• Published 1st Nov 2021
  • 463 Views, 2 Comments

Rainbow Rescue! - Rixizu

Trixie with her friends Minty, Rainbow Dash, Razzaroo, and Pinkie Pie rush after the evil Princess Corona after she steals the rainbows from the land.

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Chapter 1

A deep yawn escaped Trixie’s lips as she threw open her window. Bright, loving sunlight filled her house. The cloudless sky promised another perfect day.

“What a wonderful day!” Trixie’s mouth extended into a wide, delighted grin.

“Yes, yes, yes! What a wonderful day indeed!” Razzaroo gave Trixie a friendly wave, walking up to her window. The mare's purple coat almost glistened in the sun and her white, light pink, and blue striped mane bobbed as she trotted over to the window. Her cutie mark, a green and yellow parcel tied with pink and white ribbons matched the boxes she carried on her back or vice versa. “It’s sure to become more perfect when the First Rainbow Celebration begins! Yes, yes, yes!”

Trixie blinked. “That’s today?”

“Yes, yes, yes!” Razzaroo giggled. “Why else do you think we’re decorating the town?”

Sure enough, ponies were tying rainbow-colored ribbons to lampposts and benches. Balloons with rainbow designs floated in the air, attached to anything that could hold them.

“Huh.” As usual, Trixie was terrible at remembering holidays. Minty had almost sworn to never speak to her again when Trixie had forgotten her best friend’s birthday twice in a row.

Trixie’s puzzlement turned into a beaming smile when she remembered what holiday they were celebrating. She loved the First Rainbow Celebration! Its beauty and spender had always awed her

“Oh my gosh, I better get going or I’ll miss everything!” Trixie rushed back into her house and quickly nabbed her trademark star-covered hat and cape from her bedpost.

Razzaroo giggled and waved goodbye as Trixie ran from her house towards the town square. Hopefully, they hadn’t started the festivities without her. She made a quick stop at her best friend’s house to check if she was home. Trixie couldn’t start the fun without her best friend. Unfortunately, she had already left for the celebration.

“So lovely!” The decorations were even prettier near the castle. Trixie’s mouth extended into a stupid grin.

“Well, of course, darling.” Rainbow Dash said. “I’m the one who designed it all.” The sky blue earth pony was the most stylish pony Trixie had ever met. Her quaffed mane matched the colors of the day’s celebrations.

Trixie covered her mouth with a hoof and giggled under it. “Not surprising. It matches the name! Say, have you seen Minty anywhere? She wasn’t at her house.”

Seconds later, Trixie jerked to attention as somepony screamed and grunted in pain.

Rainbow Dash pointed towards a mint green earth pony with a pink tail face planted on the pavement. It seemed she’d fallen off a ladder. “I imagine that’s her, darling.”

“Minty, are you okay?” Trixie ran to her best friend’s side, helping her stand.

“Yeah, I’m okay. I just slipped. You know me, always clumsy.” Minty looked down towards the banner she’d been trying to hang over the castle’s entryway, sighing when she spotted a hole torn through it.

“Sorry, Pinkie,” Minty said, sniffing. “I ruined the banner you worked so hard to create.” The words “Welcome to the First Rainbow Celebration” were written across the banner.

“It’s fine, Minty.” Pinkie Pie, a pink earth pony with an equally pink mane, waved a dismissive hoof. “Accidents happen. Besides, I made a backup just in case! I figured this might happen. When you’re a party pony, you plan for everything!” She pulled an identical banner from a nearby duffle bag.

“Except this time, I will be the one to hang it up,” Trixie said, levitating the banner with her magic.

Minty rubbed the back of her neck. “It’s probably for the best. Your magic is so fantastic, Trixie!” As the sole unicorn living in Ponyville, only Trixie had any magical ability.

“Thanks!.” Pinkie said. “It’s a great help!”

“I don’t mind. Anything for a friend!” As she levitated the banner to attach it, Trixie paused, brow furrowed.

Wait, why does Ponyville have a castle, anyway? I thought this was a small rural community created by frontier ponies. Suddenly, the answer clicked. The castle had once belonged to Princess Celestia, the sister of Queen Luna, ruler of Ponyland. Trixie thought herself foalish for even forgetting the answer. She could be so forgetful.

Long ago, the royal sisters had lived in harmony. Celestia, however, had grown jealous of her sister and transformed herself into the monstrous Corona! Corona had been a terrible troublemaker until Queen Luna stopped her and banished her to the sun forever.

A thousand years had passed since then. After Corona’s banishment, the town had refurbished the royal castle into a community center. It would hold fun games for the First Rainbow Celebration later today. Planned by the greatest party pony ever, Pinkie Pie, of course.

After shaking her head and putting aside her silly question, Trixie placed the banner in the correct spot and smiled, satisfied by her work.

“Anything else you need levitated in place?” Trixie asked.

“Nope. That should be the last of it.” Pinkie Pie said. It left Trixie disappointed she couldn’t do more to help. Trixie loved helping her friends! Oh well. Maybe she could perform a makeshift magic show later. She loved entertaining ponies, especially foals.

“Is it time for the game to begin yet?” Trixie said, growing impatient.

“I hope there’s pin the tail on the pony! That’s my favorite!” Minty said, nodding.

“Not yet, darlings.” Rainbow Dash said. “The opening ceremony hasn’t started yet. Can’t begin the festivities without it. Mayor Flitter Flutter has prepared a special speech, she’s been working on it for weeks.”

Trixie knocked a hoof against her head. “I should have known.”

“Ah.” Minty lowered her head, disappointed, but acquiesced to the point.

Everypony in Ponyville gathered within the castle walls. They chatted amongst themselves, eagerly waiting for the First Rainbow Celebration to officially begin. Trixie, of course, hung around her best friend, Minty. They’d been childhood friends, and Trixie couldn’t bear being separated from her. Besides, she’d be around to help if Minty got into another one of her accidents. A cough caught everypony’s attention, making them go quiet. A pearly yellow earth pony with a purple and light pink mane stepped onto a raised platform overseeing the entire group. The platform sat on a balcony that oversaw the entirety of Ponyville.

“Welcome everypony to the First Rainbow Celebration.” Mayor Flitter Flutter said. “I’m glad to see so many friends here today. On this special day, we honor rainbows and the color and beauty they provide.”

From a box, the mayor withdrew a wand with a white stem covered with star-shaped ruins with a large purple star on its tip and pointed it towards an open balcony. It was the Rainbow Wand which gave its wielder the power over rainbows. “Let us never forget what a wonderful gift it gives us all!”

With a wave of her wand, something spectacular happened. Moments later, a gentle rain struck Ponyville. It lasted for only a few moments before stopping. The storm left something behind that stole Trixie’s breath away. In the sky was the most wonderful, dazzling rainbow Trixie had ever seen.

“Spectacular! Let this rainbow be a promise for a bright and prosperous year!" Flitter Flutter said.

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep!” A voice said, its tone mocking.

Trixie screamed in pain as a bright light blinded her. When her vision finally cleared, she and everypony else gasped when they saw the unexpected newcomer. It was Corona, the fallen princess. How? Wasn’t she banished forever?

Corona was unlike anypony Trixie had ever seen before. The mare stood three times larger than a normal pony. Her coat was pure white with a mane that blazed like living fire. Like Trixie, Corona had a horn, but also wings like the legendary pegasi of the lost Butterfly Island! While Trixie had seen pictures of Queen Luna, it was quite a sight to see an alicorn in person.

“What do you want?” Flitter Flutter trembled, her voice quavering before the evil princess.

“This.” With her magic, Corona tore the Rainbow Wand from the mayor’s hoof. She gave an evil grin when the magical artifact was in her possession. “I do hate parties where I’m not invited. Such disrespect won’t be tolerated.”

With a wave of the wand, something bizarre happened. It sucked the rainbow that Flitter Flutter had summoned into its purple star, but that wasn’t all. Everything colored rainbow suddenly lost its color, becoming a dull gray instead. Ponies gasped in horror and fear. Rainbow Dash screamed and fainted when she caught sight of her mane.

“Now, nopony will ever look upon a rainbow again!” Corona gave a cruel laugh devoid of any mirth. “Enjoy your dull world, my little ponies.”

“Why are you doing this? How did you even get free?” Trixie glared. She couldn’t stand bullies.

“Simple payback for forgetting me,” Corona replied. “Since me and my sister were foals, ponies never paid any attention to me. It was always Luna who caught their eye. I was just the queen’s sister, little more. I hated my sister and ponies for that.”

Okay, but it doesn’t explain how you escaped. And why us? Ponyville’s just an obscure dot on a map! Before Trixie could press the point, Corona continued her rant.

“They ignored me and worshiped her. No longer. If I can’t be happy or loved, nopony can either. I’ll take away every precious thing you ponies love.”

Corona’s eyes swept the castle, seeing all the games and treats the ponies had prepared for the celebration. An evil glint flashed in her eyes. “Speaking of which.”

The horn poking from Corona’s head lit with a yellow glow, and the entire world shook under Trixie’s hooves. Many ponies lost their hoofing and slipped.

“This castle belongs to me. I’d leave quickly if I were you.” Corona said, voice dangerous. Much to everypony’s shock, Ponyville was growing smaller. The castle was floating into the air!

Not needing to be told twice, Ponyville citizens fled the castle. Trixie moved to follow, but stopped when she noticed Minty quivering on the stone floor.

“Minty?” Trixie asked, concerned.

“No, not her. Anypony but her.” Minty culled up into a ball, crying from terror.

Trixie glanced out onto the balcony. The castle had almost reached the tip of the clock tower. What was Corona? This magic was far beyond anything unicorns could perform.

“Minty, we need to leave, now!” Trixie grabbed Minty by the arm, hefting her up. With a weak nod, her best friend complied, and they fled towards the exit. They jumped safely to the clock tower’s roof, watching as Ponyville’s castle disappeared into the sky.

Trixie noted it was heading toward the Willy Nilly Mountains. “That jerk stole our castle! Minty, are you okay?”

“Yeah, I should be fine,” Minty replied. “Corona is a scary pony.”

“This is horrible! A disaster! There go all our party games! The First Rainbow Celebration is ruined!” Rainbow Dash said, moaning in abject horror as they reach ground level.

“Yeah, ‘cause that’s the greatest problem here,” Trixie said, unable to bite back her sarcasm.

“Look at my mane! It’s lost all its fabulous luster!” Rainbow Dash slid a hoof through her now gray mane. “What will we do without rainbows?!”

“Without the Rainbow Wand, Ponyland will never look upon a rainbow again!” Flitter Flutter said, dejected. Ponies muttered to themselves fearfully.

“Again, I hardly think that is the biggest problem. There’s an insane, vengeful alicorn on the loose!” Was Trixie the only pony seeing sense?!

“Trixie’s right. We need to do something about this! We need to chase after her and steal back the Rainbow Wand!” Pinkie said, taking charge.

“Or we could just contact Queen Luna and let her fix this mess,” Trixie said, not understanding why this was their problem.

“No, no, no!” Razzaroo said. “Unicornia is miles and miles away. It will take days for a message to reach them. Who knows what mischief Corona might cause until then? Yes, yes, yes!”

Pinkie Pie ran into a nearby house and returned with a telescope. She climbed a lamppost and peered towards the direction of Willy Nilly Mountains. “I can see where Corona has landed her castle. It’s sitting on top of the nearest peak from here. About 10.36 miles away by my estimation.”

“That isn’t too far. If we’re quick enough, we can return in time for party games!” Rainbow Dash clapped her hooves together in delight.

“No, we should leave this for Luna,” Does everypony have a death wish?!

“Well, I’m going!” Pinkie Pie said after dropping back down. “I can’t stand party poopers!”

“Me too. Somepony needs to stop her. Yes, yes, yes!” Razzaroo said.

“We should join them, Trixie.” Minty gave her best friend a nudge. “You’re the greatest magician in Ponyland. I doubt they can stop her without the Great and Powerful Trixie! You’re the bravest pony I know!”

“Minty, I’m a stage magician. I’m not some sort of all-powerful wizard or whatever.” Trixie wasn’t keen on the idea of heading into danger.

Yet, when she saw her friends’ expectant looks, it filled her heart with courage. With her friends, anything was possible! The Great and Powerful Trixie was ready for action! She gave an enthusiastic nod, her silly fears forgotten! Besides, Trixie got a strange hunch that rainbows were the key to defeating Corona.

“I’m coming too!” Rainbow Dash said, much to everypony’s shock.

“What? Aren’t you afraid you’ll dirty your mane or something?” Trixie peered at the fashionista.

“I don’t like bullies.” Rainbow Dash replied. The brave answer surprised Trixie. “Besides, I’m not letting my friends go into danger alone.”

“Huh.” Trixie hadn’t expected that. “What about you, Flitter Flutter?”

“Nope, I’m staying here. Good luck!” The mayor fled towards town hall, locking the door behind her, not afraid to hide her cowardice.

That answers that.

“Together, Corona doesn’t stand a chance!” Pinkie Pie said. “Let’s go ponies!”

Everypony nodded in agreement, but Minty shook her head. “Wait, I need to get something first!” Without another word, she ran towards her house. Minty returned with a green blanket that she had wrapped around her neck like a scarf.

“There, that’s better,” Minty said after rejoining the group. “I’m ready.”

“Are you cold, darling?” Rainbow Dash looked towards the sky. “It seems like a nice, warm, clear day to me.”

“No, it’s just for protection,” Minty replied, somewhat sheepishly. “I love the color green. It makes me feel better.”

Trixie gave her best friend a supportive hug. She couldn’t blame the mare for wanting to bring along something that would give her some courage. It wasn’t unlike her trademark hat and cape.

“Does everypony have everything they need?” Pinkie Pie asked and got only nods in response. “Good.”

Trixie joined her friends as they ran towards the road leading out of the village. Watch out, Corona! We’re coming for you!


“Ten miles is longer than I thought!” Trixie said. It hadn’t taken them long for their sprint to lose its steam, forcing them to trot the rest of the distance. While the countryside was pretty, it seemed endless. “My legs are killing me!”

“And this dust is ruining my beautiful coat! I never realized how dirty the outside world was.” Rainbow Dash said, joining in with Trixie’s complaining.

Pinkie Pie pulled out a map and tapped her chin. “According to this, we have three more miles until we reach the Haunted Forest. After them, we’re all clear to reach the Willy Nilly Mountains!”

“Haunted Forest?” Minty gripped her green blanket tighter. “Sounds spooky!”

“Yes, yes, yes! There are many ghost stories about it, though I doubt they are true. Ghosts don’t exist. No, no, no!” Razzaroo said.

The word ghost sent a chill down their group’s spine, making Trixie question the wisdom of this journey. Still, Trixie had her great and powerful magic. If anypony could protect them from ghosts, I’d be her. In theory.

As they walked, Trixie separated with the others, joining Minty in the rear. “How are you holding up?”

“Me? Oh, I’m fine.” Minty waved a dismissive hoof,

“If you’re sure,” Trixie said, still not convinced. “You scared me back in the castle. You completely froze up when Corona appeared. What happened?”

“Well, um. Corona’s pretty scary. Those cruel, unforgiving eyes. The way she towers over you.” Minky suppressed a shutter. ‘I’m just glad you’re around to help us fight her. You’re so brave, Trixie. We couldn’t do this without you.”

“Not as brave as you think.” Trixie turned away to hide her embarrassment. “But I am pretty great, you have to admit.”

“The most great and powerful!” Minty declared, standing on her back hooves.

“Yeah.” Still, she worried about her best friend. They’d known each other since forever. Trixie couldn’t bear the thought of anything happening to her. Minty was the most important pony in her life!

“Hey, I think I see the Haunted Forest! Yes, yes, yes!” Razzaroo said.

When they reached the forest in question, Trixie laughed at herself for even getting worried. It just seemed like a slightly dark forest and raised her head high as they entered. Still, the trees were thick, making navigating through it difficult.

“Okay, everypony, stick together!” Pinkie Pie said. “We can’t let anypony get lost.”

“Some haunted forest. I’ve seen so much worse!” Trixie paused, a strange sensation passing over her. Had she done this before? It seemed familiar somehow. The moment passed, and she shook her head, dismissing such foalishness. She screamed as her face collided with something sticky.

“Oops, it looks like you collided with a spider’s home.” Minty giggled under her hoof.

“Funny.” Trixie flailed for several minutes, trying to remove the sticky substance. She finally removed the web, only to scream as a spider landed on her face between her eyes. The tiny creature shook an angry leg towards her and squirted more web into Trixie’s face before jumping off and disappearing into some bushes.

“Gah!” Trixie gagged and tried to spit the webbing from her mouth. Everypony stifled a laugh at Trixie’s misfortune. Everyone except Rainbow Dash, who gave Trixie a sympathetic smile and pulled out a handkerchief.

“Let me, darling.” Rainbow Dash whipped Trixie’s face clean.

“Thanks.” Trixie flushed with embarrassment.

“You’ve never been very popular with animals, right Trixie? Yes, yes, yes!” Razzaroo stifled a giggle.

“That was interesting.” A bewildered Minty said.

“Let’s get moving before tiggers attack us or something,” Trixie said, marching forward, eager to escape this unfortunate incident.

“Tiggers? In Ponyland?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Now you’re just being silly, were miles away from the hundred acre wood”

“Whatever, let’s get going before something else bad happens!”

“Hahaha! Fools! You have entered my domain! Leave now or face the consequences!”

Trixie screamed and jumped into the nearest pony’s hooves. Razzaroo tried and failed to support her weight, and they collapsed in a heap.

“Who’s there?! Show yourself!” Pinkie Pie said, voice holding a challenge. The evil voice only laughed and disappeared, only leaving a deafening silence behind.

Their group said nothing, watching their surroundings with nervous glances. Despite the threat, they moved forward anyway, determined to complete their mission. They froze when some rustled in the bush ahead of them. Trixie stepped forward, magic lighting her horn. While she didn’t know any attack spells, Trixie figured they didn’t know that.

Her heart almost stopped as a living skeleton popped from the bush, waving its limbs threateningly. She lost courage and stepped back. Their situation worsened as more skeletons popped up from foliage, moving to surround their pony prey.