• Published 15th Jan 2023
  • 323 Views, 1 Comments

Friends Forever, Heroes Together - TheSuperTransformerFan

32 heroic teams are called to win a special tournament in which whichever team wins can have their greatest wish come true! In order to have that wish granted, an intense battle to decide the fate of our worlds...will be unleashed!

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Sakura VS Lovebird Team

Sakura and Kero both arrived at an icy Glacier area...much similar to Alaska, as they waited for their opponents to show up. As they arrived, they saw how slick the ice was on the battlefield. “Are you sure they said here?” Kero asked, confused.

“I’m sure they did.” Sakura confirmed. “We wouldn’t have been sent here had it not been important.”

“I’ll take your word for it.” Kero said, as he crossed his arms. Suddenly, he caught sight of three suited warriors walking up to the ice. He gasped, and tugged on Sakura’s ear. “Look over there!” Sakura took notice and saw the three figures walk up to the ice. The figures were Ryu (Red Hawk), Lucas (Time Force Blue) & Chase (Dino Charge Black), and they stood before the Cardcaptor, who was indeed shocked, a little nervous and confident rolled into one.

“Sakura...” Chase spoke up. “...I know this may seem hard on you, three against one.” Kero cleared his throat. “Sorry. Two. But, are you sure you really want to do this?”

“Yeah.” Lucas chimed in as well. “It hardly seems fair...the three of us against you.” He pointed to them as he said that.

Sakura bowed her head down, and nodded. “I know, and I’ll try my best.” She said to them.

“Just what we wanted to hear.” Ryu said, as he smiled. “Now, let’s suit up!”

“Right!” They got their Morphers out, and begun their morphing sequence. “Cross Changer!” Ryu shouted.

“Unleash the Power!” Chase shouted.

“Time For Time Force!” Lucas said, as they were instantly morphed into their ranger forms.

Sakura got out her staff to start off the fight. “Cardcaptor staff!” She called out.

The other three got ready too. “Take your positions!” Ryu said, as they scattered to other parts of the frozen lake.

“This should be interesting!” Kero sarcastically remarked as Sakura got ready.

“Easy now!” Lucas said, getting his sword out.

“We got her surrounded.” Chase said, getting his weapon out.

“I’m going in!” Ryu said, as he combined his Jet weapons and jumped for her. Luckily, she got her staff ready. And when Ryu fired at her, she used her staff to block out the blasts. Ryu landed and was shocked that all his attacks were blocked. “No way!” He said in amazement.

“Now, it’s my turn!” Lucas said, as he got his Chrono Saber ready. He ran up to Sakura, who blocked the Saber with her staff. She delivered a powerful kick to his gut, and when the time was right, grabbed him fiercely by the arm, holding him in place.

“Is that all you got?” Sakura asked, to which Lucas shook his head, stating, “No!” She firmly released him.

“Man!” Lucas said out loud, “She’s tough!”

“How about some Para Power?” Chase said, as he got out his Para Chopper and ran towards her. Sakura quickly noticed, and used her staff. “Para Chopper!” Chase called out as he used his weapons to fire at her. Fortunately, the Cardcaptor would not give up that easily, as she knocked it out of his hand, and kicked him to the ground, as he lost his own balance.

“You’re really gonna have to keep training if you want to win!” Sakura said, calmly as she walked away from him, while Chase got up.

“Boy, I’m glad she’s a Cardcaptor!” Chase said out loud as he got up.

“So, that’s how you want to play it?” Ryu said, as he formed his blaster and jumped up to kick her.

“Hey, Sakura!” Kero called out in alarm. “Heads up!” She took notice and immediately jumped to evade his attack. Lucas tried to use his V3 blaster at her, to which she immediately blocked them with her staff. She even threw a punch at Chase, as he too tried to go for her!

They eventually regrouped, and readied their weapons at her. “Got you this time!” All three rangers said in unison as they were ready to strike at her.

Sakura was ready too, as she got out a power card and struck her staff at it immediately! “Power Card! Release and dispel!” She shouted, as the power card emitted a powerful energy spiral around Sakura, protecting her from their attacks.

“Huh?” The rangers said in shock, as they took notice.

“Charge your power confined!” Sakura bellowed as she struck the card, and it fired a huge beam across all three rangers, which was much too powerful for them to handle! The rangers fell down to the ground, and immediately exploded as they fell.

“Great capture, Sakura!” Kero exclaimed in excitement.

“Thanks, Kero.” She thanked him. So far, her matches....as well as Mikey’s were done! Ash and Twilight were the only ones left with fights. Though, Twilight’s fight in this round was still coming.

Just then, she heard an announcement from out of nowhere. “Attention fighters!

“Rita?!” Both Cardcaptors gasped.

The final match in the Quarter Finals, has been going on for a long time!” Rita continued. “Time to deploy the Wildcard to finish it up!” she showed them a hologram of Void Knight.

“Void Knight’s gonna participate in this final quarter match!” Sakura gasped.

“Even worse!” Kero gasped. “That’s Twilight’s match, and she hasn’t fully recovered!” This made Sakura panic, as she had to contact Shantae.

Shantae! We have a problem!” Sakura said urgently.

Back on Nemesis, Rita was just relaxing when she deployed the wildcard player to handle Twilight’s match. “Now, the wish will come true sooner!” She said, as she laid back on her seat, watching the light balls gather up. “Isn’t that great, everyone?” She looked up, and smiled not normally. Something was off about Rita, but what?! Whatever it was, they would have to find out sooner or later!

Rita is going to deploy Void Knight in Twilight’s match!” Sakura instantly relayed the message to Shantae. “And, Twilight hasn’t recuperated yet!

“I understand, Sakura.” Shantae’s said, bowing her head down. “But, I don’t know what else we can do!”

Void Knight will be looking all over for Twilight!” Kero panicked.

Twilight heard this news and immediately decided to take action. “Let me handle this!” She said, which made everyone gasp. “What?!” They asked.

“Prepare to warp me into Void Knight’s coordinates.” Twilight said, still straining from her defeat.

“Twilight, you’re not ready yet!” Shantae said, coming to her side. “You still need to rest!”

“Don’t worry about me!” The pony said, sticking her hoof out. “I’ll be fine. Void Knight will probably be looking for me, anyway. Now, do it!”

“I don’t care how powerful you are!” Kero said over the com. “If you go out there, and Void Knight slays you, you’ll be toast!”

“You haven’t fully recovered yet!” Sakura said. “Don’t do it!”

“We’re begging you! Please!” Kero pleaded.

“Obey my command!” Twilight said, seriously. “You must trust me!” Everyone gasped as she said that.

Shantae nodded, as she got up. “I’m radioing in the coordinates.” She said, as she turned to her. “Are you sure you want to do this, Twilight?” She nodded.

“This is crazy, Twilight!” Kero warned her. “You’ll never make it back alive!”

“I’ll be back, Kero.” Twilight said, as she mustered up her strength to walk towards the portal. “Besides, this is my match to handle!” She was ready to step through. “Initiate launch! Now!” The portal rippled and projected the area where Void Knight would participate in the fight. Twilight stepped through the portal, and was swept through it instantly!

“Twilight!” Shantae said in sheer calm shock. Now, Twilight was about to handle her match in the quarter finals. Only trouble was...she wasn’t recovered yet! But, there was no time to worry about that now! The Quarter matches was wrapping up! This fight would determine if Twilight would win or not!

Author's Note:

Winner by TKO: Sakura and Kero!

But, wait! Twilight’s joining in her fight! What will happen next?