• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Behind the Alien: Kagenobi

Good evening, explorers and omni-planetary travellers. I welcome you back to our exciting galactic tour, as we arrive at the next planet on our list of places to see and explore.

Today, we'll be visiting the homeworld of Flash's stealthiest alien: Kagenobi.

You history nuts will be in for a treat, since we'll be visiting a place that had seen many great wars and struggles. But please, no flash photography. Our hosts are not so big on the lights. Let's go

The scene opens up in an entire solar system, where multiple planets and other bodies could be seen circularing a single yellow sun. This is the solar system known as Aequilis.

It then zooms into one of the two largest planets in the solar system. Said planet is a dark world surrounded by a dense smog-like atmosphere.

Sekayoru. One of two planets in aequilis that contain a form of life. The entire planet is surrounded by an atmosphere filled with a dark gas that is not poisonous but blocks out over ninety nine percent of the sun's light. Because of this, the planet appears to be in a state of constant night that occasionally turns absolutely pitch black when on the part of the planet not facing the sun.

Zooming through the fog, we arrive at the planet's surface where the whole place looks like a scene out of an edo period movie. Japanese buildings litter the landscape, everything from simple but traditional huts to giant temples and castles. The place looks so traditional, that there's even a spot where you can see the stereotypical moon behind the castle scene. This is actually the sun, since Sekayoru has no moon.

Centuries ago, this planet entered a time period similar to the ancient japanese period of earth. its culture has remained like this ever since, with the native species of the planet living a very traditional life.

Suddenly, figures began to move through the darkness in a strange fashion.

Name: Ninjage
Alien Type: Intelligent elemental humanoid
Intelligence: 4/20
Abilities: Shadow metamorphosis, shadow shape manipulation
Form: Humanoid figure between six and seven feet in height. Bodies made entirely out of dark shadows, with different coloured eyes and no other features.

The dark figures are the ninjage, who aren't wearing the usual clothing that Flash normally wears when he is Kagenobi. They ninja run across the landscape, leaping onto houses and over vast distances until they reach the trees of a nearby forest.

Ninjage. An unusual species whose bodies are made of a strange black gas-like substance similar to that found in the planet's atmosphere. Many believe that the ninjage were originally the gas itself, which mutated due to some outside force affecting it. Either way, the ninjage quickly multiplied after appearing on the planet and became the dominant species.

The ninjage rush through the forest, jumping from branch to branch as they searched for their prey. Eventually, they spot a boar-like creature and each stop on the branches without making a sound.

The leader of the ninjage did several hand signs to the others, who all nodded before jumping away and the leader turned towards the boar. Then, the ninjage's body suddenly shifted and melted into a liquid form that merged with the tree. It moved through the barely visible light towards the boar.

The ninjage's shadowy gas-like bodies can undergo a density shift that allows them to morph into a shadowy puddle. In this form, they can move across the ground without being detected and push their bodies through gaps that are the widths of a hair. With this, the ninjage become masters of stealth and agility. And that's not the only ability they have that allow them to survive.

The ninjage leader makes its way closer and closer to the boar, getting within inches of itself. As it does, the boar finally notices the moving shadow. Living on this planet, the creature had evolved to know what this meant and ran for its life.

But before it could get away, a ninjage leapt out of the ground in front of it. As it did, it pulled something out of the surrounding darkness. A knife made entirely out of shadow.

It is unclear how this ability works, but the ninjage have the ability to manipulate any surrounding shadow that is not connected to them and morph it into any shape or form. These shapes can range from simple tools like hammers and forks, to dangerous weapons like swords or throwing knifes. As long as a ninjage is in darkness, it is never without weapons.

The ninjage threw the knife at the boar, who attempted to escape and got its sides pierced open as it continued to run in another direction. But the other ninjage appeared out of the shadows, each holding a different weapon as they surrounded it. Moments later, the boar's squeal filled the air.

At a ninjage village, a bunch of different ninjage are working and living their lives.

Some are farming vegetables that have evolved to not need that much sunlight, whilst other ninjage are carrying pitchers of water from a nearby well. Some of the ninjage are seen wearing clothes, this likely being something that the richer members of society all wear.

The ninjage all appeared almost identical, the only differences able to be seen being their heights and the colour of their eyes. Other then that, the ninjage are impossible to tell apart.

In ancient times, the ninjage were all split into different clans. It is unsure why they were, but these different clans constantly fought against one another for food, territory and whatever supplies they needed. But in more recent years, the clans have all but dissolved and the ninjage planet is unified. However, this doesn't mean aequilis is at peace.

In one of the castle, despite the outside being traditional in appearance, the inside appeared like a laboratory. Computers and other devices line the wall, as the scientist ninjage work to develop new technologies for their species.

Despite sekayoru's traditional appearance, the planet has developed to a space faring race due to many of the ninjage having a yearning to see what the world is like passed their dark atmosphere. But this was not without its challenges, the first of which being discovered when the first ninjage managed to make it past the barrier.

Rewind to when the first ninjage escaped the bonds of their planet.

The ninja aliens created a rocket much like mankind, which they used to blast off into space. The ninjage are all sitting in their seats, not looking the least bit affected by the G-forces. Eventually, they made it passed the atmospheric cloud and shot into space.

There, the ninjage looked out at the great cosmos and were amazed by the sight in front of them. However, it was then that the sunlight appeared through their window. The next thing they knew, their bodies were burning and they could barely stand the heat. If the pilot hadn't managed to turn the rocket so the window was away from the sun, they might have all been destroyed.

Evolving on a planet with little to no sunlight, the ninjage have developed a weakness to sunlight. Much like ectonurites and vladats, long term exposure to UV rays will cause the molecules of their body to heat up and spread too thin. This will result in them literally evaporating into nothing and result in almost certain death.

Many members of the ninjage race believed this meant they were not supposed to leave sekayoru and suggested the space project be shut down. But the more stubborn members of their species refused to let this stop them.

The scene changes to show the ninjage scientists working on a bunch of dark clothing that one tries on. This makes it look a lot more like Kagenobi, though the style was slightly different. The ninjage then morphs into a shadow, but this causes the clothing to fall off of it and results in it being naked again when it retakes humanoid form.

A little while later, the ninjage tries another piece of clothing that the scientist developed. This time, the clothing transformed into a shadow just like it did.

Using ninjage science, they managed to develop a form of clothing that can became part of the shadows as well. Thanks to this, the ninjage were able to enter the galaxy without worrying about dying of super sunburn.

Another rocket launches a bunch of now clothed ninjage into space again, the group worried their new protection would not work against the supreme light of the sun. But when the sunlight flew in through the window, the ninjage are happy to see that they aren't burning.

With that new fashion, the ninjage began sending many teams into space to explore the rest of their solar system. And it was here that they ended up meeting another species that had been just as curious about the rest of the universe as the ninjage.

A group of ninjage were searching an asteroid when they found themselves coming face to face with a bunch of armored individuals.

The nikkobushi

The scene moves to another section of aequilis, to a planet that was on the exact opposite side of the sun from sekayoru. The surface of this planet appears to be made out of crystals, which capture the light of the sun and reflecting it onto other crystals which do the same thing over and over again.

Akemugen. Sharing the same orbit as sekayoru, this planet's crust is made out of a highly reflective crystal. Because of these crystals, light on the planet is constantly being spread around. As such, the world exists in a state of eternal daytime and has temperatures ranging between sixty to a hundred degrees on the side of the planet not illuminated by the sun.

On this planet, only one form of life has come to exist. The nikkobushi.

Name: Nikkobushi
Alien Type: Intelligent Elemental humanoid
Intelligence: 4/20
Abilities: Solar energy absorption, solar energy manipulation
Form: Humanoid figure between seven and eight feet in height. Bodies made entirely out of mostly white energy, with a rainbow aura surrounding them and different coloured eyes with no other features.

Nikkobushi are a group of energy life forms that make their homes out of the crystals found on the lower areas of the planet. Many believe that, like the ninjage, they were also brought into being due to the intervention of a mutagene affecting something on the planet. This time, it's believed that solar radiation was what was mutated into these creatures.

The nikkobushi fly around the planet, their bodies morphing into streaks of light that shoot through the air the air at high speed. Those that weren't flying around were simply walking around on the crystals or sitting on them soaking up the rays.

Nikkobushi do not require food or water to survive. Instead, much like plants, they soak up solar radiation and use that to replenish the energy they exert unleashing their abilities. These abilities, aside from the ability to fly, allow them to manipulate their stored up solar energy and shape it into a variety of tools and weapons.

One of the nikkobushi uses its powers to create a pickaxe of light, which it starts hitting a crystal with to dig into it. Slowly, the crystal breaks off and it begins to work itself into it. Fast forward to when it was finished and the crystal was now hollowed out, turning it into the perfect home for the nikkobushi.

The place was a perfect home for it to live in, allowing it to meditate and recharge its solar energy in piece.

The nikkobushi's solar manipulation abilities are not something they naturally have at birth. Instead, they require much study and concentration to use. If the nikkobushi does not have a clear mind, its solar weapons will not remain solid.

In another area of the planet, a bunch of young nikkobushi are training. Some are meditating, attempting to master shaping their solar energy into a dagger shape. Others who can use this ability, are now learning the art of light sword fighting.

They swing their energy blades in perfect unity, each of them attempting to stop at just the right time to not hit a crystal they were meant to avoid.

On another part of the training ground, the nikkobushi are sparring against one another using lightsabers. The blades spark with each contact, making a buzzing sound as they move around at high speed. Some appear to be newbies, nervously touching each others blades as they hoped back and forth, whilst others were moving with the speed and precision of a master.

Nikkobushi, when fully charged with energy, have the ability to propel themselves so far into the air they can break through the very thin atmosphere of akemugen and fly into space. If they are to take off from the sun facing side, their solar energy will remain high even after escaping the planet. But taking off from the other side of the planet will not have the same result.

The nikkobushi fly through space, enjoying themselves as this is their first time off of the planet. However, that enjoyment quickly fades when they feel something. Something they have never felt before. Hunger.

It feels like their solar energy is rather low, burning off quickly as they fly through space and burn super hot to keep from freezing in the cold vacuum.

Despite being capable of surviving in space, the nikkobushi must burn through a significant amount of their solar energy whilst in this dark realm. Due to the solar power not being as concentrated as it is on their planet, they found they burned through their energy faster then they can replenish it.

One of the nikkobushi finds itself losing to much power. It tried to fly back to its planet, but finds its power completely running out.

As such, its propulsion vanishes and its body returns to its normal state. It floats aimlessly through space, continuing to burn away at its power faster then it can regenerate. The sun was too far away and wasn't giving off enough light, causing it to slowly shrink.

Luckily, another nikkobushi arrives and grabs it. It uses all of its solar power to get them back to the planet, barely making it before the first one vanished into nothing. The pair crash down onto the planet and start soaking up the solar energy, thanking whatever gods nikkobushi believe in they survived.

In order to survive out in space, the nikkobushi began experimenting with ways in which to conserve their solar energy. And one of them eventually came up with the answer.

One of the nikkobushi was mining in a nearby asteroid and found some metal ore within it. Taking some of the ore back to the planet, he starts using his energy tools to beat and meld the metal into different shapes. Eventually, it welded them together into a new form. A giant metal suit.

The other nikkobushi were surprised to see the finished armor, which looked like robotic samurai with LED lights covering it. The nikkobushi inside showed off how maneuverable the armor was, then showed it could still create its energy weapons through the armor. It could even expel its energy out of the feet, creating a pair of rocket boots it used to fly into space.

Now in the robotic armor, the nikkobushi was able to remain in the void of space and not burn up as much of its solar energy as quickly. Plus, the suit had also been built with powerful solar panels, absorbing the light of the sun and transferring it to the nikkobushi inside. Though it wasn't absorbing as much as it could on its planet, the energy being absorbed now equalled the amount being exerted by the alien.

Soon enough, every nikkobushi had their own suit of armor. Each one was in a different colour and had differing ornamentation, but they all looked like robotic samurai.

With these new robotic suits, the nikkobushi were able to explore the vast depths of aequilis. But in doing so, they eventually met the ninjage.

A group of armored nikkobushi were exploring an asteroid, when they suddenly came across the group of ninjage also exploring the asteroid. The two groups stared one another down, unsure what they were doing with the other.

A ninjage then stepped forward, holding out a hand to offer in peace. The lead nikkobushi stepped forward and took the hand, also wanting peace. But when their hands met, the ninjage screamed in pain. The nikkobushi's armored hand was red hot, burning him.

The ninjage staggered back, as his comrades mistook this as an attack. They each formed a weapon of shadow and attacked back, slaying the lead nikkobushi. The other nikkobushi formed their own weapons and attacked back, the two groups breaking out in an all out battle.

It was an accident, which would reshape aequilis.

Fast forward to a long time in the future and the two forces are at war. With neither side able to survive on the other's homeworld, even in their suits, they quickly began to create outposts on the other planetary bodies of the solar system. The nikkobushi transferred crystals from their home world and placed them in areas close to the sun, allowing the nikkobushi places to rest and recharge out of their suits. Meanwhile, the ninjage created their own outposts within the darkest caves of asteroids and other rocks.

The scene changes to show two large forces of nikkobushi and ninjage, both charging at one another. The ninjage leapt onto the ground, morphing into shadows that flew across the rocks and shot towards the nikkobushi. The armored light aliens quickly created their sun weapons, using them to attack the shadows and try to destroy them.

The two sides appeared to be perfectly matched, with the ninjage weak to the light attacks but the armor of the nikkobushi was easy to damage and force the nikkobushi to abandon and retreat to their homeworld.

The wars lasted over two centuries, with neither side ever really getting the upper hand over their opponents. It took the intervention of another group to put a stop to the fighting.

Halfway through a battle, a spaceship appeared. This spaceship belonged to the plumbers, who saw the fighting that was taking place. They didn't intend to intervene, but the two waring races stopped when they noticed the ships.

This team of plumbers were part of an exploratory core, which was coming the galaxy. They were searching for planets that were space capable, wanting to bring them in to the planetary alliance that was still relatively new. This statement made both the nikkobushi and ninjage curious, as they to wished to see what more was out there.

The plumbers were happy to let them join, but only if they were willing to put an end to the war. Since it was meant to be an alliance of planets, having two members at war with one another wouldn't do. As such, the plumbers were able to broker a peace accord between the two planets.

It wasn't easy, putting the two centuries of hate aside. But the curiosity they held outweighed their desire to wage war and the battles came to an end.

The leaders of the ninjage and nikkobushi both shake hands, the plumbers using a special forcefield between the hands to prevent the same issue that started this pointless war in the first place.

These days, both sekayoru and akemugen enjoy an uneasy peace. Though a few skirmishes break out now and then, the two species share their solar system and train in order to go out into the universe and discover new amazing things to enjoy.

A large group of nikkobushi can be seen flying through space, whilst the ninjage are piloting spaceships that the plumbers helped them build to go further into space and see the wonders of the galaxy.

Aequilis, a tough place to live in for sure. But thankfully, we were just visiting. Now I think it's time we head off to the next planet on our tour. I hope you all packed some nose plugs, because our next destination isn't one for the weak of nose. Onwards, to our next big adventure.

Author's Note:

Well, now you've seen Kagenobi's planet and met what could be a future alien for Flash. If anyone has any names for Flash's sun samurai, let me know. I have no clue what to call it.

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