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Author's Note:

I think I was inspired by some art? But I can't for the life of me remember. Oh well.

There was someone in his spot.

Technically, it wasn’t Flash’s property. But ever since he’d found two years ago, he’d never seen anyone else there. Sure, some people probably used the spot when he wasn’t there; it was, after all, a very nice place to view Canterlot City, especially at dawn or dusk, like it was now.

Slowly, as soundlessly as possible, Flash approached the bench.

A branch cracked under his shoes. Fuck.

The head of the girl sitting on the bench spun around so fast that it couldn’t be healthy. ‘’Who’s- Flash!’’

He smiled a little. ‘’Good evening, Rarity.’’

It took her a moment, but she smiled back at him. ‘’Good evening to you too, darling. And sorry for my reaction earlier, you just startled me.’’

‘’No problem,’’ Flash assured. ‘’Mind if I sit?’’

‘’Of course not.’’

Flash sat down on the edge of the bench, about as far away from Rarity as he could manage. The sunset was painting the sky violet and orange, the last rays of sunlight dying as their source vanished behind the horizon. It did some very flattering things to Rarity’s face.

It also reminded Flash of the past weeks.



Rarity shifted, sitting slightly closer to him. ‘’Are you alright, darling? I’ve never known you to be so… silent.’’

Should he tell her?

Might as well, Flash reasoned. By the end of tomorrow, the news would be all over the school anyway.

‘’I broke up with Sunset,’’ he confessed.

Rarity gasped. ‘’Oh my!’’

‘’Yeah.’’ Flash kept his look anywhere but on Rarity. ‘’It was just… she was too much.’’

‘’I’m sorry,’’ Rarity said softly. ‘’I knew you liked her.’’

Had he? Maybe once, Flash had liked her. Sunset was certainly attractive. But she was also a bully, a sadist. Flash had liked her, but he had never loved her.

‘’She was- is a bitch.’’ The words were out of his mouth before he knew it. ‘’I don’t know how I ever convinced myself she was worth it.’’ He balled his fist.

Rarity slid closer to him again. Now they were almost touching. ‘’What happened?’’

‘’Nothing,’’ he lied. ‘’I just… said no.’’ Technically true, and Flash wasn’t in the mood for explaining more.

‘’I see.’’ Rarity’s lips pursed, and she sighed.

‘’So why are you here?’’ Flash after a minute of uncomfortable silence.

‘’Oh,’’ Rarity sighed, ‘’I just like it here.’’ She looked at the green hills. ‘’It keeps from thinking about him.’’


‘’My crush,’’ Rarity supplied, before blinking. ‘’I don’t know why I’m telling you this.’’

Flash didn’t either, but he didn’t mind it. ‘’Go on, if you want to.’’

Rarity leaned back against the bench. ‘’He’s the nicest guy I know. He’s handsome, gentle and kind. Everything a girl could want.’’

‘’He sounds like a good guy,’’ Flash offered after a moment.

‘’Oh, he is,’’ Rarity agreed. ‘’I’d even say he’s perfect.’’

‘’Who is he?’’ Flash asked.

Rarity’s eyes met his. ‘’He’s you.’’


Flash’s mouth was suddenly very dry. ‘’Uhh…’’

‘’I don’t know why I said that,’’ Rarity said, suddenly sounding like she was panicking.

‘’It’s okay,’’ Flash rushed to say. ‘’I just…’’

And he kissed her.

Hmm… Rarity’s lips were so much softer than Sunset’s. Her entire being was softer than Sunset. So fragile.

‘’Wow…’’ Rarity breathed when their lips parted. ‘’Extraordinary, darling.’’

‘’Thanks.’’ He hesitated for a moment, then slipped his arm around her waist. So frail.

Rarity leaned into his shoulder. She was cold.

‘’You’re cold,’’ he stated. ‘’Want my jacket?’’

‘’Darling, I’m fine-’’ but Flash had already taken off his jacket. He placed it over her shoulders.

‘’Thank you,’’ Rarity said after a moment.