• Published 15th Nov 2021
  • 1,720 Views, 34 Comments

The Unstoppable Moron - aegishailstorm

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And now we run!

The six looked over at William in confusion.

"Why would you kick him 5 times?" Asked Applejack.

"No, in my universe, "Buck" is slang for a type of currency we use. You know what? It's not the time to be asking questions like this, focus on the giant airship!" He gestured his rpg in its direction. It stopped before them, and began to land.

"Those are definitely not the clowns I ordered." Said Pinkie.

"Well, who knows, they still might be somewhat entertaining." William shot back.

A platform dropped down from the ship, landing on a... Balloon dog?"

"Ryan!" Cried a unicorn in the background."


"This feels very familiar, like I've seen this somewhere before... Eh, it probably just my sanity slipping again." He watched as a shadowy figure emerged from the ship.

"Wow, went with that type of into eh? " He watched as an anthropomorphic hedgehog stumbled his way down the platform, carrying a box. He set it down on the ground, and it unfolded into what could only be described as an "Excessively large megaphone."

"Ponies of Equestria! We come on behalf of the fearsome, the powerful-"

He was cut off when William walked up to him. He unholstered his Glock, and trained it right between the Hedgehog's eyes.

"Listen here you piece of quill covered ####, I don't have time for this, so just get straight to the ####ing point so I can have a legitimate reason to stab you to death with your own claws, ok?" The Hedgehog nodded, and William walked back to his place in the crowd, keeping his rpg trained on the airship.

"We come on behalf of the storm king." A banner unfurled off the side of the airship. Various gasps and murmurs arose from the crowd, while Joey and William continued watching it unfold, trying to hold back their laughter.

"If I still had hands, I'd be flipping you off right now!" Shouted Joey.

"I'll do it for you." Raising both of his middle fingers up at the hedgehog.

"And now, put your hooves together for Commander Tempest!" Joey couldn't take it anymore, he burst out laughing.
From within the ship emerged a second figure, a purple unicorn with a broken horn.

"Tempest is it? How may we help you?" The crowd turned back to look at Celestia, Luna, and Cadence.

"Isn't it obvious? She wants revenge for... Something, is that right Miss Tempest!?" The smug look of superiority on her face faded, replaced by anger.

"I'm so glad you asked, how about we start with your complete, and total surrender?" William nudged Joey.

"You can pay me later." Twilight moved forward from the crowd.

"Hi there, Princesses of friendship here..." William looked down at her with disappointment.

"More like princess of stereotypical horse####."

"... But I know we can talk things out."

"That's it, I'm putting a stop to this crap before it escalates any further." The desert camouflage drabs and light Kevlar vest and helmet were replaced by an assortment of black Kevlar and Nomex plates, alongside a faceplate with reflective eyepieces., which he slammed down over his face. He pushed the crowd back aside and walked up to the head of the crowd, standing next to the princesses.

"Hi, resident unstoppable moron here, how about you pack up you stupid banners, and whatever army you got inside that ship of yours, and leave? Before" His Glock and rpg were replaced by an m4 with an extended 60 round magazine.


"I'm afraid I can't do that, here's the deal ladies, I need your magic, please, or we make it difficult. For everyone!"

"Wow, thanks for including ME in your statement."

"And why should we cower before you, there's only one of you, and hundreds of us, plus, we have him!" Luna pointed over at William.

"Way to put me in the spotlight... But I think that only applies to me , the rest of your subjects are about as useful as sheep. I'm not saying that I'm your subject, I mean, I'm the subject of this conversation but-I'm getting of track again, aren't I?"

"I was hopping you'd chose difficult. William looked behind her, a swarm of monsters began to emerge from inside the ship, and addition airships began to appear above the city, seemingly out of nowhere. Additional monsters began to drop from the ships, landing across the city. His classic look of disappointment began to morph into a twisted grin.

"AH ####, ITS WORLD WORLD WAR 2 ALL OVER AGAIN!!!" He fired his rpg into nearest ship, tearing a hole in its side, more of the strange creatures emerged from within. He raised his m4 and opened fire.

"If only I had my headphones with me, I could play me some nice battle music, well... there's always next time!" He swapped over to a Beowulf .50 caliber rifle and approached Tempest. "Imma end you right here and now!" He took aim right at her broken horn, but one of those strange creatures knocked him aside, sending him crashing into a nearby tent. He got to his feet, angry as a murder hornet, and emptied his entire magazine into the storm beast which had sent him flying, sending more blue blood splattering over the walls. He heard more screams, and turned to see a glass ball, filed with green powder, flying towards the princesses, he watched as it impacted Cadence, turning her to stone. He heard Celestia say something to Luna, something about the badlands, right before she was turned to stone. Luna just managed to avoid getting torn in half by one of the monsters, she took flight, only to taking a hit from one of the green orbs, sending her crashing to the ground.

"William!" He heard Joey scream out over the commotion, He looked over to see Him and the six, surrounded by more storm beasts. He switched over to an m249, mowing down the encroaching storm beasts. He watched as Tempest jumped into the sky at a height which shouldn't have been possible, and launched an orb at Twilight, He took aim at her head, and fired. At the same time, Derpy came running right into his line of sight, right as he pulled down on the trigger. A flash of Rainbow grabbed Twilight.

"No!" The orb collided with Derpy first, turning her to stone. Fortunately, the bullet simply bounced off her. He looked back at his friend, and the six.

"Joey, run!" They were already gone. He looked around to find the storm beasts approaching him on all sides, Tempest stood in the center of them, another green orb in hoof.

"So, "Unstoppable moron", what are you going to do now?" Tempest asked him.

"Hmmm, that's a very good question, let's see... My friend is nowhere to be seen... The princesses' have been turned to stone... I'm severely outmatched... And you're acting like you actually have control over this stuation... Why don't you throw that orb of yours's at me and call it quits?" She was taken back by this, being that she had expected more of a fight, but then again, there were dozens of dead storm beasts lying around on the ground, and her flagship way badly damaged. Without hesitation, she threw it at him. He manifested a riot shield in turn, and the orb struck it, leaving William completely unharmed.

"My turn." He dropped the riot shield, and a pair of flashbangs along with it.

"See you later you piece of-" The detonated, blinding Tempest and her forces long enough for William to slip away. He ran into an alleyway. Taking one last look back at Tempest.

"I'm going to get you for that. Nopony undermines me and gets away with it, not even the princesses'." He made his way out of the city passing by columns of the storm king's army, watching as they attacked the ponies which had remained behind, all the while, he stayed silent, that is, until he came to the edge of the city, where a pair of unicorn where being attacked, he recognized them from his last visit to Equestria.

"Greystone, I can't just let them get away with that." He manifested an m14 EBR with a silencer, and crept closer to them. Taking aim at the storm beasts, he carefully put them down, one by one. Greystone, and the blue unicorn stallion she was with, watched in horror as the2 monsters which where attacking them fell dead at their hooves, she looked into a nearby patch of bushes. Out of them came a lone bipedal figure, clad in armor and holding a long, strange looking black stick. She knew who it was almost as soon as she saw him.

''William, is that you? What are you doing here?" He put his finger over his helmet faceplate.

"Shhhh, consider it payback for what you did for me the first time I met you." she gave him a dim smile, and he disappeared back into the bushes.

"Now, were the hell did Joey run off to?"