• Published 20th Nov 2021
  • 529 Views, 19 Comments

Glimmering Spells - StormLuna

After taking over the friendship school, Starlight Glimmer begins to get frustrated. It isn't running the school itself that is frustrating her, it is one particular individual and his interest in her.

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Starlight's Admission

Friday afternoon had arrived and the week was coming to a close for everypony at the friendship school. For the most part everything seemed normal. With the exception of a new student who was still adjusting to her new environment and the absence of the vice-headmare, nopony really noticed anything out of the ordinary.

When the clock struck five, Trixie headed to Starlight's office and asked, "Hi Starlight, do you want to go out to the cafe?"

Starlight jumped out of her chair and exclaimed, "Of course I do Trixie! Just let me get Phyllis watered, ok?"

Trixie rolled her eyes as Starlight was watering Phyllis, she wasn't frustrated though as she was fully expecting this. Once she got her plant taken care of, the two exited her office. Starlight shut the lights off and used her magic to lock the door. As they were walking past Sunburst's office Trixie commented, "You know, I wonder what happened to Sunburst. If he really did get that virus, he shouldn't have been out for this long."

Starlight replied, "I honestly haven't given it that much thought. On Monday we had Sunshine just get dropped off here and then we've had multiple exams going on this week. It was either a matter of me administering them or grading them and then once we're off the clock, I do my best to not even think about this place."

Trixie laughed, "Wow, talk about a change. Used to you'd be worried about the students at all hours of the day!"

Starlight laughed slightly, "I know, I know. Now let's get to the cafe, I'm hungry!"

Once the two got to the cafe, they were immediately seated and Trixie continued to discuss something that had been bothering her, "Starlight, something just doesn't seem right. I thought you would be more concerned about Sunburst going missing. If one of my friends went missing, I'd be at least going to check on them if not going out looking for them."

Starlight sighed, "Trixie, he probably got really sick and didn't feel up to notifying us. I remember how grumpy you were when you were sick, chances are bothering him would cause more problems than it would solve."

Trixie replied, "Well whether you want to think about the school or not, after we're done here we are going to go check on him, alright?"

Starlight replied, "Very well."

Starlight couldn't help but wonder why Trixie was so adamant over checking on Sunburst. Yes the two got along because he can actually do stage magic but still, to her it seemed like Trixie was concerned like if she was the one who had gone missing, either her or Gallus given their rapport.

That evening Starlight was leisurely eating her meal while Trixie seemed to be scarfing hers down. Starlight noticed this and commented, "You must be really hungry tonight! You're acting like you haven't eaten in weeks."

Trixie replied, "Starlight, I just want to hurry up and eat so we can check on Sunburst. I know you're there thinking he is simply laid up with the virus but I think there is something else going on here." She paused for a moment before adding, "I've heard some of the students and staff wondering what happened to him. It seems like you're the only one who isn't concerned at all!"

Starlight replied, "Oh ok, you can go check on him. I'll head home so nopony thinks I'm trying to break an entering."

Trixie still couldn't believe how nonchalant Starlight was over the issue, especially given that Sunburst was her oldest friend. Once the two finished their meal and paid for it Starlight said, "Alright Trixie, I'll see you back at the castle."

Trixie sighed, "Oh alright, I still wish you'd come with me."

When Trixie approached Sunburst's house, she noticed that it was completely dark in there. That was something that she didn't think would be normal given it was only thirty minutes ago that the sun had set. She approached the door, knocked on it and yelled, "Sunburst, are you ok?"

She heard nothing so she went to open the door and discovered that unlike pretty much everypony else in Ponyville, he didn't lock his door when he went out and about. Trixie turned some lights on and began to go through his house. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary until she reached his bedroom. On the wall she saw a big picture of Starlight with a heart around it. She then saw a journal laying on a desk under the picture.

The page it was opened to was on the Sunday before he went missing and Sunshine showed up at the school.

20 September 2021

Dear Diary,

Well as you know, I was shot down in a rather unpleasant way on Friday by Starlight. What I don't get is why she has to be so unpleasant. All I want is for her to give me a chance. I'm not demanding a relationship but she gets mad when I do classify the times we go to the cafe as dates. Technically they are dates but what really bothers me is that she puts that stupid plant of hers ahead of me, a stupid plant and to make matters worse, she loves it as though it were her own child! Well I will try again tomorrow and maybe she'd at least maybe want to eat lunch together or something. Despite the way she treats me, I still love her and would love it if we was to one day be husband and wife.



Trixie sighed, "It's a good thing Starlight didn't see this, I know she would be very unhappy but maybe I should take this with me."

She then began to think that perhaps she shot him down on Monday and then he ran off somewhere, perhaps in the Everfree Forest and was killed by some dangerous creature. She grabbed the journal, then left his house and rushed towards the castle. This was something she had to let Starlight know about. She knew she would be less than thrilled over the diary entry but thought that maybe she'd care more if she speculated that he got killed by a creature in the forest.

Once she got back to the palace she barged in and yelled, "Starlight, I think I know what happened. I found something in Sunburst's journal."

She heard a yell, "I'm in the library."

Trixie rushed to the library and found Starlight doing one of the things she loved more than anything, studying magic. She got her attention and said, "Starlight, I think I know what happened to Sunburst. I think I know what the real reason is he hasn't shown up to work for a week."

Trixie levitated the journal to Starlight and a hateful glare formed on her face as she was reading it. She read page after page of him talking about how much he loved her and wished they could be something special. When she read the part about being married in the last entry she snickered, "I guess I did the right thing after all."

Trixie heard her snickering but couldn't make out what she said. She asked, "Starlight, what is the snickering about? I thought you'd be mad over what he wrote."

Starlight couldn't hold it in anymore. She laughed, "I said I guess I did the right thing after all."

Trixie's eyes grew wide as she asked, "What do you mean? What did you do to him?"

Starlight began to laugh harder as she continued, "Nothing bad, I promise! It isn't like i killed him."

Trixie then remembered that it was on the very day that Sunshine was dropped off that Sunburst disappeared. She also knew that Starlight was very good when it came to rare and powerful magic. She yelled, "Sunshine really wasn't dropped off by her parents was she? Sunshine isn't even really a twelve year old filly, is she?"

Starlight's laughing became more hysterical with what she was thinking of as Trixie's speculation. Once she calmed down enough to where she could talk she asked, "Now why wouldn't she be a twelve year old filly? I don't think she lied about her age."

Trixie began, "Starlight, I know how good with advanced and likely forbidden magic you are. I also know how your mind works. If you thought you could do something to make sure that he'd never bother you about dates and think he had a chance with you, you'd jump on the opportunity."

Starlight had calmed down a bit more as she asked, "Trixie, how much can I trust you?"

Trixie gasped, "What all did you do to him?"

Starlight again asked, "Trixie, how much can I trust you?"

Trixie knew that Starlight had her concerns that she may snitch on her and that is why she was asking her this. She also knew that Starlight could easily overpower her with her magic and maybe do something bad to her, despite them being friends. She replied, "Starlight, whatever you tell me won't leave this room."

Starlight began, "Ok. Well the first thing I did was cast a sex change spell on him so that he'd be a mare. After that I cast an age regression spell on her to transform her into a twelve year old filly. After that I cast a spell to alter her cutie mark and make her think her name is Sunshine. Then I cast a spell to change her coat from tan to pink, I couldn't have her looking too much like Sunburst after all. Once I did that I figured that she needed a mane and tail that would match her coat so that is why I gave her the dark pink mane and tail with the black stripe. Once that was done I altered her personality to where she would behave more like a valley mare because if she still had Sunburst's personality, somepony might think something was up."

Trixie gasped, "Really, you did all of that?"

Starlight laughed, "Oh, there is more. I cast an incredibly powerful spell to transform her into an earth pony. I figured that if she came in as an earth pony instead of a unicorn, nopony would think anything about it. Then I wiped out her entire past memory of being Sunburst. I didn't intend for this to happen but she got a whole new memory, a memory that is nothing like what Sunburst's past was. After that I did her a huge favor, I corrected her vision to be 20/20 so she wouldn't be seen with those hideous looking glasses on. If anypony saw her in those, they'd know something was up. Pretty impressive, huh?"

Trixie was standing there in a state of shock. She knew that her friend was great with magic but she never knew that she was that good. While she did find it impressive, she was not thrilled over the reason why she did it. She became very angry and yelled, "Starlight Glimmer, I can't believe you'd do that to him. I can't believe you'd do that to your very first friend." She then became more paranoid, "Do I have to worry about you turning me into a colt?"

Starlight replied, "Trixie, you should know that I would never do anything to you. You know you're the closest I've ever got to anypony. Before you, I never got this close to anypony before." She hugged Trixie and added, "I know I may seem paranoid right now but you mean a lot more to me than you could ever imagine."

Trixie gasped, "Really, I do."

Starlight replied, "Yes, you do."

Trixie was happy that she meant that much to Starlight but was still not happy over what she did to Sunburst. She glared and suggested, "Starlight, I really think you need to go and reverse those spells. What you did was wrong, very wrong."

Starlight got a sheepish grin on her face and giggled, "I can't because, well you see, I kinda made those spells permanent."

Trixie became very angry over learning about this, "What? You made those spells permanent? So you took Sunburst away from his mom just because he had a crush on you and replaced him with a filly with no birth certificate?"

Starlight snickered, "Yeah I guess I did."

Trixie threw her hooves up in the air, "You know what Starlight, I don't think I can even sleep in the same castle as you tonight. I'm going to sleep in my wagon."

Trixie slammed the door on her way out of the castle. Starlight sighed, "Oh well, I'm sure I can fake a birth certificate for her. I'll just find out her parents' names, her birthday and where she was born. Then she'll have that birth certificate!"

Comments ( 16 )

Wait, who's Phyllis?

A potted plant. (I am somehow not joking.)


She is Starlight's plant from season nine....and she does talk to it.

Well Starlight's murder spree continues.
Causes the deaths of millions in the Branching timelines in her timetravel fiasco.
What's one more after all it's not like she went insane that Sunburst her best friend at the time left to go to school after he got his cutie mark.
That she declared war on Cutie marks and had to be put down Twice by the current Sovereign.
Nah what's one more death between friends I'm sure Twilight will be understanding when she finds out not if when.


She didn't kill anypony! She simply transformed the troublemaker into a 12 year old filly! That isn't too bad, right?

This is great! I'm definitely favoriting it!


Thanks, I'm glad you like it.


With as good as Starlight is with magic, she could just do the same thing to Twilight and anypony else who got in her way!

Trixie slammed the door on her way out of the castle. Starlight sighed, "Oh well, I'm sure I can fake a birth certificate for her. I'll just find out her parents' names, her birthday and where she was born. Then she'll have that birth certificate!"

Did Chrysalis cocoon you too tight in the finale or something Starlight? Ah well, at least Trixie is actually being realistic about the situation. I probably wouldn’t wanna be around Starlight either.


Hey, Starlight got the job done, right? Others brought up what Twilight would think....Starlight could do the same thing to her, and Trixie if the situation warranted it.

Yes yes. She got the job done but now she’s regressing back to her evil state given what you just pointed out. Not really a lot of positives for me. However, I don’t completely dislike the story because I found it kinda funny how insane Starlight acted and Trixie at least reacted the way normal people should.


I don't see her reverting to her evil state....I simply see it as her solving a problem without taking a life.

Okay. Maybe not evil, but it’s still scummy to erase his entire personality. Besides, Starlight could have handled that in so many different ways, she could’ve just fired him or something and tell her friends and the students that Sunburst was making unwanted moves on her if she was questioned. They’d believe her, she’s much more trusted than Sunburst is. She didn’t have to use this spell on him.

Again, this story is funny in a way, but still, next time if you decide to portray Sunburst in this type of manner(again, that’s an if because I am aware you portrayed him positively before), don’t have Starlight go to the extreme to deal with him. It’ll make her look bad and we all know that none of us want that.

Comment posted by StormLuna deleted Aug 3rd, 2022


Well whether I do anything like this or not again remains to be seen. I'm going to try and get back to work on what I'm hoping will be my best story, I got stuck in a rut with it back in March....and it involves Starlight and an OC of mine....more of an adventure story than anything else.

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