• Published 16th Jul 2023
  • 1,167 Views, 84 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: No Straight Roads - RainbowRaptorDash1

A world where Rock has been banned?! There's no way that Rainbow Dash and Casey will let this fly! They and all of their friends will bring Rock back to that world.

  • ...

Surprise Encounter

After the battle with SAYU, everyone took a break from the battle. The Rainbooms were checking their instruments, but even though all of them went through all of that, they were still somewhat stuck in a rut, though the songs that Bunk Bed Junction, as well as the music from DJ Subatomic Supernova and SAYU was catchy and it stuck with them. Rarity on the other hand was busy training Sunny Flare on how to play the Keytar. It was slow, but it was a work in progress.

“Excellent work Sunny, you're really learning well from the Keytar." Rarity smiled.

"Why thank you, dearie." Sunny responded.

"And I must say, you are quite the quick learner." Rarity added.

"Thanks." Sunny Flare smiled.

"Anyone know where the Dazzlings are?" Coloratura asked.

"Oh, they went with Karai and Shinigami on patrol. Probably trying to see what else they could find on NSR." Octavia answered.

"And what about the others?" Indigo Zap pointed out.

"April, Casey and Keno are on a shopping run while Donnie is helping Bunk Bed Junction upgrading the Rainbooms' instruments, and thankfully they were able to finish with Rarity first. Leo and Raph are training up on the rooftops." Spike informed.

"What about Mikey?" Pinkie added out of curiosity while somewhere secret, Mikey was typing away on a computer, which for some reason had soundtracks and singing and everything before he smiled and pressed saved while he stored it in a memory stick.

"Perfect." Mikey muttered.

"Yo Mikey, you out here?!" Rainbow Dash called out, startling Mikey.

"Uh, uh, coming!" Mikey responded before placing the laptop away and quickly joined the others. "So what's up?"

"We're still trying to think of what our next move might be." Applejack answered.

"Indeed, we already took down two districts that were under NSR's control." Rarity noted.

"And Twilight fawning over technology." Sour Sweet teased when everyone looked at the latter.

"I do not!" Twilight shouted, but the pile of tech from the district said otherwise, causing many to laugh at it.

"Hey guys!" Mayday called out as she, Zuke and Yolo walked in with their instruments. "We were able to upgrade your instruments some more."

"Sweet!" Rainbow cheered before she noticed the bumper sticker. "Uh, what's with the stickers?"

"Oh, these aren't your ordinary stickers." Zuke smirked.

"These bumper stickers take your tools to the next level!" Mayday whooped.

"Yeah, meaning twice the offense and defense." Zuke added.

"And the more you play, the more power they feed. Just be careful, cause they are limited after all." Zolo added as Leo, Raph, and the others that went outside came back.

"Hey Leo, what's up?" asked April.

"Kliff says he wants to see us for something." said Raph, whilst noticing the stickers. "What's with the stickers?"

"We'll uh, explain a bit more of what's going on." said Rainbow whilst everyone went to regroup with Kliff.

Soon enough, everyone was at the debriefing room whilst Kliff was preparing to adress the group.

"Sup, Kliff." said Zuke.

"Yeah, we came here like you asked." said Yolo.

"Spectacular performance at Akusuka everyone," said Kliff, "Simply impressive."

"Thanks," said Kliff, "Your gadgets and hints were helpful."

"And the Dazzlings were awesome!!" said Mikey as he was between the said girls, "They really got the moves!! I even got that on camera!!"

Mikey played the way they were moving as they were fighting, which surprised the girls.

"You recorded that?" said Sonata surprised.

"Since when did you make the time to record that?" asked Aria.

"I have my ways." said Mikey whilst he placed his phone away.

"Anyway," said Mayday, "What do you have for us next?"

"Is there any of the other artists that we need to be concerned about?" asked Sunset.

"We're still working on that one." said Twilight.

"But there has been quite the commotion in the alley nearby." said Kliff, which surprised the group.

"What kind of commotion?" asked Donnie.

"You don't think Tatianna is looking for us already, is she?" asked April.

"Not to worry," said Kliff, "I've been monitoring their radio chatter, and so far, nothing's come up so far."

"So we're safe for the time being." said Shinnigami.

"That's right." said Mayday, "Would all of you mind to go see what the fuss is about whilst I finalize these? I'll be done soon."

"No rush, Kliff." said Zuke.

"Yeah, we'll handle it." said Yolo.

"Yeah, take your time." said Mayday, "We'll go see what the hoo haa is about."

"Still, we should be prepared for anything just in case." said Leo.

"So we'll stick to the shadows in the meantime." said Karai.

"Let's go y'all." said Applejack.

"Oh, I hope it's nothing scary." said Fluttershy.

Everyone left the lair, but little do they know, it's only getting started.

The group soon got outside and looked around for anything unusual. Leo motioned the ninjas to head to the rooftops so that they could stick to the shadows and keep watch of Bunk Bed Junction. As the band walked down the street, Kliff messaged them.

"I have a feeling someone is really trying to get our attention. Find the source of the commotion, would ya?" Kliff's message informed.

"Who do you think is trying to get our attention?" Yolo asked, but before anyone could answer, someone approached them. He has yellow skin, wears blue sneakers, white jean trunks, a blue type of shirt with stuff on it, a watch on his left wrist and a bracelet on the right, he scores a beard and ponytail, whilst wearing to different types of headphones on him.

"Mayday, Yolo and Zuke! I've been waiting!" The man exclaimed as he approached the trio.

"Oooh, for what?" Mayday noted..

"Ah, where are my manners? I'm Zam." Zam introduced himself.

"Wait, Zam? As in Zam Bam Kapow from the VC Radio Station?" Yolo noticed.

"That's right. I heard about your gig with the DJ and saw what you did at Akusuka. I gotta say, I'm thrilled to see your efforts to make a change. Simply inspirational!" Zam responded.

"Thanks, Zam." Mayday modestly said.

"We appreciate the support." Zuke added before Mayday suddenly had an idea.

"You know what, why don't you join us in the stand against NSR?" Mayday offered.

"Interesting that you should say so. I'm currently starting my brand-new radio channel for this occasion." Zam replied.

"Oh, that's cool. How are preparations going?" Zuke asked.

"It was going fine until the place was reclaimed just the other day." Zam answered.

"Wait, NSR shut you down?!" Yolo exclaimed in shock.

"Unfortunately. It'll take some time for me to recover my equipment and set up my broadcast booth." Zam informed.

"You need a place? Why don't you come over to our pad. We happen to have some extra space." Mayday said.

"Can I? Really?!" Zam asked in excitement.

"What do you say, guys?" Mayday responded when she looked at her fellow bandmates.

"Sure thing, the more the merrier." Zuke said.

"Anything for my favorite radio guy." Yolo smiled in agreement.

"Awesome! I'll get Zam FM up in a jiffy, and have you guys on it soon!" Zam cheered in excitement before he left in a hurry as he got really excited.

"Nice guy. And I didn't know you were a fan." Zuke commented before looking at Yolo.

"I always listen whenever he's on air. He's the reason why I got so pumped up about music." Yolo explained as the trio continued to walk down the street, looking for any signs of the guy responsible. However, when Yolo looked ahead, he stopped like a deer frozen in headlights. For right ahead, he saw a familiar looking wagon, a wagon he hadn't seen since...

"No... it can't be." Yolo muttered before Bunk Bed Junction suddenly heard cries and a loud thud as smoke appeared in front of them. The three looked and saw their friends on the ground, groaning and trying to get back up.

"Guys! What happened?" Mayday asked as she and the others went over.

"I have no idea, yo." Casey groaned while rubbing his sore head.

"One minute we were sticking to the shadows..." Keno said.

"Next thing we knew, we were tossed here." Lemon Zest added.

"It's unlikely someone would've seen us from the shadows." Sugarcoat pointed out.

"Someone is definitely expecting us." Donnie noticed.

"When I get my hands on him...!" Raph growled.

"Ease up Raph, we don't know anything about this guy, so we'll need to be discreet." Leo explained.

"Agreed, but where would we start looking?" Sunset wondered as they were able to get up.

"We could always try the alley." Pinkie suggested as she pointed ahead.

"Agreed, use caution everyone." Karai warned as the group soon went down the alley, to find out who was trying to gain their attention.

The group encountered a strange man. "Fuyooooh, amacam bros?"

"Oh brother..." Zuke groaned.

"Uh-oh, this is not gonna be pretty." Yolo dreaded.

"Eh-eeeeh, sudah mendapat gadis baru, bros? So fast! Berapa ramai wanita yang kamu berdua ambil pada masa kini lah huh? Eheheheh. Missies, nama DK West! Ewah! Rhythm bayang superguy! Ewah! Luar biasa dahulu dan sekarang! Ewah!... Dan yang paling penting, saya juga kebetulan Yolo dan Zuke- {Eh-eeeeh, got new girls already, bros? So fast! Just how many ladies you two picking up nowadays lah huh? Eheheheh. Missies, name's DK West! Ewah! Shadow rhythm superguy! Ewah! Past and present extraordinaire! Ewah!... And most importantly, I also happen to be Yolo and Zuke's-}" DK West was about to fully introduce himself as Zuke facepalmed.

"Oh brother-" Zuke groaned.

"Exactly! Yolo and Zuke's big brother!" DK West confirmed.

"Brother?!" Everyone, minus Zuke and Yolo in the group exclaimed.

"That's right." Yolo muttered before turning to the others. "Everyone, this is West. Mine and Zuke's older brother. But he also goes by DK West ever since he went and took the career of being a rapper."

"Sila berjumpa dengan anda semua. Anda mesti Mayday, serta rakan-rakan anda dari dunia lain yang arwah telah beritahu saya. {Please to meet all of you. You must be Mayday, as well as your friends from the other world that the spirits have told me about.}" DK West noticed.

“Oh? So this is your brother?” Mayday whispered to Zuke.

“How come you never told us you had a brother?” Pinkie Pie wondered.

"It's uh... complicated." Yolo muttered, having a feeling this is going to be ugly.

“How come you don't share his accent?” Mayday asked.

“Yeah, and how come he looks a bit different from you?” Applejack added.

“I don't know, why is your and Applejack's hair yellow, why is Twilight and Donnie such nerds, why does Raph have anger issues, why does Sunset's hair look like bacon, why does Pinkie and Mikey constantly be weird and want to party, why is Rarity afraid of being dirty when she gets dirty from fighting, why is Fluttershy always so timid, why is Rainbow Dash always so cocky and her hair a literal rainbow, why was the Dazzlings power hungry and why were the Shadowbolts such jerks to other people before they became nice?!” Zuke deadpanned as the ones he mentioned looked at him baffled, as if he just insulted them, while Mayday had a deadpanned look on her face.

“What's that got to do with anything?!” The rest of the group replied.

"Seriously? You're going to go there, now?" Yolo asked while looking at Zuke with a flexed eyebrow.

"Nevermind that. West? What are you doing here?” Zuke responded.

“Oooh, tiada apa. Sekadar berkongsi dengan orang di sini bagaimana bunyi muzik sebenar. Aha! {Oooh, nothing. Just sharing with the people here what real music sounds like. Aha!}” DK West playfully said.

"Seriously?" Yolo muttered as he slapped his forehead.

“Real, music?” Zuke repeated that last bit before facepalming. "Ugh. Adakah anda benar-benar mahu melakukan ini di sini?! Sekarang?! {Ugh. Do you really wanna do this here?! Now?!}"

"Kami bukan kanak-kanak lagi, West. Kami berada di tengah-tengah sesuatu dan anda mahu bertindak seperti kami kembali ke rumah semula. {We're not kids anymore, West. We're in the middle of something and you want to act like we're back home again.}" Yolo pointed out.

“Oh, now they have the accent.” Lemon Zest noticed.

"Oooowie! Awak selalu macam tu, angry only. Saya lupa hari lahir awak, you angry. Saya tak balas mesej awak, you angry. Saya jual set dram awak, you angry. Saya guna gitar Yolo sebagai pencakar belakang, you angry! {Oooowie! You're always like that, angry only. I forget your birthdays, you angry. I don't answer your messages, you angry. I sold your drum set, you angry. I use Yolo's guitar as a back scratcher, you angry!}" DK West listed as Mikey and Yolo gasped at that.

"You used my bass guitar as a back scratcher?!" Yolo angrily shouted.

“You're darn right they have a right to be angry!” Mikey addded before everyone looked at him surprised

“Wait, you can understand him?” Zuke asked.

“Yes, I do! And the reason why Zuke's always angry is because his brother never answer his calls, sold Zuke's drumset and also forgot his birthday!” Mikey informed as everyone minus the Turtles, Mayday and Zuke gasped loudly at that while also getting angry.

“Why you no good!” Applejack growled before Pinkie was suddenly in DK West's face, startling the rapper.

“You forgot his birthday?” Pinkie uttered in a very dark manner. “Birthdays are a sacred tradition!” Pinkie shouted before Twilight pulled her back with her magic, with West, Zuke, Yolo and Mayday looking at her, confused.

“She's an expert on parties, even birthdays. She takes it seriously.” Rainbow Dash explained.

"Jadi, kita perasan. Hey, jangan macam tu lah. {So, we notice. Hey, don't be like that lah.}" DK West said.

“Stop it West. You're disrupting our music revolution, man. We've got tons to do, and we don't have time to play around with you, you understand?!” Zuke growled.

"Seriously West, you've got to stop this." said Yolo, "We're not in grade school and we've moved on. You're the only one who refuses to listen to anyone."

"Eeh, relax bro, relaaaax. Jika anda mahu peminat anda kembali, ia mudah. Tunjukkan kepada mereka siapa sebenarnya! Hadapi saya dalam... E-E-E-Ewah, Rap battle! {Eeh, relax bro, relax. If you want your fans back, it's easy. Show them who the real deal is. Face me in... E-E-E-Ewah, Rap battle!}" DK West challenged.

“I said, I don't have time for-” Zuke tried to say before he was cut off.

"Okay lah, saya akan pergi mencuri lebih ramai peminat anda kemudian. {Okay lah, I'll go steal more of your fans then.}" DK West shrugged.

“Ugh, fine then! Let's get this over with!” Zuke shouted.

“Ha! Ha! Caya Iah!” DK West exclaimed in excitement.

“Uh, do we really have to...?” Donnie was about to ask before Mikey cut them off.

“Let him do this.” Mikey said.

"Here we go again." Yolo muttered as DK West stood in position as the music starts. He then thrusted his hands forward, causing a shadow to move underneath.

DK West:

When you see Zuke in school
He was constantly out of fuel
All he does is follow me like a stinking fly
He can't help it coz I'm the trailblazing guy
Zuke knows nothing like a baby
Everywhere he looks he thinks maybe
I had to show him the ropes
But all he does is mope

Suddenly, a massive shadow figure appears and is somewhat the shape of a man like creature, which shocks everyone.

"Whoa, that thing is massive!" Sonata exclaimed

"How are we going to stop it?!" Shinigami asked but when the Shadow tried to strike, something blocked it left and right.


DK West DK West
He is our Man
He is the best
DK West DK West
He is our Man
He is the best
DK West DK West
He is our Man
He is the best
DK West DK West
He is our Man
He is the best

Everyone looked behind and to their surprise, they saw Vinyl playing the rapper music, while commanding shadows of her own. She shows a grin while giving a thumbs up, showing that she's got Zuke's back. The latter smiled back and rapped back, while Vinyl used her own shadows.


Oh, you should see West in school
He ain't nothing but a ridicule
He thinks he's the top student
But when in truth he's nothing but imprudent
Feels like he's entitled to everything
Tells the birds for him they should sing
Chest up, walks around proud
But a small push, and he will sure drop loud

Vinyl's shadow suddenly appeared, which surprised everyone, even DK West as Vinyl's shadow began to strike left and right.


DK West DK West
He is our Man
He is the best
DK West DK West
He is our Man
He is the best
DK West DK West
He is our Man
He is the best
DK West DK West
He is our Man
He is the best

"Dude, this is intense..." Mikey awed.

"Agreed..." Sonata nodded as DK West groaned and looked ahead. Obviously he wasn't going to let this lie down, so he continued.

DK West:

Hey lookie there at little boy Zukie
Loner boy right there, oh he such a rookie
Well huh at least I had my friends
You only had make pretend all the way to the end
You're lucky we're even related
Coz you're my brother if not siapa be bothered
And coz I am the world's greatest you can pause, go awe in my shadows bask in the awesomeness
The magnificence
The one and only DK West

The shadow once again appeared, this time, with Vinyl being prepared as she used her shadows to block the shadow monster.


DK West DK West
He is our Man
He is the best
DK West DK West
He is our Man
He is the best
DK West DK West
He is our Man
He is the best
DK West DK West
He is our Man
He is the best

Now it was Vinyl's turn to attack the shadow as Zuke took a turn while he laughed at DK West.


Haha haha haha haha
Being popular don't mean a thing
You think you're the centre of everything
But this greatness that you speak
Simply hides the fact that you're meek
And these delusions are really your illusions
And your rhymes are just behind the times
You think that you are a king
But if I said that, I'd be lying
The world doesn't revolve around you
Even in a multiverse, you're not worth a verse
Huh West (Where's) West? West in Peace-Oh.. he's dust.

At the same time, Vinyl's shadow appeared and beating the crud out of DK West's shadow, which the rapper master felt.


DK West DK West
He is our Man
He is the best
DK West DK West
He is our Man
He is the best
DK West DK West
He is our Man
He is the best
DK West DK West
He is our Man
He is the best

“Wow, he's really good.” Rainbow said.

“Same with Zuke. Didn't know he had it in him.” Fluttershy added.

“Same here.” Mayday agreed before DK West began to show his game face as he wasn't going to let this go.

DK West:

Then how about Zuke in college?
He still thirsts for my knowledge
Only knows how to trail me by
Or else, aduhai, he does nothing but cry
He thinks he's a real ace
When he's a real bad case
All he does is copy my moves and make mismatched tempos that don't groove

The shadow once again tries to strike, this time at Vinyl's shadow, but she kept dodging it left and right.


DK West DK West
He is our Man
He is the best
DK West DK West
He is our Man
He is the best
DK West DK West
He is our Man
He is the best
DK West DK West
He is our Man
He is the best

Vinyl's shadow began to go on the offensive.


West in college is such a shame
The top spot is no longer his to claim
All respect he used to have
Has now but drop drop drop in half
He hates seeing me succeed so well
He turns into a child and bids college bye-bye
The once great West with all his charming ability
Has now learnt a hard lesson in humility

Vinyl's shadow began to beat both DK West and his shadow.


DK West DK West
He is our Man
He is the best
DK West DK West
He is our Man
He is the best
DK West DK West
He is our Man
He is the best
DK West DK West
He is our Man
He is the best

But West wasn't going to give up, he still had some fight left in him.

DK West:

Zuke's a real baddie robber
Not even a show stopper
He stole all my friends
Had none none none of his own
And Nadia man, you remember that girl?
You only added her coz I was into she
You couldn't stop at stealing friends
You stole a girl that made me couldn't breathe
Robber of friends
Copycat Zuke
You ain't nothing without West
You ain't nothing without West
You ain't nothing without West


DK West DK West
He is our Man
He is the best
DK West DK West
He is our Man
He is the best
DK West DK West
He is our Man
He is the best
DK West DK West
He is our Man
He is the best

But Zuke gave one final push.


Nadia never liked you West
Coz you were slimy sleazy cheesy
Ewah konon hero actually si desperado
From a scale of 1 to 10
You were below the bottom of the lame lame end
You were never as good as you thought
Only your imagination never had a draught
You think you're a marathon runner
You never even ran, right on pilot you were cancelled / the end
As you left college with no more shame to hide
You left a loser, snoozer, my brother
Oh mic drop / reality CHECK PLEASE
Catch that adulting life, you DK hack


DK West DK West
He is our Man
He is the best
DK West DK West
He is our Man
He is the best
DK West DK West
He is our Man
He is the best
DK West DK West
He is our Man
He is the best

After the final blow, Vinyl's shadow defeated DK West's shadow, making it vanish, with DK West himself collapsing from exhaustion as everyone cheered at both Vinyl and Zuke for their performance.

"That was awesome!" Rainbow Dash said in excitement.

However, after the cheering went down, DK West stood back up.

"Eeeleh! Anda hanya menang kerana saya benarkan anda! {Eeeeleh! You only won because I let you!}" DK West shrugged off.

“What?!” Everyone exclaimed.

“No, you didn't!” Zuke retorted.

“He's right. He won fair and square.” Leo agreed,

"Beritahu awak, awak pergi rehat dulu lah. Saya kembali apabila awak rap seperti a pro, okay bro? West out! {Tell you what, you go take a break first Iah. I come back when you rap like a pro, okay bro? West, out!}" West bid farewell as he left.

“Unbelievable.” Raph grumbled when all of a sudden...

“Hey where are you going? I won this battle fair and square, you hear me?! Hey! Hey! Right, okay, leave! Just, leave!” Zuke angrily shouted as everyone was surprised by that anger.

“Oookay, I'm sensing a looot of anger here.” Mayday noticed.

“Yeah, usually that's Raph and Sunset's job.” Mikey quipped, causing Raph to growl and Sunset to look at him with a stink eye. “Need I bring up Cozy Glow again?”

The two of them winced at that and looked away in embarrassment.

“What happened to Zuke, the chilliest music man in Vinyl City?” Mayday asked.

“Indeed. You never get angry like this before.” Rarity added in worry as Zuke sighed.

“Yeah, I know. I know! Just that, this guy is so... so... ARGH!!!” Zuke roared as he then marched off in a huff, leaving the others concerned.

"Um, Yolo? Do you mind telling us what that was about?" Octavia asked

"It's a long complicated story. Zuke and I looked up to West when we were little. But overtime things change when we got older. I never wanted any part of their feud considering I know what it does to people. Plus I try to stay out of it. I tried my best to be a peacemaker. But no matter how hard I tried, it always got worse." Zuke explained.

"Yeesh..." Spike winced.

"Yeah, no kidding. I'll just... go clear my head." Yolo sadly said before he walked a bit ahead, with Mayday watching, feeling sorry for him until she felt a shove, and noticed Pinkie Pie, motioning her to help him. Mayday nodded and went over to him.

"You... need some company?" Mayday offered as Yolo thought about that

"Yeah... I'd like that." Yolo accepted as the two of them walked together, wanting to clear things up. Mikey on the other hand... he knew what that was like, and couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor guy.

Comments ( 25 )

Now that was perfect. Can't wait to start the next one.

Awesome chapter

Cool. Whaddya think of the rap battle?

That was epic!!

Yeah, the rap battle was awesome!! Also, I didn’t know Mikey could understand Malay.

Awesome, and one of my favorite DK's raps

is this story alive ? ; just curious

Wow so awesome as a Malaysian like myself memang hebat Chapter ini menarik so awesome

You’re Welcome. I’ll Be Waiting For Chapter 8.

I Said Who Will Voiced Rara?

Never Mind Dude.

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