• Published 27th May 2022
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Sunset Shimmer: Path of the Damned - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset's plan to dominate the Mirror World, so she can conquer her home world, ends up blowing up in her face and sends her to the world of Azeroth, to be risen as a Death Knight to serve the Lich King.

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Timebreaker: Test Run

"So, are we ready to get this show on the road?" Mira asked, meaning there was definitely something that she wanted the pair to do, some sort of reward that was connected to her springing Sunset from her cell, and she had a feeling it was tied to either something that happened in her past or to her flight's leader.

"Not quite. First, we make sure everything is in order," Sunset replied, as while she understood that their ally wanted to get this over with, and just set their plan into motion without thinking of the potential consequences, she also knew there were things that needed to be tested, even if she, personally, didn't care about things either, "and that means performing a test run, since we're planning on making a massive alteration to the history of this world... ensuring that Arthas doesn't become the Lich King, by taking Frostmourne from him or beating him to the punch, could have an impact that might alert our enemies to what we're doing."

"As much as I want to cause a significant change, and see what happens, going after the Lich King right out of the gate isn't the best idea, despite our deal." Kairoz said, showing that he had been thinking about this for some time and that he likely had a decent plan of attack that would allow them to see which option was correct, while Mira crossed her arms, as if she was annoyed about something, but said nothing to his remark, "We need a smaller change that can be overlooked by the other bronze dragons, since they'll be keeping an eye out for anything major... like trying to kill Thrall before he can reform the Horde, or stop Medivh from opening the Dark Portal and allowing the orcish Horde into Azeroth."

"That might not be as easy as you think." a voice said, where they found a newcomer had joined them, an elven figure who had nothing over his chest, save for some cloth that started just below his shoulders and reached his wrists, with a set of dark mage pants, though his skin was a dark gray, his claw like fingernails were ghostly white, and his eyes had some sort of ghostly blue energy to them, "Might I suggest going after Thrall's parents?"

Sunset, despite having no idea who was in front of her, found that neither of her allies bothered to move and that meant he was an ally as well, though she relaxed her hands a little and found that, much like her old greatsword, her new blade could be placed on her back, freeing her hands for the time being.

"Lord Murozond, it is an honor to meet you, and your suggestion is one that should, for a time, be missed by the bronze dragons," Kairoz replied, though while this was Sunset's first time meeting someone like Murozond, as it felt like he was far stronger than the bronze dragon was, she had a feeling that he might be one of the Aspects, the five dragons that lead the dragonflights, meaning he had be Kairoz's master, which was confusing when she thought about it, "Sunset, allow me to introduce Murozond, Lord of the Infinite Dragonflight... he's, well, the future counterpart of Nozdormu, the leader of the bronze dragons. All you need to know is that he and his followers are our allies in trying to alter Azeroth's history, by heading into the past to alter different events, and, more importantly, they don't like the heroes that have stopped their previous efforts to make some alterations."

"I'm not even surprised, not after everything the Lich King shoved into my head." Sunset remarked, as she knew about the heroes thanks to all of the information that had been given to her, allowing her to learn about the others who had been reborn as death knights, before she focused on the main issue with their idea, "So, what's this about going after Thrall's parents?"

"Draka and Durotan die and their son, Go'el, is found by some humans who raise him to be a fighter, hence the name they gave him, 'Thrall'," Murozond explained, something that interested Sunset, as she knew that Thrall was the leader of the Horde, one of the main factions of Azeroth and happened to be trying to forge good bonds with the Alliance, despite what happened in the past, though as she thought about that Murozond raised a hand and a magical sigil of am hourglass, one that was shattered, appeared above it, "Now, we can't have a death knight show up out of the blue and 'save' them, not to mention most of the clan that got slaughtered, though we can disguise you as an orc warrior from one of the other clans and you can intercept the attackers... you aren't saving Go'el and his parents, you're killing those who need to die. As soon as all of the attackers are dead, and the group return to their soon to be new home, we'll pull you out and see what sort of changes occur to the new world that will have been made by your actions."

"Okay, let's do this." Sunset said, where the sigil moved over to her and flashed for a moment, as it rested before her neck before disappearing entirely, though once that was done she braced herself for whatever was coming next, as she had no idea what sort of magic would be used on her to send her into the past.

Murozond raised his hand towards the large empty portion of the floor they were on, where a faint bronze colored portal opened before their eyes, before gesturing to Sunset, who simply nodded her head before rushing through it, feeling the surge of magic around her as her skin tingled. A few moments later she appeared in what seemed to be a frigid area, no doubt in the Eastern Kingdoms, and glanced down at herself, finding that her body was now the pristine light green of the orcs, while her armor was more leather and pelts in places and her weapon was an axe. She was an orc warrior, like she had been told, though Murozond was kind enough to leave the guise as her actual gender, instead of forcing her to take on a male form again, not that she actually cared about such a thing, before Sunset focused on her mission. She needed to find her targets and see what sort of changes would occur to history if Thrall was raised as Go'el by his parents, instead of being a slave to humans, though it didn't take her long to find a group of orcs, wearing some attire that looked like it was made from wolves, heading to the north, with a more heavily armored forces following them.

She would have questioned the scene in front of her, but after seeing the little baby that the female wolf armor orc was holding, like a precious bundle, she suspected that she was in the right place and charged down the hill, something that came as a surprise to the band of orc warriors she had focused on.

Since she was presenting herself as a warrior, and they didn't have magical powers, Sunset focused on her weapon skills for a time, as when she reached her targets the first thing she did was swing her new blade at them, finding that the magic didn't transform it, either because it matched her guise or the others would be fooled by her appearance. She smashed through the first orc's weapon on the second swing, showing her foe's that she wasn't messing around and that she was a force to be reckoned with, though she also killed the orc that had been her opponent, allowing her to grin as the rush she felt when she first killed someone came back. It was something she had missed during her isolation in her cell, the rush of ending the lives of her enemies, which she had felt multiple times during her war with the Scarlet Crusade, though that did cause her to wonder if she could find a timeline where the Scarlet Organization won, just to bring them terror in the form of a death knight they couldn't actually defeat. After thinking about that she returned to the battle and parried the attack that was coming at her, while finding that multiple orcs were charging at her at the same time to cut her down, where she picked the perfect moments to cut down her foes, often by targeting the openings in their defenses.

As she did that, however, she felt her power increase as she cut them down, where she quickly determined that it was her new runeblade that was causing it to happen, the black dragon that had forged it had done more than she assumed, not only did it resemble the weapon of a death knight it also possessed a power like Frostmourne. This weapon was marking the souls of the slain, allowing her to siphon the anima from each one, the soul energy that each living soul possessed, yet another fact she learned from everything the Lich King had given her in his haste to make her a terrifying weapon. Such a thing meant that when she killed someone she was stealing their soul energy, adding their power to her own, and she found that she even learned a little in the process, as if she also stole all of their knowledge or skill as well, but this did give her an incredibly dark idea that might work out to their benefit. Still, that didn't stop Sunset from fighting and slaughtering the force of orcs that were in front of her, scattering their bodies around the area they were in, much to the dismay of those who were still alive, and it wasn't long before she was the last one standing, having slain the force that killed Go'el's parents back in her timeline

With that done she retreated from the area she had fought the orcs in and observed the group of orcs that had been their targets, finding that they might have seen her fight the force and continued to the north, to lead the Frostwolves to glory or whatever it was Durotan was currently seeking, but Sunset simply entered a hidden portal and returned to her point in history, assuming her true form once more.

"The deed has been done." Sunset stated, finding that Murozond and her new allies were studying what she had done, no doubt seeing if it had altered the history of their world or if it made another world that was connected to theirs thanks to the Caverns of Time, the domain of the bronze dragons, "So, what's the verdict on our test?"

"Go'el went on to learn shamanism from Drek'thar, after his people settled and built a new home," Murozond replied, as he was looking at an orb that allowed him and the others to see what had happened to the timeline he had sent her to a few minutes ago, where he raised an eyebrow for a few seconds, "It seems that many of history's events are the same as before, only this time the Frostwolves fought back against the instances of the Legion's return, or their agents, working to take over Azeroth, earning them an uneasy alliance between them and the alliance of the humans, dwarves, and even the night elves. Based on what I'm seeing it looks like saving Go'el's parents ensured that he'd grow into a hero of his people, where he'd show mercy when necessary, as sometimes the Frostwolves showed mercy to either capture someone or get valuable information, but other than that it doesn't look like history was changed that much... save for a passage leading to our new reality being made."

"So the Horde is lead by a true orc leader, instead of the softhearted Thrall we have." Mira remarked, showing them that their first test might not be a success and that nothing major had happened, save for a few lives being changed, causing her to sigh as she considered something about the scene, "It would seem that the test is a failure, yet I think you learned more during this than you originally intended... and, based on what we're seeing right now, none of the bronze dragons even noticed the change in history."

"No, this test was a success, as we've determined that altering history creates a new branch, leading to a new world that is impacted by our changes." Sunset said, as she had been thinking about what Murozond had said so far and understood what she was seeing right now, making a change to history didn't actually damage their reality, which was interesting and opened up many doors in her mind, especially with her new runeblade, "I would wager that we'd create another world if we stopped Gul'dan from convincing the orcs to drink the felblood and creating the Horde that attacked this world a long time ago... this test actually opens many doors for us, ideas to explore before making an attempt on Frostmourne."

In fact, as she thought about it, she didn't even have to go after Arthas to get the legendary runeblade, she just had to find a reality where he didn't claim the blade and take it for herself, and she already had an idea that might allow them to do fulfill her goals, a timeline where the Scourge failed to raise Kel'Thuzad, causing her to turn towards Murozond.

"Out of curiosity, is there an alternate world where the Scourge failed to raise Kel'Thuzad?" Sunset asked, because if such a timeline existed it meant that Arthas had been beaten by the forces of Quel'Thalas and whatever humans were survived his assault on his home kingdom, while at the same time serving as the creation point for a more dangerous Scarlet force, and it might open the way for them to find Frostmourne without having to face Arthas.

"Right now? No, there isn't one... however, I can send some of my forces back to manipulate events to ensure that such a world is created." Murozond replied, though in that moment he and Kairoz understood what she was getting at, that there might be another way for them to get at Frostmourne, without targeting Arthas, especially since their current plan would alert the bronze dragons to what they were doing, while Mira caught on after a couple of seconds, "I see... that's what you thought of during our test. Very well, I'll call forth some of my infiltrators and task them with engineering events to make a world where the Scourge failed to do such a thing, leading to the creation of a stronger Scarlet Crusade... it'll impact some important events, but if we work while some of my forces lash out at other points in time we should be able to hide what we're doing from Nozdormu."

"Good, then we'll try our hand and see if this works better than our original plan." Sunset said, because this would make it more interesting for her, especially given what she had been make to do upon her dark rebirth as a death knight, though while she left the leader of the infinite flight to his work she turned towards Kairoz and Mira, "Also, do you think it might be possible to change where I landed? I know it won't change my reality, but I'm curious as to what might have happened if I landed somewhere else."

Kairoz and Mira admitted that they had no idea and set out to see what they could do to ease her simple curiosity, even if she had dark plans for even her alternate selves, though since she needed to wait for Murozond to complete his changes to history Sunset found an empty chair and sat down, discovering that it had books nearby, meaning she had something to do while she waited for her allies to be ready for the next stage of their dark plan.

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