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Chapter One

Author's Note:

Hi! So... Another Displaced. Relax none of my other stories are dead, I've just hit multiple road blocks and this has been swimming in my head, so I had to get it out. So enjoy!

Sighing, I stood on the balcony, watching the stars dance around the sky. It was midnight, but I was restless. I had been trying to find the secrets to immortality, but all my searches had been for naught.

'Tia and Luna are immortal,' My brain told me, 'Maybe you can ask them.' Thinking about a way to ask my teammate and her younger sister for a blood sample, I failed to notice the person behind me, until a knife was pressed against my throat.

"You should always be aware of your surroundings, My Love," the dark blue alicorn mare behind me said. Putting the knife away and turning my face to hers, to kiss me. The kiss lasted a good minute, before we broke apart.

"You look beautiful, My Dear," I said, running a hand along her fine waist and down to her hip. Luna was wearing a black nightgown, that did little to hide her hourglass figure and her E cup breasts. Smiling lovingly up at me, she once again, pulled me into a kiss, wrapping her arms around me and running her fingers through my long black hair. A few minutes later, she pulled away.

"What were you thinking about?"

"My studies into immortality."

"Have you had any success?" I sighed.

"Not yet. However, I was wondering."


"Do you think I could get a blood sample of you and Celestia?" Luna looked unsure.

"I don't know. The secret to our immortality, is not a secret to pass out freely."

"I'm not doing it for me. I'm doing it for you, My Dear. For us. To be together, for all eternity." Luna looked sad and understanding.

"I'll get you the samples," she said, "Tomorrow, you've worked late into the night too long. Tonight you take a break." I pouted.

"But Luna," I tried to make puppy eyes at her but my slitted, yellow eyes were met with a determined look.

"Maybe you need a bit more incentive," Luna whispered huskily, slowly moving the Nightgown's strap off her shoulder. My heart quickened, and Luna slammed her lips into mine, while pulling me to the bed. I didn't resist.

*Ten Years Ago*

I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, looking at my costume. I had decided to go to a local convention as the one and only Orochimaru, however, instead of his normal form, I was dressed in a jonin jacket and Leaf headband, going as him when he was a Leaf Ninja. Leaving the public bathroom, I looked at the other cosplayers walking around. Moving quickly, I made sure to get a good look at everything. They had it all, wand stands, anime merch, stands for YouTube stars, but at the end was a stand that captivated my attention, though I don't know why. It was small, empty and nearly bare, however I did see something that attracted my attention. A plushie of a very familiar purple snake wrapped around a scroll.

"You have a good eye," came a voice from behind. Spinning around I saw an old man dressed as the Sorcerer from Fantasia.

"That's Manda," I said looking at the plush serpent.

"Indeed it is," the man agreed, "and he's curled around the Snake Summoning Scroll. While Orochimaru had the contact tattooed on his arm, this is the scroll he got it from."

"How much is it?" I asked, reaching for my wallet.

"You're in luck. I have been trying to get rid of it for some time. I'll give it to you for about, $50."

I handed the man the $70. "Keep the change."

"Why thank you. Just for that, here," he handed me another scroll, "It's a scroll full of almost all the jutsu of the five nature chakras as well as their combined forms, such as Wood and Lava style, and here is Orochimaru's Akatsuki ring."

"Thank you," I said, pocketing the two scrolls, wrapping the snake around my waist, and slipping the ring on.

"You're welcome," he said, "have fun." Before I could ask what he meant, my head became fuzzy and I felt the floor coming up to meat my face.

* * *

"Wake up!" I bolted upright at the sound of the voice. The first thing I saw was the giant purple snake coiled around me in a sort of barrier fashion. The next thing I noticed was I wasn't at the convention anymore. I was sitting on a bed of grass in some sort of forest. The trees were dark, ominous, and strangely familiar.

"Good, you're awake," the snake said.

"Manda?" I asked, confused.

"Of course," Manda huffed, "Who'd you expect Gamabunta?"

"No, but where are we?"

"Isn't it obvious," he said, We're in Equestria."

"Equestria?" I questioned, "You mean from like My Little Pony? But how did I end up here?" How did I not see it? I was obviously in the Everfree Forest. Now while I wasn't a fan of the show, my kid sister was a nut for it, and sometimes, I'd stoop so low as to watch it with her.

"How do you think? The merchant! He lures people like you into his games at places like that. Now listen up, because I'm only going to say this once. You are now Orochimaru, the Legendary Snake Sannin. You are stuck in Equestria a little more than a thousand years before the series is set. By buying the Jutsu scroll, you now have access to almost every jutsu used in the anime. By buying the contract scroll, you have the ability to summon my kin and I, without sacrifices.Fifty dollars. I'm worth more that Fifty dollars. What was he. . ." Manda continued to mumble against The Merchant, while I got to my feet.

"Thank you for the rundown, Manda, I shall be fine on my own for now. I'll summon you, should I need aid." Manda didn't pay attention, he just continued grumbling as he desummoned. Turning, I chose a direction and walked that way, sure I was going to find a way out."

*Flashback Ends*
*Morning After*

I chuckled at the memory, recalling how I'd ended up so turned around before, finally finding my way out.

Turning the nob on the microscope, I studied the DNA samples Luna had brought me. Oddly there seemed to be no more than a mix of Unicorn, Pegasus, and Earth Pony DNA. Nothing distinctly Alicorn that could explain where the immortality came from. Then there was the strange thing Luna had said when she had handed the samples over.

"I hope you can uncover the truth." Confused, I decided to ask Tia about it. Taking my secret passageway to the throne room. I opened up the door, on the wall behind the throne. Before I could call to her, I saw she was already busy with somepony else.

It was Moonglow Orchid, Celestia personal student. I decided to wait until they were done before I asked Tia my questions.

"Moonglow," Celestia said, "I'm in need of your assistance. Are you willing to help me?"

"Of course, Princess,"she said, nearly jumping into the air with excitement. I smiled Moonglow was always so ready to help others.

"So loyal," The Sun Monarch smiled, "You're the most powerful student I've had to date. Although, I'm sure the next will be stronger."

"The next one?" Moonglow questioned, feeling slightly nervous.

You're the perfect next vessel," Celestia said, ignoring her student, "Don't you worry, it'll all be over soon." No sooner had she finished speaking had her horn begun to glow and she blasted Moonglow, who screamed in terror. Looking at the guards, I saw unfazed looks, as if the already knew and didn't care about what just happened before them.

Quickly, I slipped back through my tunnel and closed the door, breathing heavily. In all my years of studying, I didn't expect Celestia to. . . Luna! Luna was also an Alicorn, did she. . .? I knew that technique. How couldn't I? I was at this moment the man who had created it. I was still trying to wrap my head around what I had just witnessed.

Celestia had used the Eternal Youth and Immortality Technique.