• Published 16th Jul 2023
  • 1,167 Views, 84 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: No Straight Roads - RainbowRaptorDash1

A world where Rock has been banned?! There's no way that Rainbow Dash and Casey will let this fly! They and all of their friends will bring Rock back to that world.

  • ...

Alter Ego

The group were in Bunkbed Junction’s hideout, in the strategy room, with the Rainboom’s instruments upgraded and everyone ready to go. The Rainbooms and Turtles, along with thier guests watched as Bunk Bed Junction was toiling away with their instruments. Mayday with her hammer, Zuke with his blowtorch and Yolo measuring the power output and energy ratio.

"You gotta hand it to them, they really know their stuff." Casey admitted.

"If their weapons weren't instrument based, they'd make good blacksmiths." Karai added.

"No kidding, you could see just how focused they are." Shinigami agreed.

"Aaaaaand done! Alright now, your intruments are good to go. It can make twice the sweetest tunes..." Mayday started off.

"And also twice the offense and defense attacks." Yolo finished as Mayday held onto both Rainbow and Sunset's guitars before walking over to them.

"These two guitars have been modified for distance." Mayday said before she handed them over. "They can shoot laser cannons the moment it's turned on."

"Oh, sweet!" Rainbow cheered as she accepted it.

"This feels strangely familiar." Sunset noticed as she felt like she's seen it before before Yolo walked over to Rarity and Applejack while holding their instruments.

"These babies have been tuned up to the next level." Yolo started while handing them over. "The Bass guitar has the ability to turn into an axe that can cut through almost everything, while the Keytar unleashes musical notes to act as both offense and defense."

"Wow, now that's handy." Applejack noted as she accepted her bass.

"Indeed, quite creative." Rarity agreed as she held onto her instrument before Zuke then walked over to Pinkie and Fluttershy with their instruments.

"Seeing that you also play the drums, I made them the same way I made my own sticks. You can use them to fight in combat." Zuke said as Pinkie Pie squeed while smiling before accepted them, as Fluttershy looked a little uncomfortable as she's not a fan of violence. Zuke noticed, smiled and walked over to her while placing his hand on her shoulder, gaining her attention. "Hey, no worries. You're not actually going to fight, which is why I made this for you." Zuke noted as he handed Flutterhy's tambourine and asked her "You like to dance, don't you?"

"Er, sometimes." Fluttershy answered bashfully.

"Well, I made this that whilst you play and dance at the same time, that allows you to deploy any protective shield around you. You see, instead of being on offense, you'll be on defense." Zuke explained.

"And seeing that the Dazzlings used to sing, we were able to whip up this." Yolo added before handing them new necklaces, which surprised them when they saw that they nearly look like the Dazzlings' old amulets.

"With these amulets, your voices can deliver twice the damage. You think it, it delivers." Zuke said.

"Wow, this is amazing!" Sonata smiled in excitement.

"I'll say, about time we got into some action." Aria agreed.

"Aw, I wish we had cool instruments like you guys." Lemon Zest said.

"Hey, don't worry. Once we find the right instruments for you guys, then you guys will be ready." Mayday assured.

"Hey guys." Spike called out as he walked in, gaining their attention. "That Kliff guy wants to see you. He says he's got our next target."

"Let's go, guys." Leo said as everyone left the room.

Everyone was soon in the debriefing room, where Kliff was standing right next to a large screen.

"So what do you have for us, Kliff?" Raph asked.

"Before you head out, it would be an honor to brief you on your next fight. May I?" Kliff asked.

"I'd love to hear your Intel Kliff." Mayday confirmed.

"What do you have for us?" Zuke requested.

"Yeah, if it's an artist, which one are we aiming at?" Yolo agreed.

"Right, Akusuka will be your next stop." Kliff answered as he showed the team the picture of their target.

"Aww, how cute." Mikey gushed when he saw how adorable she looked.

"I hope you're up to date with the digital space. Because Sayu has been making waves there as an idol." Kliff informed.

"Wait, that photo. I've seen her on the billboards! With her squeaky voice and music." Mayday noticed.

"Ah, the digital pop idol. She's really popular with the younger kids." Zuke said.

"Among other things." Yolo added.

"Wait, did you say, digital? So she's not even real? And she's topping charts?!" Mayday asked in surprise.

"NSR signs on anyone who has the fame to benefit them. But, you two can make a difference." Kliff responded.

"So just to be clear, we're fighting a fictional character, right?" Indigo Zap asked.

"Yes." Kliff answered.

"So what can you tell us about her?" Sour Sweet requested.

"Sayu was created long ago by a handful of programmers. Some time ago, the programmers created Sayu in order to make it big in the music business. They ended up using a genre called the Cute core." Kliff explained.

"Oh yeah, I know that genre. They make a ton of cute and bubbly characters and have them designed to sing in a cute manner." Pinkie noticed.

"And as you can see from the charts, Sayu gained more popularity over the years because of the Programmers. Now she's one of the NSR enforcers. And she will be most tricky to get to considering her, ahem, form. But behind every creation, is a creator. And it applies to Sayu as well. And that's how we'll beat her." Kliff informed.

"So how will we get to her?" Donnie asked.

"Take these with you, and head to Asusuka when you're ready. They'll get you to where Sayu is." Kliff answered as he gave the group passes with the, accepting the passes before placing them away. "Now then, remember, she is not constrained by real world logic, so be prepared for anything."

"Alrighty." Mayday responded.

"Wait, I couldn't help but notice that you have that poster over there." Kliff said as everyone stopped and looked at to what Kliff was pointing at. It was a poster about the Goolings, one that some recognized, with Kul Fyra at the front.

"Yes! Kul Fyra! The legend! The one and only!" Mayday cheered,

"Ugh, here we go again." Yolo groaned.

"Ohhhh Kliff, you just opened a can of worms." Zuke warned.

"The band she started, the Goolings, was way ahead of its time. Nobody took rock seriously until they came along. They trailblazed to stardom and immediately took Vinyl City by storm." Mayday informed with a sigh of nostalgia. "Man, sometimes I wish I was born earlier." Mayday said before she gasped in realization and looked at Kliff. "Oh, oh, oh, hang on. You would have been old enough to see them during their prime. Were you in Vinyl City back then?"

"Yep." Kliff answered while smiling in pride, with Mayday giving a slight gasp.

"Pleeeease, tell me you went to their gigs." Mayday requested in excitement.

"I did." Kliff chuckled as Mayday squealed in excitement

"Major fangirl, huh?" Raph asked, whispering to Zuke and Yolo.

"You have no idea." Yolo answered through his teeth.

"You got to see the Goolings, live! I'm so jelly, so jelly. Tell me, what was Kul Fyra like?" Mayday asked.

"What was she like?" Kliff repeated with a slight chuckle. "She's got the jeans, she's got the sunglasses, she's got the flaming hair, she's got the looks, the spunk. She had 'em all. That girl was rockin' it I tell ya. Shook the stage like she absolutely owns it. She didn't need to change... she was flawless."

"Oh, Kliff. You're my new favorite guy." Mayday smiled.

"It's a shame that the Goolings got disbanded, and Kul Fyra faded into obscurity shortly after. She deserves better." Kliff said.

"She does, deserve better." Rainbow agreed.

"And that's where you come in! You supported the Goolings back then, now we need you to bring back the same energy to our fight." Mayday realized.

"Oh, that's the plan young lady. We're going to smack Tatiana to the side and reignite Kul Fyra's legacy once and for all." Kliff nodded with determination.

"Yes!" Mayday cheered.

"Can we get going to deal with our next target already, we don't want to fall asleep here." Sugarcoat bluntly pointed out.

"Agreed. Let's go, everyone!" Leo urged as the heroes headed to the exit.

"We'll see you later, Kliff!" Mikey bid farewell before the group heard Pinkie giggle as she was playing with a light-blue baby alligator with blue-purple spines and purple eyes.

"Look what I found!" Pinkie Pie called out.

"Oh my goodness!" Fluttershy gasped as she darted over to the little gator. "Who's this cute little guy?"

"I see you guys have met our pet alligator, Ellie." Zuke chuckled.

"We adopted him a while back shortly after we formed Bunk Bed Junction." Yolo explained.

"And the gator's really talented too. We saw him riding a helicopter one time." Mayday added, baffling everyone.

"Yeah right, there's no way he can unless..." Donnie tried to say.

"He has a pilot's license?!" Twilight gasped when she and the others saw the gator showing his pilot license, surprising the group.

"Huh, I wonder if I could get a license." Spike said to himself.

"Don't even think about it Spike. Shining still hasn't forgiven me for letting you wait in the car and you ended up wrecking it." Twilight pointed out.

"How was I supposed to know, and it was just one accident!" Spike responded.

"Besides, I guess he is a bit hungry." Zuke said as he brought out a fish and tossed it to Ellie, who caught it with his mouth and ate it. Ellie made a happy squeak sound, which caused some of the girls to fawn over him, but none more than Fluttershy. "Wow, she really loves Animals."

"That she does. Just... don't get her mad, or she'll use the stare on you." Rainbow Dash warned.

"The stare?" Bunk Bed Junction asked in confusion.

"Don't ask." Half of the group responded.

"Alright, now that we're done fawning the gator, can we go now?!" Raph urged.

"Fine." Everyone else groaned as they left, with Fluttershy petting Ellie.

"I'll see you later, Ellie." Fluttershy said as everyone soon left, with Ellie wagging its tail, as he was looking forward to see Fluttershy again.

Everyone went to the surface before Kliff called on Mayday's phone. "Greetings! Kliff here. It would be my pleasure to assist you on your rocking journey to defeat NSR. I'll be giving some essential tips along the way, so keep your eyes peeled! Your next destination will be Sayu's Kura-Kura Stream Hub. Please head over to the Festival Bridge."

"Alright guys, we've got our heading. Let's go." Leo ordered.

"Yo BBJ, ever did a rooftop race before?" Mikey asked.

"Can't say that I have." Zuke answered.

"If it's a race, then I'll gladly beat the lot of ya!" Mayday declared.

"We'll see about that." Casey responded with a determined smirk as everyone jumped towards the rooftops and ran from different rooftop to rooftop.

As they ran, they passed the former stomping ground of DJ Supernova, and were surprised to see the layout of the place.

"You have to admit, the guy has some good tastes." Sunny Flare admitted.

"He does actually." Sour Sweet agreed.

As they explored, they got a call from Kliff. "Welcome to the Cast Tech District. Science and exploration are held at the highest degree here. At least it used to be anyway. These days, DJ Subatomic Supernova is more concerned about himself, so most of the energy is relegated to his Vanity projects instead."

"Oooh, now this, is, amazing!" Twilight awed.

"I feel like I died and gone to heaven." Donnie muttered.

"Nerd alert!" Half the group called out, causing the two geniuses to glare at the ones who called them that.

"Well onto business, you need to head to the edge of the district to get to Sayu's Kura-Kura Stream Hub." Kliff informed.

"Guys, up ahead, we're almost at the end." Sunset pointed out, allowing them to stop.

"So... what's the play once we get there?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Something tells me we need to see what we're up against first." Rarity pointed out.

"Ah'm with ya there, Rarity." Applejack agreed.

"Let's go guys." Mayday said as she and everyone jumped down.

They arrived at Akusuka's front entrance and were surprised to see what it looks like all around them.

"Oooh, fancy." Pinkie said.

"You know, this place kind of reminds me of Tokyo." Karai noticed.

"Agreed. We should visit there more often." Shinigami wondered.

"Hey, up ahead. That's gotta be the entrance." Keno pointed out.

"We'll need to be careful on how we get inside." Adagio added.

"Agreed, just because we were able to beat one artist, doesn't mean we can just lower our defenses." Yolo agreed.

"The guys and I will take lead." Leo said on behalf of him and the Turtles as they soon took the lead while going past the large crowd at the same time. Soon they arrived at the entrance as everyone stood at the edge, with Leo looking back. "Alright guys, be prepared for anything. We don't know what's going to wait for us on the other side, but we need to be prepared for what SAYU is planning to throw at us. So stay on guard and watch each other's backs."

"Right." Everyone else responded as they got ready.

"Let's go!" Leo said as he and his brothers jumped first, with the rest following suit.

The group soon landed from where they jumped and stood in position. However, all of them began to slowly look around and were amazed.

"Whoa, it's almost as if we've gone inside the internet." Lemon Zest awed in amazement.

"I know right, reminds me of what our counterparts told us a while back." Donnie noted before the group got a call from Kliff, causing them to listen to it.

"Just so you know, getting to an NSR artist will not be an easy task. They will be heavily guarded, so you'll need to break through their security first." Kliff informed.

"Security?" Mikey asked.

"What security?" Pinkie added.

Suddenly, up ahead, they saw many NSR robots, as well as a few security guards standing at the ready.

"You just had to say it!" Raph growled.

"Okay, but to be fair, we didn't know that they'd just conveniently pop up." Mikey pointed out.

"Doesn't matter." Leo responded as he and the others got ready. "Everyone, take them down!"

"Actually Leo, why not have the Rainbooms test out their instruments? I mean we gotta make sure that they work and all." Yolo said as he stopped everyone else.

"You know, he does have a point." Donnie admitted after having thought about it.

"Fine. You girls are up." Leo groaned with a roll of his eyes.

"Alright!" Rainbow Dash cheered as both she and Sunset stood side by side. "You ready for some target practice, Sunset?"

"The first to have ten points, wins?" Sunset challenged.

"You're on!" Rainbow accepted as the two of them held their guitars in position, causing small cylinders to appear. They then began to play their melodies on it, causing lasers to shoot out of it, taking down a few drones in the process. "Awesome!"

"This is so much fun!" Sunset whooped as they continued.

Applejack stood near a few NSR robots, then charged with her Bass. The moment she jumped up and raised it in the air, it instantly turned into an axe, allowing her to slice it in half. "Whoa, now that's what Ah'm talkin' about!"

Rarity then played her instrument while her eyes were closed, causing music notes to appear on her keytar, allowing her to fire said notes onto the security and robots, destroying the robots and knocking out the security. "Oh my, such elegance. Truly you are a miracle worker."

Fluttershy noticed that she was surrounded by the security forces as she then remembered what Zuke said. When security attacked, Fluttershy played her tambourine while she danced. The moment security came into close contact, she displayed shields in front of her, knocking them back in the process as she giggled and enjoyed the dancing while Pinkie Pie used her drum sticks to whack many of the robots and security away. "Now this is so much fun!" Pinkie cheered as everyone else was surprised by this.

"Okay, now that's seriously cool." Raph admitted.

"Come on guys, let's give them some backup!" Leo urged as everyone to charge forward to take care of the robots before the group soon broke past security level 1.

"Alright, we made it past, now what?" Adagio asked.

"Hey, what's that?" Pinkie noticed as she pointed at something as Kliff called.

"Ah, looks like one of NSR's patent music rail generator. Activate the rail with your music and you should move to the next security level." Kliff informed.

"Think that'll work?" Yolo asked.

"One way to find out!" Mayday smiled as she began to do her solo and within a split second, the rail had been made, surprising everyone.

"Think this is solid enough?" Donnie checked.

"Only one answer to that, D!" Mikey responded as he was the first to jump on the rail and slide while shouting like a cowboy before he soon landed safely on the other side. "Come on guys, it works!!"

"Well, as they said back home, when in Rome." Casey shrugged as he was the first to jump, with many others following him.

Soon they landed on the other side, while Leo pulled out his swords. "We're not out of the woods yet." Leo pointed out as everuone saw more security.

"Doesn't matter! Let's just do this!" Raph shouted as everyone charged to take down security, as well as the drones. The group kept beating security bots as they broke through all nine security levels as they reached a portal gate that had a portal that looked like a cover from one of SAYU's albums.

"This is it guys." Leo noted.

"Time to go face-to-face with the big boss herself." Mikey declared as everyone went inside before they looked around and was amazed by what they saw.

“Wow, what a dreamy place.” Mayday awed.

“It's beautiful here.” Leo noted.

“You know girls, this kind of reminds me of our home.” Sonata said to her sisters.

“For once I agree with you, Sonata.” Aria admitted before Mikey suddenly pointed upwards.

“Guys, we have company!” Mikey shouted as everyone saw someone coming in, and that was none other than SAYU.

“That's SAYU?” Rainbow Dash asked.

"One and the same." Yolo answered while squinting his eyes.

“Oh my, welcome friends. Are you here to receive the sweet honey bubbles of my angelic voice?” Sayu greeted.

“Awww.” Most of the girls doted.

“She's adorable.” Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie gushed.

“What? Sweet honey bubbles?! Pff, no way.” Mayday scoffed.

“Yeah, right.” Raph agreed while rolling his eyes.

“We can already do that, thank you very much.” Adagio pointed out.

“Yeah, even Fluttershy.” Rainbow added.

“Um, I'm right here.” Fluttershy said, a bit annoyed.

“We're here to bring back rock to Vinyl City!” Mayday declared.

“We're going to show them how awesome it is!” Indigo Zap agreed.

“And that the other music’s aren't the only ones that are powerful!” Pinkie Pie added.

“And...” Mayday was about to say before she cut herself off after she and the others realized something. “Wait, this is ridiculous.”

“Yeah, no kidding.” Donnie deadpanned.

"You said it, Donnie." Casey agreed.

“I can't believe we're talking to this thing. She's not even real.” Mayday whispered.

“Yeah, it's just a hologram.” Applejack agreed.

“And a cheap one at that.” Rainbow Dash added.

“Shh, May... Don't say the R word.” Zuke whispered back.

“Yeah, everyone has feelings.” Mikey agreed.

“And think of the joy it brings to everyone.” Sonata pleaded.

“And it's cute too.” Fluttershy added.

“Really cute.” Pinkie Pie nodded.

“And it's a very taboo subject in this district.” Zuke pointed out as most of the others gave the few deadpanned looks after saying that.

“The 'R' word? You mean real?” Mayday asked in disbelief.

“Are you kidding, right now?” Sour Sweet asked.

“Yeah, I mean look at her!” Sunset pointed out.

“It's a cheap knockoff!” Rainbow said.

“It's a phony!” Applejack added.

“More importantly... She's. Not. Reeeeaaaal!” Mayday said as Sayu gasped at that claim and looked hurt, but then cheered up.

“But I am real. As real as your love for each other, especially the rainbow and country girls.” Sayu said.

“Wait, that?!” Mayday gasped in confusion.

“Huh?!” Applejack gasped, appalled by the idea.

“Seriously?!” Rainbow growled, not liking where this is going.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, now hold on!!” Zuke said.

“I can see it in your eyes! *Wink* Your hearts are pounding like the beating drums of the oceans. Ba-bump. Ba-bump. Ba-bump.” Sayu said.

“Ba-bump.” Mikey repeated happily.

“Ba-bump.” Fluttershy agreed in a cute manner.

“Ba-bump.” Pinkie Pie bubbly added.

“Ba-bump.” Sonata innocently said with glee on her face.

“Ba-bump?” Zuke and Sunset asked in confusion.

“It means follow your heart, you two.” Sayu explained with another eyewink.

Sunset grasped her hands and placed them against her chest with a sudden smile. “I've always tried to follow my heart.”

“I... But there are so many factors to consider, so...” Zuke tried to explain before Raph cut him off.

“Alright, enough of that!” Raph growled.

“Yeah, we're here to fight, right?” Mayday pointed out.

“Of course, we are.” Lemon Zest answered.

“Zuke, snap out of it! And you, you're still not real, so less talk, more rock!” Mayday declared.

“Aw, you're so mean. How could you not take me seriously? Look at me!” Sayu responded as she swam a bit ahead to the edge and the looked back at them. “Seems like I have no choice, but to defeat you with the power of...Love, love, Sayu, Pyuuuun!!!”

“Oh, yeah?!!” Raph growled before the Dazzlings stepped in.

“Sorry everyone, but this is where we shine.” Adagio said.

“Yeah, and since she's a mermaid and mermaids are part of the ocean...” Sonata added.

“That's when we former Sirens come in.” Aria finished before music was heard as bubbles rose from the data stream on the ground.

"Okay, right now we gotta catch up with SAYU." Yolo pointed out.

"Wait!" Sonata noticed as she tossed what appeared to be a small rock against the bubbles, causing the rock to break, surprising the group. "Stay clear of the data stream!"

"Wow, good eye." Rara noted as even both Adagio and Aria were amazed by how Sonata knew that.

"Let's go, guys!" Leo urged as everyone charged after Sayu. However, as they charged, Spike saw highlighted targets on the ground, and when he noticed one was aimed at Twilight.

"Twilight, watch out!" Spike shouted as he pushed her out of the way, making a random laser being fired and landed onto the ground, which surprised the group.

"Wow, thanks, Spike!" Twilight said in gratitude.

"Keep an eye out for more targets, there could be more!" Rainbow pointed out as everyone continued to make their way towards SAYU before they soon made it to her.

"Hey, fish lips!" Lemon Zest shouted.

"How about you come down here and face us!" Mayday added.

"Why hate when we can love! Love is the most powerful power in the world." Sayu giggled cutely as she made her cute mermaid nose.

Suddenly, from behind the scenes, a programmer in a hoodie, was making the cute mermaid noise, while the second one looked what appeared to be a periscope, who then pushed it away and pulled out what appeared to be a digital pen and began to draw something at a rapid pace, with the first one smiling and knows what he's planning.

Suddenly, a paint brush icon appeared above Sayu, gaining everyone's attention.

"Whoa, heads up!" Yolo called out as within a split second, Sayu transformed. Her fins and body became more colorful, her hair is also more properly styled whilst holding two of her hands in a V for victory style.

"Oooooooh," The girls awed, minus the Dazzlings, as they were in awe.

"She looks... cute." Mayday admitted.

"Super cute!" Sour Sweet added.

"Try to catch me." Sayu playfully said as she giggled before swimming ahead.

"Hey! Get back here!" Mayday shouted.

"After her! Don't let her get away!" Yolo urged as they began to take chase.

"Great! How the heck are we going to get to her?!" Rainbow asked.

"Hey, look, another one of those magic platform thingies!" Pinkie noticed as she pointed at what Kliff told them earlier.

"Allow me." Yolo said as he did his solo on the bass, allowing them to have a platform to cross over.

"Let's get her, guys! I wanna pinch her cheeks!" Mayday gushed.

"And give her a hug!" Pinkie added while all of them slid down the rails. When the group got to the next island, there were robo-guards and moving voice-music walls with the data streams.

"Whoa, those are new." Indigo Zap noted as Keno threw one of his sticks, causing it to shock and bounce.

"And dangerous." Keno added as he caught his stick.

"We need to try to avoid those." Karai advised.

"Don't forget about the robot flunkies." Shinigami reminded.

"Leave that to me." April said as she used he psychic wave to knock back many robots.

"We're clear, let's move!" Applejack urged as all of them continued to give chase to Sayu before they arrived at the next rail and slid across. However, as they arrived...

From behind the scenes, the two Programmers from earlier, were looking at the third programmer, who appeared to have a sword of something behind his back. The second one who used the pen pointed at the third to unleash SAYU's weapon, causing the third Programmer to do what nearly appeared to be a dance of sorts and were able to create am icon above his head.

Sayu suddenly began to dance as she slowly got into the rhythm of the beat. "Sing and dance with me! One, two, three, peace!" Sayu said as within a split second, SAYU created a trident of her own, twirled it and began to pose with it before she then suddenly swam down to another platform.

"One, two, three, peace!" Most of the girls cheered.

"Girls!" Karai, Shinigami and the guys scolded.

"What's happening to me?!" Mayday gasped.

"It's obvious you girls are falling head over heels for her cute demeanor." Sugarcoat bluntly answered.

"Let's just get going!" Rainbow shouted as all of them used the rails to get from one spot to another. However, they this time knew the target was aimed, causing them to dodge the moment Sayu fired her trident.

"Wait, what's that?!" Sour Sweet pointed out as the group saw what appeared to be a strange device that's shielded for some reason.

"I think that's sort of her source of power. If we can deactivate those shields, we can destroy that thing that will allow us to weaken Sayu!" Donnie informed after scanning it.

"But how?!" Rarity asked.

"The shields are connected on two different small islands! We might stand a better chance against it if we destroyed those!" Twilight noticed.

"We're gonna have to split up at this case! Raph, Donnie, Keno, Karai, you'll go left! Mikey, Casey, Shinigami and April, we'll take right! The rest of you try to distract SAYU as best you can!" Leo ordered as the two groups quickly split up in different directions thanks to Yolo and Zuke, who went with the two groups to help them out. Both groups ran towards the shield generators. "Everyone, smash them to pieces!"

Both sides began to fight and use their weapons to do as much damage as they could. Eventually, both sides were able to destroy them, allowing Sayu's shields to be lowered.

"Her shields are down!" Indigo Zap called out.

"Cover us girls!" Adagio shouted as she, Aria and Sonata stood front and center. "We got this!"

Suddenly, just like their adventures in Crash's world, all three of the girls' Equestrian Magic activated, allowing them to gain their siren wings and would allow them to fly straight towards the digital Icon.

"Oh my, I didn't know you could fly!" Sayu gasped as the Dazzlings flew around and attacked her from all around, delivering as much damage as they could.

"Hey Sayu, I got a cute moment for you!" Sonata shouted before she suddenly did cute poses while swinging her hips. "One, two, three, peace!"

The moment she posed and winked, an instant energy note fired straight towards SAYU, causing her to take some damage.

Adagio swung her hips while slowly raising her arms in the air. "Have a piece of this!" Adagio yelled before she swung her hip and unleashed another energy note, damaging her again.

Aria began to dance in her way. "Let's show you the true power of the Dazzlings!" Aria declared before she did a pose with her two fingers, causing an energy note to fire at her as well.

Everyone on the ground were amazed by the Dazzlings' moves, even the guys when they regrouped.

"Wow, those two have some good moves." Mayday admitted.

"Those three do have talent." Zuke nodded before Sayu suddenly glitched as if she was malfunctioning. She then lowered herself as two of her eyes look like it had two X's on it. Though she didn't stay down for too long. For what appeared to be a paintbrush appeared, causing it to transform Sayu once more. This time, her hair was longer, she looked more colorful, and one could almost mistake her for a hippy.

From behind the scenes, the second Programmer tapped his hand on the table, with the other two programmers looking at the fourth Programmer. The fourth one, who was asleep, woke up and looked at his compatriats. Suddenly, the Programmer smirked and began to work on his computer, both keyboard and mouse.

"I'm too cute to fight!" Sayu said with a giggle before she swam down to another small island again.

"Come back and fight!" Raph shouted.

"Don't let her provoke you Raph." Leo advised.

"Yeah, we've got bigger problems to worry about." Mikey agreed as everyone quickly went up to the rock rail and slid towards where Sayu was heading next before the backgrounds suddenly got darker as the colors changed.

"Stop." Mayday started.

"Running." Raph added.

"Away." Rainbow Dash continued.

"Sayu!" Mayday finished as Sayu appeared, with her colors and details looking different as well, amazing everyone with that.

"Vinyl, didn't you once do something like this on your first gig a while back?" Octavia asked as Vinyl suddenly shivered, but nodded, with her admitting that she did something like that once.

"Aren't these ones and zeros, wonderful? Through them, I can link my feelings with all my fans around the world!" Sayu said before she aimed her trident in the air. "Everyone! Are you ready?!" Sayu called out as thousands of glowing sticks suddenly appeared, signifying her fans, which surprised the group.

"Whoa, that's a lot of fans." Lemon Zest noticed.

"We'd better try to stop her, pronto." Rara responded.

"Scatter!" Leo shouted, which they did as Sayu shot more lasers at the same time.

"I see another generator!" Mikey called out.

"With three ways this time!" Donnie added.

"The girls and I will take the first rail!" Sunset volunteered herself and the Rainbooms.

"We'll take the second!" Sour Sweet added while volunteering herself and the Shadowbolts.

"We'll take the third!" April finished as Casey, Keno, Karai and Shinigami followed.

Bunk Bed Junction decided to split up too to help out; Mayday went with the Rainbooms, Yolo went with the Shadowbolts and Zuke went with April and her group. The three groups encountered many security, as well as NSR robots and music firewalls, but they were able to make it pass the robots, then the firewalls, allowing them to reach to where they needed to go.

"Smash them to pieces, everyone!" Leo shouted as all three groups were able to destroy the generators, leaving Sayu vulnerable once more.

"Show em' what you got, ladies!" Mikey called out to the Dazzlings.

"With pleasure." Adagio smirked as she flew upwards.

The Dazzlings flew around and sang while they dodged Sayu's attacks at the same time. When all of a sudden, the trio flew together and danced in sync, allowing them to glow more and more brighter at the same time, before they began to harmonize and with a high note, shot a powerful blast at Sayu, damaging her further.

"Alright, girls!" Mikey cheered while the others regrouped as Sayu was suddenly malfunctioning again, she then lowered herself as two of her eyes look like it had two X's on it.

From behind the scenes, the programmers were in a state of panic as all of them ganged up on the second Programmer, clearly scaring them out of their minds.

Suddenly, Sayu malfunctioned again. "Listen to the sounds I want to give you. *Glitch!* No! Enough of you! Please leave this place!"

Everyone was surprised by that reaction.

"Say what now?" Mayday asked in confusion.

"I think she's malfunctioning!" Donnie gasped.

"We should link our intangible feelings. *Glitch!* Shoo! Go away!" Sayu growled.

"Oh, we would, *Determined* but you gotta catch us first!" Rainbow Dash challenged.

"Everyone, back to the platform up top!" Leo ordered as everyone took the rails back up again. The group fled to the top island while the background got brighter and the colors back to normal, only to find themselves at a dead end with no escape.

"Guys, we're trapped!" Pinkie Pie gasped before everyone saw Sayu dancing while she was face to face with them.

From behind the scenes, the programmers were in a state of panic as all of them ganged up on the second Programmer, clearly scaring them out of their minds. Suddenly, the second Programmer smirked with a chuckle, gaining their attention, as if he had just gotten a great idea. The others soon followed his lead, causing them to pose, to activate SAYU's true ultimate power.

Suddenly Sayu began to use her trident to stab it on the ground, making her glow several times.

“What is she doing?!” Rainbow Dash asked as everyone stood ready.

“I don't know, but be ready for anything!” Leo declared before all of a sudden, SAYU transformed again, only this time, her legs were human and her upper half... was a fish. "Never mind!"

“I made up our mind! Get out!! You guys are no longer welcome here! Gwaaah!!!” Sayu roared as everyone screamed in fright from what they were seeing.

“Oh my gosh!” Pinkie Pie gasped.

“That's the most hideous thing I've ever seen!” Sonata screamed.

"Fight now, talk later!" Raph shouted while slightly panicking.

"Whoa. What is. This." Mayday asked in horror before everyone continued to dodge SAYU's attacks as she uses her feet to smash the ground, with everyone else trying to avoid her. Leo threw his throwing star, but it bounced off of her before he noticed the generators around her.

"We gotta smash the generators!" Leo called out

"Though that's going to be hard, considering all four of them are distant from us!" Applejack pointed out.

"Wait, our instruments! We can use our instruments to do some real damage! Once they're down, the Dazzlings can try to do some damage!" Rainbow Dash realized.

"We'll cover you! Goongala!" Casey shouted before firing his exploding pucks at Sayu to distract her.

"Sunset, we'll focus on the first one, but we gotta play the sickest solo in order to power the lasers!" Rainbow said.

"I'm on it!" Sunset responded before everyone continued to distract Sayu as both Sunset and Rainbow began to play the longest solo they've ever played while charging up their guitars, and soon, they were glowing brightly.

"Now!" Rainbow shouted before both she and Sunset unleashed the full power from their guitars, the first generator to be destroyed.

"We got the first one!" Sunset called out

"Now, onto the second!" Donnie added.

"Leave that to me, darlings." Rarity said while holding her keytar as she began to play the notes with her eyes closed, thinking of a strong melody. At the same time, Sunny Flare watched Rarity perform her heart out with widened eyes while seeing her instrument. Is this... Is this what she wants to play? Within mere moments, Rarity unleashed her notes, allowing the second generator to be destroyed. "The second one is down!"

"Two more to go!" Keno listed.

"Don't worry, I got this!" Mayday said as she suddenly twirled her guitar like a baton whilst it was powering up. She tossed her guitar hard, making it spin like a boomerang as it struck the third generator, allowing it to be destroyed. "Third one's down!!"

"We're close guys!" Leo called out before dodging Sayu's attack before she launched an energy wave at Pinkie, which she saw coming.

"Oh no you don't!" Pinkie denied before she instantly hit the wave, turning it into pink energy beams as it launched straight towards the last generator, destroying it in the process.

"Whoa! How did you do that?!" Mayday asked.

"I have no idea!!" said Pinkie whilst just as surprised.

"The shields are down!" Donnie informed.

"Dazzlings, you're up!" Leo shouted as within a split second, the Dazzlings flew towards Sayu and all of them delivered a very strong kick towards her, making her disoriented. Seeing that this was now their chance...

"There's only one way to end this!" Zuke started.

"Let's do this brother!" Yolo continued.

"OK, OK, let's just get rid of this thing! Argh!" Mayday shivered as the three of them stood together. "Red Light!" Mayday shouted, presenting her left fist.

"Yellow Light!" Yolo added, presenting both fists while his right one connected with Mayday's left fist.

"Green Light!" Zuke finished as he presenting his right fist, connecting with Yolo's left fist.

Mayday suddenly grabbed an smiley-face sharp-toothed object and disconnected it from her guitar and threw it away before brought out another one and connected it to her guitar, energizing it as the object flipped, showing a growling moth with sharp teeth as the guitar growled, as Yolo took out what appeared to be a tube and connected it to the top of his guitar, almost turning it into a cannon, while taking out his lucky pic at the same time, with Zuke holding his drumsticks ready, all three of them energized, before the three of them stood side by side. Zuke then tapped his Drumsticks as the three began to be synced with one another.

"BUNKA! JUNKA! SHAKALAKA!!! BAM!!!" The three of them shouted as they released a ball of energy that flew straight towards DJ Supernova, and with great impact, everything went bright, hitting Sayu the hardest. Sayu screeched in pain as she suddenly spun around for a bit, then crash landed hard onto the ground. Everyone else soon regrouped near the fallen digital idol.

"That... was seriously messed up." Raph admitted.

"No kidding, and I thought the magic disaster was worse." Sugarcoat agreed before everyone saw a door appearing on Sayu while it opened, with everyone was curious by what they were seeing.

“Why that door sure looks inviting.” Mayday noted.

“Like somebody is just inviting us in.” Rainbow Dash added.

“Shall we? After you.” Zuke said to the girls.

“What a gentleman.” Rarity smiled before everyone soon jumps in, wondering where it might lead.

Within a split second, everyone arrived at the creator's place, making the creators jump back in fright.

“Bunk Bed Junction on the bridge!” Mayday whooped.

“With the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!” Mikey added.

“The Rainbooms!” Pinkie Pie continued.

“The Shadowbolts!” Lemon Zest cheered.

“The Dazzlings!” Sonata called out

“Along with the rest of our friends in tow!” Pinkie finished as the creators suddenly were at the corner, very frightened. Then Mayday did a creepy laugh as she moved towards them, which frightened the programmers. Mikey suddenly did a creepy laugh from the left and Pinkie did hers from the right. It was still going on, until Raph slapped them at the back of their heads.

“Will you knock it off!” Raph growled before Donnie went over and unplugged the system. The lights went back on and the creators were quite surprised as Donnie tossed the plug away while the others were surrounding them, with most of them having smiles on their faces.

“You guys are a pretty talented bunch.” Mayday said.

“I'll say, the way you programmed her was amazing.” Donnie noted.

“And the digital code you used was just as amazing.” Twilight added.

“And you guys work well together.” Sunset smiled.

“But there are bigger things at play here, and you kids shouldn't get involved.” Mayday advised.

“She's right. Even if you do can take care of yourself, the last thing we wanted was for anyone to get hurt.” Leo agreed.

“Especially kids with great potential.” Coloratura added.

“So, stay at school.” Mayday said.

“Do your homework.” Applejack reminded.

“Do some exercise.” Rainbow Dash added.

“Take care of animals.” Fluttershy smiled.

“Go have a party.” Pinkie Pie said with a squee.

“Do some shopping.” Rarity continued.

“Take care of each other.” Twilight added.

“Make some friends.” Sunset said.

“And most importantly,” Mayday continued until she had a deadpanned tone, which half did a deadpanned voice when she knew what she was going to say. “Don’t turn Sayu into that thing again.”

“Seriously.” Adagio agreed.

“It was a nightmare.” Aria described.

“For realsies.” Sonata nodded before the door suddenly opened to the outside.

“Come on May, let's go home.” Zuke said.

“We still got work to do.” Raph added.

“Alright. Sayonara!” Mayday bid farewell.

“Till next time!” Indigo Zap said, but just as the girls were about to leave, Pinkie whispered to them, making them suddenly surprised.

“What?!” The girls gasped.

“Please, girls, they deserve it at least.” Pinkie requested.

“Fine.” The rest of the girls groaned with a roll of their eyes as they and Pinkie went over to the creators and kissed them, surprising all of them. Once they were done, they soon left.

“Catch you on the flipside!” Pinkie smiled before she closed the door as the creators had goofy smiles on their faces. Even though they lost, they managed to win something in the end.

"Rarity?" Sunny Flare asked while the others were still walking

"Hmm?" Rarity noticed.

"If you have the spare time... mind teaching me how to play a Keytar?" Sunny Flare requested.

"Why I'd be most honored Sunny." Rarity smiled as the group left the building.

Later that day, the news anchorwoman reported live to the audience. "Once again, the group known as Bunk Bed Junction has hijacked yet another concert. Even the cute and bubbly SAYU was not spared from their plan for total dominance. We managed to get hold of these three elusive rockers and their companions whilst they were cowardly fleeing from the scene at the Akusuka district last night."

Then the news showed them live where the group was chilling and having a snack break. However, Mikey widened his eyes and elbowed his brothers, pointing at the news crew, to which soon everyone minus Bunk Bed Junction noticed.

"Bunk Bed Junction. Why are you hijacking NSR's concerts?" The reporter quested.

"Huh?" Mayday wondered as she noticed, even Zuke as he suddenly stood stiff and Yolo glaring at the news, knowing that NSR is watching. "Wait, are you guys from the news? Are we on TV right now?"

"Yes, a lot of people are distressed by your reckless behaviors. Do you have any remorse for your actions?" The reporter asked.

"Wow, I'm on..." Mayday was about to say in glee before she was suddenly shoved away by Raph.

"Reckless behaviors and remorse for our actions? You have the gall to say something like that to us?!" Raph growled.

"Yeah! All of you saw that when they used Rock, they powered the Qwasa energy to its full capacity like all of you, and you denied them that after their successful performance!" Rainbow Dash agreed.

"You even banned pizza, man! What did it ever do to you?!" Mikey shouted.

"The only reason why we're fighting is because everyone has a right to play their music to help power the city during the energy crisis. They wanted to help make a difference and you lot shoved them away. And yes, Mayday threw a hissy fit, but that's not a good reason to ban every other rocker who wants to help make a difference." Leo said

"And you'd better listen well, Tatiana. When we're finished with the other artists... we're coming for you. So you'd better watch out." Yolo declared before a fist suddenly punched at the TV, revealing to be Tatianna, who had been watching the news, with Eve standing next to her.

"Great. You owe me a new TV Tatiana." Eve said.

"I don't even know why you put your TV in my office in the first place. Anyway. We need to fix this, right now. Bring me, the horn of mending." Tatiana ordered.

"The horn of mending? Please do not tell me that you are thinking of asking for that guy's assistance." Eve groaned again in annoyance.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures. We'll lose more than just a district, if we don't act immediately. Now bring it!" Tatiana growled.

At the lighthouse on top of the NSR building, Eve and Tatiana were outside before the latter brought up the Horn of Mending and blew it hard and loud as it sounded throughout and beyond Vinyl City, until a mysterious green-skinned burly man with has closed eyes, various intricate designs of henna around his arms and body, having some of his ginger-red dreadlocks are tied into a large ponytail-bun hybrid, while the rest hang low pass his shoulders, on a rice field heard the horn, catching his attention. "Halamak! Saya telah dipanggil lah! DK WEST ON THE WAY! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! [Halamak! I've been summoned lah! DK WEST ON THE WAY! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!]" The man now known as DK West shouted as he ran off towards the NSR building and soon arrived in Tatiana’s office. "Well, well, well, sudah tiba masanya anda memutuskan untuk meniup hon itu! [Well, well, well, about time you decided to blow that horn!]"

"Nice to see you too, DK West." Tatiana greeted back.

"Begitu juga! And hellooo, Miss. Saya tidak melupakan awak. [Likewise! And hellooo, Miss. I haven't forgotten about you.]" DK West said.

"I am going to… check if the editors downstairs need my input." Eve responded as she started to walk away.

"Jumpa lagi, miss. [See you around, missy.]" DK West bid farewell.

"Gross." Eve groaned as she left the room.

"Alright, saya di sini! Anda boleh mulakan bila-bila masa. [Alright, I'm here! You can begin anytime.]" DK West requested.

"I take it you are unaware of the events that had transpired within Vinyl City the past few days." Tatiana assumed.

"Ehaha! Tidak tahu, tidak peduli! [Ehaha! Don't know, don't care!]" DK West shrugged off.

"I thought so. Three bands called Bunkbed Juction, the Rainbooms, the Dazzlings and a few other bands has been slowly claiming our districts. They’re now moving up to-" Tatiana was about to inform before DK West cut her off.

"Chop! Tatiana, sayang, saya di sini bukan untuk bercakap tentang politik Vinyl City, okay? Saya di sini haaanya untuk menerima permohonan maaf anda. Come on, I don’t have all day ni. [Chop! Tatiana, sweetie, I'm not here to talk about the politics of Vinyl City, okay? I'm here juuust to receive your apology. Come on, I don't have all day ni.]" DK West pointed out.

"Mmmhmm. Did I mention that two of the members of this group of bands is a drummer named Zuke and a bass guitarist known as Yolo? Thought that might be of interest to you." Tatiana noted, catching DK West's attention.

"Whoaaaaa. Adakah anda berkata... Zuke dan Yolo? Oh ho ho ho ho. [Whoaaaaa. Did you say... Zuke and Yolo? Oh ho ho ho ho.]" DK West guffawed with a dark smiled and shadows over his face as the heroic bands had no idea of the opponent they were gonna face next.