• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Season 4, Episode 2: From Time to Time PT2

Britain, Twenty Years in the Future.

On the streets of London, things looked just as futuristic as in Canterlot. And near the River Thames, humans and aliens were going about their business.

That was at least until a large wolf alien flew down from out of nowhere and unleashed a super sonic howl, which shattered every pane of glass and deafened anyone who heard it. The wolf ran through the street, his claws tearing at anything that moved. However, its rampage was soon about to end.

The futuristic XLR8 shot down the street and before the alien could react, the speedster slammed a foot into its chest.

The wolf was sent flying and crashed into the ground, rolling along it and using its claws to come to a stop. It growled at XLR8 and howled, only for XLR8 to transform into a Chamalien that looked about the same as his past self. He disappeared and the wolf growled, attempting to sniff the air.

But before he could find him, he appeared right in front of the wolf. He then transformed into a small alien, that looked like a black and white battery alien with arms and legs. The little alien became surrounded by lightning, that it then sent surging into the creature.

The wolf howled in pain, as the alien leapt back and transformed into a human sized alien wearing a black and white suit that covered its waist, stomach, chest and neck, with a collar around its neck that had the Omnitrix on it. Its arms and legs were made out of purple rock, with a bunch of mini-volcanoes covering them. Its head was also rock-like, but it was covered in a green grass dome filled with gas. On its stomach was a round glass window, with many gases floating around inside.

The alien rolled up and as it did, gas exploded out of the volcanoes that created a large cloud which consumed them both.

The wolf was unable to stop itself from breathing the gas in, causing it to go woozy before falling to the ground unconscious.

The alien stood back up as the gas faded, then transformed back into XLR8 as the British Plumbers arrived. Once they were there, XLR8 rushed off to continue patrolling the planet. But as he did, his Omnitrix beeped to indicate a call. "What's the problem?" He asked, the voice on the other line telling him. "WHAT!? Animac escaped?" XLR8 exploded into cloud of dust, which shot down the street so fast that those he passed only noticed a strong gust of wind.

In less than ten minutes, he was back in America and arrived in Canterlot.

He slowed down as he made his way across the city and eventually arrived at the Plumber HQ, looked nothing like the building it had appeared as twenty years ago.

Now it was a large tower with the Plumber Symbol on the top and multiple landing pads coming off the side to allow the flying vehicles to land and take off from. He rushed into the building and in the blink of an eye, he was in the main control room.

It took several seconds for the other plumbers to notice him, but when they did they all stood to attention. "SIR!"

"What happened?" XLR8 asked, "I defeated Animac. You shouldn't have had any problems containing him." As he said that, the two plumbers he had left Animac with rushed up and bowed as they explained what happened, making XLR8 growl. "Great. But he couldn't have gotten far. And he probably got what he was trying to take when I beat him. Any idea what that could be?"

"We're checking sir, but it's gonna take a while." XLR8 nodded and as he did, an alarm went off that caught his attention.

"Proximity detector just went off," a human agent announced as she typed away at the computer. Everyone turned to the monitor, as it changed to show an image of the building's exterior. There, they saw someone fly over the fence on a hoverboard.

"Who is that?" Someone asked, but XLR8 knew who it was and glared.

"My business," he told them. "You lot focus on finding Animac." With that, he shot out of the building and and into the garden where the younger version of him was waiting. "What are you still doing here?" He asked, as Flash frowned at him.

"Twilight's still working on the belt. But I'm not going back until we talk."

"About what?"

"I know what happened to Shining Armor." XLR8 sighed, clearly having expected this. "I know it must have been hard."

"You know nothing," XLR8 stated. "At least not yet, anyway." He ran off, though given how fast he was going Flash had a feeling he wasn't trying to escape him.

Flash zoomed after him on his hoverboard, catching up as they made their way through the town. "I also know about the others!" He cried, "you completely abandoned them."

"What are you talking about?"

"Rainbow Dash! How could you let her give up on her dream like that? The same with the others. You could have helped them. They weren't supposed to live these lives."

"I had more important things to do."

"What's more important then helping your friends?" Flash asked, unable to believe what he was hearing. "How could you say something like that!? You're supposed to be a hero."

"I am a hero!" XLR8 argued. "And as a hero, I have a responsibility to the people of the world. I can't be wasting my time, helping Rainbow after she hurts her leg, or consoling Rarity because someone stole her silly little clothing designs."

"Silly?" Flash gasped, "you know how hard Rarity works to make her clothes look good! You can't just say that." He was starting to hate his future self, more and more by the second. "What happened to you? There's no way I'd let myself turn into such a jerk!"

XLR8 huffed, "so what if I'm a jerk. I have more important things to think about then being nice. If I'm not at my best, people get hurt." The way Flash heard that made him think this wasn't just paranoia. And slowly, he was able to put the pieces together.

"Shining Armor." If XLR8's visor wasn't down, Flash felt he would have seen him flinch. "I know you were there. Flurry and Cadance gave me a brief summary, but what really happened? If Flurry hadn't shown up and brought me here, what would have happened?"

"It has happened," XLR8 told him. "When Twilight sends you back, you'll go the same way I went back then and see the smoke. And that's when everything changed."

Twenty years ago.

When Flash saw the smoke, he instantly swung his board around and flew towards the source.

When he found it, he saw that an entire apartment building had been set ablaze. People were surrounding the building, looking shocked by the flames as they tried to think of what to do. Then, they saw him. "Flash Sentry!" The teen rushed down and jumped off his board. "Please!" One of them cried, "my family's in there." Turns out, there were a lot of people in the building that weren't able to get out.

"Alright!" Flash activated the Omnitrix, finding his chosen alien and slamming it down. "XLR8!" He cried after transformation, then shot into the building. He couldn't go as fast as he wanted, since one wrong step could lead to him breaking through the weakened floor or burning himself.

He managed to find the first trapped person quickly freeing and taking them outside before heading back in. He repeated the process with five more people, leaving the building with his sixth and seventh saves as another car rolled into the street.

"Flash!" He turned to see Shining, heading over and putting his suit on. "What's the situation?"

"We still got people trapped inside," XLR8 explained. "Not sure how many more." Shining used his suit to scan the building, locating three signals on the top floor.

"Just three more!" He cried, rushing inside with XLR8 on his tail. The plumber used his Multi-Striker to protect himself from falling debris, whilst XLR8 lead him through the building as more of it started coming down. "This place isn't gonna hold much longer!"

"Then we gotta be quick!" XLR8 announced as they finally made their way to the top floor. There, they found a mother holding her twin daughters as the room collapsed around her.

"Hurry!" She cried, as XLR8 rushed in and grabbed the two children. Shining grabbed the woman and the alien speedster ran out the room, rushing through the exploding building until he eventually reached the exit and ran out.

"Mommy!" One of the girls screamed, as XLR8 put her and her sister down.

"Don't worry!" XLR8 promised, "Shining Armor will get her out of there." But as he said that, he got bad feeling and turned towards the building. He expected Shining and the woman to rush out any second, but they didn't. And after a few more moment, he decided to head back inside.

He rushed up to the building and just as he was about to enter, something happened that completely threw him for a loop.

One minute, he was running towards the building and the next, he was being blown backwards feeling an intense heat on his body and a massive booming sound filled the air and almost deafened him.

He cried out as he hit the ground, laying there for several moments as the people rushed over to him. "Are you okay?" A man asked, as they helped him sit up. And when he did, he was shocked to see the entire body was now a raging inferno that quickly began to collapse.

"SHINING!" He screamed, remembering who had still been in there. He looked around, hoping to see he had somehow gotten out. But he was nowhere in sight. "No," he stepped towards the building and realised what had happened before falling to his knees. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

"Turns out, there was a gas tank connected to the main line in the building's basement. When the fire reached it, the gas exploded and the whole place went up in a second."

Flash couldn't believe what he was hearing. He could only imagine what that must have been like. Would he really have to watch that happen? "No," he shook his head, "I won't let that happen."

"Really?" XLR8 asked as he finally came to a stop in the middle of a park, Flash pulling his board to a stop and jumping off of him. "And how do you intend to change things?"

"I'll tell Shining not to go in," he stated.

"You really think Shining will listen to you? He won't just stand around and do nothing whilst people are in danger." Flash frowned, realising he was right.

"Then I'll get everybody out before he arrives. With XLR8's speed-"

"You won't be fast enough," XLR8 turned to him. "Don't you think I've thought about that day? How I could have changed things. How I could have saved everyone, including Shining. But the fact is, you're not good enough to save them all. And that's why I can't waste my time on pointless things. Because if I do, people die."

"What are you talking about?" Flash asked, "What happened to Shining Armor wasn't your fault."

"Wasn't it?" XLR8 asked, "what have you done since defeating Tirek?" Flash looked confused by this, "nothing. You barely trained and spent most of your free time messing around with your friends and having fun. A whole month of doing nothing, which could have been used to train yourself. You think you're fast now, but it's nothing compared to the speed you could reach if you pushed yourself."

Flash finally realised what he was saying. "That's why you weren't there for the others? Because you were focusing on making yourself better?"

XLR8 nodded. "Since that day, I've spent every waking moment of my life training to be the best. Mastering my aliens and unlocking ones that can help me save those in need. Because of that, I've been able to save everyone I try to help. But all that hard work came at a cost."

"You pushed the others away," Flash realised. "They could have helped you."

"Hardly," XLR8 looked away from him. "They might have abilities, but they all pale in comparison to mine. If they tried to help, they'd have just gotten in the way and might have been hurt as well."

"You can't say that!" Flash yelled, "we wouldn't have survived five minutes without them when we first got the Omnitrix. It's only thanks to our friends that Vilgax didn't kill us during that first time."

"I know," XLR8 nodded. "And I'm grateful for everything they did." He slowly turned towards him, his visor opening to stare at Flash. "And that's why you've gotta start working harder. The longer you need to rely on others, the more danger you'll be putting them in." He pointed at Flash's wrist. "You are the keeper of the Omnitrix. You are earth's mightiest hero. You and you alone are the only one who can keep this world safe. Your friends can't keep up. If they try and follow, they'll only end up sharing Shining's fate."

Flash let these words sink in and as he did, XLR8's Omnitrix beeped signalling an alert.

The alien speedster closed his visor and shot away, moving so fast Flash couldn't even tell which way he went. Flash gasped at this and as he looked around, his future self's words repeated. Were they true? Was Flash destined to be a hero who walked the world alone. If his friends tried to follow, would they share Shining's fate?

Back in the warehouse, Animac smiled as the figure hidden in the darkness moved around to get used to his new body. "So, Mr Vilgax, everything working as it should?"

"Yes," Vilgax nodded as he raised an arm. "You did excellent work. And I remember everything up to the download. I was clearly correct in copying my mind into an external hard drive. What happened to me afterwards?"

"Couldn't tell you. Wasn't there. But considering the state you were in when I teleported your remains out of the Plumber incinerator, you and Sentry had one heck of a battle." The mention of that name caused a growl to escape his lips, "I also know you ended up taking six city blocks out along with you."

"Only six. I must have been losing my touch. But no matter. This time, I will destroy Flash Sentry and make him suffer like he has never felt before."

Animac nodded. "I spent years studying each of his aliens and determining their strengths and weaknesses. This body can handle anything he throws at you. Now, what's the plan?"

Vilgax turned to Animac, "we destroy...everything."

Flash sighed as he returned to Twilight's lab, the woman getting closer to repairing the device that had brought him there.

Flurry was also there, she and Twilight looking up from the device when they heard Flash enter. "I guess your talk didn't go quite the way you thought it would," Twilight told him. Flash's only answer was to look out a nearby window and stare out at the futuristic world.

"I'm sorry," he told them. "I couldn't save Shining."

Twilight sighed, "we never blamed you. Even after you started avoiding us, we knew you were just hurting." She tried to continue working, but the situation was stopping her from thinking as she put her tools down. "It's my fault." Flash looked shocked at her. "When Shining died, I was a wreck. We all were. Cadance couldn't stop crying, my parents barely said two words and I just hid away in my room staring at pictures of Shining. Our friends were so focused on trying to make me feel better, we didn't realise how much pain you were in."

"You can't blame yourself for that," Flash told her. "He was your brother. Of course you'd be heartbroken."

"Even so, we never saw what was happening to you. By the time we realised how much Shining's death had affected you, it was too late. You were so focused on getting stronger, to make sure nothing like that happened again, you pushed everybody away. Us, your parents, Adagio. Even Azmuth couldn't convince you to let what happened go. You became a man obsessed."

Flash sat on a chair, hating that that was his future.

"Now you see why I wanted to try and change what happened," Flurry told him. "I thought if I went back in time, maybe I could save him. Take you back to an earlier point in the day and have you stop the fire, or give you enough time to evacuate everyone before my dad even got there."

Flash realised she was right. "Then that's what we'll do!" He stood up and rushed over to Twilight, "send me back to my time and put me five or ten minutes before I left. Let me save him."

Twilight sighed, "you really wanna risk doing something like that?" Flash couldn't believe Twilight wasn't on board with saving her brother. "We don't know what effect changing the past could have on the future."


"Our lives might be better, but there are more lives to consider. Think of all the people you're gonna save after Shining...died. The only reason you saved them was because Shining's death pushed you to become the world's greatest hero. If we take that motivation away, we might be condemning all those people to die. And if those people die, it could alter the future you see in ways you can't possibly imagine. Shining wouldn't want that."

"But...but Shining..."

"Shining's goal in life was for the world his family lived in to be a bright one. And whilst we might not all have gotten the lives we wanted, it is an amazing world to live in. We don't have the right to take that away from everyone."

Flash sighed, seeing he likely wasn't going to get her to help him. He just had to find a way to save Shining himself, no matter what that did to the future. A world without Shining in it was a world not worth living in.

Suddenly, the entire building suddenly shook and Flash almost fell over. The girls cried out as they grabbed the desk, all of them wondering what the heck had just happened. But they got their answer, when smoke appeared from a building several streets over.

Flash about to rush over and make sure everything was okay. But before he could, he was suddenly pulled backwards by his hood. "Hey!" He cried, Twilight using her Equestrian Magic to keep him from leaving. "What gives!?"

"You can't go rushing into danger right now. If you die, future you will cease to exist and who knows what that'll do to the space time continuum."

"But people could be in trouble!"

"Relax. You've got this covered." Flash wondered what she meant, but then remembered he wasn't the only Flash Sentry at the moment. And when Twilight let him go, she moved to a computer and typed on it. "If you really wanna know what's going on, I'll tap into the street cameras to take a look. You're future self is probably on his way there now."

She was right. XLR8 shot through the streets after hearing the explosion, arriving in time to see Animac's chimera body causing havoc on the street.

He looked over at XLR8 and used his claws, to pull a large slab of ground out of the street. He threw it towards him, XLR8 quickly morphing into Goop to avoid getting crushed. He flew out from under it and shot towards Animac, transforming again into Riot-Horn.

"You should have stayed hidden," he told the man. "Now I'm gonna take you to jail personally."

Animac chuckled, "oh I don't think so. We have other plans in mind for you."

"We?" Riot-Horn asked, only to sense something and spin around to see something coming flying down at him. He barely managed to leap back in time before the object crashed into the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust. "What, bring another one of your ugly pets?"

"Oh, I'm more than that." Riot-Horn's eyes went wide at the voice, as the dust cleared to reveal his foe.

Flash waited as Twilight typed away at the computer. "Finally, got it!" The screen changed to show Riot-Horn staring down an opponent, the three seeing Animac in the back.

But it was the other opponent that shocked them all. "No way," Flash whispered at what he saw. "Vilgax?" But it wasn't the Vilgax he knew, for his body was even more cybernetic then Flash remembered.

The mask he used to wear had now morphed into a full on helmet, with only his eyes and tentacles visible. His body and legs were now in a black version of his old suit, but his shoulder pads were now smaller and covered in spikes. His arms were either in mechanical armor, or had been completely replaced with black robotic arms, that had glowing green sections like what was on his mask. On his back were a pair of glass tanks, filled with a strange black liquid that seemed to be getting pumped right into his back.

"I thought he was dead!" Flurry cried.

"It must be a fake," Twilight stated. "Or...some kind of clone. Either way, this doesn't look good." Sure enough, Vilgax rushed forward and Riot-Horn charged as well. But before he could get close enough, Vilgax threw a punch and his fist fired off his arm to slam into Riot-Horn.

"Ow!" Flurry flinched, as Riot-Horn was knocked flying. Vilgax's fist then returned to him, using a cable that connected it to the wrist. Riot-Horn crashed into the ground and skidded to a stop before charging once again, this time wary of Vilgax's fist.

He reached the cyborg alien and threw a punch, but Vilgax dodged it and side-stepped around him before throwing his own.

Riot-Horn transformed into Diamondhead and ducked under the punch, slamming his fist into the ground and causing a spike to fly up out of the ground. But Vilgax backhanded the spike and destroyed it, Diamondhead glaring at him before noticing a presence behind him.

Spinning around, he saw Animac was now attacking and tried to grab him in his pincer. Diamondhead leapt to the side, but this gave Vilgax the opening to attack and he body checked Diamondhead. The alien hero grunted as he was sent flying and crashed into the street, Vilgax charging again.

He managed to pick himself up and the pair threw a punch at one another, only for each one to be caught by the other. The pair struggled against each other, appearing to be evenly matched. But in a flash of green, Vilgax found himself getting blasted by a high pressure jet of water.

He was knocked backwards and smashed into another wall, but quickly recovered and looked up to see a red and black robotic alien. It had clear water containers on its head and arms, along with clear tubes running along its body and a respirator covering its mouth that was dripping with water.

Vilgax pushed himself out of the wall, as the alien rushed forward.

He raised his arms and fired water from vents in the top, which slammed into Vilgax at high speed. He then rushed forward, as blades made of water flew out of the vents and the alien started slashing Vilgax with them. However, the alien squid raised its metal arms and blocked the blades, which splashed against them without leaving a scratch.

Vilgax then tried to crush him, but the alien used his water cannons to push himself away from him before propelling himself into the air.

Once high enough, the alien changed direction and shot towards Vilgax before transforming into Lindwhirl. The chimera alien rolled up and spun at high speed, only for Vilgax's arms to extend and grab him. Before Lindwhirl could react, Vilgax swung him down and he crashed into the ground. "AUGH!"

Vilgax then threw him around before tossing him towards Animac, who got ready to slash at him with his bear claws. But before he reached him, Lindwhirl transformed into the small electric alien who zipped between Animac's claws and shocked him in the chest.

Animac roared at this, but quickly staggered back and swung his pincers around.

This slammed the alien and he was knocked flying, but transformed into an older version of Vapaw that had the Omnitrix on his forehead. He used his claws to grind along the ground and come to a stop, as Vilgax rushed forward. He quickly unleashed a cloud of smoke, which somehow turned solid and Vilgax found himself punching what felt like cotton.

The pair then noticed a shadow above them and saw Vapaw had leapt over the large cloud and transformed into Riot-Horn. The super strong alien fell towards them and they leapt back, Riot-Horn thrusting his fist into the ground and causing it to shake like mad.

The pair leapt back as the ground broke apart, Animac then rushing forward and swinging his tail around.

As Riot-Horn picked himself up, the tail wrapped around him before throwing him towards Vilgax. The cyborg alien then swung his arm around to deal a lariat to Riot-Horn's neck and knocked him to the ground.

Flash and the girls flinched at this, "he's getting creamed!"

"Vilgax's clearly more powerful than the last time they fought," Twilight realised. "And with Animac helping him, he doesn't stand a chance." They watched as Riot-Horn pushed himself up, only to get crushed underfoot by Vilgax. He grunted, but quickly transformed into Goop to escape.

But as he tried to whip Vilgax, the alien squid's shoulders unleashed a purple mist. And when it touched Goop's skin, he screamed as he felt his body starting to dissolve. He had to transform into Volt-Edge and staggered back, looking to be in serious trouble.

"That's it!" Flash pulled out his hoverboard and rushed for the door.

"Where are you going?" Flurry asked, "you can't be thinking of actually fighting them."

"That's exactly what I'm thinking!" Flash stated. "He needs my help."

"You'll be killed," Twilight cried. "What do you think you can do that your more powerful self can't?" But then Flash turned towards them, a look upon his face.

"My greatest power wasn't the Omnitrix. The best power I had were my friends. You, the Rainbooms, Trixie and especially Shining Armor. I'd have never made it without them. My future self might have forgotten that, but I haven't. Even if all I can do is add a little help, it's better then just sitting around doing nothing. Working together is the greatest ability to have in the universe. You and our friends taught me that."

Twilight listened to those words and as she did, she suddenly remembered everything that had happened when she was younger. All the amazing memories she had made and all the challenges they had overcome together. That had all changed when Shining had died, Twilight's grief causing her to once again retreat into her studies and caused them all to drift apart.

Flash ran for the door and took out his hoverboard, using it to fly out the lab and off to the battle.

Twilight watched him leave and then looked over at the screen. Flash was in serious trouble and even with his younger self's help, he wouldn't stand a chance against Vilgax and Animac. But there might be something that could help them.

"What are you doing?" Flurry asked, as Twilight moved over to the computer.

"I'm sending a message. Several messages. Hopefully, they'll get them before it's too late." She finished typing the message and once she was sure it was what she wanted to say, she hit the send button and sent it to several places.

In seven different areas, two of which in completely different universes, phones, computers and other devices buzzed and beeped to catch their owner's attention. One by one, they each opened the message and read it. They were surprised to see who it was and what that person was asking for, especially the part about a past version of Flash. Soon enough, they each sent an answer back.

Volt-Edge was jumping around, doing his best to avoid the two villains until he could come up with a plan.

But Vilgax's new body was able to keep up with him and as he leapt into the air, Vilgax's legs sprang him forward and he caught Volt-Edge. He tried to zap him, but his body was completely shielded.

"It's useless!" Vilgax pulled him to the ground and slammed him into the ground. "Animac analysed all of your aliens!" He threw Volt-Edge across the street, where Animac grabbed him in his tail and smashed him into the ground. "Then built my body with countermeasures to overpower each and every one of them."

Volt-Edge groaned as he picked himself up, realising he couldn't win. "Maybe..." He thought about a particular alien, "the celestial-" He didn't get to finish his thought as Vilgax charged. He leapt into the air and as he did, Vilgax leapt after him. But before he could grab Volt-Edge, another voice called out.

"INCOMING!" They all looked around and saw Flash flying towards them on his hoverboard, then leapt off it and transformed before Vilgax could recover from the shock. "LINDWHIRL!" He spun around and collided with Vilgax, knocking him away before he and his future self fell to the ground.

"What are you doing?" Volt-Edge asked as they landed, "this is my fight!"

"Exactly," Lindwhirl growled, "which means it's my fight too. I'm not gonna let myself die here!" Vilgax finally recovered and the two turned to him, the alien warlord staring at the two clearly confused.

"I don't know what's happening here, but I will enjoy crushing you both!" As he said that, Animac rushed towards them and attempted to crush them under his pincers. But before he could, Lindwhirl grabbed the pincer in his claws whilst Volt-Edge unleashed a blast of lightning at him to little effect.

Vilgax charged and Volt-Edge changed to Riot-Horn, the pair colliding and pushing against one another. Lindwhirl managed to throw the chimera, who cried out as he fell to the ground. He then curled up and started rolling around to pick up speed before turning towards Vilgax.

But before he could get close enough, the back of Vilgax's armor opened up and a black slime hit the ground between them.

Lindwhirl didn't want to risk finding out what that was and leapt into the air, over the pair and into midair. This allowed Animac to swing his tail around. The snake grabbed onto Lindwhirl's tail and tried to poison him, but Lindwhirl's steel hard fur protect him.

It didn't protect him from Animac slamming him into the ground, making him laugh whilst Vilgax started to get the upper hand. He finally managed to pull one of his arms free and used it to grab Riot-Horn and lift him up, Riot-Horn grunted as he tried to struggle free. But Vilgax threw him and he was sent hurtling down the street.

Lindwhirl picked himself up and moaned, only for Animac to step up to him. "I don't know where you come from," he told the hero. "But I look forward to crushing you whilst Vilgax does the same to your look alike." Lindwhirl turned to glare at him, about to curl up and attack. But something hit Animac before he could.

That something was a bunch of cupcakes, which splattered against Animac seconds before they exploded. He screamed at this and was sent staggering backwards, whilst Lindwhirl turned towards where the cupcakes had come from. And standing atop the roof of a building, were nine individuals.

Flurry and Twilight stood in the centre and around them, were the older versions of Trixie and the Rainbooms.

Trixie looked similar to when she had been aged up, though with an extra ten years added on. Her long hair was up in a tresse behind her back, whilst her Luna Cat costume was more regal looking with her poncho being more like a cape.

Applejack was dressed in a business suit, whilst Rainbow was dressed in a white track shirt, black shorts and a blue jacket around her waist. Rarity was dressed in a black top and pants with a purple shawl on top, whilst Fluttershy was wearing a green summer dress. Sunset was wearing a leather blazer with blue jeans, whilst Pinkie was dressed in a pink and blue bakers uniform.

The girls all looked older, some having gray hairs, with Pinkie appearing to have put on a few pounds.

They all smiled as Rarity created a slide of her gems, the girls all sliding down it whilst Flurry used her hoverboard. "What are you guys doing here?" He asked as they reached him, the nine smiling at him.

"Twilight called us," Sunset explained.

"Told us about the past you appearing," Trixie nodded. "She then told us about Vilgax being back and tag-teaming the present you, with the past you going on a suicide run to help him."

"We couldn't just sit around and let you guys get crushed," Rainbow smirked. "Good thing Twilight's transporter works so well."

"We weren't there for you when it mattered," Applejack apologised. "But we're here now and we wanna help in any way we can." They heard Animac growling as he began to pick himself up, whilst Vilgax and Riot-Horn continued to fight down the street.

"So what do you need of us?" Rarity asked, putting up a shield as Animac tried to attack them.

"Can you deal with this freak whilst me and myself take on Vilgax?" Lindwhirl asked, Rarity opening a hole in her shields whilst Pinkie charged up some cupcakes.

"Leave it to us!" She threw the cupcakes through the hole and they exploded against him.

"Go help yourself," Fluttershy assured him. "We'll be fine." Lindwhirl nodded before rolling off, whilst the Rainbooms focused on Animac.

"Just like old times," Sunset smiled at Twilight.

"Yeah," she nodded before handing a blaster to her and Fluttershy. She then turned to Flurry and took something out that confused the girl. A burnt Multi-Striker. "Your dad would have wanted you to have this." Flurry realised what it was and took it, holding it in her hands. The device's frame might have been burnt, but it still worked perfect and she was able to transform it into a blaster.

"Let's do this!" Flurry cried before Rarity dropped her shield, the Rainbooms rushing into action.

Trixie was the first attack, swinging her staff around and creating a bunch of fakes that struck Animac. The chimera swung his appendages around and knocked the fakes away, but some were still able to get some hits in. And as he did, a rainbow blur began running around him and creating a tornado that blocked his vision.

"I still got it!" Rainbow cheered as Animac found himself being lifted up by the gust, Rainbow stopping and causing the wind to vanish.

Animac fell towards the ground, where Applejack ran up to as she took off her blazer. Before he could react, she punched him in the bottom of his scorpion body and sent him flying. As he did, Flurry, Sunset and Fluttershy blasted him with their lasers whilst Rarity put up a shield.

Animac slammed into it and bounced back towards the ground, as Twilight levitated a bunch of rubble off the ground and threw it at him. The rocks slammed into him and he was sent staggering back, as Pinkie threw more cupcakes at him.

As they exploded, Rainbow ran up to her and frowned seeing her. "Pinkie, I love yah but we're gonna need to work on a diet plan for you." Pinkie shrugged, as Animac pushed himself back up and let out a roar as the girls all prepared to fight back.

Riot-Horn and Vilgax continued to struggle against against one another, Riot-Horn throwing punches at him that Vilgax easily avoided.

He grabbed Riot-Horn by the horn and slammed his head into the ground, only for Riot-Horn to quickly transform. The next thing Vilgax knew, Squidstrictor was wrapping him up in his tentacles. The two struggled against one another, Vilgax staggering around whilst Squidstrictor tried to get his tentacles around his next.

But before he could, Vilgax's entire body let out a surge of electrical energy that zapped Squidstrictor and made him scream as he loosened his grip. This allowed Vilgax to reach back and grab Squidstrictor before pulling him off his body and throwing him to the ground.

As the alien hero recovered, Vilgax heard a sound and looked back to see Lindwhirl rolling towards him at high speed.

But Vilgax simply held out a hand and the alien wheel slammed into it, doing no damage as he spun to a stop. Vilgax then grabbed him by the tail before swinging him up and down into the ground, then threw him at Squidstrictor.

"AUGH!" They both cried as they were knocked away, rolling along the ground before stopping with Lindwhirl on top of Squidstrictor. The alien squid saw the other squid charging and quickly turned into Kagenobi, the alien ninja looking taller with the Omnitrix symbol now on the end of his scarf.

Vilgax's claws dug into the ground as he ran, ripping up the pavement and he threw them towards the pair.

Kagenobi summoned a shadow sword and used it to cut away the rock, then tried to stab Vilgax in his unarmored spots. But Vilgax was able to defend with his armored hands, whilst Lindwhirl pushed himself up and hit the Omnitrix to transform.

"Volt-Edge!" He cried as he charged up power and let it rip, Kagenobi leaping back as the lightning struck Vilgax. But the alien had no reaction to the attack hitting him.

Vilgax then launched one of his cabled hands at Volt-Edge and caught him by the horn, Kagenobi trying to save him only to get caught as well. The alien ninja tried to turn into a shadow, but the claws unleashed an energy that made him cry out and stay solid.

Vilgax began to swing the pair around, slamming them into walls and the ground several times before spinning them around and finally letting them go flying. Both aliens screamed as they flew through the air and couldn't concentrate enough to transform into something else.

Eventually, gravity pulled them down and they both found themselves crashing into a through a bridge on the cities walkway before hitting the ground beneath.

Animac picked up a chunk of rock and tossed it at the girls, only for Applejack to throw a nearby trash can lid that hit the rock hard enough to shatter it.

Rainbow rushed forward at high speed, pulling the end of a rope Twilight had given her. She sped up and as Rarity used her shields to push Animac's pincers up out of her way, Rainbow ran between his legs and pulled the rope with her. Reaching the other side, she quickly looped the rope around Animac's tail.

The mad scientist felt this and looked around, but Trixie made the rope completely invisible to him, as Applejack rushed over to grab the other end of the rope and pulled with all her might.

"RAAAAH!" Animac felt his tail be pulled under him before he was dragged around with it, causing him to crash onto his back and have his scorpion legs flailing around out of control. "You accursed females!" The girls all laughed, until he rolled back onto his legs and his snake tail started spitting acid in every direction.

They all gasped and Rarity did he best to shield them, but parts of the street started getting eaten away. "We need to end this," Twilight told them. "Now!" The others nodded and Pinkie took out several boxes of sprinkles and threw them at Animac.

The sprinkles scattered around him and exploded, creating a large cloud of multiple coloured smoke that blinded him. "What's going on!?" He cried, as he tried to escape the cloud. But he found himself running into a large wall of gems and staggering back, as the smoke cloud vanished and revealed the alien warlord Animac had revived. "Vilgax?"

Suddenly, the alien leapt up and slashed at him down the chest. Animac roared as the Vilgax vanished, Trixie smirking from where she had cast her solid illusion. And as he clutched his chest in pain, Applejack and Rainbow rushed forward.

Applejack was closer but with Rainbow's speed, the two reached him at the same time and both dealt a super strong punch to the front of his scorpion body.

This knocked him off balance and allowed Sunset and Fluttershy to fire at him as the smoke cleared, aiming for the point around his head and cutting through several of his cables. "AUGH! NO!"

Flurry flew down towards him on her hoverboard and changed her father's weapon into a sword, Animac looking up and seeing this coming. But before he could attack, Twilight grabbed his legs in her magic and pulled them out from under him. This caused him to fall on his scorpion stomach whilst Rarity trapped his cobra head in her gems.

Flurry built up speed and Animac tried to grab her in his pincers, but she leapt off her board and did several acrobatic flips towards him. Animac then tried to claw at her with his bear claws, but Twilight and Trixie grabbed those in their magic and belt to stop them.

"DO IT!" Twilight yelled to her niece, who spun around and slashed at his head with her sword.

In the blink of an eye, she was behind the chimera and landed behind him as his head jar broke off. Animac screamed as he was disconnected from his body and fell towards the ground, his body going limp and falling as well. He cried out as the jar bounced around, eventually rolling towards Flurry with the girl stopping it under her foot.

"Let me go!" He cried, trying to use some of her jar's defences. But Flurry had damaged the controls.

Flurry smiled as the others moved towards her, all looking happy. "Your dad would be proud," Twilight told her. Flurry smiled at this, then grew worried that the two Flash's might be in trouble. All she could do was hope they were both okay.

Volt-Edge and Kagenobi pushed themselves up, both moaning from the beating they had received.

They sat themselves up and knew Vilgax wouldn't be long, the older hero turning to his younger self. "It's no good. He's too strong. You need to get out of here. Go get Twilight and tell her to send you back."

"I'm not leaving," Volt-Edge told him. "I'm not running from Vilgax. We can beat him."

"How? He knows how each of our aliens fight and he's been built specifically to stop them. How are we supposed to beat him when he knows everything we're gonna do."

"Maybe you've just become too predictable," Volt-Edge stated. Kagenobi looked at him, frowning. "You've spent the last twenty years mastering your alien forms, but that made you forget the greatest factor that Shining taught us about being a hero. It's not the power that makes you strong, it's the human heart and soul that use them. Stop trying to be the aliens and be a human with alien abilities."

Kagenobi let these words sink in, but didn't have much time to process it as something came crashing down in front of them.

The dust cleared and Vilgax stepped forward, Volt-Edge getting ready for a fight. But before he could attack, a green Flash made them both look towards his older self. And when the light faded, Volt-Edge was shocked by what he saw.

"You're right. Shining wouldn't want me to just remember how he died." Flash Sentry was a tall muscular man, looking like a bulked up version of his father from Flash's time. He was dressed in a black shirt with the Omnitrix pattern on his chest and his emblem on his back, with blue pants and black knee high boots. The Omnitrix on his arm was different too, covering everything between his wrist to his elbow.

Vilgax growled, "your pathetic human form. How disappointing. If you're going to surrender, do it in a more dignified form."

"Surrender?" Flash asked, as he stepped up to Volt-Edge. "Don't make me laugh. Now that we're warmed up, the fun can really begin." With that, he rushed forward and Volt-Edge charged up.

Vilgax growled as he tried to punch Flash, but the man sidestepped the attack before leaping up and doing several flips over him. At the same time, Volt-Edge blasted him with lightning. Whatever Vilgax's armor was made out of might have protected him from the shock, but it was still susceptible to being lifted by the lightning.

Flash landed behind the now floating Vilgax, as Volt-Edge sent him flying. He then noticed a young alien cowering with a hoverboard in his grasp. "Mind if I borrow that?" The kid smiled and threw the board, Flash grabbing it to take to the air.

Vilgax picked himself up, as the human started flying around him on the board. To say it was annoying him was an understatement, distracting him long enough for Volt-Edge to charge forward as he quickly hit the Omnitrix. "Diamondhead!" The crystal alien morphed his fist into a mace and punched him head on, knocking Vilgax staggering.

As he did, Flash flew above him and noticed the glass containers on his back. He had no idea what they were, but he had a feeling they were important. So when Vilgax wasn't looking, he motioned to Diamondhead to draw his attention to them.

Diamondhead saw them and realised what he was thinking, nodding as he avoided another punch from Vilgax. He quickly jumped over him and fired several shards at the containers, which bounced off it without leaving a scratch. Whatever they were, they weren't going to break easily.

"Heat him up!" His older self yelled, the crystal alien nodding as he hit the Omnitrix and transformed.

"Dragoon!" He dodged Vilgax's attack and flew behind him, launching fire at the glass cases. Vilgax then spun around and slashed at him, whilst Flash leapt down and transformed into the water alien from before.

He quickly fired a blast of water and hit the super hot glass, causing it to steam up as it cooled down. This got Vilgax's attention and he turned to attack him, the alien leaping into the air as Dragoon launched another flamethrower at the containers to heat them back up. This once again caught Vilgax's ire as he turned to Dragoon, allowing the water alien to hit him with another blast of water.

This continued, with the pair heating and cooling the glass containers much to Vilgax's annoyance. And eventually, the glass couldn't take anymore and started to crack.

Dragoon narrowly dodged Vilgax's claws and as he did, the water alien brought both arms together and fired a super strong stream right at Vilgax. This sent him flying backwards until he crashed into a wall, the weakened glass shattering to pieces and releasing the black ooze.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!" Vilgax roar, as his body started to shut down.

"What is that stuff?" Dragoon asked, as the alien hummed.

"No idea. But it's clearly important to his survival."

Dragoon nodded, as he turned to look at the alien in front of him. "Pretty cool. So, what do you call this guy?" The alien turned to him and frowned.

"I don't name...I mean...I don't know. Water Hazard?"

"Not bad, but doesn't seem to fit this alien." Dragoon thought and smirked. "How about...Overflow." The alien smirked beneath his rebreather.

"Nice," he nodded as a plumber tank flew overhead. As it did, several agents flew down and pointed their blasters at Vilgax. One of the ones who had let Animac go rushed over.

"Sir!" He held out a capture cube and Overflow returned to human.

"Thanks," he nodded before taking it and turning to Vilgax. The agent seemed surprised by this. "Feel free to try and break out of this. But if you do, I doubt you'll survive." Vilgax growled as he threw it.

"Sentry," the cube expanded, "you will pay for this."

"Maybe," Flash nodded, "but not today thank you." The cube completely consumed Vilgax before shrinking back down. Flash stepped over to it and smiled as he picked it up, then tossed it at the agent. "Here. Make sure this is put where it belongs."

Again, the agent was amazed. "Are you sure? Even after the mess we made before?"

Flash smirked, "everybody makes mistakes. I know I have. It's how we learn from those mistakes that define us." He looked to his younger self and smiled, young Flash nodding with a smirk as Trixie, Flurry and the Rainbooms arrived and saw what was going on.

"Say cheese," Flash told them as he took the selfie with Flurry, Trixie, his older self and the Rainbooms.

They were all at Twilight's lab, celebrating their victory over Vilgax and Animac. Once Flash finished the photo, he turned to the others as they all smiled. Even his older self was smiling, as he looked around. "This is nice. I hadn't realised how much I've missed this." The others smiled, "I'm sorry guys. I know this isn't what Shining would have wanted."

"We're sorry too," Rarity told him. "We shouldn't have let things get this way. Maybe if we hadn't, things would have been different." The others nodded as Twilight made the finishing touches to the belt.

"It's ready," she told them. "Just need to calibrate it and everything will be set." They nodded and Flash turned to his older self.

"So...this is the future I have to look forward to?"

"Perhaps," he nodded. "Or perhaps not." Flash looked confused, as his older self activated the Omnitrix and started fiddling with it.

"What are you doing?"

"Giving you the chance to choose your own future." The Omnitrix beeped. "I'm going to unlock an alien that'll let you save those people and Shining. And I'm gonna lock the next transformation, so that you can only pick it or the alien I originally became. When you get there, you're gonna have a choice of what future you want. One where you know the world is safe, or an uncertain future you'll have to make yourself." Flash could hardly believe this. "Plus, I'm unlocking a few other aliens that'll come in handy soon."

"But why?"

"Because this future might be a good one, but I know it can be better. You can make it a better one, because you can be better then I ever was." Flash smiled, feeling great pride at that statement.

Twilight activated the belt and in doing so, a beam flew out and opened up a portal. "It's ready!" Twilight cried, "come on Flash!" He nodded and headed towards the portal, turning to Flurry as he past.

"Thanks for bringing me here."

"It was an accident," Flurry reminded him. "But I'm glad it happened." Flash smiled and made his way towards the portal, stopping before he stepped into it.

"Any last piece of advice for your past self?" He asked the other Flash, who thought for a moment before nodding.

"When you face Zs'Skayr, remember that the sun is your greatest ally." Flash wasn't sure what that meant, but shrugged and stepped through the portal.

Everything was blinding, as he travelled through time and found himself being thrown out of the other side. "WOW!" He cried, crashing into the ground as the portal closed behind him. He moaned as he picked himself up and realised he was back in his time, "it worked!" But as he said that, he realised what was soon to happen and what would occur afterwards.

It was then that he noticed the smoke and realised he had somewhere he needed to be.

Jumping on his board, he flew towards the building and found it was aflame just like his future self had said. People were outside and spotted him in the air. "Flash Sentry!" One of them cried, as he flew down and jumped off his board. "Please! My family's in there."

Flash nodded and activated the Omnitrix. When he did, he found that only two aliens were coming up. One was XLR8 and the other, he realised, was the one his future self had unlocked. Now was the time.

Did he chose to let history play out the same way, or change things and hope for the better. He thought about the future and despite how amazing it felt, it wasn't the future he wanted him and his friends to live in. "I decide my own future," he told himself before spinning the dial to the other alien and slamming it down.

The people were all blinded for a moment, as Flash transformed. And when the light faded, it revealed a white rabbit alien covered in rainbow coloured crystals. "Wow," one of them stated, "I don't think I know this one. What do you call it?"

The alien looked himself over before smiling, "Gemini!" With that, six lights exploded out of the crystals and split apart. One by one, six perfect copies of the original alien appeared alongside him, with the only difference being the colour of the gems on their bodies. "Let's go, guys!"

"YEAH!" They all cheered before rushing into the building. As they did, each of them unleashed a differently coloured light from the gems on their bodies and formed a barrier around them. All except the pink Gemini rushed up the building, whilst pink headed for the basement. And after kicking his way through the door, he found the gas tank which had yet to be set ablaze.

He jumped over to it and landed on top, the force field around him expanding to cover the entire tank. "That should keep you from going boom."

Back upstairs, the other Gemini all split up and started grabbing people.

"Hold on!" Gemini Blue cried as he creating an light bubble around a man trapped under some rubble. The bubble caused the debris to fall away from him, allowing Gemini to help him towards the exit.

At the same time, Gemini Orange and Yellow pulled away a stuck door and revealed a small family. "Come on," Orange rushed over and placed a shield around them. "This'll keep us safe." Yellow kept going, helping Green and Violet with their casualties.

Meanwhile, the original Gemini was making his way up to the top floor. He remembered his future self's story and if it was true, there were people on the top with one being a person Flash had failed to save originally. "Not this time!" He used his incredible jumping skills to leap up the damaged stairs, until he reached the top floor.

He kicked the door down and saw a woman with her two daughters, the woman seeing him and gasping. "Who are you?"

"Relax!" He pointed at the Omnitrix, "I'm Flash Sentry. I'm here to save you!" He rushed over and put a shield around them all, "let's get out of here!" She nodded and they began to make their way through the burning building, the fire not even making them sweat as they carefully managed their way through the building.

They eventually caught up with the rest of the Gemini, as they helped others as well.

They might not have been able to move as fast as XLR8. But with how many of them there were, they were able to get more people out in half the time it took XLR8. As such, when Shining Armor pulled up to the building, he was shocked to see the six aliens stepping out with everyone who had been in the building.

He quickly got out and activated his suit, pulling out his Multi-Striker and preparing to fight if need be. But then he saw the Omnitrix on the alien's chest. "Flash?" The six all turned to him, five converting into light which returned to the original.

"SHINING!" Gemini rushed over and leapt at him, Shining surprised to find the new creature hugging him. "I saved them all. Every last one of them."

"Um...that's great," Shining patted him on the back. "Are you okay?" Gemini jumped off of him, as he turned to the building.

He spotted the people still around the burning building and frowned. "Everyone!" He rushed over to them. "There's a gas tank in the basement. One of my copies is protecting it, but I can't keep that up forever. Everyone move away in case in blows." They didn't need to be told twice and began to leave, as Shining stepped up to him.

"Did you just unlock this alien?" Shining asked, "don't you think it was a little dangerous to go into a burning building with an alien you had no idea how to use?"

Gemini smirked at him, "I knew how this alien worked. I got a live demonstration of it from an expert." Shining looked confused, as a pink light cloud flew out of the building and joined with the rest of his coloured lights inside his crystals. "We should probably move before the thing blows."

"How do you know it's gonna blow?" Shining asked, only for the entire building to suddenly explode just like Gemini said. Luckily, Gemini put a large rainbow coloured shield around the building before it did. The explosion was quickly contained and none of the surrounding buildings were damaged by debris, so the apartment building was able to fall without any risk to human life.

Shining could only stare in awe, amazed that Flash was able to pull it off.

When the building finished toppling and the fire had nothing left to burn, Gemini dropped the shield as the Omnitrix beeped. He returned to human form and turned towards Shining, who was still in absolutely surprise at him. And when he saw a look in Flash's eyes, he knew there was more to this then he knew. "Flash...what happened?"

Flash smiled, "it's a long story."

Later that day, Flash, Shining, Trixie, Cadance and the Rainbooms were at Shining's place.

Flurry was bouncing in her mother's lap, as Flash told them about his trip through time. "No way!" Rainbow cried, as they looked through the photos Flash had taken. "You actually got to see the future? That's so cool."

"Except it's not the future anymore," Flash explained. "When I saved Shining, I altered how things are gonna play out. The future's probably gonna be very different from this point on."

"Good," Sunset stated. "Didn't sound like it was a future I wanted. Especially if it meant my friends and I were no longer friends like you said."

"Yeah," Pinkie frowned seeing her older self's rotond appearance. "Definitely glad that future's gone." Rainbow saw this and smirked.

"Hey," she pointed at the picture, "that could still be in your future if you don't watch the sweet stuff." Pinkie puffed up her cheeks, annoyed at having to pick between being slim and having tasty treats.

Flash smirked at this and looked down at the Omnitrix, cycling through his aliens until he came to the ones his future self had unlocked. Aside from Gemini, he had five other aliens that were supposed to be useful in the days to come. He wondered about their abilities and whether they were meant to help with the one named Zs'Skayr.

"I'll diet when I'm older!" Pinkie cried. "Right now, we gotta celebrate Flash saving Shining and changing our futures. Hopefully for the better." The others cheered in agreement, all getting up to celebrate.

This included Flash, only for the teen to find Cadance standing in front of him with Flurry in her arms. "What's up?" He asked, only for Cadance to grab Flash and pull him into a tight hug. "Wow!" He cried, amazed by this. "Wh-what?" Flash says in shock before he managed to process what just happened.

"Thank you," Cadance whispered to him through tears of happiness. "Thank you so much Flash. You saved my husband's life, you saved our entire family from needing to deal with that kind of loss forever." She pulled away from him before gently kissing him on the cheek. "You will always be considered part of our family for this. You're our hero."

Flash blushed slightly at this praise. "Hey, thanks, it was no problem. I just knew that I couldn't let him die when I could do something about it."

The two suddenly heard a happy giggle, and looked down in Cadance's arms to see Flurry Heart with a bright smile and reaching her tiny arms out towards Flash.

"Uh, Cadance," Flash began. "Do you mind if…" But Flash didn't even get a chance to finish before Cadance held her baby daughter out to him, allowing him to take her.

"Not at all Flash. I think Flurry wants to show her appreciation too."

"Thanks Cadance," Flash smiled as he held Flurry up to him, who continued to squeal happily in his grasp.

Flash just smiled happily at Flurry, and for a moment, an image flashed in his mind of the Flurry Heart from twenty years in the future. Flash recalled how she was the one who brought him to her time, and was essentially the reason he was given the opportunity to save Shining Armor's life. Flash pulled the baby Flurry Heart into a gentle hug.

"Thank you, Flurry," Flash said softly to the infant. "This was all because of you. I don't know what the future has in store, but I'm excited to watch you grow up into the amazing woman I know you'll be."

Flurry Heart didn't really understand what Flash was saying or what he meant, but she did know that for some reason he was proud of her. And knowing that one of her favourite people ever, thought good about her made her happy. She giggled with delight and wrapped her tiny arms around Flash, giving him as big of a hug as she could manage.

Despite the celebration, Flash was nervous about what exactly awaited in his uncertain future now, especially the departing words of his future counterpart, wondering who or what Zs'Skayr was. But for now, all that mattered was the little bundle of joy he held in his arms.

Author's Note:

Flash changed the future and got some new aliens to boot. I wonder which aliens those are? Only time will tell. Hope you liked the chapter and how Flash was able to change everything. Until next time.

Also. Some of you might be wondering about one of the aliens Future Flash became during the opening fight. Thinking it seemed familiar but different. Well that's because it was the 5YL version of Gutrot, which I think looks way cooler than the canon appearance. I'm not gonna have an image made up of it, since that might get us in trouble. Just look up the 5YL image and image the green parts of the suit are black or white.

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