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Author's Note:

This short thing was inspired by this art: https://www.deviantart.com/racoonkun/art/Smoke-864639689

Rarity walked out of the university together with the rest of the students. She had a determined look on her face; she had someone she needed to talk to. More correctly, to be angry at. And she found her query easily enough, near the university’s stadium.

Diamond Tiara, leaning against the frame of a support beam, and smoking a cigarette. She looked as if she didn’t have a care in the world, which she probably didn’t, all things considered.

‘’You!’’ Rarity said angrily as she approached her fellow student. ‘’You stupid, arrogant… you!’’

Diamond looked at her with a bored expression. ‘’Why so angry?’’ she asked.

‘’Are you seriously asking me that!?’’ Rarity yelled. ‘’You embarrassed me in front of everyone!’’

Diamond inclined her head in acknowledgement. ‘’Let me make it up to you.’’ She took a long tug from her cigarette, then leaned forward with her eyes closed…

And kissed Rarity on the lips.

Rarity stilled, frozen in shock. She had never kissed another girl before, and Diamond’s lips felt softer than the few boys she had kissed. The other girl opened her mouth slightly, letting the smoke she’d just drawn from her cigarette into Rarity’s mouth. She could feel Diamond’s empty hand in her neck.

Then she drew her mouth away, and gave a confident smile. Rarity, meanwhile, was blushing as she blew the smoke she’d just inhaled back out of her mouth. It hadn’t tasted half as bad as she had been led to believe.

‘’Happy?’’ Diamond asked.

Rarity slowly nodded. ‘’Y-yeah…’’

Diamond’s confident smile gave Rarity some quiet reassurance. ‘’You want one as well?’’ the girl offered as she pulled a small pack of cigarettes out of a pocket inside her jacket.

Rarity’s first instinct was to say no, but she was feeling a bit rebellious lately, and the surprise kiss hadn’t helped against that. So she nodded, and accepted the cigarette pack. She picked one out and lit it, then handed the pack back to Diamond, who put it back in her pocket.

Slowly, Rarity brought the cigarette to her lips and took a long drag. Her first instinct upon feeling the smoke inside her mouth was to blow it out, but she stopped herself from doing that. There was nothing wrong with the taste, she supposed.

‘’You like it?’’ She looked up at Diamond. Tentatively, she nodded.

‘’Why did you kiss me?’’ she asked the girl.

Diamond glanced around to see if no one was near enough to hear them, then leaned towards her. ‘’I like you,’’ she answered simply. ‘’You’re cute, especially when you’re flustered.’’

‘’You did that because you wanted to see like that!?’’ Rarity yelled.

‘’It’s a compliment,’’ Diamond said. ‘’And I am sorry for embarrassing you in public.’’

Rarity sighed, only to remember she’d just taken another drag from the cigarette. She coughed as the smoke shot out of her.

Diamond chuckled. ‘’Yeah, that tends to happen. Be more careful next time,’’ she admonished.

Rarity raised an eyebrow. ‘’What are you implying?’’

‘’Well,’’ Diamond replied, ‘’I like you, Rares. And from the way you’ve been looking at me, it would appear you like me as well.’’ She stuck her empty hand out. ‘’Wanna give it a go?’’

Rarity was dumbfounded, floored. She had a few little flings in the past, so she was not totally inexperienced when it came to romance and dating, but she’d also held out a hope that the ‘true one’ would one day appear to her.

That did not mean she did not look around; she wasn’t blind. And Diamond Tiara had caught her eye. Despite appearances, the rich heiress was brilliant in her own field - Business Management - and just going to the university when she could have lived comfortably without working a day in her life proved she had at least some sort of character.

Of course, she was beautiful as well. Her purple hair, a lighter shade than her own, fell elegantly down her shoulders and neck. Her face was without blemishes or scars and her blue eyes were seductive with their long lashes. And her body, with a tight ass, slim figure and D-cup breasts, could of course not be ignored.

All those things had culminated in Rarity developing a bit of a crush on her. She’d thought she had been subtle, only taking a few glances every day, but evidently Diamond had noticed. And now she wanted to try and have a relationship with her?

As she thought this over, she realized something. ‘’This was all just an elaborate plan to speak with me, wasn’t it?’’

Diamond smiled, and tipped her head. ‘’Congratulations on figuring it out.’’

‘’Why? You could have just asked me,’’ Rarity reasoned.

‘’Forgive a girl for her amusements,’’ Diamond replied as she squished her cigarette against the support beam and lit a new one. ‘’I love making plans like this, but I can understand it if you don’t like it.’’

Rarity sighed. ‘’Fine,’’ she said, ‘’I guess I can’t complain about the result.’’

Diamond’s eyes lit up. ‘’You’re willing to give it a go?’’

‘’You just said yourself that you planned all of this,’’ Rarity pointed out. ‘’I don’t think you would spend time on it if it wasn’t worth doing.’’

‘’True,’’ Diamond agreed.

‘’But!’’ Rarity held up a finger. ‘’If we’re doing this, I want you to discuss it with me if you want to do something like this again. Relationships are built on trust, and I don’t appreciate being embarrassed publicly when it could have been done more private.’’

‘’I can agree to that,’’ Diamond said, ‘’and again, I’m sorry for embarrassing you. I really do like you, you know.’’

‘’What precisely do you like about me?’’ Rarity was curious to see what she would answer.

‘’Lots of things,’’ was Diamond’s vague answer. ‘’I guess, if I had to pick one… your generosity.’’

‘’Oh?’’ Rarity raised an eyebrow.

‘’I’ve seen you share money, food and even your jacket once because someone else needed it more than you, and you never asked a single thing in return,’’ Diamond explained. ‘’I find that admirable.’’

‘’Darling, you’re sharing your cigarettes with me. I recognize the brand; they’re not cheap,’’ Rarity argued.

‘’Yeah,’’ Diamond agreed, ‘’but I have, no offense, a lot more money than you do. Everything you shared cost you more than these cigarettes cost me.’’

She had a point, Rarity admitted to herself. But still, she couldn’t help but say, ‘’You’re still sharing something that belongs to you without asking for something back. I agree that the cost for you is negligent, but that doesn’t change the sentiment.’’

‘’Perhaps,’’ Diamond allowed, before taking another long drag from her cigarette. Rarity’s own had long since gone out. ‘’But enough discussion about semantics, literally,’’ she continued. ‘’I was planning on seeing the newest Marevel movie this evening. Do you have anything planned?’’

‘’No,’’ Rarity replied, ‘’and it would be my pleasure to go to it with you, darling.’’

Diamond nodded. ‘’It’s a date.’’


‘’That was a thrilling movie,’’ Rarity commented as the two walked away from the cinema.

‘’I liked it,’’ Diamond agreed. ‘’Say, do you want to grab a drink, or…?’’

Rarity pulled out her phone and looked at the time. ‘’I’m sorry darling, but my sister is coming over in the morning, so I’m afraid I must be up early tomorrow.’’

‘’Then at least allow me to drive you home,’’ Diamond offered as they approached the parking garage. ‘’I don’t know how close your home is, but the streets can be pretty unsafe at night.’’

Rarity wanted to retort something about how she could handle herself, but Diamond was trying to be nice, and a car ride did sound better than walking. It would certainly be faster and more comfortable.

‘’Very well, darling,’’ she relented with a nod, and couldn’t help but smile as Diamond’s face lit up.

Her date practically dragged her through the parking garage, until they stood in front of a sleek Lamborghini.

‘’This is yours?’’ Rarity asked in astonishment.

Diamond nodded with pride. ‘’Yup. You’ll be home in 10 seconds.’’

Rarity chuckled. ‘’Now you sound like Rainbow Dash.’’

Diamond snorted. ‘’Friend of yours?’’

‘’Indeed.’’ Rarity nodded.

‘’Well, climb in and let’s go.’’ Diamond opened the car and got into the driver’s seat, Rarity next to her. The drive to Rarity’s home was uneventful.

‘’This is it?’’ Diamond asked as she pulled into the street.

‘’It is,’’ Rarity confirmed, before hesitating. ‘’Do you… want a drink?’’

‘’Sure,’’ Diamond replied as she parked the car, ‘’but not too much, of course. I still have to drive home.’’