what Peach had told her. Snowflake and Peach made eye contact and nodded their heads. Spike burst out laughing as Twilight was processing all of this. "Are you both jokers? Was Rainbow Dash behind all of this?" Twilight stopped for a moment to reflect. She knew her friend, along with Pinkie Pie, was a major prankster, and they might easily have set Peach and Snowflake up to this.

Peach burst out chuckling when he overheard this, he realized it was all absolutely absurd, and that what they were saying might be rather hilarious. "Hehe, no! Everything is true! We actually woke up as ponies! Actually, I like being a pony now, having hooves is phenomenal!" Peach inspected his hooves and stroked through his mane. Snowflake caught Peach's words and whacked him on the back of the head. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!? We can't continue as ponies..." Snowflake gave Peach a death gaze in an attempt to persuade him. Spike hadn't stopped roaring, and hearing the two unicorns quarrel just made him laugh more. Peach made a sorrowful expression at Snowflake and regarded at her with uncertainty.

"Why can't we just be ponies? It's extraordinary! Life appears to be so tranquil and... freeing! It's wonderful!" Peach appreciated how being a pony was one of the greatest parts of his life. He then turned to Twilight and smiled at her. Snowflake ignored Peach's statement and redirected her interest to Twilight.

"Is there any way you can restore us back into humans, Twilight?" Snowflake requested. Twilight put her hoof to her head and continued to analyze once more. After standing there for a while, she went over to a bookshelf. "Hmm... Where can I find it?" Twilight walked up to one of the shelves, hunting for a book. Spike immediately asked Peach questions as she was doing this... "So... How would you describe your world? Do you eat the same things? Do you partake in the same activities? Do we look odd to you? Am I going on too long?" The tiny dragon blabbered continuously. Spike then waited to hear to Peach's responses.

"We eat similar foods, just without the hay... heh, and no, you're not weird! You're quite fantastic!" Peach smiled.

Twilight let out a thrilled gasp, having discovered the book she was yearning for. She laughed and then used her magic to levitate the book. "I found it!"

"What precisely is this Twilight?" Snowflake queried, her attention focused on the flying book. Twilight opened the book to the first page and placed it in the center of the table. Everypony crowded around to take a glimpse. "The Ultimate Guide to Transforming? What does that mean?" Peach saw a spell on the first page. Twilight looked around, then back to the book. "This is the guide for all magical transformations. It's a really complex spell that requires a great deal of commitment. Even though I'm fairly good at magic, I can't achieve this."

Snowflake groaned and began roaming around the library for any further insight. Peach, on the other hand, was thinking about something completely unrelated. "I wish we could stay in Equestria and be ponies for the rest of our lives... Make the main 6 the main 8! That would be spectacular!" Peach came to a standstill in his vision and addressed Twilight.

"Hey, Twilight? May Snowflake and I stay at your house?" He uttered it reluctantly. Snowflake overheard his request and turned to face them.

"Um... Sure, why not? I'll bring you some sleeping bags," Twilight said as she walked away to obtain what they needed. Snowflake hurried over to Peach while she was doing this. "All right, we'll remain here for a while, but I'm just here till Twilight figures out how to perform that spell...!" She stated her case. Peach seemed to be upset initially, but then shrugged.

Peach walked over to visit Spike, while Snowflake went over to aid Twilight with the sleeping bags. "How does it feel to live here, Spike?" He queried.

"Great! Well, I kind of want to stay here and live with Twilight since she appears to be absolutely delightful and adorable... and cheerful!" Spike earned a bashful smile from Peach. Snowflake joined to engage in the conversation. "We should go sightseeing while Twilight is figuring this out!" She addressed them.

"All right, Snowflake!" Peach concurred. They both galloped out of the library, ready to set off on a journey in Ponyville.

"What do you think we should do first, Snowflake?" As they reached town, Peach asked.

"Hmm... I don't know, perhaps we might go look at some places and see what they have." Snowflake shoved Peach away before he could answer, and they both went shopping.

"Wow! Snowflake, Ponyville is magnificent!" Peach fixed her attention on the earth. He had a look about and located a free cupcake stand in the heart of town. "Ooo! Cupcakes are on the house!" Peach plucked one from the shelf and devoured it whole.

Snowflake, on the other hand, had her mouth dangling open, fascinated by something else, whilst Peach was doing this.

The famous main 6 were approaching them...