• Published 28th Mar 2023
  • 145 Views, 2 Comments

Way of the Bangs - BrawnyBold

Feather Bangs helps out Brawny Bold with romance.

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Practice Flirting

It was around evening when Brawny came home from another day of cooking and serving hayburgers.

'I wonder what Feather has been doing while I was out.' Brawny thought as he entered his home. Brawny noticed that Feather was busy dressing up a pony mannequin with a blonde wig and a long red bathrobe that belonged to Brawny. Feather looked up and smiled. "Ah, Brawny! Welcome back!" Feather said as he finished up dressing up the pony mannequin.

"Hey...Feather," Brawny said as he took off his apron and hanged it. "What's that?" Brawny said as he looked at the pony mannequin.

"Since you wanted to learn from the girl-flirting pro, I had to make preparations for our lessons." Feather answered. Brawny recalled that he did ask Feather about teaching him about how to flirt with girls.

"Ok, so where do I start?" Brawny asked.

"Before I could teach you anything, I'm going to need to see how you talk to girls first so I know what I'm working with. Consider it like a pretest. Start by talking to this cute mare right here. Her name is Cutie." Feather said as he pushed the pony mannequin closer to Brawny.

"Umm...okay." Brawny cleared his throat before he started talking. "Uh, hey Cutie, how are you?" Brawny expected the pony mannequin to not say anything until Feather spoke.

"Why I just got done having my manes groomed from the spa. Does it look good?" Feather said in a high tone to sound more female.

"Uh...yeah, it looks good." Brawny said while smiling nervously. At the same time, Feather started writing some notes on a clipboard.

"I also felt like I need to do some more exercises. I'm starting to feel a bit plump as of late." Feather continued to voice for Cutie.

"I really can't tell. You look fine." Brawny responded. Feather continued to write some more notes. Feather continued to speak for Cutie as Brawny continued to talk to the pony mannequin. The more Brawny talked to Cutie, the more uncomfortable he was. A short time passed before Feather put down the clipboard.

"Ok, that should wrap up the pretest." Feather claimed.

"So how did I do?" Brawny asked.

Feather looked over all of his notes that he wrote down. "Based on what I have seen and recorded, you have no skills with the ladies." Feather said bluntly.

"Yeah, I figured." Brawny said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"That means I will have to pull out all of the stops in order to make you as good as me when it comes to picking up girls." Feather said. Feather suddenly heard some growling which came from Brawny's stomach.

"Hehe, can we have dinner first before we get started?" Brawny asked while blushing.

"Good point, can't learn with an empty stomach." Feather agreed. Brawny started cooking some dinner while Feather prepared the dishes. Brawny was able to whip up some fried hay with a side of small salad. Brawny and Feather ate their food while remaining completely silent.

"Mmm! This is delicious!" Feather said as he took another bite.

"Thanks, I was lucky to learn this recipe from my mom in case if I had to make my own dinner while my parents are out."

"Your mother is a clever one." Feather said as he continued eating. When Brawny and Feather were done with their meal, they went to the living room to start their lessons.

"You know, Brawny, from the short time since we met, I never asked about why you took up cooking hayburgers. Could you tell me?" Feather asked.

"Okay, I guess I can tell you since we're friends." Brawny said. "It started when I was younger and I mostly enjoyed eating the food my mom cooks. I started to ask my mom if she needed help in the kitchen and she showed me how to prep certain ingredients. I especially enjoyed it when I helped my mom make hayburgers as those are my favorite. As I got older, I was able to make certain foods by heart. I was able to get my cutie mark when I realized that I was really good at frying up hayburgers." Brawny said as he showed his cutie mark.

"That's some story, Brawny. It's not too extraordinary, but it's nice." Feather commented.

"I believe it's my turn to get to know you, Feather." Brawny said. "How were you able to be such a girl magnet and how did you get your cutie mark?"

"Well, both questions have two different answers, Brawny." Feather answered. "To answer the first question, I started to flirt with fillies when I was in grade school. They thought I was cute due to my appearance. I tried to pretend that I was a dashing prince like from those fairy tales we used to read. Soon, the fillies were gathering all around me like candy from a piñata. To answer the second question, it started when I was reading a lot of poetry about romance and I wrote my own poetry. That was when my cutie mark appeared."

"Gosh, you were a girl magnet even at a young age. I would have been envious of you if we went to the same school." Brawny said.

"It's not all about what comes naturally. It took me a lot of practice and self-teaching to be attractive to girls." Feather said. "Perhaps my teachings can prove to you that what I said is true."

"We'll see." Brawny said as he looked at the clock. "Oh shoot! It's already late! I got to start preparing the hay patties for tomorrow!" Brawny gathered up his dishes and put them in the sink. "Is it alright if we postpone the lessons to tomorrow? I got to make some hay patties for my future customers."

"It's no problem, Brawny." Feather smiled. "I'll help wash the dishes since you cooked for us." Feather gathered up his dishes and put them in the sink. Brawny went to the fridge and prepared the hay patties. Although he wasn't able to start his lessons, he was able to get to know more about Feather.

Comments ( 2 )

Will this story have any violence in it?

It’s just a story about a pony learning to be attractive to girls, but anything can happen.

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