• Published 28th Mar 2023
  • 144 Views, 2 Comments

Way of the Bangs - BrawnyBold

Feather Bangs helps out Brawny Bold with romance.

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How Friends Meet

It was a nice day in Ponyville and the townsfolk were going on with their business. Among them was a green, plump earth pony stallion pulling a hayburger cart. He continued to pull his cart until he arrived to the nearby train station. The green stallion prepared the grill in his cart and put a hairnet on his black, pompadour-styled manes. He brought out some frozen hay patties and placed them on the grill. The green stallion also pulled out a spatula and waited for the patties to cook. Brawny Bold would usually wait by the train station to look for some hungry visitors who were in a mood for some freshly-made hayburgers. Brawny heard the sound of a train whistle nearby and he turned to see a train slowing down towards the station. The train's doors opened to allow the passengers to exit. Brawny recognized some of the passengers as returning residents of Ponyville who went out of town. Brawny also recognized some new faces. Some of those visitors sniffed the patties grilling and decided to go to Brawny's cart. When the visitors gave Brawny their bits, he cooked up some delicious hayburgers and put them in paper bags to give to the visitors.

"Brawny!" said an older stallion's voice. Brawny looked up to see none other than Filthy Rich approaching his cart.

"Hey Mr. Rich," Brawny said. "Welcome back to Ponyville,"

"Thanks, Brawny." Filthy responded. "I have to say that it was quite busy up in Canterlot. How are your parents, Brawny?"

"The same as usual. They're out of town again for some new investment opportunities." Brawny answered.

"Your parents are lucky to have a good son like you watching over their home while they're away." Filthy Rich praised.

"May I interest you to a hayburger as a welcome home lunch?" Brawny said while he flipped some patties.

"I appreciate the offer, Brawny. But I must decline as my wife is constantly telling me to watch what I eat." Filthy Rich said.

“Okay, you rest up now!” Brawny said to Filthy Rich. Brawny continued to flip some more patties.

“Oh! Those look delicious!” A female voice said loudly.

“I’ll say!” Another female voice said. Brawny looked up and he got really nervous. In front of Brawny were two mares who looked like they were the same age as him.

“Uh…hi there,” Brawny said quietly. “Would you like some hayburgers?” Brawny started to sweat a bit. He can be very nervous when it comes to pretty mares, especially when they are talking to him.

“Yes! Two hayburgers please!” One of the mares said. Brawny tries to calm down as he knew that these two mares were customers. He refocused on the hayburgers and made sure they were really well cooked. As Brawny cooked, he couldn't help but feel a bit down as he wasn't able to make good impressions towards girls. But Brawny thought that his main priority were the hayburgers.

“Your hayburgers are ready.” Brawny said as he put the hayburgers in a paper bag.

“Great! So how much do we owe you?” One mare asked.

“It will be on me!” A male’s voice said from the distant. Brawny and the mares spotted a yellow earth-pony stallion approaching Brawny’s cart. Brawny almost thought the new stallion was a celebrity from the way he looked. He had short and nicely-combed brown manes and tail. He smiled to show-off his pure white teeth. When the new stallion made it to the front of the food cart, he pulled out some bits from his bag. “After all, pretty mares such as yourselves shouldn’t waste a single bit.” said the new stallion. He turned his head so his manes could flip. This caused the two mares to giggle.

“We really appreciate it, stranger.” The one of the mares said while winking. "What's your name?"

"I'm Feather Bangs," The new stallion replied.

"Well Feather, we hope to see you around." The other mare said as she and her friend took their bag and trotted away. Brawny was a bit lost from what just happened. Brawny thought it was strange for this Feather stallion to just show up out of the blue to pay for some mares' food. Brawny thought perhaps Feather was just being nice, which was fine for Brawny as long as he gets paid for the hayburgers.

"That was really smooth, huh?" Feather asked Brawny.

"Um, yeah, you can say that." Brawny answered. "What made you want to pay for their hayburgers?"

"One way to swoon girls is to do little things for them." Feather said. "I saw those mares while leaving the train and I thought it would be nice if I impressed them. I'm Feather Bangs in case if you weren't listening."

"I'm Brawny Bold." Brawny introduced. "Welcome to Ponyville,"

"Thanks, this is a nice-looking town you have here." Feather said as he looked around. "I previously lived in a town way smaller than this place. It was too boring for my tastes. That's why I decided to go and explore all around Equestria to see what's out there. This is just my first stop."

"I do hope you enjoy your stay here." Brawny said.

"Thanks, I'll see you around." Feather said as he left Brawny. Brawny resumed flipping some more hay patties until he noticed Feather coming back. "Quick question, where is the nearest hotel?" Feather asked.

"Oh, the Ponyville Inn is located down over there and next to Town Hall." Brawny said as he pointed towards Town Hall.

"Thanks, I don't really have a map of Ponyville." Feather confessed.

"I believe the Ponyville Inn provide maps of Ponyville." Brawny said.

"Thanks, I'll make sure to ask." Feather said as he finally left Brawny.

It was near sunset when Brawny finally packed up his cart and pulled it away from the train station. He felt satisfied as he was able to make a lot of bits from the new visitors. Brawny also kept recalling what happened earlier with Feather and the two mares. A part of Brawny wished that he was able to impress girls like Feather did. Brawny thought that perhaps Feather could give him some pointers. But Brawny thought against it as Feather was probably too busy with his journey across Equestria. Brawny continued to trot until he made his way home. He parked his food cart inside the nearby shed and entered his house. As Brawny went inside, he saw that no one was there. Brawny figured that he was home alone as his family members were off in different places. He went to the fridge to prepare his dinner. Just as Brawny was about to dig in, he heard some knocks from the door. Brawny wasn't sure who would be visiting him at this hour. He went to open the door. Much to Brawny's surprise, Feather Bangs was at Brawny's doorstep.

"Feather?" Brawny said. "How did you find my house?"

"I asked some nearby ponies where you lived and they pointed me the way. You are actually quite well-known around here." Feather said.

"Thanks?" Brawny responded. "So what are you doing here? I thought you were at the Ponyville Inn?"

"Here's the thing, the Ponyville Inn is completely booked. I tried to find some other hotels but the inn was the only place Ponyville has. Is there any way I could stay here for a while?" Feather pleaded. "I just got here and I don't know the locals that much. You were one of the first ponies I got to know since I started traveling. I promise I won't be too much of a burden. I just need a place to crash until I travel again." Brawny put some thought about his decision. To Brawny, Feather doesn't look like the kind of pony who wouldn't bother Brawny too much.

"Alright, you can stay." Brawny answered. "Just make sure you behave yourself while staying here. This is my parents' home and I don't want anything in here damaged."

"Thank you so much, Brawny!" Feather said as he took Brawny's hoof and shook it. "I'll make sure to be in my very best behavior!"

"Great! Come on in!" Brawny said as he moved aside. "I'll make you some dinner." Feather made his way inside with Brawny following in pursuit. After Brawny and Feather finished their dinner and cleaned the dishes, they made their way to the living room.

"Hmm! Your cooked hay was great!" Feather said. "It's no wonder the locals here praise about your hayburgers."

"Thanks, I get my skills from my mom." Brawny said.

"As much as I like talking about your culinary skills, I think it's time for me to hit the sack. I'll be taking the couch." Feather said.

"Actually, I can give you something better than that." Brawny said as he lead Feather to a nearby door. Brawny opened it to reveal a small bedroom with some boxes stacked to the side. "This is our guest room that we sometimes use for storage. You can stay here until you leave Ponyville." Much to Brawny's surprise, Feather gave Brawny a tight hug.

"Thank you so much!" Feather said with a smile.

"No problem," Brawny said. Both stallions brushed their teeth in the bathroom and went to their bedrooms. Brawny went to his desk and started writing a letter to his parents. He thought it would be best to inform them about Feather and hope that they will allow Feather to stay. Brawny sealed the letter and had it ready to be delivered. Brawny laid down on his bed while processing what happened to him today. Brawny not only met an interesting stallion, but that stallion also became Brawny's temporary house guest. Perhaps Brawny could learn a thing or two from Feather, especially when it comes to flirting with girls.