• Published 24th Mar 2022
  • 722 Views, 24 Comments

St Trineighans School for Fillies - SamuelK28

Instead of being sent to the moon, Luna is given a school to teach her subjects the importance of the night

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Moon awoke to a splitting headache and groaned as her distorted vision slowly cleared to reveal a very unhappy looking lilac unicorn. “Oh shit, I’m in…” she began only to pause as she saw her other mother, in Nightmare form, with the creepiest grin imaginable standing behind Starlight practically bouncing with glee.

“Wait, what?” Moon said in confusion only for her head to throb painfully. She instinctively reached up with a hoof only to feel something that most certainly hadn’t been there previously.

Her eyes widened as realisation dawned on her. “This is a fucking dream, please tell me this is a fucking dream,” she practically screamed.

Starlight held up a sign.

Congratulations, you’re grounded for the rest of the school year for disobeying me, taking drugs and ultimately becoming the Princess of Werewolves.

Moon’s jaw dropped.

“Oh, stop being so melodramatic; our daughter’s an alicorn!!!” Nightmare Moon squealed. “And the Princess of Werewolves to boot!”

Moon’s eye began to twitch. Shit, fucking shit.


Scootaloo awoke to a very loud scream and winced as pain flooded her body.

“I DON’T WANT TO BE AN ALICORN!” she heard Moon wail somewhere to her right as she sluggishly regained her bearings.

And then it hit her.

“SWEETIE!” she screeched trying to force herself up in the bed she was in only to find that she was strapped to said bed.

“She’s fine dear. Might have a bit of a headache when she wakes but she’ll be fine. The school and you on the other hoof have seen better nights,” Rarity’s voice cooed from somewhere Scootaloo couldn’t pinpoint as she was strapped onto the bed so that she was lying on her stomach.

“I tried, I really did,” Scootaloo sniffled as tears came to her eyes.

“Now, now, there is no need for waterworks dear. I know you did all you could. This is all that mare Tree Hugger’s fault and trust me, we’ve already had words. She’ll be paying the school back for a long time after this debacle. I barely kept Sweetie from burning down half the school,” Rarity cooed.

“B-but…” Scootaloo began.

“No buts. You can’t always be there to look out for my sister and those that should have in your stead did not. I don’t blame Screwball as the poor mite is totally insane but Tree Hugger’s lack of care and due diligence has been a serious issue for the school for a while. Hopefully tonight’s debacle will help her realise she can’t just keep giving drugs to anypony she feels like.”

“Yeah, I know you’re right but it still feels like I failed her,” Scootaloo groaned.

“Your back tells me otherwise,” Rarity replied.


“You literally put your own health and safety on the line for my sister’s. How could I ask any more from you?” Rarity said, her voice getting ever closer to Scootaloo’s ear. “It puts me at ease knowing she’s got friends like you looking out for her no matter what, thank you,” she whispered into Scootaloo’s ear before the sound of trotting got steadily further and further away. “Ah, Zecora, perfect timing, she’s all yours. Get well soon dear.”

And with that Rarity departed as Zecora trotted over to Scootaloo’s side.

“I am glad to see you awake, although I am afraid to say this will cause you more than a small ache,” the zebra rhymed as Scootaloo watched her uncork a bottle of some foul-smelling liquid.



Apple Bloom awoke with a jerk at the sound of Scootaloo’s voice.

“Huh, where am I? The last thing I remember was…oh cow dung,” the earth pony cursed licking the unmistakeable coppery taste of blood from her lips.

“Yeah, thanks a lot, although I think you bit your classmate. It was her who took a chunk out of my ear although you didn’t exactly help matters,” Lightning grumbled from the edge of the bed pointing at the mulberry lump that was stirring next to Apple Bloom.

“Woah, what happened?” Ruby said with a yawn next to Apple Bloom only to immediately catch sight of Lightning Dust. “Oh no, please tell me that wasn’t me,” she groaned. “I thought the rumours were just misinformation to try and stop us from trying drugs. If I’d known, I never would have let Apple Bloom or myself have a puff,” she admitted guiltily.

“Well, now you know they’re not and seeing as you two did beat me up pretty bad, nearly blinded me in one eye and turned me into a werewolf, Nightmare Moon has left it to me to punish the two of you, although I can see one of you is more to blame than the other,” Lightning explained.

“Hold it. She didn’t force me to take anything. I knew the risks of taking drugs and should have been sensible enough to say no but I was curious and…” Apple Bloom never got any further as Ruby stuffed a hoof into her mouth.

“Don’t listen to her. I pushed her into having a puff of poison joke. It was me, all…OW, you bit me,” Ruby grumbled pulling her hoof from Apple Bloom’s mouth.

“No, she didn’t; we are both equally to blame,” Apple Bloom blurted glowering at Ruby. “Punish us equally,” she demanded.

Ruby let out a low, ominous growl. “No, we’re…”

“ENOUGH!” Lightning interrupted before letting a smirk cross her face. “Have you two learnt your lesson and promise not to take any more drugs until you are at least sixteen?”

Both fillies turned and nodded.

“Well, aside alcohol,” Ruby admitted.

“Good enough. Then you can help me with the accounts after our belated baking competition,” Lightning said pointing at Apple Bloom before turning to Ruby. “As for you, a bottle of your mother’s finest whisky.”

Ruby grimaced; her mother was not going to like that but in truth she was still getting of rather lightly. “Fine, I’ll get it sorted for you as soon as I’m out of here, wherever here is?”

“The infirmary,” Lightning deadpanned. “Luna or Nightmare Moon, I forget which form she was in at that point, brought you in after Limestone kicked Apple Bloom through Luna’s office door.”

“Huh, that explains the shards of wood in my mane,” Apple Bloom replied nonchalantly pulling one such shard out of her mane as she did so. “Wait, oh no, oh no, oh no,” Apple Bloom repeated turning to Ruby with a look of horror across her face.

“What?” Ruby asked anxiously.

“I bit Moon,” Apple Bloom deadpanned.



Sweetie awoke to the sound of Ruby screaming the place down and immediately tried to bury her head in her hooves as even the dim torch light of the infirmary stung her eyes.

“Oh no you don’t, you’re coming with me to give Scootaloo an apology and to see the consequences of your actions. Then, young Miss, you’re going to help tidy up the mess you’ve caused after which you’re going to be in detention with me after classes for the rest of the term,” Sweetie heard her sister scold, pulling her from the bed she was laying on with her magic as she did so. “No more nice older sister.”

Sweetie let out a pitiful wail and attempted to set herself on fire in retaliation only to find she couldn’t.

“Seeing as you cannot be trusted, I’ve also taken the liberty of placing a magical inhibitor on your horn that shall stay in place until you can once again earn my trust,” Rarity said firmly as she pushed the curtain back and trotted out into the centre of the infirmary.

With her magic restricted, all Sweetie could do was howl silently and make the journey as difficult for her sister as she could by having the biggest tantrum imaginable. It was extremely childish of her and made little difference except for making her feel a little better that Rarity wouldn’t get everything her own way. And then, suddenly, she was free!

“What in Equestria?” Rarity exclaimed from where she now resided on the infirmary floor.

“Oops, sorry,” Ruby apologised. “I was trying to get to Moon,” she explained, pulling herself off Rarity. “MOON MOON, where are you?” she called as Rarity rose to her hooves.

Rarity was about to scold the filly for not looking where she was going only for Apple Bloom to pull her concentration elsewhere.

“Er, little help,” the earth pony werewolf interjected as she tried desperately to keep Sweetie from wrestling out of her hooves.

“Thank Luna,” Rarity sighed ensnaring Sweetie in her magic once more.

Sweetie pouted and stuck out her tongue at Apple Bloom for preventing her escape.

“No problem. Ruby, you can’t just go running off in an…erm, why are you bowing? Holy alicorn!” Apple Bloom exclaimed following the direction Ruby was looking in with her own eyes. “Moon, is that you?”

“Yes, yes it is, thank you very much. Three,” Moon replied flatly.

“Look, I’m sorry. How was I to know…” Apple Bloom tried to explain.

“Two,” Moon interrupted, her horn starting to spark.

“Oh, horse apples,” Apple Bloom cursed, deciding to walk towards the clearly pissed off newly ascended alicorn rather than away from her like any sensible being would do.

“One,” Moon growled only to be completely taken by surprise as Apple Bloom threw her hooves around her neck.

“I’m sorry. I know you’re angry with me and you’ve every right to be. I knew it was wrong but did so anyway and I know there’s nothing I can do to make it up to you but…”

“Dance,” Moon instructed.

“What?” Apple Bloom replied slowly releasing Moon and giving the alicorn a confused look.

“Dance,” Moon repeated, a smirk appearing across her lips as her horn ignited.

And to Apple Bloom’s shock and horror she released Moon and started to do exactly that.

Moon’s smirk grew wider. “Ruby, cheer me up and join her in doing a tango.”

“What, no…” Ruby got no further as her hooves sent her crashing into Apple Bloom.

Rarity and Sweetie watched on in astonishment alongside Lightning, who’d finally made an appearance, as the two performed a perfect rendition of a tango for several minutes until a stern voice behind Moon sent a chill up her spine.

“That’s enough of a demonstration, Moon. Release them now.”

Moon shuddered. “Yes, mum,” she said glumly, “after they kiss,” she added wickedly.

“WHAT!” both Ruby and Apple Bloom said in unison. “I’m not doing that, that’s gross. Hey, stop getting closer to me. Don’t you think I’m trying? Stop saying what I’m saying.” And then their muzzles locked onto one another’s. Only then did Moon finally release them from her magic.

Both fillies turned and retched.

“Ew, ew, ew,” Apple Bloom finally groused still trying to wipe her mouth of the taste. “That was disgusting.”

“You’re telling me,” Ruby replied. “Moon, what gives?”

Moon pointed at Ruby. “That’s for encouraging her to take poison joke.” Then she pointed at Apple Bloom. “That’s for biting my flank.”

Ruby looked at Apple Bloom and sniggered, “You bit her where?”

Apple Bloom was attempting to hide her now bright red face in her hooves. “I was hoping you wouldn’t bring that up,” she muttered as Moon showed of her left cutie mark, or, rather, where her left cutie mark should have been. Instead, there was a pile of red soaked bandages.

“Damn it, how deep did you bite me Bloom?” Moon groused.

“Moon and Apple Bloom sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g,” Ruby began to tease only for Moon to interrupt her.

“Great, it’s true. Why did I have to get stuck with the idiots?” Moon grumbled turning to her mother. “Congratulations Moon, you’re the proud Princess of a race of imbecilic, brain-dead canines, that absolutely stink.” She sniffed herself and reeled her head back. “Blegh, seriously, how do you cope with the smell?” she finished her rant turning her head back in the direction of Apple Bloom and Ruby.

“That’s honestly something I’ve been wondering too,” Lightning suggested giving herself a sniff that received an almost identical reaction to Moon’s.

“Alcohol helps,” Ruby answered flatly.

“Don’t ask. I didn’t want to get out of the swimming pool today,” Apple Bloom replied. “And wait a minute, I’m a little confused. Are you telling us you’re some kind of Princess of Werewolves?”

Ruby doubled over with laughter at the mere suggestion. “That’s the most absurd thing…” she managed to wheeze before Moon cut her off.

“Yes, yes I am,” Moon deadpanned.

Ruby immediately stopped laughing, her eyes going wide. Lightning’s and Apple Bloom’s had done likewise.

“So, which one of you bit the bird-brain?” Moon went on.

“Hey, I resent being called…” Lightning began only for her mouth to be clamped shut by Moon’s magic.

“Sigh, I’m sorry, this has just been a really, really, long night or is it morning now, I really don’t know at this point. My mind is all over the place right now. I mean, yes, maybe someday I would have liked to follow in my mother’s hoof steps and become an alicorn but not this young and certainly not after getting my arse chomped on by a werewolf high on poison joke. I mean, how can I tell ponies that when they inevitably ask me for my ascension story?” Moon admitted slumping down on to her rump, only to wince from the pain and instantly rise back to her hooves. “Oh right. You know what, buck it, let’s go raid the kitchens for every last ounce of ice cream then retire back to the dorm to mope, moan about why being a werewolf sucks, devour said ice cream and howl ridiculously loudly until we fall asleep.”

“Sounds good to me,” Apple Bloom replied with a shrug of her shoulders.

“Now hold on…” Nightmare Moon tried to interject only to be immediately outspoken.

“Throw in some alcohol and we’ve got a deal,” Lightning deliberated.

“Miss Dust, you’re not...” Nightmare Moon tried again, only to fail again.

“Awesome! All hail the Princess of Werewolves!” Ruby hollered. “I’ll provide the booze!”

“STOP!” Nightmare Moon yelled at the top of her lungs with the Canterlot voice only to find the werewolves, along with Sweetie, were gone. Only a flabbergasted Rarity remained in the infirmary. “What just happened?” she muttered to herself only for a hoof to tap her rump.

Starlight stood behind her holding a sign.

It seems our darling daughter has reached the terrible teens three years early.

Author's Note:

And that ends this little segment. Hopefully now things can calm down a bit. What am I saying, this is the CMC we're talking about.