• Published 1st Nov 2021
  • 455 Views, 2 Comments

Rainbow Rescue! - Rixizu

Trixie with her friends Minty, Rainbow Dash, Razzaroo, and Pinkie Pie rush after the evil Princess Corona after she steals the rainbows from the land.

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Chapter 3

“Are we really doing this?” Trixie asked as they approached Corona’s borrowed castle. “She knows we’re coming! We’re walking into a viper pit! Heck, she might have actual vipers waiting for us!”

“Yes, yes, yes! We know Trixie.” Razzaroo said, slightly exasperated. “But we have little choice. No, no, no!”

“Just a few steps forward, and we’ve finished this quest.” Pinkie Pie said.

“Just saying I don’t like this one bit!” Trixie continued grumbling to herself. Walking into potential danger was one thing, but walking into certain danger was another.

Besides, her encounter with Corona had unnerved her. Somehow, the princess had read her thoughts. Was it some evil alicorn magic? Who knew the rare tribe’s capabilities? Corona might even have the power to blow pony’s heads up with her mind alone!

They snuck into the castle using the cloak of night. With some considerable effort, they formed a tower and reached up to grab a tall window then ith surprising strength Spike had been able to pull them each inside. Everybeing had agreed to attempt their assault before sunrise, and a cloak of illusion hid them even further. An eerie light filled the corridors from blue-colored torches.

“Where to now?” Trixie asked. Thinking about it, she didn’t know Ponyville’s local castle very well. Odd considering she’d lived in town her entire life... Whatever, it didn’t matter.

Ponyville’s party master led the way, Pinkie Pie pointed down a right passageway. Nopony dared speak, terrified of being caught. They headed towards what used to be the royal bedchambers.

Corona had evidently done some redecorating, removing most of the community center’s furnishings. Now the building appeared more like a true royal castle. Banners displaying the evil princess’s solar cutie mark were everywhere.

She’s sure made a home for herself. Everybeing paused when they heard light snoring coming from a corridor. From a crack in a door, they saw Corona sleeping on a palatial bed. With a careful hoof, Trixie pushed the door open further. Everybeing winced as the door creaked. Corona, however, only muttered in her sleep and turned over.

There it is! Sitting on a dresser was the Rainbow Wand, sparking in its magical glory. Trixie’s instincts screamed it would mean Corona’s defeat if they got a hold on it. Unfortunately, it sat next to Corona’s bed.

“Cover me,” Trixie whispered, and slunk into the room. A vial of invisibility cloaked her, but Trixie refused to take any chances and crept forward without making a single sound.

Just a few steps forward. Irrational fear overcame Trixie as she approached Corona and the Rainbow Wand, making her legs buckle beneath her. Her focus failed, causing her illusion to drop. Trixie’s inner terror intensified as her hoof reached for her target. She nearly screamed as Corona turned over and faced her. The alicorn’s eyes were still closed, but Trixie feared they’d open any moment.

Trixie stretched her hoof again, only to find herself petrified with fear. What if it had some magical alarm? What if it dropped from her hooves and clanged on the floor? Trixie was acutely aware of how close she was to death and found she couldn’t move her hoof any further. The Rainbow Wand was both inches and miles away. Before Trixie could retreat, a comforting hoof gently grabbed her leg.

“We can do this. Just a few inches further. Yes, yes, yes!” Razzaroo whispered, giving Trixie’s hoof strength. Together they reached for the Rainbow Wand and grasped hold of it. When they removed their target from its perch, the overwhelming fear vanished.

Of all the dirty tricks! Trixie fumed, realizing Corona must have cast a spell that caused fear in anypony stupid enough to steal her treasure. Only Razzaroo’s help had allowed her to break through the spell.

“Thanks.” Trixie’s voice lowered several degrees below a whisper.

“I’m always here to help a friend in need. Yes, yes, yes!” Razzaroo’s face broke into a wide smiled, which Trixie returned. Together, they retreated from Corona’s bedroom.

“You got it, darling!” Rainbow Dash almost screamed upon seeing her friends with the fabled Rainbow Wand.

“Shhh!” Trixie flinched, hoping the fashionista hadn’t just doomed them all.

“Sorry.” Rainbow Dash flinched, blushing in embarrassment for her outburst. Thankfully, after several minutes of tense silence, nothing happened.

“Good work. Let’s skedaddle before she notices something’s wrong,” Spike said, ushering his friends forward.

Once they’d gotten a respectful distance away, Trixie examined the magical artifact properly. A trickle of red glowed from a nearby window, indicating sunrise wasn’t far away.

“How does this stupid thing work?” Trixie shook the Rainbow Wand for good measure, but nothing happened.

Spike tilted his head. “You don’t know? You’re a unicorn. Isn’t magic second nature to you?”

“Like I keep saying, I’m only a stage magician, not an archmage!” Trixie said, annoyed. She could detect something powerful within the artifact, but accessing that power was beyond her.

“Let me try, darling.” Rainbow Dash pressed the wand against her mane. Much to her disappointment, it remained gray.

Pinkie Pie took the wand next, pressing its star tip close to her eye. “There must be a way to release the rainbow power.”

They continued discussing the problem in hushed tones as they exited the castle, exiting into the chilly morning air. The sun was a red orb, almost rising past the horizon.

I should know this. Trixie thought, frustrated. The answer was on the tip of her tongue but refused to dislodge itself. The sky turned a dazzling blue, marking the beginning of the day.

“My curse isn’t so easily broken.” A voice said above them. Much to everypony’s shock, Corona flew down to block their path from the castle.

“What? How?” Trixie had assumed the sun princess would sleep in a little longer. It was eight in the morning, for goodness’ sake! Only crazy ponies awoke that early.

“They call me the sun princess for a reason.” Corona gestured to the orb in the sky. “Its warmth and heat rejuvenate me. Though I must commend you for stealing the Rainbow Wand from under my nose. Breaking through my fear spell was an impressive feat.”

Trixie stood straight, refusing to be cowed. “Yeah, and now it will be your downfall!” She grabbed the artifact, pointing it at the alicorn. So close. The answer was right there. She only needed to access it. Corona watched this, amused.

“Yeah, you big jerk. We’ll stop you!” Pinkie took a protective stance before Trixie, showing she’d stand by her friend no matter the risk or cost. The act of bravery and selflessness touched Trixie’s heart.

Pinkie Pie really is the most loyal pony I know. A flash of insight struck Trixie, realizing she’d touch on something important. Friendship. That’s what got us this far.

Memories of their adventure flashed through her head, putting pieces together she hadn’t realized were actually part of a greater puzzle.

“We can stand against you, Corona!” Trixie said with renewed confidence. Her head spun with power and significance. “Everyone, together we can beat her. Grab my hoof!”

“I’m not sure what you’re doing, darling, but I’m ready to try anything!” Rainbow Dash placed her hoof on top of Trixie’s. She was the Element of Kindness. She’d helped Trixie with a gentle hoof when she’d made a foal of herself without a hint of mockery or amusement.

Pinkie smashed her hooves together before joining her friends. “Me too!” She was the Element of Loyalty. She’d stood her ground against the fake skeletons, ready to fight them to the last to protect her friends.

“You might be right,” Spike said, awestruck by something he didn’t understand, and eagerly joined the pile of hooves. He was the Element of Generosity. He’d been ready to throw away his life for ponies he barely met, happily sacrificing his voice if it had meant saving his new friends.

“You can’t beat us, Corona! Yes, yes, yes!” Razzaroo beamed, joining the group. She was the Element of Honesty. She’d seen the lie of Corona’s fear spell, helping Trixie break through the illusion.

Minty wasn’t as confident, still struck by some strange fear of Corona. Trixie and her friend’s reassuring smiles filled her with courage and she placed in the last piece of the puzzle. She was the Element of Laughter. She had encouraged Spike and Trixie with her song, giving them hope and delight when they’d assumed the situation hopeless.

Trixie, of course, was the Element of Magic that harnessed that great power. A strange power soared within Trixie and her friends, causing the Rainbow Wand to crackle with energy. Corona watched the scene with interest, not even a little afraid, not knowing what power she faced. It was the Power of Friendship, its might far beyond even the alicorn’s understanding.

The energy within them intensified, making their eyes glow pure white, overcome with dazzling power, the colour returned to Dash’s mane. They pointed the Rainbow Wand towards Corona and unleashed the Power of Friendship. A rainbow beam emerged from the magical wand, brighter and more spectacular than the one Flitter Flutter had summoned the previous day. It stuck Corona full in the chest, making her wince in pain.

Much to everyone’s shock, Corona’s grimace of pain turned into howling laughter as the rainbow faded, leaving the evil alicorn unharmed.

“How?” The Rainbow Wand dropped from Trixie’s hoof, shattering on the ground below turning to sand. Minty bellowed a scream of despair.

“Foalish Trixie. Did you really expect to defeat me with a fraud?” Corona said, stifling her laughter.

“F-fraud?” What had gone wrong? Deep in her soul, Trixie had known the Power of Friendship was real.

“Yes, a fraud. The Power of Friendship is a fearsome force, but fake friends can’t tap its power.” Corona said, her tone mocking.

“Fake friends?” Trixie’s head whirled and spun, threatening to topple her over. Minty and the others were her friends, weren’t they?

“No!” Minty grabbed at her head, bending down. “Why can’t you leave me alone? Why can’t I stop you!”

“Foalish little Minty,” Corona said, her tone sickly sweet. “You can never be rid of me. I am your shadow, your nightmare. It doesn’t matter how far you run or where you go. I will always find you.”

“Minty?” What was Corona talking about? How could her best friend have any connection to that monster? Yet, in her gut, Trixie knew the alicorn wasn’t lying.

“You know less about your best friend than you think, Trixie,” Corona said. “She’s been lying to you all along!”

“No!” Minty screamed. “Leave us alone!”

Corona flew high into the air. “I exist to destroy everything you hold precious.” A ball of fire formed before the alicorn’s horn and exploded. Bolts of fire shot in every direction. It flew far across the land, touching every distant spot it could. Much to Trixie’s dread, a spark landed in Ponyville.

“What?!” Trixie stepped back in shock as a lick of flame struck Corona’s castle, causing the stone building to burst into flame.

That wasn’t the only impossibility. Everything Corona’s fire touched lit on fire, regardless of its substance. Entire chunks of Willy Nilly Mountain were burning. Trixie’s friends yelped in fear, backing away as the fire came closer and the sky soon became choked with smoke.

“How are you doing this?!” Trixie said, yelling towards the hazy image of Corona in the sky.

“I am the Sun. Everything I touch burns and is reduced to cinders. You better run, my little ponies. Else you get caught in its flame too.” Corona bellowed hollowing, mocking laughter, and Trixie and her friends fled for their lives.

They coughed and wheezed as they fled. Impossibly the fire kept spreading out of control, threatening to engulf the entire mountain. Trixie pushed her hooves to their limits, wincing as she landed awkwardly after being forced to jump over a burning bush, but continued forward anyway. What a nightmare. How the hay was this happening?

Somepony screamed and yelped behind them. Trixie’s eyes widened as a terrible sight beheld her. Rainbow Dash had taken a wrong step and tumbled forward, smashing her head into a rock. Shiny black liquid oozed from her head. Worse, fire moved to surround their friend.

“Rainbow!” Pinkie said, alarmed. She climbed back up to rescue her friend.

“No, go. Save yourself.” Rainbow Dash said weakly, but her pink friend refused to listen. Fire licked at their friend’s hooves. Much to Trixie’s shock, Rainbow Dash's body started to burn like it was created from paper.

Undeterred, Pinkie refused to abandon her friend, reaching for the mare and tried pulling her to safety.

“Pinkie Pie!” Trixie screamed in horror, and the fire spread to Pinkie Pie too.

“I’m sorry, Rainbow. I couldn’t save you.” Pinkie Pie said, wearing a sad smile surrounded by flame as her mane burned.

“It’s quite alright, darling.” Rainbow Dash replied. “If I were to die, I don’t mind it being with you.”

“Pinkie Pie! Rainbow Dash!” Trixie lost it, running to her friend’s aid. Only Spike’s and Razzaroo’s powerful arms stopped her.

“No, the fire will get you too!” Spike struggled under Trixie’s desperate squirming. Eventually, her strength left her. They watched helplessly as the fire completely consumed their friends, burning them away like they’d never existed.

“We can’t do anything. No, no, no.” Razzaroo’s ears drooped.

“No!” Trixie howled an anguished cry, tears blinding her sight. She didn’t fight as her friends pulled her away.

“What do we do, Spike?” Minty asked. “The fire. It won’t stop spreading!”

Spike’s mouth was a grim line. “Let’s get to safety. It’s the best we can do. Can you carry Trixie?” he asked Minty.

“I’m fine!” Trixie ripped Spike’s claws away. “I can run.”

Corona, you will pay for this! Pay! How dare you. How dare you!

They fled for their lives. Thankfully, running down the mountain was much quicker than climbing, and they soon outpaced the fire. Trixie’s body was spent by the time they reached the bottom, but there wasn’t time to celebrate. The fire had no interest in stopping, eagerly consuming everything it could touch. Much to Trixie’s dread, even the ground itself started to burn.

What kind of magic was this? Would it eventually consume all of Ponyland? Beyond?

“I don’t think I can run any longer,” Minty said, wheezing and breathless.

“We’ll rest.” Spike slumped against a nearby tree. “We have time until it reaches us.”

“What then, though?! What then?” Trixie said hysteria in her voice. “The fire won’t stop. Running won’t help us if there isn’t a place to run to!” Much to Trixie’s horror, distant Ponyville was in flames. The fire continued to spread out of control there too.

Spike said nothing, looking away. He’d also surmised how hopeless their situation was.

“There must be something! Yes, yes, yes!” Razzaroo paced in place, gathering her thoughts. “We just need to find it! Yes, yes, yes!”

“You!” Trixie turned towards Minty, a snarl on her face. “You caused this! Corona did this to hurt you!”

“I, well…” Minty backed away, never seeing her best friend this angry before.

“Because of you, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie died!” Trixie’s blood boiled out of control and held nothing back.

“I…” Tears welled in Minty’s eyes. “I never meant for this to happen.”

“It isn’t Minty’s fault. No, no, no.” Razzaroo said, her tone soothing. “Corona is the monster that started this fire.”

“She knows something!” Trixie refused to be placated. Too much had happened. “She’s been hiding something this entire time. Why is Corona attacking Ponyland, Minty?! Spill!”

“I… well…”

“You haven’t figured it out?” Corona said, her tone mocking. From nowhere, she appeared, dropping into the field where they were resting. “I thought Luna’s personal student would be more clever than that. Though, considering what Minty did to your mind, it shouldn’t be surprising.”

Luna’s student? “Corona. Come to finish us, have you?” Trixie deflated, too tired to fight or argue.

“You keep saying that? What do you mean? Yes, yes, yes!” Razzaroo said, bold as ever.

“It’s best I show you.” Everypony gasped in shock as Corona’s horn lit with a golden aura, lifting a helpless Spike into the air. He screamed for help, but nopony was quick enough to stop Corona from her next cruel act. She shredded him to pieces with her magic. Trixie gasped in surprise as the dragon was reduced to scraps of paper.

“What?!” Trixie said, breathless.

“Haven’t you figured it out yet? This entire world is an illusion.” Corona said. “And you, Trixie, are its prisoner.”