• Published 20th Nov 2021
  • 519 Views, 19 Comments

Glimmering Spells - StormLuna

After taking over the friendship school, Starlight Glimmer begins to get frustrated. It isn't running the school itself that is frustrating her, it is one particular individual and his interest in her.

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A Discussion With Trixie

Once Starlight got home to the castle she headed upstairs and immediately went to check on Trixie. When she got to her room she could tell that Trixie was still not feeling all that well. She approached her and apologized, "I'm sorry Trixie. I would have been home sooner but I got held up by a huge stack of papers."

Trixie replied, "I thought maybe Sunburst asked you out and you took him out to supper."

Starlight sighed, "He did ask me out but I lost track of time, he came looking for me and then he had the audacity to call Phyllis stupid! He called her stupid because I was talking to her when I was watering her."

Trixie rolled her eyes, "Well you do seem to give that plant more love than anypony else." She paused before emphasizing, "I'm surprised you don't put her ahead of me, your best friend!"

Starlight replied, "Trixie, I would never put anypony ahead of you and you should know that!" She paused as she realized that Trixie likely needed something to eat. She asked, "Trixie, is there anything I can get you to eat?"

Trixie sighed, "Well The Great and Powerful Trixie could use some soup and some cider. That always makes her feel better."

Starlight gave her a smile, "Very well Trixie, I'll be back up shortly."

As Starlight was fixing Trixie some soup, the events of the day continued to play through her mind. She knew that Trixie wasn't overly fond of Sunburst but still couldn't help but wonder what she would think about her casting spells on him and she knew she couldn't just go telling Trixie that Phyllis had been giving her ideas because Trixie would think she was nuts.

Ten minutes later Starlight returned up to Trixie's room with a bowl of soup and a large mug of cider. Trixie grabbed the items in her aura and said, "Thanks Starlight, you're too good to me."

Starlight gave her a smile as she was trying to think whether she should talk to her about the events of the day. It wasn't long until Starlight knew that if anypony would understand how she was feeling, it would be Trixie. "Trixie," she asked "can I ask you for some advice."

"Well you did make me your guidance counselor so of course."

Starlight began, "Ok, this afternoon Sunburst came into my office wanting us to go out on "a date" as he is calling them now. Well I told him we could but then I wound up getting caught up in grading papers and I didn't show up at the cafe at six like I told him I would."

Trixie gave her a smile, "You did that on purpose didn't you?"

Starlight gave her a sheepish grin, "Mayyybeee!" She then continued, "Well anyway he comes over to see where I was so I finished grading the papers and now for what pissed me off. While I was taking care of Phyllis, I was talking to her and he called her a stupid plant, a stupid plant!"

Trixie sighed, "Well sometimes you do talk to that plant more than you do most ponies." She paused for a second before adding, "At least you haven't put her ahead of me, yet."

Starlight replied, "I'd never put anypony ahead of you Trixie, you know how much you mean to me." She paused for a moment before adding, "Anyway, Phyllis gave me some advice. She told me I should cast a spell on Sunburst to where he will only see me a co-worker."

Trixie's jaw dropped open when she heard this. She knew Starlight had cast spells on her friends in the past but it wasn't so much that she was going to do it that shocked her but it was who gave her the advice. She snickered, "Really, Phyllis told you? Starlight, she's a plant."

Starlight replied, "Seriously Trixie, Phyllis and I talk a lot when nopony else is around!"

Trixie had an unimpressed look on her face. She knew that Starlight had her quirks but for her to think that a plant was telling her to cast spells on another pony seemed out there, even for her. She sighed, "Starlight, are you sure you want to cast a spell on him? Remember what happened last time when you cast a spell on your friends?"

Starlight tried to justify it, "Come on Trixie, I'm not going to try to get him to do my bidding, I'm just going to make him stop wanting to date me!"

"Uh, huh." Trixie responded, "Well just don't do anything like steal his cutie mark or wipe out his memory, ok."

Starlight replied, "I won't." She was becoming a bit tired so she yawned, "Well I think I'm going to hit the hay. If you need anything let me know."

Trixie sighed, "Oh I will."

Starlight then headed to her bedroom and hoped that Trixie wouldn't think anything strange was going on given that she was going to be out of town for a fair amount of the day. She seriously didn't want Trixie knowing what her plans were for the next day but knew that she'd have to tell her the following morning since friends as close as them did not keep secrets from one another.

That night she was having trouble getting to sleep. Two things were keeping her awake. She knew that Trixie would try to stop her from going to the Castle of the Two Sisters or she would want to go with her and know what kind of spell she planned on using. The other was casting the spell on Sunburst with nopony else knowing about it. She knew that with her having a history of casting spells on others that if he was to start behaving in a strange way that she would be the one that would get blamed.