• Published 27th May 2022
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Sunset Shimmer: Path of the Damned - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset's plan to dominate the Mirror World, so she can conquer her home world, ends up blowing up in her face and sends her to the world of Azeroth, to be risen as a Death Knight to serve the Lich King.

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Timebreaker: Darkness Collides

Following the Scourging of Quel'Thalas, and the demise of the high elves, Sunset and her army returned to Lordaeron, where she had all of her followers spread out over her province as she and her allies returned to the monastery, which just so happened to be the safest place for them to talk about things. The revived Sylvanas, including all of the risen leaders of her former kind, were to oversee the Scourge as her Darkfell Council, a name she gave not because most of them were elves, like those who followed Kael'thas in her timeline, rather because they were heroes or leaders in her world and had been turned into undead by her hand. Of course Sylvanas and the former ruler would be the ones who would stay on it once she revived more of the heroes into her army, just as Chromie would stand for the bronze dragons, but she had plans to help her fill out her Council in the future, as for now she had other plans that demanded her immediate attention. Even with Frostmourne in hand, a blade that struck terror into the hearts of those who knew of it's dark power, she knew that there were other steps that needed to be fulfilled before she was ready to start her endgame, especially withe her alternate selves, who might become a problem if she left them alone.

"You have the blade now... are you ready to make your move on our timeline?" Mira asked, because her understanding of the plan was that they were preparing Sunset to claim Frostmourne, only to find an unclaimed version of the runeblade in this timeline, meaning that their ally was far stronger than she had been before, due to all the people she slew and her taking the legendary blade.

"Not yet, for there is one more thing I need from this timeline, before I track down my other selves: I require the armor of the Lich King." Sunset replied, as she knew, like most of the important death knights, that Arthas had been a paladin in the days before he claimed Frostmourne and was darkened by his new master's will, yet his armor and holy weapon were abandoned the moment he struck down Mal'Ganis, a demon he had been hunting, before he donned the deathly attire he wore in her timeline, "While not as important as Frostmourne and the Helm of Domination, both pieces of a larger puzzle, the armor completes the terrifying visage of the Scourge's leader... in this timeline, with Arthas defeated, there is only one place I can think of where they would seal away his body and armor, so it could be under constant watch in case the dark power of the Lich King caused him to rise."

"Light's Hope Chapel, where the Light's users gather to discuss their next steps against their enemies." Kairoz said, as he and Chromie understood what Sunset was saying, because there was more to that place than what their ally knew about, or at least he thought that way since he had no idea if Frostmourne or the Lich King were whispering to her, "After we get the armor, and it is modified to fit your body, will you march on Icecrown and claim the Helm as well?"

"Yes and no." Sunset stated, where she shifted her stance and raised the runeblade so all of her close allies could see it in greater detail, no doubt interested in whatever she had to tell them, though she was studying the weapon in great detail, as it was a wonderful weapon and she'd do great things with it, "I will head to Icecrown after we claim the armor, though it will be to draw out some of the bronze dragons that will have noticed this timeline... Chromie went missing, the Scarlet organization is nearly in ruins, and the Sunwell has been scourged while the near entirety of the high elves who had been guarding it have been slain. I would imagine those signs are hard to miss, even for a bronze dragon, and they'll know it was me who broke the history of this timeline, so they'll either bring in heroes to take me down, who will fail in their mission, or they will call in the only ones who could get in my way: myself."

"The alternate selves... the Highlord of the Light, the Archmage of the Arcane, the Protector of Life, the Destroyer of Fel, and the Corrupter of the Void." Chromie remarked, as after she joined the Scourge, and became a part of this group, she had been told of the alterations that lead to the creation of five other Sunsets, each one possessing the power of another Cosmic Force, with Sunset standing as the Champion of Death, before she realized what she was seeing, "You're seeking to take them down and not only steal the power of your other selves, but dominate the other five Cosmic Forces, to show everyone that Death is the greatest of them all... while becoming the master of the Scourge at the same time."

Sunset nodded, as that was her current goal so she could gather the power necessary to fulfill the last step of her current plan, while finding her allies agreed with the idea, as there was no telling when the bronze dragons would interfere with their plans by bringing the other versions of herself into the equation. With the others knowing her current plan of attack it didn't take them long to spread out as she called forth her army once more, this time turning them on the eastern half of the Plaguelands, where she found Sylvanas leading an army of rangers to fulfill her master's dark desire. It wasn't long before the living found themselves under siege once more, where the remaining members of the Scarlet Crusade, those in the Eastern Kingdoms anyway, joined forces with the Argent Dawn to bring down their enemies, with no success as Sunset watched the Scourge tear them down. As Acherus floated overhead, to observe what was going on and instill fear into the heart of her enemies, Sunset marched at the front of her army, swinging her blade at the crusaders and soldiers that were in front of them, the fallen rising behind her as she stole more and more power for herself.

Together the Scourge laid waste to the land, cutting a path from tower to tower as Sunset cut off the Light's protection, a fact that caused all of the still living fighters more despair before they were slain and revived to serve her, before making a stop at Stratholme to awaken the dead that Arthas left behind, bolstering her forces even more. With that task done she and her forces marched on Light's Hope Chapel, which now had walls surrounding it to keep out enemies and help those on the other side keep an eye out for potential enemies or allied riders, not that it mattered to her. Sylvanas' force was the edge she needed to utterly wipe out the initial defenders, without them having a chance to stand before the Scourge, so while her forces tore them down she focused on the chapel itself, finding that it was small and didn't seem to be a place of Holy power, like she had been told previously. In that moment she understood what she needed to know as she used a bit of magic to blow open the floor, revealing a staircase that lead down into the earth, into a place of the Light that looked a lot like a church or massive chapel, with all sorts of paladins protecting it.

She found paladins of all orders, such as the Argent Dawn, the Blood Knights, and the Hand of Argus, while consisting of humans, dwarves, night and blood elves, draenei, and tauren gathered in front of her, who were surprised to see her and grabbed their weapons.

Sunset grinned as the paladins rushed to meet her, where she found that her powers far outclassed them, because she was able to parry their attacks with ease before either cutting them down or lifting them into the air to snap their necks, a fact that lead to her foes being revived as she defiled the hidden holy site. Tirion, of course, was somewhere in Northrend, with the Argent soldiers who joined him in assaulting the Lich King's holdings while the Scarlet crusaders did the same on another portion of the continent, so the defenders were missing some of their powerful paladins and it ended with many perishing at her hand. Once the defenders were slain Sunset raised her runeblade and gathered the power of Death once more, pointing it directly at an empty area where a speaker would address the crowd that would sit at the benches, and as soon as Frostmourne was ready she gripped it with both hands and drove it into the floor below her. Sure enough a surge of energy washed over the walls, darkening the holy site as the paladins who were buried here were raised into undeath, before she reached her true goal that happened to be in the depths of this place, a forgotten coffin sealed with the Light's power, which she broke with ease.

A few moments later the members of the Scourge found the form of Arthas Menethil, clad in his old paladin armor and carrying his old hammer, meaning someone went and found each piece so he could be sealed away with them, walking up to where Sunset was standing, though he also bared a metallic container that contained the deathly armor that he found after claiming Frostmourne.

"The attire of the Dark Lord, they who rule over death itself." Chromie commented, having shrunken down to her gnome form so she could see what happened after Sunset descended to the depths of the chapel, where she wasn't surprised to see what her master had done, darkening the area and subjecting all of the dead, newly slain and old corpses, to her will, to which she studied the armor for a few seconds, "Give me a few moments... I should be able to alter it."

Sunset said nothing as Chromie called forth her power, just in time for the other allied dragons to join them and add their powers to the mix, allowing her to surround the set of armor with her magic so Arthas could back away, though it wasn't long before Sylvanas joined them and reported that the Plaguelands were theirs. Sunset nodded as she watched the scene in front of her, allowing Arthas to walk over and talk with Sylvanas, who apparently dealt the blow that ended up knocking Frostmourne out of his hand and allowed him to come to his senses, long enough to be purified by the Light before dying to his wounds. It explained why he had been buried and sealed away by the Light, as the other paladins feared that his exposure to the runeblade might have corrupted him in some manner, allowing them to watch over him and kill him if he was reborn on his own, but in the end it, too, was irrelevant before Sunset's dark power. Other than that he and the rest of the paladins did nothing, as they were now members of the Scourge and there was nothing they could do to stop what was going on in front of their eyes, and even if they had the power to act against her she would kill them anyway, hence why they did nothing.

A few moments later, when Chromie was ready, she nodded her head and Sunset stepped forward, allowing the magic to envelop her for a time as the next step of her plan was fulfilled, as when she emerged a few seconds after entering it they found that the armor had been molded to fit her body, as if it was made for her and no one else.

"The old armor served me well, but this is far superior to it in every way," Sunset remarked, where the Scourge found that she now looked more like a ruler than ever before, the only thing missing was a crown or helm to reflect her station over all of them, even though all of them knew where she could find one of those items, before she glanced at the others for a few seconds, "It is time that I head to Northrend, to Icecrown to be exact, and unleash my power so our enemies find me, to see what the bronze dragons end up doing in response to my existence... the majority of you will be staying behind, to secure and reinforce our domain in case the living have discovered what we're up to."

As her forces moved to fulfill her orders, and reform the Plaguelands, Sunset passed through the portal Chromie made for her and found herself in the frozen landscape of Icecrown, some distance from the massive spire that was the citadel that the Lich King ruled from, at least before Arthas took over. For a moment the land seemed quiet, far more than what she had been expecting, meaning the Scourge was either surprised by her arrival in this area or were busy fighting the Scarlet Organization, to keep them away from Icecrown, but that was about to change. In the next few seconds she called forth her power as Chromie kept her eye on the time energy her kind were attuned to, letting it fill the area for a time as Sunset waited for her targets to show up, since she had no idea if one or more would appear to deal with her. She assumed that her earlier thoughts would be right and that no bronze dragon would miss the destruction she had caused to the timeline she was hiding in, though she had to smile as two time portals tore open some distance in front of her, confirming that someone was coming to 'take her down'.

All it took was a few seconds for her to figure out who was in front of her, as two of her other selves had shown up, where the one on the right was pulsing with demonic energy, especially with the spikes that were growing out of her arms, the scales on her limbs, the demonic horns growing out of her hair, and a pair of thin looking tails with sharp blades right at the ends of them. The Sunset that waked out of the left portal, however, had a dark outline to her body and possessed a dark power that could only be the Void itself, an experience Sunset knew about thanks to everything the Lich King shoved into her to make his ultimate tool, while her eyes spoke of the hunger she felt. It was all too easy for her to tell who was in front of her and the powers they had access to, the right one had been turned into a demonic being by Fel's power, while the left had embraced the darkness of the Void to empower herself, even if it left her hungry for more. In addition to the pair Sunset found two more bronze dragons, one a male high elf and the other a female draenei, both wearing attire that was similar to Chromie and Kairoz's, but she was more focused on her immediate foes.

What was humorous about this was that the bronze dragons picked the other selves of her that had been twisted by the darkest of the Cosmic Forces, as Death, Fel, and Void were considered evil while Life, Arcane, and Light were thought of as the good ones, but she shelved the idea as she approached her new enemies.

"So, you two are who the bronze dragons called in to stop me." Sunset remarked, as she liked what she was seeing, as the Fel version of herself was brimming with power, reminding her of Erith, while the Void one seemed to be keeping her own power hidden for the time being, not wanting to reveal her hand before it was time to do so, "I am Sunset Shimmer, the chosen death knight of the Lich King, not to mention the current commander of the Scourge's forces in this timeline. Now, who are you two? I'm only asking because I had the pleasure of meeting Erith Moonglow, our Life counterpart, some time ago and discovered that she abandoned her old name, form, and her ambitions."

"You may call me Helra Felflame." the version on the right said, where she shifted her stance and revealed that her hands had claws, likely her hands had evolved due to her exposure to the Fel energy, though with no weapons on hand that told Sunset that this version was an expert in hand to hand combat.

"I am Z'irja," the Sunset on the left stated, though in that moment Sunset watched as the darkness washed over her and a number of shadowy tendrils appeared all over her body, a few on her exposed arms and legs, while some also grew out of her hair, confirming that she was connected to one or more of the Old Gods that were contained in this world.

Sunset smiled for a moment before approaching her foes, finding that Helra rushed at her while Z'irja stayed back, likely to see how strong she really was and how she compared to one of her other selves, though she was fine with the decision as she swung Frostmourne, forcing Helra to block it with her claws. While her weapon was classified as a greatsword, due to the size and the handle that supported two hands, Frostmourne could be used with a single hand, almost as if it was just a normal sized blade, which was either part of it's construction or an addition from merging the temporary blade with it not that long ago. As such Sunset was able to deliver powerful attacks to her foe, smashing and breaking her claws like they were nothing before her might, though before she could deliver what might be the finishing blow Helra jumped back for a few seconds, allowing her to raise her hands to her horns before pulling out two curved weapons. Sunset knew that they were warglaives, basically a weapon with two curved blades on either side of the handle with a shield over it to ensure the wielder's wrists couldn't be tackled, though they radiated Fel energy, meaning Helra either killed many demons with them or stole them from a powerful demon.

She knew of the weapons because Arthas, just before taking his placed as the Lich King, had faced off against a night elf by the name of Illidan Stormrage, a demon hunter to be exact, and had beaten him in combat, who happened to carry a pair of warglaives into battle, even though she also had a staff of Fel energy that she stashed away for right now.

Helra was stronger with her warglaives, though Sunset was faster as their blades clashed against each other, but that was just the start as Sunset raised her spare hand and summoned large fireballs, hurling them at her foe who either dodged a few of them or counted with eerie green bolts of energy. It was what she had been expecting, that when forced to do so her foe would summon her power to defend herself from an attack, especially when she responded with her own magical power, not that the latter mattered as some of the fireballs smashed through Helra's defenses. Such a thing made Sunset wonder if her Fel drunk foe had lost the power of her unicorn horn and traded it for the Fel energies she commanded, but in the end she decided that it ultimately didn't matter, because her enhanced power was far stronger than Helra's, who was surprised by this turn of events. While that happened Sunset kept her senses open, just in the off chance that she was attacked by Z'irja, who seemed to be simply watching the fight, though sure enough her thoughts were right as she found her magic catching someone who tried to stab her in the back with a curved dagger, one that had an Old God eye near the short handle, and she had a Void book in her other hand.

Z'irja had used her power to make an illusion of herself, or tried to use her Void powers to trick her into seeing something else, though that wasn't all she did as she summoned tendrils of darkness that rushed out to smash Sunset into the snow below them, which had spikes on the edges. Right now Sunset wasn't impressed by their powers, even though they were a lot stronger than when her allies first checked on them, as she swung her runeblade and the tendrils were slashed apart in an instant, before she gathered the power of Death as she focused on both of her foes. She yanked Z'irja over to where she was standing and impaled her, where the blood erupting from her mouth indicated she had struck the true Void user and not another copy, though with that done she removed her fallen alternate self and focused on Helra, showing her that she had no problems with killing herself multiple times. As she stole Z'irja's anima, however, Sunset assaulted Helra with the power of Frostmourne, pushing her arms down as she tried to defend herself from her onslaught, and it didn't take her all that long to break open her defenses and stab her in the chest, much to her Fel self's surprise.

"It would seem that you failed, bronze dragons." Sunset remarked, though as she finished draining the anima from Helra's body, leaving the corpse behind, Chromie raised her hand and stopped the two dragons from leaving, where Sunset used a bit of her power to drag them over to where she was standing, allowing her to cut them down with a single swing, giving her more anima as she raised them as servants of the Scourge, "Hopefully you do better as my soldiers, like Chromie has done since I raised her."

As Chromie embraced her new companions, and welcomed them into their new lives, Sunset gathered the bodies of her foes and obliterated them with a powerful blast of magical energy, but not before taking their weapons as trophies, just in case she found a use for any of them later, though once that was done she turned her attention to cleaning up the loose ends that she needed to clear up before completing her dark quest.

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