• Published 24th Mar 2022
  • 722 Views, 24 Comments

St Trineighans School for Fillies - SamuelK28

Instead of being sent to the moon, Luna is given a school to teach her subjects the importance of the night

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Werewolves of Fillies Hollow: Act 1 Scene 1

“Miss Dust, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in the Sports Hall addressing those who wish to try out and compete for the Royal School Games?” Apple Bloom said as she, Sweetie, Scootaloo, Screwball and Princess entered the theatre.

Lightning Dust rolled her eyes. “I owed Luna a favour. A fair proportion of Drama and Dance Club members from last year were in their final year. That combined with many of the others not wanting to get involved due to a variety of reasons meant Carrie and Theresa were a little short of members this year.”

Apple Bloom let out a loud groan. They’d barely walked through the door and already things were going wrong.

“Don’t you worry Apple Bloom; everything will be fine. We will all just have to pitch in a little more with the menial background tasks is all,” Carrie said with a beaming smile as she approached them. “You do not know how relieved I am to see you make it,” she added as she shook Apple Bloom’s hoof.

“Like I had much choice in the matter,” Apple Bloom grumbled. “And just how many others beside you and me did you manage to recruit?”

“Hey, Carrie, everypony seems to be here; shall we get started with introductions?” Theresa interrupted trotting over. “Oh, hi Apple Bloom.”

Apple Bloom looked around anxiously. “This is it?” There are barely ten ponies here!” she exclaimed.

“Twelve including us,” Theresa deadpanned. “Turned out not many of our fellow schoolmates wanted to participate in such a controversial play. Still, we’ll manage. The show must go on as they say.”

“Exactly, now we need to go and make a start with the introductory session. If you and your friends wouldn’t mind taking a seat at the front for us, please,” Carrie chipped in.

“Wait, I’ve still several more…” Apple Bloom tried to object unsuccessfully. “…questions,” she finished with a heavy sigh as Carrie and Theresa disappeared toward the stage.

“Did I hear that right? We have to put on a show with only twelve of us?” Scootaloo asked, equally as anxious.

“Looks that way,” Apple Bloom replied and before she had a chance to say anymore, Carrie’s amplified voice echoed from the stage.

“Hello everyone, it’s great to see so many willing recruits this year,” Carrie began.

“Is she being sarcastic,” Apple Bloom whispered to Scootaloo.

If Carrie had heard Apple Bloom, she pretended that she had not. “And we do hope you’ve already been getting to know some of your fellow performers this past five minutes but now that we’re all here, it is time for us to get this show on the road!” she finished, bubbling with enthusiasm.

“So, if you wouldn’t mind taking a seat down the front here so that we may begin, that would be mightily appreciated,” Theresa continued for her sister.

“Well, I guess the only way we’ll find out more is by taking a seat,” Scootaloo said as she began ambling towards the front. “C’mon.”

Her friends didn’t need to be asked twice and soon they were all seated, patiently waiting for Carrie and Theresa to explain a few things.

“Okay, so first off, I’m guessing you are all a little concerned by the lack of numbers we’ve managed to attract this year and wondering why there is another script on your seat. Simply put we’ve had to make a few minor tweaks due to our small intake this year. Also, unlike prior years, there will be no auditions; rather we’ve instead assigned each of you a character that we feel best suits your personality,” Carrie explained.

“But,” Theresa cut in, “the lack of participants also means that everyone has a slightly bigger role to play; so everyone will get their time in the spotlight, hurray! Unfortunately, the downside to this is we’ll also need everyone to help get the show ready. Sweetie along with Princess will be in charge of makeup and wardrobe whilst the rest of you will be helping with any other miscellaneous tasks to ensure the performance is a success, mostly making backgrounds and props alongside a few other general errands. Myself and Carrie will oversee and help out wherever we can but will mostly be busy not only with our own parts in the play but also helping all of you to achieve your bests. Meanwhile, Principal Luna and Vice Principal Starlight have kindly agreed to work the lighting for us whilst the Music Club have, after some persuasion, agreed to provide the background music as per norm.”

“Everyone following us so far?” Carrie asked.

She received a hesitant round of nods from her small audience in response.

“Awesome, then let me tell you what this first session is all about, getting to know one another. Look around you, these are the ponies you are going to spend a vast amount time with over the next nine or so months. There will be good times, bad times and almost certainly many, many arguments. But we will overcome our differences and by the end of the school year shall work together to provide the school with a jaw dropping spectacle they will never forget. And who knows? Maybe I’ll even see some of you next year!” Carrie went on.

“Not likely,” Apple Bloom whispered in Scootaloo’s ear next to her.

“Ah, Miss Bloom, our first volunteer,” Carrie said with a wry smile. “Would you like to come up and pick a name?”

“Not particularly but I guess I don’t have a choice,” Apple Bloom retorted rudely to a round of sniggers as she grudgingly rose from her seat and made her way to one of the small sets of steps that lined either side of the stage.

The sniggers didn’t last to long and by the time Apple Bloom had reached Carrie on the centre of the stage, everypony had fallen silent once more, eager to see what the older filly had in store for her younger victim.

“Okay, so what do you want me to do?” Apple Bloom said with about as much enthusiasm as a stubborn mule.

Perfectly on cue Theresa wheeled a whiteboard onto the stage from the wing opposite from where Apple Bloom had entered.

“These are the names of the twelve characters in the show -- four unicorns, four earth ponies, four Pegasi. In the next hour and a half, through these names, a series of team building activities and the modified script we have just provided you with, you must gradually work out who is playing who. If, as a collective group, you can correctly guess everyone’s part, then you’ll win a grand mystery prize, which, trust me, you will love,” Carrie explained.

Bella Donna

Chip Chop


Parsley Snip

Honeycrisp Apple

Polly Teasan

Snow Frost


Barbera Crat

Cortland Apple

Loop De Loop

Donner Blitz

Apple Bloom glanced at the board and then stared at Carrie with a raised eyebrow. “Seriously, you altered my character to be an apple farmer?”

“You think that’s bad? Blitz is Ancient Pegasus for a powerful lightning storm,” Lightning Dust rudely called out.

Both Carrie’s and Theresa’s mouths fell open in surprise.

“How?” Carrie managed to sputter as Theresa grudgingly wrote Lightning’s name next to Donner Blitz at the bottom of the board.

What should have been a simple and innocuous question seemed to catch Lightning by surprise. “I-I-I…Never you mind, that’s none of your business,” she suddenly snapped before raising her hindlegs onto the seat and burying her head into them.

An uncomfortable silence abruptly fell over the theatre for what felt like an eternity until Apple Bloom mustered the courage to intervene.

“Okay, so am I free to go or is there something else you need from me?” Apple Bloom asked already knowing the answer but hoping for a miracle.

No luck.

“Oh right, yeah,” Carrie responded, still distracted by her teacher’s peculiar response to her earlier question.

Slowly regaining her focus, Carrie ignited her horn and brought forth two bags full of scraps of paper that she placed carefully at her forehooves. She then carefully levitated out one piece from one of the bags and hovered the folded piece of paper in front of Apple Bloom’s muzzle. “The first task is as simple as they come. Our five newbie first years and Miss Dust will each be paired up with an established member. You’ll then have two minutes each to ask and find out as much as possible about your partner before switching roles. So, who have you got?” Carrie explained as her magic unravelled the piece of paper.

Apple Bloom somehow looked even less pleased.

“Fleur De Lis,” she grumbled. And that’s when she noticed it, the briefest twitch on Carrie’s face.

“Okay,” Carrie said hesitantly.

Apple Bloom could tell the older filly was clearly agitated about something. Even so, Carrie continued as nothing was wrong.

“Fleur, where are you please? I don’t see you down here with the others.”

“Here,” a broody voice boomed from the back of the hall, the owner of which was hidden in shadow.

“Okay,” Carrie said before giving Apple Bloom a gentle nudge to indicate she was free to go. “Please at least try to make Apple Bloom feel welcome,” Carrie added half-heartedly, as if she was asking something as difficult as having an earth pony fly.

There was no response to her request as Apple Bloom uneasily made her way of the stage and then up the middle aisle whilst Carrie moved on and continued the task of pairing up the filly's friends with the more established members of the club.

“Sweetie Belle, please go sit next to Mimi.”

It was as Apple Bloom reached the back row that the heavy scent of perfume mixed with something else that she knew only too well hit her.

“Wait?” Apple Bloom began before being immediately cut off.

“Come here and sit down,” the voice commanded from the shadows at the very end of the row of seats.

“Erm, okay,” Apple Bloom said apprehensively as she made her way hesitantly along the row of seats, proceeding to alter her hooves into paws and claws just in case. She’d got pretty good over the past few weeks with countless hours of practice at transforming just parts of herself.

“You can put the claws away, I don’t bite… much,” the voice finished with a chortle. “So, how did you get roped into this travesty of a play?” it added in a much more jovial tone.

Slowly Fleur De Lis came into focus in the dim light of the theatre for Apple Bloom to see somewhat clearly. She was more a young mare than a filly as far as Apple Bloom could tell, a unicorn with a beautiful two-tone pink mane and the perfect body to match, or she would have been if not for one glaring thing that Apple Bloom couldn’t help but stare at.

“Your mamma never taught you that it’s rude to stare?” Fleur said coldly.

“She’s dead. Complications when I was born,” Apple Bloom deadpanned in response.

“Huh, sorry to hear that. If it makes you feel any better, I killed mine when I was six. Ripped the ungrateful bitch’s head off along with my father’s. Got locked up in a padded cell for two years because of it and then Luna came and took me here. Now looking forward to the future and hopefully, if I can get through this mockery and insult of a play that Principal Luna forced me to participate in, can become a star on Bridleway after my final year here. That’s my dream anyway and frustratingly it’s currently in Principal Luna’s hooves. So, that’s most of my story, and now I’ll ask again; how did you get roped into this travesty of a play?”

Apple Bloom stared at the older werewolf mouth agape as she slumped into the seat next to Fleur. She could innately tell that everything the werewolf had just told her was true. She really had ripped both her parents heads off. “You, you…”

Fleur stopped Apple Bloom by placing a hoof on her mouth. “Answer my question and then I’ll let you ask me one. Understood?”

Apple Bloom nodded her head slowly in response, in a bit of a daze from Fleur’s open admission of double murder. After a little while to regain her composure, she managed to respond. “In short, Carrie and Theresa needed a werewolf, specifically one that looked like me, to play the lead in their play; otherwise, the dream prophecy they’d had couldn’t be fulfilled and somepony I knew was more than likely going to die. Also, Sweetie Belle.”

“Ah, I’ll accept that second reason. She’s a wild one that unicorn and a pony you definitely don’t won’t to mess with unless you want third degree burns.”

“Agreed and also adorably cute,” Apple Bloom responded, remembering the first time she’d met Sweetie Belle.

Fleur chuckled. “That too. As for this so-called prophecy Luna informed of, I wouldn’t be surprised if Carrie and Theresa made the whole thing up just so that they could put on a performance that further paints us werewolves in a bad way; they’ve never been comfortable around me,” Fleur suggested.

“Well, you did rip off your parents’ heads,” Apple Bloom pointed out.

“Fair point but I think it goes deeper than that. Together they’re excellent at writing and directing, we even did one of their productions a few years back, but their acting, although decent, wouldn’t be good enough to break onto Bridleway. They’ll likely make it as a top writing and directing team but will never be able to show off their works of art themselves and I think that makes both of them a little bitter and jealous of me and my natural talent. It’s another reason why I initially refused to participate this year when I heard they were taking over. If it wouldn’t be bad enough displaying the stereotypical mindless beast image we’re trying so hard to dispel, they would be on at me for every miniscule mistake,” Fleur explained. “But…”

“Luna intervened,” Apple Bloom finished.

“Correct and for your information, my parents were nobility linked to the crown. Celestia, unlike her sister, has had several mortal foals over the years who have gone on to sire offspring of their own. Long story short, I was foalnapped when I was six by a band of rogue werewolves who wanted nothing more than a million bits or they’d kill me. Absolute chickenfeed for ponies like my parents. You know what my tight arse parents’ response was?”

Apple Bloom shook her head.

“You really think we’re going to pay you a million bits. Ha, you’d be lucky if we even gave you a thousand bits you bunch of Neanderthals. This is the exact reason why we had a second foal. Keep her or kill her. It matters little to us; all you’ve done is shown us where we need to tighten up on security to prevent such a lapse from happening again, the Duke and Duchess of Eastern Equestria. I read that letter over and over again in the locked room my kidnappers were keeping me in until eventually, their leader appeared and practically tore my throat out. It was my first test. After I survived, he asked if I wanted to test those new security measures, I agreed. Vengeance and anger can be huge motivators you know. Combine that with having inside knowledge meant that once the kidnappers dumped me outside my parents fortress it was easy enough for me to avoid security, sneak inside and well, let me just say I painted my parents’ bedroom walls red. By the time security were aware of what was happening it was too late. I didn’t even offer any resistance, just handed myself over to them,” Fleur finished distantly.

“Whoa, that’s…”

“Depressing? Insane? I know but a common theme you’ll find amongst the lives of the ponies of St Trineighans prior to arriving here. I’d say up to half of the students here have lost someone close to them, usually one or both parents, and a number of those were the ones who killed said family member, whether deliberately or accidentally. And you know why we end up here?” Fleur rambled on, staring off into the darkness of the theatre at nothing in particular. “Because Equestria has no idea what to do with criminally insane foals. We’re too young for conventional prison and both Luna and Celestia are strongly against the death penalty. As such, I spent a year of my life muzzled and restrained in a straitjacket staring at four white walls day after day after day…”

As Fleur’s voice slowly trailed off Apple Bloom was left stumped at how she could possibly reply to what Fleur had just said. Thankfully, Carrie came to the rescue.


That snapped Fleur out of her daze and back to the present.

“Huh, what?” she exclaimed.

“Fleur and Apple Bloom, would you kindly join the rest of us down the front and tell us three things you have found out that you have in common and three things that you don’t,” Carrie called from the front.”

“Come on, the sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can get out of here,” Fleur grumbled rising from her chair and pushing past Apple Bloom before pausing and turning her head back to the younger filly. “Thanks, by the way, for listening. Most ponies run a mile when I tell them I’m a werewolf and a mass murderer. Maybe this this year won’t be so bad after all.”

“Well, we’re waiting,” Carrie cried impatiently from the front preventing Apple Bloom from replying as she hastily shuffled after Fleur.

“Yeah, yeah, keep your fur on Carrion or are you T-bone steak? I can never tell which of you is which as you’re both just as whiny as each other,” Fleur said rudely as she ambled down the middle aisle.

Apple Bloom couldn’t help but let out a snigger in response as Carrie gave Fleur a reproachful glare in return. That was until Fleur moved her gaze onto the unicorn’s flank, flashed her sharpened canines and ran her tongue over them like a predator sizing up their next meal. Apple Bloom couldn’t help herself and collapsed on the floor in utter hysterics as Carrie’s glare turned to a look of concern as she pondered whether to fight or flight.

“Oh, come on Carrie; I’m only teasing,” Fleur said sweetly as she collapsed into the second seat of to the left on the second row and motioned for Apple Bloom to sit next to her. “Hey Bloom, why don’t you tell Carrie here three things we have in common.”

Apple Bloom, trying desperately to regain control of her body eventually managed to stand up and, after a few deep breaths said, “We both killed our mothers, we’re both werewolves and neither of us particularly want to be here.”

Everypony stared at Apple Bloom, aside Fleur who had a massive smile plastered across her muzzle, as an awkward silence fell upon the theatre.

“Now, if it wasn’t rude for a lady like myself to laugh, I would,” Fleur said sardonically as Carrie once more looked like she wanted to wring the older unicorn’s neck.

“I knew it was a bad idea putting those two together,” Carrie murmured under her breath.

“What was that? You know it is exceptionally impolite for a lady to murmur under one’s breath. Oh wait, my mistake, you and your sister are nothing more than…” Fleur continued sardonically.

“Don’t you dare,” Carrie growled as Theresa rushed to her sister’s side.

“Well, you’re hardly proving me otherwise by interrupting me, are you? Extremely uncouth but I guess that’s to be expected from the lower class who don’t know a thing about manners,” Fleur said snobbishly.

“Don’t do it,” Theresa whispered into Carrie’s ear. “It’s not worth making a scene over.”

“Oh, I’m not going to,” Carrie said allowing a broad grin to cross her muzzle. “Don’t worry everypony, me and Fleur are just acting and demonstrating for you my earlier point that you will not always see eye to eye with your fellow actors. Let’s all give Fleur here a massive round of applause for her display today,” Carrie explained.

Fleur was about to argue that she was in no way acting when a piece of paper levitated into her lap.

Play along or you can kiss your chance at Bridleway goodbye.

Fleur rolled her eyes and directed her gaze up towards the ceiling.

“That’s right everypony, Carrie asked me to put on this little stunt for you to show you just how easy it is for anypony to have a bad day and lash out at their friends for no particular reason. I’d never really refer to Carrie as traveller trash,” she said, forcing a smile across her own muzzle.

As an uneasy applause broke out, Carrie gave Fleur one final sharp look and mouthed, “You’re on thin ice,” before redirecting her attention elsewhere. “As time is ticking by why don’t we move onto Sweetie Belle and Mimi.”

Mimi was a scrawny second-year earth pony with a dark brown coat and beige mane who sported a swede for a cutie mark. She was at St Trineighans because a freak accident with a swede when she was six had given her permanent brain damage and for some unknown reason, she now permanently believed she was a mime.

“I really didn’t think this one through either,” Carrie groaned two minutes later completely at a loss.

Sweetie and Mimi had mimed their answers.

“NEXT!” she cried, moving onto Frosty and Lightning Dust.

“Erm, well Miss Dust refused to tell me anything, so I guess we’re both Pegasi but that’s where the similarities end. She’s a hot headed, sleep obsessed, sports freak,” Frosty, an all-white Pegasus with light blue eyes began.”

“HEY!” Lightning objected.

“Anypony disagree with Frosty’s description of our Physical Education teacher?” Theresa deadpanned.

“I’d add with an appalling safety record to that list but otherwise I feel she got it spot on,” Fleur nipped in to a number of snickers and murmurs of agreement.

“HEY!” Lightning objected for a second time.

“Objection denied. Carry on Frosty,” Theresa deadpanned once more.

Lightning pouted as Frosty did just that.

“Well, anyway, I’m more reserved and prefer spending my time reading on a cloud or acting. I’m not the best actor or looking for a career in the arts, I just enjoy drama as a hobby and the social side of the club.”

“That’s fair enough. You don’t always need to be the best and we’re happy to have you here, Frosty; you’re a valued and extremely important member of the club,” Carrie replied. “Without ponies such as yourself who are willing to play the smaller parts, plays such as ours wouldn’t be able to happen!”

“On that note, I had time to skim over the updated script seeing as Miss Dust was being so uncooperative. Snow Frost, a Pegasus who is killed roughly halfway through. I think that’s just a little to coincidental, don’t you?”

Theresa levitated the pen and wrote Frosty’s name next to Snow Frost.

“We had less than three nights to re-write practically the entire script to fit a smaller cast. Give us a break,” Carrie chuckled.

“How much coffee did you consume this time?” Frosty jested in reply before redirecting her attention to Scootaloo. “Hey Scootaloo, in your two minutes asking Carrie questions, did you ask her what her record was for most cups of coffee in one night?”

Carrie’s head met one of her forehooves.

“No,” Scootaloo responded with clear intrigue at where this line of inquiry was going.

“Seventeen,” Frosty replied. “We got way behind last year and the last week was manic in ensuring the play was ready. Carrie and Theresa were as such tasked with ensuring everypony would be ready for the performance. Carrie not only drank the school dry of coffee but once the play was done, she totally crashed. No one was able to wake her for the next three days and nights. When she eventually woke up and looked in the mirror, she found a rainbow wig stuck to her head, a pair of glasses drawn on her face with permanent marker and her coat covered in polka dot paint amongst a number of other things.”

“Oh, so that’s where that can of chaos paint went to,” Screwball snickered, entering the conversation.

“THAT WAS YOU!” Carrie exclaimed, turning and looking furiously at Screwball.

“I was in a seriously boring maths lesson, my left ear twitched to inform me someone was discussing a prank nearby so I pinpointed their location and sent them a gift,” Screwball went on nonchalantly.

Carrie’s face had gone red and, forgetting just who she was talking to, she stormed over and thrust her head into Screwball’s. “Three weeks, three bucking weeks I was the laughing stock of the damn school and then poof, they just disappeared in an instant after I’d tried everything to scrub them off.”

Screwball giggled, completely unfazed by the unicorn’s demeanour. “Oh silly, you can’t wash off chaos paint, it doesn’t even have a colour until you pour it onto something. Just count yourself lucky; Papa Discord once told me the story of a zebra who had rainbow-coloured stripes for six years after being doused in chaos paint!”

Carrie’s right eye twitched and Theresa had to pull her sister back before Carrie did something she instantly would regret.

“We’re already behind; so, why don’t we just move onto the next activity? For this one we’d like everypony to come onto the stage. Apple Bloom, why don’t you be one captain and Scootaloo, you can be the other as for this activity we require two teams,” Theresa said, attempting to defuse the situation.

Begrudgingly everypony made their way onto the stage, Fleur unsurprisingly last of all.

“Okay, now that we’re all here, who would like to pick first?” Theresa asked the two team captains.

“Aren’t you going to tell us what we’re picking ponies for?” Apple Bloom immediately questioned.

“Doesn’t matter because whoever I pick is still going to wipe the floor with your team,” Scootaloo said cockily.

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes, opting smartly not to be drawn into a sparring match by Scootaloo’s jibe.

“Now, now, remember actions speak louder than words,” Theresa responded as a smile graced her lips. “As for an answer to your question, where would the fun be in that? I will tell you as soon as the teams are picked.”

“Well then, Scootaloo, I’ll be the gentlemare and let you pick first,” Apple Bloom said politely.”

“Pfft, already conceding defeat. We haven’t even started yet Bloom,” Scootaloo mocked practically jumping with excitement. “I’ll take Miss Dust.”

“Fine by me. I’ll take Mimi,” Apple Bloom responded.

“Fleur,” Scootaloo said as soon as Apple Bloom was finished.

“Hmm, let me see,” Apple Bloom said, taking her time over her choice.

“Come on, come on, we don’t have all day,” Scootaloo huffed impatiently.

Apple Bloom ignored her. “Sweetie,” she finally said.

“Carrie,” Scootaloo instantly replied.

“Frosty,” was Apple Bloom’s response.



“That earth pony over there,” Scootaloo said, jabbing a hoof at said caramel coloured Earth pony.

“My name is Melody Rama,” Melody said moodily as she trotted over to join Scootaloo’s team.

“And I’ll take Princess then,” Apple Bloom said. “Sorry you were the last pick, it’s nothing personal and I’m really happy to have you on my team,” she sincerely apologised to Princess as the Pegasus trotted over, offering out her left hoof.

“T-thanks,” Princess stammered a little taken aback by the greeting as she took the proffered hoofshake. “And really, don’t worry about it; somepony had to be picked last,” Princess said, finishing the hoofshake and moving on to mingle with the rest of Apple Bloom’s team.

“Okay, if you two are quite done, what’s the task you want us to do Theresa?” Scootaloo said somewhat rudely to the unicorn.

“Simple, make a pyramid. Three ponies at the bottom, two in the middle, one on top. First team to do so wins,” Carrie responded instead of her sister, having finally calmed down. “On your marks, get set, go!”

Scootaloo studied her team and pointed at Fleur and then Carrie and Theresa. “You three are the tallest so you will be the base.”

“Buck that,” Fleur said uncooperatively. “We all know earth ponies are the strongest followed by Pegasi. A base of solely unicorns is destined to fail,” she argued.

“Us Pegasi though are also well known for being the lightest due to our strict physical regimes and diet,” Lightning Dust argued.

“And what’s that supposed to mean?” Melody harrumphed.

“Well, for most earth ponies this would mean increased body mass in the rear due to an increase in muscle from an increased amount of physical labour. In your case though, I think it’s from having one cake to many at some namby pamby tea party,” Lightning stated with a devious smirk in Melody’s direction.

It was at that moment Scootaloo realised the error of her ways. She had chosen her six ponies because they were the oldest and she therefore presumed would be the best rather than thinking things through like Apple Bloom had done and choosing the ponies who would work best as a team.

“CALL ME FAT WILL YOU? I’LL SEND YOU SIX FEET UNDER!” Melody roared as she lunged at Lightning.

As the two went rolling off the front of the stage in a tangle of limbs and a mighty crash, Carrie looked like she was about to have a mental breakdown, Theresa and Fleur were hooked on watching the show that was now happening off stage and poor Scootaloo? She had to stare at Apple Bloom’s smug smile from the bottom of her team’s perfect pyramid.

Actions most definitely speak louder than words.

To be continued.

Author's Note:

Unfortunately was nowhere near completing this one so it'll have to be a two parter with the second part being written after I return from my first pony convention this weekend.

Poor Carrie and Theresa certainly have their work cut out!

Edited by Rich-online, thank you!