• Published 15th Nov 2021
  • 1,720 Views, 34 Comments

The Unstoppable Moron - aegishailstorm

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We meet again...

William pulled himself up onto the cage, watching the terrified face of his friend below as he disappeared into the airship above. Swapping over to a set of riot gear, he pulled down a Lexan tinted glass visor, and drew a flashbang. The hatch below the cage snapped shut, and he found himself in a large circular room, with a metal grate floor. Seeing no need for the flashbang at the moment, he set it off to the side for later, swapping over to a suppressed P90 pdw, he scanned the room, finding it to be empty.

"What kind of stereotypical villain doesn't want to be right in front of their foe to start monologuing as soon as they've caught them?" He asked himself. Hopping down from the cage.

"Hey, uh, William, can you get me out?" Twilight asked. He scoffed in return.

"Not a chance. Try not to get killed when I'm away." He made for a staircase leading up to what appeared to be a metal door. William but his ear up against it in an attempt to find out what might be lurking on the other side.

"Damn, nothing, it's either soundproof, or there's no one on the other side." He reached for the hinge, but jumped back when it began to move first. He hid back behind the door as it opened. On the other side, was Tempest. Excited, he raised his P90 to his shoulder, and placed that smug look on her face right between the crosshairs of the weapons' EOTech 552 scope. He paused for a moment.

"I'm on an airship, that means a free ride back to Equestria, oh Tempest, look's you get to live a little bit longer." He stepped around the doorway, and simply strolled out into the hallway on the other side. The metal grate flooring changed to darkened hardwood. He looked both ways. There wasn't single storm beast present.

"Hmm, makes it that much simpler for me." Walking low to the ground, body shifted to the side so as to present the smallest, least distinct profile to oncoming hostiles, he began making his way down the corridor. He hadn't made it 5 yards down the hallway before he came across his first target. A pair of storm beast's, guarding the entrance to the airship's upper levels. Crouching behind a wooden crate, he took aim at them, and sent a five seven round though each of their skull's. And, as an added bonus, because of the way the muzzle and suppressor were integrated, the only major noise the weapon made was the bodies of the monsters hitting the ground, followed by the hot brass from the P90's action clattering on the floor. Satisfied with his work, William turned, and advanced up the staircase which they had been guarding. It lead up to what appeared to be a mess hall. of sorts. Loitering around an assortment of tables, was 6 more storm beasts. To many for him to engage in close quarters. Laying prone behind yet more crates, he looked around the room for a way to "Level" the playing field. He noticed that in this particular room, their was no natural lighting whatsoever, the lighting seemed to come entirely from a pair of what appeared to be blue lanterns on the far side of the room. Taking aim with his P90, he knocked them both to the ground, snuffing them out, and completely blinding the Storm beasts. He swapped out his heavy bullet proof visor for a set of NVG's (Night Vison Googles) and systematically took out each of the Storm beasts.

"Alright, I got one, where's the rest of them?!" William asked himself as he stepped over the corpses of the one's he had just killed.

"Hmmm... Wonder what Joey's doing right now? Eh, probably having the time of his life." He let out a low growl of anger at the thought of it. He left the room to find yet more storm beasts waiting for him. He ejected the now empty box magazine, and slammed a fresh one into his P90.

"This is the best I've felt all day!" He murrmured to himself as he took aim at the next group of approching Storm Beasts.

Joey found the rest of the six. Depressed, before Spke did.

"Hey! The Storm king got William and Twilight!"

"What?!" They colectively shouted.

"Tempest took her on heer ship!" Spike explained.

"We gotta get her back!"

"How? We'll never catch up!"

"And even if we did, there's no way to defeat those monsters, least, not without William..."

"Yeah, I can't beilve I actually miss him." Rainbow dash said.

"Comon guy's William wouldn'nt want you to talk about him in the third person. There's got to be a way to catch up to them!" Joey shouted out.

"Well good thing I happen to know of a goup of mighty hero's that could handle this!" Caper stepped out from behind a nearby outcroping."

"Well... look what the cat draged in. Himself!" Rarity yelled up at him.

"William made it very clear not to listen to you." Joey told him.

"Oh did he now? Well, from what I heard, he's gone, and you need all the help you can get! So, here you go, I belive you're quite familiar with them already!" Joey looked up to find Captain Celeano and her crew standing on the cliff face above them.

"Heard you could use a claw!" They called down. Joey looked back at the ocean to see the a glowing for emerge from it, Skystar landed on the beach.

"Hello! Me again! I'm going to so grounded, but I talked things over with shelly and sheldon, and they pointed out that you where just trying to help your friends, so I want to help to!" Joey facehoofed.

"I'm begining to realize that William was the only thing keeping me from going insane," He said to himself with an uncertain chuckle as the rest of the crowd around him began to debate on how to get Twilight back.

William Advanced down the last hallway on the final floor, having spent the last half hour carving a path of distruction across the airsip to reach the top deck. He kicked open the door at the end of the hallway, and stepped outside. He was greated by a much needed breath of fresh air. Equestrian airships don't exactly have the most plesant smelling interiors. He looked out, in the distance he could see Canterlot mountain, surounded by dark storm clouds, and more hostile airship's.

"Storm king, I'm gonna cut you down." He murmured to himself.