• Published 17th Aug 2021
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Beginning Anew - Goldfur

A rogue portal dumped Caleb into an Equestrian desert and left him stranded in an unfamiliar universe. He has to start his life anew but a sympathetic earth pony mare offers to help him learn the ways of his new world.

  • ...

Chapter 25

Caleb entered the welding school’s tea room/meeting room closely followed by Sky. Each of them was carrying a tray of snacks which they put on the table next to the coffee machine. When conversation died down, the man looked around at those present.

“It looks like everyone is here so I’ll start up this meeting momentarily. Feel free to grab your favorite snacks first.”

His students enthusiastically queued up for the goodies. When they had all settled down again, Caleb nodded in satisfaction. He took a gulp of his coffee before setting the mug aside and grinning at his students.

“Yesterday, I received the results of the analyses of the test pieces that I had you make. I’m happy to announce that you all passed with flying colors.” The man allowed his pupils a few moments to express their pleasure before continuing. “With that completed, I am pleased to declare that your exams are finished and you have all officially graduated as qualified welders!”

This time there were loud cheers, hoof-stomps, hugs, and various other forms of exuberant delight.

When Caleb reckoned that he could be heard clearly once more, he continued. “As the Dean of Equestria’s royally appointed welding school, I will be presenting to each of you your official Welding Certificate. While this is obviously something new to this world, I assure you that they would get you a job at any construction job on Earth.” He held up his hands and shrugged his shoulders. “You might have a bit of difficulty explaining why you’re a pony or a dragon though.”

There was a round of laughter as the students had been regaled by Caleb with many stories of his experiences on Earth.

The man grinned as he opened up a folder. “Before I hand out the certificates, I want you to know that I am very pleased with the work and dedication that you have all put in during this course. If I was an employer, I would have no hesitation in hiring any one of you. However, we are not all created equal and some of you have excelled above and beyond expectations. The one who has shown the most talent for the welding disciplines is a pony who, if he didn’t already have a cutie mark, would have undoubtedly earned one in welding months ago. Smooth Fit – please step up here.”

To accompanying cheers, hoof stomps, and chitters, the colt approached Caleb who held out a certificate to him. Taking it in his hoof, Smooth Fit read what was printed within its elegant borders.


By appointment by the Equestrian Triarchy,
the Equestrian Institute of Engineering Welding hereby certifies that

Smooth Fit

has satisfactorily completed Advanced Welding Training and is fully
qualified in all forms of electric arc welding and associated skills.

The certificate was signed by both Caleb and Prince Mark with the addition of the Ponyville Registrar’s seal.

“Congratulations on being the class valedictorian, Smooth. I predict that you’ll go far in your new career.”

“Thank you, sir. I’ve enjoyed every moment of this course.”

“Glad to hear it.” Caleb turned back to the others. “The runner-up came as a pleasant surprise to me. Rock Crusher, please step up.”

The dragon blinked and then a grin split his maw. “Alright!” he declared as he made his way forward.

The man handed the drake his certificate. “You’ve been a fun student. I’m going to miss having you around.”

“Thanks, Teach. It’s been a blast.”

Caleb was still grinning when he faced his audience once more. “And to prove you can teach an old pony new tricks, Coiled Steel, please come forward.”

The normally taciturn mare’s face betrayed a hint of a smile as she trotted up to accept her certificate.

“Well done, Coiled. You’ll be keeping the apprentices in line for a long time yet.”

The mare grunted and nodded. “Tha’ goes with na sayin’, sir.”

Caleb passed out the rest of the certificates in alphabetical order. As far as he was concerned, there was no last place in his graduating class. He also did not want any comments on favoritism because his wife had come in fourth place. He gave the former students a few minutes before calling for their attention again.

“Now I don’t know what all of you have planned to do with those spanking-new certificates, but I have a visitor who might be able to help you decide. Ms. Sky – will you show in our guest, please.”

The anthro mare opened the door to allow a green alicorn stallion inside, followed by a batpony mare and a changeling queen. The students bowed to the prince who acknowledged them with a wave of his hoof.

“Relax, everybeing. I’m here today first of all to congratulate you on your successful completion of this course. Second and more importantly, I am going to make an offer of employment to all of you. You are, of course, free to follow your own dreams, but I think you’ll find that most of you will like what I have to say. Equestria has had an urgent need of your new skills for quite some time and there are places ready and willing to employ you immediately and pay you handsomely.” The prince’s eyes fell on the unicorn colt who had led the class. “Smooth Fit – I believe you come from Baltimare, correct?”

“That’s right, Your Highness.”

“We have a major facility there in the Royal Shipyards that’s in dire need of your skills. While your age precludes you from a direct leadership position, we would like to offer you a spot reporting directly to Admiral Sundowner. She will be under instruction to provide you with whatever is required to facilitate the job. In other words, when it comes to welding, you’ll be the number one pony. Interested?”

The colt’s jaw dropped and eyes widened. “That… that would be… awesome!”

“Excellent! My Advisor, Queen Chrysalis, will be happy to sort out the details with you in the office.”

“Accompany me, stripling,” Chrysalis commanded. She turned and headed out the door without looking to see if the colt followed. Smooth hastened to join her.

Mark Wells smirked. “My herdmate’s demeanor may be a bit daunting, but she will ensure that you will all get the best out of your employment contracts. Speaking of which, you will all have noticed that there have been extensions made to the manufacturing facility next door. It may not come as a surprise to you that the new section requires welders. Coiled Steel and Nikos, we would like to offer you the position of foremare and lead assistant respectively.”

The grizzled mare smirked. “Straight inta th’ thick of it? I like that.”

The minotaur nodded in satisfaction. “I’m up to the task. Looking forward to it.”

“I figured you’d like that. See Chrysalis when she is done with Smooth Fit. As for the rest of you, there are lots of positions open both here and in Baltimare. If neither suits you, feel free to discuss your preferences. We may have an alternative to suit you. Are there any questions?”

Crusher cleared his throat.

The alicorn looked at the drake. “Yes?”

The dragon nervously rubbed his neck and looked askance. “I was thinking – now that Ms. Steel and Mr. Nikos will be leaving the school, Teach… I mean Mr. Awad will be without a teaching assistant. And… well… I liked helping out the other students when they needed it and I enjoy chatting with Teach… What I’m trying to say is – could I stay here as his assistant?”

Caleb looked at Mark. “He’s got a point, you know.”

The alicorn grinned. “I suppose we can’t leave you to run the school by yourself, especially since we have an even larger number of students lined up for the next class.”

The man looked back to the hopeful dragon. “If you’re going to be my assistant, there’s no more of this ‘Teach’ business. The name’s Caleb. Welcome to the team!”

He shook hands/talons with Crusher who looked as if he had just been given a bowl of rubies and sapphires to gorge on. Sky had seldom tasted so much joy in a dragon.

With the last of the graduates having made their career decisions and signed contracts, the welding school was officially closed until the beginning of the new semester. Caleb locked the door with a satisfying click before turning to his herdmates.

“Well, ladies, time to celebrate a little. Seeing as it’s just past midday, I suggest we find someplace to have lunch and a few drinks.”

“I’m all for that,” Sky replied as they headed into town.

“Me too,” Willow said. “I can also celebrate having a job again. Good thing that Coiled Steel and I get along well if I’m going to be working under her. I want to start saving some money towards having this foal.” She glanced at her belly which had barely begun showing a bulge.

“You know we already have that covered,” Caleb replied. “We’re not rich but the foal isn’t going to lack for anything.”

“Actually, Caleb, we might want to add to that buffer,” Sky said.

“Oh? Why is that?”

“Two foals are more expensive,” the anthro mare replied.

Caleb stopped, blinked, then looked hard at Willow. “You’re having twins?”

The earth pony giggled. “No, silly! Sky is telling you that she wants your foal.”

The man changed his shocked gaze to the changeling. “But… I thought you intended to wait until Willow gives birth?”

“Caleb – Willow has several months’ head-start on me. She will have her foal long before I do despite the difference in our gestation periods.”

“Oh. Um… yeah. I see why you’d want us to put aside some more cash.” The man looked back to the earth pony. “Is that why you decided to start your job immediately rather than holidaying with Sky and me for the entire break?”

“That’s part of it,” Willow agreed as they resumed their walk. “The other is – I’ve missed the job and my workplace friends. It’s time I got back into the swing of things.”

“How long before you have to go on leave because of your pregnancy?” Caleb asked.

“We earth ponies aren’t slowed down when we're with foal. I’ll be working right up until the first contractions hit.”

“It’s true,” Sky reassured the skeptical human. “Although her walk will be more of a waddle by then.”

Willow stuck her tongue out at the changeling. “What about you? How’s pregnancy going to affect you?”

“Honestly, I’m not sure. I’m the first Companion to bond with a human and we don’t have any past experience to go by.”

“What? Hasn’t any Companion bonded with an anthro pony at least?” Caleb asked.

“Not so far. The anthro population in this world is still quite small and so is the number of Companion Changelings. You and I are the first.”

“Well, if human females are anything to go by, you sure won’t be wanting to do physical work right up until childbirth,” the man said with feeling. “Not unless you change into an earth pony like Willow.”

Sky shook her head. “I won’t be changing out of bipedal form for the duration of my pregnancy. While I can maintain a stable internal environment between my changeling, anthro, and human forms, there’s a lot of reconfiguring for other forms. The risk is low but I won’t take any chances.”

“I’m all for taking no unnecessary risks,” Caleb agreed. “So – when do you want to do this? When are you going to be on heat? Wait! You told me changelings don’t go into heat, so how do you know when you’ll be fertile?”

Sky grinned. “I can control my fertility completely. You are going to knock me up tonight.”

Caleb chuckled. “Looks like we get to celebrate something else in advance. And with that theme in mind, want to go to The Bucking Mare?”

Both the mares laughed and agreed.

With the rest of the afternoon free, Caleb and his mares took their time to enjoy it without worrying about any obligations. After they left The Bucking Mare, they wandered through town, stopping to chat with friends. Eventually, they made their way home and Sky started preparing the evening meal while Caleb and Willow tended to the garden. By the time they had finished weeding and watering, dinner was ready.

Normally after dinner, Willow and Caleb would share the task of cleaning up. However, the earth pony insisted that she handle it alone.

“Go join Sky outside. This evening belongs to the two of you.”

“Thanks, love,” the man replied. He kissed her on the cheek before heading outside.

Caleb found the anthro mare sitting on the porch swing that he had made at the welding school. Willow had painted it a light blue and Sky had made some cushions for it. Now she was enjoying watching the sun setting while gently rocking back and forth. She smiled at her Companion when she saw him emerge from the house and she patted the cushion next to her, inviting him to join her.

Caleb sat beside Sky and put his arm around her. They swung in silence, soaking in the delightful atmosphere and the pleasure of their proximity. Eventually, the man spoke up.

“So – why did you suddenly decide that you wanted to have a foal now?”

“There was nothing sudden about it. I’ve wanted your foal since we bonded. Before that, even. It’s just that now seems an ideal time.”

Before we bonded? You were still a male changeling then.”

“It didn’t matter. I already had a feeling that I would be your mare. Even if my base gender hadn’t changed, I could tell that my relationship with you was going to be heterosexual. That’s why I was so pleased that I did change.”

“Did you ever feel that way towards a male before?”

Sky shook her head. “Irrelevant. I’m not a pony, Caleb. I’m a changeling and change is what defines us. Before I bonded with you, I was incomplete and my personality and needs were still in flux. As soon as I met you, those needs finally started to come into focus. I required you to make me whole and, in turn, my bond with you fulfilled some longing within you. We are one now, my soul-mate, and there is nothing that expresses the culmination of that union more than to create a child. And I intend to do so tonight. I have waited long enough.”

Caleb nodded thoughtfully. “I can’t say that I haven’t thought about it a few times since I found out that we could have children. Tell me – if I had said back then that I wanted to have a child with you immediately, would you have done so?”

Sky giggled. “Oh, most certainly, but that was never going to happen. We have been in synch since the bonding which means that we share desires, and we wanted Willow to have your foal first. Even now, months after we bonded, you don’t fully comprehend how deep that bond goes. We can’t truly argue because we intimately understand and appreciate the perspective of the other. That’s why I know that you are ready to father my foal. You feel my desire and you respond instinctively to it.” She put a hand on his cheek and leaned in to kiss him. “We’re going to make a perfect child.”

The man smiled fondly at his mare. “Yes, we are.” He then leaned back in the chair to regard the sunset. “Sky – if somebody had told me a year ago that I was going to bond with a changeling, marry a pony, and have children with both, I would have thought they were on drugs or hopelessly insane. Even now, I find it amazing. I come from a world where humans are essentially the only sapient species. Some others are quite smart and can communicate, but they don’t build civilizations and we certainly don’t mate and breed with them. And yet, within weeks of me arriving here, I found myself in a relationship with two very different beings. What started out as fulfilling a mutual need with Willow turned into so much more. I have to ask – did your presence have anything to do with that?”

The changeling gave him a serious look. “Caleb, no changeling can create feelings for another, not even a Companion. However, the changes that we both underwent in the weeks together before we bonded may have fanned the flames, so to speak. In other words, you already had those feelings and they grew, just like two ponies would have done as they shared their lives and found that they enjoyed doing so. You fell in love with her by yourself, my dear soul-mate, and now I love her just as deeply, but because of you, not because of me.”

Caleb chuckled. “So I’m just a weird human with a taste for mares. No wonder I never made it with women back on Earth.”

“Good thing you ended up here then,” Sky pointed out.

“Ha! Yeah.”

They were quiet for a couple of minutes, enjoying each other’s company. Then Sky stood up and held out a hand to Caleb. “Come here – there’s something that I want to do before I put an embargo on shape-shifting.”

The man put his hand in hers and she pulled him to his feet. He was no longer surprised at how strong the changeling was despite being of smaller stature than him. “Okay, what do you have in mind?”

“Do you remember how Allura and Lacewing can combine to make the identity that they call ‘Iron Mare’?”

“Yes. Are you thinking of doing the same? I’m not that into superheroes.”

Sky smiled. “I don’t have quite the same thing in mind. I want us to fly together though. Feeling game?”

“I… suppose so. I mean… I trust you but… I have no idea how I’ll react.”

“Oh, I think you do because I am feeling your excitement. Now, please take off your shirt. I need direct flesh to flesh contact for this to work perfectly.”

Caleb took off his shirt, saying, “Okay, but what about your… oh.”

As he spoke, Sky’s magic flared and her clothing disappeared, leaving the anthro mare nude. She grinned at him. “No problem.”

The man smirked. “Who do you think you’re kidding? Those clothes were a part of you, so they qualified as ‘flesh-to-flesh’.”

The mare’s grin widened. “True, but you’re still thrilled by the sight. Now, turn around and hold your arms a little away from your body.”

Caleb complied and Sky hugged him from behind, her arms firmly around his chest.

“This is the fun bit,” she said as magic green flames engulfed both of them.

Moments later, just one person stood there. They were still mostly human but their height and build had both increased a little over the human’s and two large feathered wings spread from their back. The man’s feet had also been replaced with hooves and they swayed a moment before the merged being caught their balance in this new form. Without knowing how, Caleb gently flapped their wings once, getting the feel of the golden-yellow plumed appendages.

“My god! I can feel these wings like I’ve always had them!”

That’s because you’re experiencing them through our bond and I have always had wings of one kind or another,” came Vectrix’s voice in his head. “At least, when I am not being an anthro earth pony.

Caleb’s eyes widened. “You can talk like this?”

Obviously. Allura and Lacewing do the same when they meld. Communication is on a deeper level. We share emotions directly in this form.

“Maybe so, but I still don’t know how to fly.”

Leave that to me for now. Once we have a chance to practice together, you’ll be able to synch with my abilities and be able to control our flight.

“Sounds good. I have just one more question. Why do I have boobs?”

There wasn’t any audible laughter but Caleb still felt the changeling’s chuckle. “I didn’t need all my body mass to create the wings, flight muscles, and hooves, so I left my boobs in the appropriate place.

“S-u-u-r-e you didn’t need the mass,” Caleb replied drolly as he put his hands on the familiar mammaries. His eyes widened. “Oh, wow! They feel like they belong! You didn’t turn me into a female while you were at it?”

That’s not within my capability, but if I resculpted my mass into a different configuration, I could make you look like one.

“Um… let’s not go there right now. You said you wanted to take us flying?”

Yes! Before we lose the light!

Their wings lifted and then beat down hard. The united mates lifted into the sky.

“Wahoo! This is awesome!”

We’ve only just begun,” came the changeling’s smug reply.

Vectrix took them on a flight over Ponyville, gifting Caleb with a view of his new home from a pegasus’ viewpoint. In the distance, they saw Twilight Sparkle on the highest balcony of Friendship Castle, her horn aglow and mane whipping in a nonexistent wind as she lowered the sun. The street lights were just coming on as evening descended, illuminating the shadows and lending the town an enchanting appearance. They startled a couple of the winged locals which had Caleb grinning from ear to ear. Then Vectrix started climbing.

“What are you up to, Vex?”

There’s one more thing you need to experience,” she replied.

They kept ascending and the man realized that they were headed for one of the high fluffy clouds catching the last rays of the sun that was dipping below the horizon. They climbed above the pink cloud and headed for the edge. Caleb fully expected to plunge through it but as soon as his hooves encountered the first wisps, he felt some slight resistance that rapidly grew. Within moments, the tenuous cloud had firmed into a surface that he could best describe as like a trampoline – it gave way under his weight but only so far before it would stretch no further. He took a tentative step and then another.

“Holy shit! I’m walking on a cloud!”

All beings that utilize magic to fly can also cloud-walk. While you’re merged with me, so can you.

“What if I want to sit down on it?”

There was another echo of amusement. “It works for your sexy plot too.

Caleb chuckled and walked to the edge of the cloud. Carefully, he sat down where he felt the support start to dwindle and dangled his legs over the side. He wondered why he didn’t feel more nervous about this impossible feat before realizing that Vectrix had to be moderating his fears. From this vantage point, he could see not only the entirety of Ponyville but also the fields surrounding it on several sides. And in the distance, Canterlot was slightly below his eye-level. It was now lit up against the rapidly darkening sky, the streetlights and house lamps lending it a fairytale look.

We had better head home now. Willow will be wondering where we’ve gone.

“Yeah. Thanks for this, Vex. I’ve enjoyed every moment and I hope we get to do this again sometime soon after you have your foal.”

Already marked it in my mental calendar, Caleb. And now that I have successfully set the mood, time for the next part of this wonderful evening. Care to get us going?

“Sure thing!” Caleb leaned forward and pushed their self over the edge. Vectrix unfurled their wings and sent them into a steep glide that quickly brought the bonded pair to their neighborhood. They pulled up to arrest their fall and made a gentle touchdown in front of their house. Caleb headed inside, saying, “Don’t separate from me yet.”

Wouldn’t dream of it.

“Honey, we’re back!” Caleb called out as he opened the door, somewhat unnecessarily because Willow was lounging in a chair nearby.

The mare’s eyes widened at the sight of her husband with a large pair of wings and big hooves. He stood there, letting her take in the sight. Finally, she smiled.

“They suit you,” was her verdict.

“Which? The wings or the hooves?” Caleb asked.

“The boobs!” Willow said with a laugh.

The man had forgotten about them in the enjoyment of the flight. “Vectrix’s idea of a little joke when she melded with me. Come on out, Vex.”

There was the usual flare of changeling magic and nude Sky stepped back from her bond-mate, the boobs now back where they belonged.

Willow contained her giggling enough to ask, “So, how was your private moment together?”

Caleb said, “If that was a typical example of changeling pre-mating foreplay, we’re going to have an awful lot of children!”

Sky grinned at her Companion. “It was pure joy. And Caleb’s not exaggerating much. We’re both really in the mood. Now, I must formally ask my lead mare if she wishes to exert her right to bed her husband first.”

The earth pony mare smiled and shook her head. “Our husband needs to save his seed for the mare who needs it most tonight. You have my permission to proceed with your mating.”

“Thank you, Willow.” Sky then faced Caleb. “Which bipedal form would you prefer I take?” she asked seriously.

The man looked over the nude anthro mare and smiled. “You know how sexy I find that form, but tonight I am creating a child with my changeling Companion and that is how I want to make love to her. Besides, your base form is hot too.”

Vectrix smiled and morphed into her changeling form before leaning in to kiss him. She then took his hand and led him into the bedroom. She took from the bedside drawer the choker that stopped the positive feedback loop and put it on. “I intend that this mating be long and loving,” she declared.

In the meantime, Caleb had taken off his remaining clothes and he put an arm around Vectrix to draw her close. “I do too,” he said fervently.

And it was.

The Companions lay next to each other, enjoying the afterglow of their lovemaking. Eventually, Caleb spoke.

“So – do you think it will take? We tried hard enough.”

Vectrix giggled. “Oh, it will take. There is none of the uncertainty that ponies go through. My egg has been fertilized.”

Caleb turned his head to face her. “That reminds me – are you actually going to lay an egg? I hear Queen Chrysalis lays several a week.”

The changeling laughed. “No, I’ll be having a live birth after a normal nine-month pregnancy like anthro ponies do. The Queen could too but, if she did, she would not be able to lay eggs for the duration of her pregnancy. It is more important to her to keep building the hive’s population.”

“I see. I wonder if Prince Mark has ever asked her to do so. Do you think she would?”

Vectrix pondered that for a moment. “I’m not sure. She has a lot of respect for the Prince, but she has her priorities. It could come down to what Princess Trixie has to say about the matter. The Queen has always strictly complied with her lead mare’s directives as she swore to do upon joining the Prince’s herd.

“What do you think she should do?”

The changeling grinned and sat up. She removed the choker and transformed into her Sky identity. “She should do what I am about to do with you!”

“Celestia save me!” Caleb murmured before his attention was firmly focused on his lover once more.

Several months later

Sky hastened from the office and down the stairs to seek out Caleb, her growing belly not slowing her down at all. The man was currently demonstrating how to weld stainless steel to his new class of students but he immediately stopped when his mate called out to him.

“What’s up, Sky?” he answered as he lifted his welding shield.

“I just got a call from the manufacturing plant – Willow has gone into labor. She’s being taken to the maternity ward at Ponyville Hospital right now.”

“Damn! She said she’d work right until she got her contractions and she wasn’t kidding.” He stripped off his gloves, welding shield, and heatproof apron. “Crusher – I’m heading out. Take over for me!”

“I’ve got this, Boss,” the dragon replied. “Give my best to Willow.”

Caleb nodded, took Sky’s hand, and they headed out.

A couple of hours later, Willow cradled her newborn foal. She fondly smiled at the earth pony filly that had her sire’s golden coat color but the light purple mane and tail more reminiscent of her mother’s.

“What should we name her?” asked the proud father as he gently stroked the foal’s head.

Willow replied, “I’ve had a few names in mind, but since seeing her mane, I was thinking Lilac.”

“That’s a pretty name,” Caleb conceded. “But she needs a surname. I don’t want to use mine because it just doesn’t suit a pony, but Branch doesn’t really go with Lilac either.”

“May I make a suggestion?” Sky asked.

“Of course,” Willow replied. “You’ll be her Mama Sky, after all.”

“How about Meadow?”

“Lilac Meadow,” Caleb said thoughtfully. “Hmmm… I like it. What do you think, love?”

Just then, the filly started whimpering.

“She’s hungry,” Sky said, picking up on the foal’s emotions.

Willow pushed back the bed covers to allow her to move the filly to her udder. The foal latched onto a teat and started suckling. The new mother smiled and said, “I think Lilac Meadow suits our child perfectly.”

# # # # # # # # #

Author's Note:

One down – one to go!

Art by Foxenawolf.

Certificate by Airy Words.

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