• Published 15th Jan 2023
  • 324 Views, 1 Comments

Friends Forever, Heroes Together - TheSuperTransformerFan

32 heroic teams are called to win a special tournament in which whichever team wins can have their greatest wish come true! In order to have that wish granted, an intense battle to decide the fate of our worlds...will be unleashed!

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Mikey VS Race Team

At Battlefield 3...which was indeed a race track, which was where Mikey and Shoutmon would be dealing with their next team opponents...the two arrived to the pit crew immediately, and looked around for their opponents. So far, they were nowhere to be found yet.

“Are you sure, they said here?” Shoutmon asked, confused.

“Trust me...” Mikey said. “I’m pretty sure it was here. Would they send us here if they weren’t going to face our opponents?”

Shoutmon thought for a moment. “You may have a point, Mikey.” He said as they walked towards the big race track. “Though, I’m not sure where they are right now.”

Mikey was about to say the same thing too, when suddenly they heard the revving up of car engines. They both turned to see Red Lightning and the Eagle Racer starting their engines. They gasped as they saw the cars coming RIGHT towards them! “Hit the deck!” Mikey called out, as they evaded the cars and landed on the grass. They got up, as they cars were turning around to face them. “What are you trying to do?!” He erupted. “Kill us?!”

The two cars went right towards them again, as they braced for impact. But to their surprise, they stopped, and the doors opened as both TJ (Red Turbo Ranger) and Scott Truman (RPM Ranger red) exited the cars. “Nope.” TJ answered. “We’re here to fight you!” He got out his key and prepared to enter it into his morpher.

“So, better wait till the light turns green!” Scott said, as his morpher opened and he prepared to put his engine cell in it.

“So, we’re dealing with race car drivers, huh?” Mikey said smugly. “Well, you’re dealing with a master of Digital madness!”

“Yeah!” Shoutmon agreed. “So, I say, step out of your freeway, buster!”

The two looked at each other and nodded. “Well, then let’s start this race!” TJ said as they prepared to morph. “Shift Into Turbo!”

“RPM...GET IN GEAR!” Scott shouted, as they both morphed into their ranger forms!

“Ready...set...” They both said, as they got ready to run towards them, not knowing that their opponents were ready too.

“GO!” All 4 shouted as they rushed towards each other. And, the race fight was on! Mikey decided to take it up a notch already as he got out his digidex.

“Shoutmon! Evolve now!” Mikey called out, as Shoutmon jumped up, and evolved into his super form quickly.

“Omega Shoutmon is ready!” Shoutmon announced as he landed right in front of the race heroes.

Scott just scoffed. “You think one on two will make a difference?” He asked.

“As a matter of fact, I do!” Shoutmon said as he jumped up, and started to deliver a punch.

Scott got his weapon of choice out, and jumped up. “Street Saber strike!” He called out, as he immediately slashed him down the ground.

“Shoutmon, no!” Mikey said in shock, as he immediately fell down.

“Don’t count me out, yet!” He said as he got back up, and jumped to deliver another punch. Only at that moment, TJ got out his two sidearms and combined them. He aimed at Shoutmon, who was coming right for him.

“Auto blaster Defender!” TJ called out, as he fired at Shoutmon, which sent him down to the ground again. Mikey only gasped at that.

“Now to finish him off!” TJ said, as he was ready to fire again! “Final strike!” He shouted.

“Stop!” Scott stopped him. “You know Digimon can actually feel pain and emotions, right?” TJ grunted.

“I don’t care, Scott!” He said, gruffly. “I want to destroy that creep!” He aimed it at him again. “Ready...aim...”

However, he never got the chance as Shoutmon threw a punch, immediately blocking the attack, and sending him down. “No way!” TJ said in major shock. “How did he even block my attack?!”

Mikey only smiled. “You forget who or what you’re dealing with!” He said, as he turned to Shoutmon. “Finish then, Shoutmon!” Shoutmon nodded as he ran towards them with incredible speed!

“Alright!” Scott said, as he and TJ got ready to pump up their own volume! “Let’s take care of him OUR way!” Scott got his Nitro Blaster and combined with his Rail Saber. “ENGINE CELLS...ACTIVATE!” He said, as he inserted his cell chips inside them.

“Autoblaster Defender!” TJ said, as he aimed his blaster at him.

“Rail Blaster!” Scott said, as he aimed his blaster at him. They both fired at the Digimon until there was smoke in its place. However, when the smoke cleared, Shoutmon was still standing, as he ran up to them, and fired at them, wearing them greatly, as they tumbled on the floor.

When they got back up, they were shocked at his immense strength. “What?!” TJ asked. “How come you’re not dead yet?”

“Probably, because I’m a super Digimon!” Shoutmon stated to them. “It worked out pretty good for a first try to attack you! Either that, or your blasters totally blow!”

The two racer heroes growled at that comment and got ready to charge at him. “We’ll kill you!” Scott shouted, as they ran towards him, swords at the ready.

“Street Saber Strike!” Scott shouted.

“Turbo Lightning sword!” TJ shouted, as they swung their swords at him.

Shoutmon was ready for the finals blow as he jumped up. “Omega power!” He called out, as he conjured up a golden energy beam and aimed it at them. Then, he fired at them, instantly overpowering their attacks, and sending them tumbling to the ground.

They were shorting out, as they got back up, and gave them the thumbs up. “You win!” TJ said in defeat.

“Checker Flag!” Scott said, as he got up, and then fell down with TJ, as they exploded as they were no more.

“Alright!” Mikey said in victory. “We won!” He jumped up. “Gimme five, Shoutmon!”

Shoutmon quickly depowered into his original form, as they both did a hi-five in victory! “Yeah!” They both shouted, as they landed on the race track and did a thumbs up. “We win!” They both said, as they did a Carranger pose and ran towards the finish line, as they had won easily. It wasn’t that easy...but, it was right amount of effort they needed to win!

Their match was done! Now, on with the next match!

Author's Note:

Winners by TKO: Mikey Kudo & Shoutmon!