• Published 17th Aug 2021
  • 3,829 Views, 649 Comments

Beginning Anew - Goldfur

A rogue portal dumped Caleb into an Equestrian desert and left him stranded in an unfamiliar universe. He has to start his life anew but a sympathetic earth pony mare offers to help him learn the ways of his new world.

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Chapter 24

The next several weeks were among the happiest that Caleb had ever known. He had a loving wife and Companion, and a job that he genuinely enjoyed. He hadn’t realized that he would be any good as a teacher before taking on the position, but instructing his students was a daily pleasure. It helped that they were all eager to learn, of course, but they were also a diversely interesting group. He spent many a lunch break with them in the tea room rather than his office so that he could chat with them.

The only sour note the herd experienced was when another minor heat rolled around and they were reminded that Willow could not conceive by her stallion. Caleb was beginning to seriously reconsider his objections to being poked and prodded by the local alicorn princess, if only it might help reach a solution.

On the other hand, Sky came up with an answer to her and Caleb’s mating problem. One evening at bedtime, she held up a choker.

“Guess what this is!” she demanded with a sly grin.

“Your latest fashion statement?” Caleb guessed.

“Nope. You’ve heard of the horn rings that they use to suppress unicorn magic, right?”

“Yeah. Does that do the same thing for non-unicorns?”

“Kind of. This one has been optimized for our use. It will block a lot of the transfer of sensation between us. It can’t break our bond but it will… dull it down sufficiently that we can make love normally.”

Caleb grinned. “You mean we can have sex that lasts longer than a few seconds? It must be Christmas!”

“What’s Christmas?” Willow asked.

“A human holiday held around Hearth’s Warming and celebrated in a similar manner,” Sky informed her before putting on the choker. “But you don’t have to wait until then to unwrap this present, Caleb.”

The man decided that he knew all he needed to know about Hearth’s Warming right then and took his soul-mate into his embrace. “Don’t mind if I do!”

The weather pegasi decreed that it was time for winter, and the first scheduled snowfall of the season fell overnight. Caleb’s herd woke to the sound of foals squealing and laughing as they cavorted in the snow. For the man and his mares though, it was just another weekday. Caleb was glad that he had acquired some extra warm clothing in preparation for the season and even Sky wore a jacket as they walked to the trade school. Willow, on the other hoof, just put on a scarf, blithely oblivious to the cold otherwise.

The turn of the season reminded Caleb that the school was scheduled to close for a week to allow some of the students to travel home to spend Hearth’s Warming with their families. For others, it was an excuse for a holiday, and Willow was among those making plans for that week.

“Let’s go to the Crystal Kingdom,” she suggested at dinner one evening. “The travel agent tells me that they put on quite a pageant for Hearth’s Warming, and there are plenty of winter activities to enjoy on the other days.”

“Have you ever been there before?” Caleb asked.

“No, I haven’t. That’s one reason why I’d like to go there.”

“I haven’t been there either,” Sky admitted. “Sounds to me like a good destination for the postponed honeymoon.”

Caleb looked at Willow and the earth pony mare grinned hopefully. “You two already decided on this haven’t you?”

The mares both nodded, not feeling guilty at all.

The man chuckled. “Okay! Okay! Good thing I don’t mind winter holidays. Maybe it’s time for me to try skiing again.”

“I’m never going skiing again!” Caleb declared with a groan as he elevated his bandaged ankle onto an ottoman. Although he would have preferred to be back on the slopes, he had to admit that the couch in their suite was extremely pleasant.

“Are you comfortable?” Willow asked solicitously as she fluffed up a cushion for him.

“I’ll be fine, love,” the man replied. “It’s only a sprain – the rest of me is relatively intact.”

Sky said, “The healing potion the doc gave him should have it good as new in a day.”

Willow frowned in concern. “Will you be able to go out to dinner tonight? Should I cancel our reservation?”

Caleb lifted his arm and gestured for the earth pony mare to come close. As soon as she was in reach, he pulled her into him and kissed her lengthily. When he finally let her go, he said, “Does that feel like I’m helpless? We’re going to dinner as planned. Right?”

“Mmm, okay,” Willow replied dreamily.

“I’m going to order us something to drink and nibble on,” Sky said. “We’ve got a great view from our hotel room, so let’s just enjoy spending the rest of the afternoon chatting and watching others trying not to copy Caleb’s crash.”

The man stuck his tongue out at the anthro mare before adding, “Food sounds good. I’m feeling quite peckish.”

Willow said, “That’s the potion at work – it draws heavily on your body reserves.”

“A great excuse for snacking if ever I’ve heard one,” Caleb replied. “The sooner I’m up and running again, the sooner we can get back to having fun together.”

Willow climbed up onto the sofa and cuddled up to him. “Are you saying we can’t have fun until then?” she asked with a mischievous grin.

“Nobody told me I was marrying a nympho,” Caleb replied drolly.

The mare just giggled while Sky rolled her eyes before calling room service. Seemed like the human wasn’t the only one who would be needing extra energy.

Just when he thought he was inured to everything that this world could throw at him, Caleb reckoned that Ponyville’s Winter Wrap-up had to be one of the most bizarre events in Equestria. It practically did his head in. They roped him into making nests for birds, for fuck’s sake! Why, God? Why?

Caleb and his mares stopped at the general store on the way home to pick up some groceries. The man paused to look at a sign posted outside the door. He had seen similar signs advising of closures from next week. This one stated that the store would be only open for limited hours on specific days.

“Okay – what’s the deal with all the shops closing?” he asked his companions.

“It’s the start of Mating Season – you knew that already,” Willow replied.


Sky said, “So the mares are going to be preoccupied with something more urgent than commerce, while the stallions will be making themselves scarce.”

Caleb’s eyebrows rose. “It’s really that big a deal?”

Willow said, “You’ve seen me when I’m in a normal heat. Now quadruple that. If the mares don’t keep separate from the stallions, it’s almost impossible to resist the urge to mate. It’s virtually guaranteed that she would get pregnant, so unless that is their intention, all mares stay separated from the stallions for about two weeks. All stallions – not just their special someponies.”

“Don’t the stallions get randy too?”

“Of course, which is why camping and fishing trips are popular at this time. Anything to get away from the scent of females in heat. And that’s why the shops are normally closed except for essential services, and even those with limited hours. There are too few able or willing to work during Mating Season.”

Sky added, “Not that it’s a problem for us. I control when I’m fertile, and Willow… well… you know. You’ll want to avoid going out for a while though. Desperate mares aren’t very choosy about species.”

Caleb pondered the possibility of being kidnapped for snu-snu and decided he would have his hands full with just one sex-mad mare. Sadly, that one actually wanted to get pregnant. Was this going to be the most depressing couple of weeks of their marriage?

Five days later, Caleb didn’t need to be told that his wife had gone into heat. She woke him up as she tried to get intimate with him. There was no subtlety in their coupling that morning but the man did his best to make it a good experience for both of them. With her need relieved for the moment, Willow cuddled up to Caleb and kissed him on the cheek.

“I’m sorry, my love. When the heat hits on the first day, it pretty much turns off rational thought. It won’t be quite so bad after this.”

“What did you do in the years before we met?” Caleb wondered.

“There are drugs to lessen the urges and plenty of toys for self-stimulation.”

“Doesn’t sound like very much fun.”

“No. No, it wasn’t.”

“And this is what it’s going to be like for what? A week or so?”

“It averages about ten days. Some mares start sooner and some later, so that’s why Mating Season is officially two weeks.”

“Well, I’ll do my best for you, dear, but I’m only human.”

Sky spoke up. “There’s a pick-me-up made for stallions for that reason. I took the liberty of purchasing some. I’m assured that it is efficacious for multiple mammalian species.”

“Thanks, Sky,” Caleb said. “Do you mind if we put on hold our love-making while Willow is like this?”

“Not at all. Sex has always been a bonus, not a requirement between us. Willow needs you more than ever right now.”

What she needs is a real stallion,’ Caleb thought sourly. Then his eyes widened as he realized something. “Sky, I know that the town has practically shut down, but can I still move around if I want?”

“Well, yes. Most don’t because of how awkward it is at the moment, but there isn’t an actual prohibition. As long as you are in the direct company of your chosen mare, the rest will respect that and keep their distance.”

“Good. You and I have an errand to run after breakfast.”

“We do?” Sky asked, sensing her Companion’s uptick in mood. “What are we going to do?”

“And how long will you be?” Willow asked. “I really don’t want to be without you for long right now.”

Caleb gave them a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry – if all goes well, it won’t take long. You’ll find out what I’ll be doing when I get back.”

Sky’s excitement grew to match her soul-mate’s – the changeling suspected that Caleb had a wonderful idea that was going to change everything!

A little over an hour after Caleb and Sky had left, the changeling opened the door to call out, “We’re back!”

“Oh, good!” came Willow’s voice from the bedroom. She headed out to join her herdmates. “Why are you in your pegasus form, Butterfly? I was just changing the shee-e-eeek! Who’s this strange stallion?” She hurriedly backpedaled into the bedroom, stopping just inside the doorway to peek out at the male pony whose scent was already wafting her way.

The stallion was of average build, had a golden-brown coat and a maroon mane and tail. Peculiarly, he didn’t have a cutie mark but his eyes were oddly familiar.

Butterfly grinned at the stallion. “She has a point. You are kind of strange.”

“But I wouldn’t exactly call myself a stranger,” he said with a humorous tone Willow knew well.

The mare’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped. That voice… that mane color… “Caleb?”

The stallion grinned. “In the pony flesh! Like it?”

“But… but how?”

“When I visit Earth, I have to make sure that the adaptation spell on the portal mirror is turned off before I return. This time, I didn’t turn it off. I told you I’d find a way to give you a foal.”

With a squeal of joy, Willow hurled herself at her husband. Having been at the receiving end of these tackle-hugs before, Caleb braced himself for the collision. To his surprise, rather than finding himself on the floor with his mare on top of him, his pony body easily absorbed the impact and he was able to hold Willow while she peppered him with kisses. His earth pony form was obviously a match for hers, a turnabout that he intended to put to good use. When Willow switched to burying her nose in his mane and breathing in his scent, he used his new strength to half-pull/half-carry his mate to the bedroom.

“Time for me to fulfil my promise to you, darling,” he said as he laid her on the bed.

Butterfly didn’t need her changeling senses to tell how much joy and ecstasy filled their home that day.

Caleb had his upper body propped up on pillows as he gently stroked Willow’s mane while she napped with her head on his chest.

Butterfly entered the room carrying a tray with two large glasses containing milk shakes. “Here – something to replenish both fluid and energy,” she said.

“Thanks,” Caleb replied. He held out a hoof, blinked, and then grinned sheepishly. “I don’t know how to grab things without hands yet.”

“I’ll hold it for you,” the changeling replied, putting the tray on the bedside drawers. She lifted one of the glasses to the stallion’s lips and he took a few gulps of the cool drink.

“That’s great, Butterfly. Should I wake Willow so she can drink hers?”

“Don’t bother. She’ll wake up soon enough by herself.”

“I’m surprised that I’m not feeling exhausted after what we just did. It obviously took a lot out of her.”

“That’s because pony stallions are evolved to deal with the needs of a herd full of mares. You simply have way more stamina in that form. Something I plan to take advantage of later.”

“Is that why you’re still in pegasus form? Sounds like fun. Want me to lay Willow aside right now?”

Butterfly chuckled. Caleb’s stallion instincts had well and truly kicked in. With all the pheromones filling the air, it was little wonder that he was behaving in an extra horny manner. “You don’t think you’re done with Willow yet, do you?” she replied.

The mare in question stirred and opened her eyes. She spotted the glass that Butterfly offered and reached out to grab it. She drank the milk shake eagerly while the changeling brought Caleb’s drink to his mouth.

“Better finish this quick. Willow is going to want round two very soon.”

“Thanks, Butterfly.” The stallion took her advice before turning his attention back to his reinvigorated wife.

The pegasus set aside the glasses to watch and enjoy her herdmates making love, knowing that it would be her turn soon enough.

Caleb doubted that he would ever feel as fulfilled as he did today. He lay with his mares on either side of him as they delighted in simply being together. His mates were happy and a fertilization-sensing amulet confirmed he had well and truly impregnated his wife. He wondered what their child would be like – aside from being a pony, of course. He supposed he had better look into what was involved in preparing for a foal. And would it be a boy or a girl?

“Hey, honey – what are you hoping for? A colt or a filly?”

Willow pursed her lips in thought. “Lots of mares say they want a colt because the odds are against having any, but I wouldn’t mind having a filly for my first foal. What do you think?”

“Sounds fine to me. Considering that I was doubtful of ever having children, I’m happy to get either.”

“You know that you could always have a foal with Sky?” Willow pointed out.

The changeling said, “Caleb and I wanted you to have the first foal. We would have had a hard time committing to having children when you couldn’t.”

“Thank you for thinking of me. And, Caleb, thank you for becoming a pony for me. I know that it couldn’t have been an easy decision. I don’t know that I would have been able to become a human for you.”

“You’re wrong, Willow. It was the easiest decision that I have ever made. Sure, it’s a bit awkward for me in an unfamiliar body which can only do the most basic of things, but it can do the one thing my human self can’t and that made it a no-brainer.”

Willow stroked his coat. “I must admit that I will miss this but I know you’ll want to change back as soon as possible.”

Caleb grinned at her. “There are still some things that you don’t know about me. Such as – I’m not the kind of stallion to knock you up and disappear. You’ve got yourself a pony stallion for the next couple of days at least. You two can use the time to teach me how to be a proper pony, right?”

The mare giggled and kissed him.

“I think you’re off to a great start already,” Willow replied.

Caleb stepped through the portal and emerged into Equestria as a human once more. Both his herdmates were waiting for him although the changeling had resumed her anthro form in the interim.

The man kissed his hands. “How I have missed you, fingers!”

“Me too,” Willow said. “They can work wonders that the most talented hooves can’t emulate.”

Caleb smirked. “Haven’t you had enough of that kind of fun these past few days?”

“Just because my heat has faded due to being pregnant doesn’t mean that I’m giving up on the pleasure of having the best stallion in Equestria attend to me!”

“Make that two of us,” Sky chimed in.

The man rolled his eyes. “A stallion’s work is never done. Okay, come on girls – let’s head home. It’s not as if there’s much else we can do while we’re still in the middle of Mating Season.”

The mares exchanged a gleeful look. Sky grabbed his hand and Willow put her head against the man’s back. As they both pulled and pushed him eagerly, Caleb realized that he already missed his earth pony strength.

A few weeks later, Caleb stretched after locking the door to the welding school. “Well, I’m beat. I don’t know about you two, but I’m ready for the weekend. Shall we go home?”

A scroll materialized in flames a few inches from his nose, causing him to jump back and yell in alarm. “What? What?”

Sky and Willow laughed. The changeling reached down and picked up the scroll. “I take it this is the first time you’ve received a message sent by dragonfire. Don’t worry. The flames are mostly harmless.”

“Mostly,” the human repeated with some snark. “You don’t know how comforting I find that.”

Willow walked up next to Sky and reared onto her hind legs. “So what does the Princess of Friendship want?”

“She’s politely asking for Caleb to stop by her castle this evening. Doesn’t say why.” The anthro-mare rolled up the scroll. “But I can guess.”

The human sighed and slumped his shoulders. “Well, she is technically our sovereign, so there’s no good reason to keep her waiting.”

They arrived just when the sun and moon exchanged places in the Equestrian sky. After knocking on the crystalline double doors, one of the guards led the trio deeper into the castle. In the center of a large hallway, they found an unexpected sight.

The alicorn mare nodded and gave a self-assured smile. “Good evening, Mr. Caleb Awad, Miss Sky, Miss Willow Branch. Thank you so much for coming so promptly.”

If the white lab coat didn’t clue Caleb in, the stethoscope certainly did. “You’re a medical doctor now? Seriously?”

The purple mare’s smile grew a bit smugger. She cleaned some imaginary dust off her spectacles then returned them to her muzzle. “Indeed. Thank you for pointing out that deficiency in my list of academic degrees. I’ll show you my diploma downstairs in my medium-sized applied biology lab. Please follow me.”

Caleb looked to his wives for help. Willow shrugged. “You did say you would agree to an exam if she became a medical doctor.”

Sky smiled. “You should have set the bar higher. No one to blame but yourself for this one.”

The man groaned and trudged after the princess. “Exactly how long is this going to take?”

Twilight called over her shoulder. “I’ve had a long time to prepare a comprehensive testing regimen. I can’t see this first round taking more than a few hours.”

Caleb was about to protest when he got side-tracked by badly concealed snickers on either side. Then a gentle pat on his hip from Sky filled him with reassurance. His mares were not going to let the alicorn keep him tied up indefinitely, princess or no.

Two levels down, Twilight led them into a square room about 30 feet on each side. The mare levitated a gigantic hypodermic needle from behind a lab bench only to have Willow hold up a hoof. “Prince Mark gave Caleb a complete rundown of his experience with poison joke, including the trip to your laboratory.”

The alicorn sighed and returned the prop to its hiding place. “So much for starting the exam on a humorous note.”

Caleb had missed the exchange as he was studying the newest framed certificate on the wall. “Twilight, is this your new diploma? From St. George's University on the island of Grenada?”

The purple mare beamed. “Yes, indeed! I knew only a doctor’s degree from a university on Earth would do, so I did everything mail order!”

The man turned to face her and smiled. “Is that so?”

Twilight pranced on her tippy-hooves. “That’s right! I just had to order the books through them, write a bunch of essays on the contents, and perform the research for a dissertation. Mine was Hydroxyl radical-induced decline in motility and increase in lipid peroxidation and DNA modification in human sperm.”

Willow tilted her head. “Where did you get… do I even want to know?”

“Humans store sperm in liquid nitrogen as a hedge against infertility. Periodically, those sperm banks purge samples from clients who don’t pay their bills. These samples are made available for academic use and Phil arranged for the final leg of the transport.”

Caleb’s smile grew a bit predatory. “Let me guess. This institution promised you a medical degree years faster than anywhere else. Plus, all of your reports and even your dissertation were accepted without any comments from the university faculty, weren’t they? In fact, your only real communication was with their Bursar? No interaction with their medical faculty at all, was there?”

Twilight started blinking and she frowned. “Ahhh…. Yes, that’s true. I just took that to mean my work was of outstanding quality and they didn’t have any feedback.”

The man laughed openly. “Oh, I’m sure it was. The problem is, you didn’t research the institution thoroughly enough.” He pointed a thumb over his shoulder. “St. George's University is a diploma mill.”

At the alicorn’s blank stare, Caleb continued. “They are not an accredited institution of higher education. They sell willing suckers overpriced books and charge them for every fee possible on their way to a diploma that isn’t worth the paper it is printed on. It’s fake.”

Twilight gaped. “But… all my studying!” She pointed to a set of bookshelves holding dozens of medical books, scores of multi-colored Post-it notes sticking out the top of each. “What about my continuing research? My dissertation was printed in the St. George’s Journal of Medicine!” With a pop, a thin magazine appeared in her magic field. “I can’t believe humans would do that! To deceive others for… for money!”

Caleb waved his mares over to him as he walked toward the room’s exit. “If it makes you feel any better, I’m sure yours was the finest piece of medical research published in their make-believe scientific journal, of which you doubtless have the only copy. Sorry, Twilight. A real doctor’s degree requires years of study followed by more years of residency. There are no shortcuts, no matter how smart you are.”

The trio left a sputtering alicorn behind as they entered the hallway. As they headed for the stairs, Sky nudged her Companion. “Cover your ears.” Caleb noticed that both mares stopped in their tracks to do so. Without argument, the man followed their lead.

Moments later, the reason became clear. In the Royal Canterlot Voice, the Princess of Friendship yelled, “AAAAARRRRRRRGGGGHHHHH!

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Author's Note:

The herd is going to have a foal! Some of you already realized that Caleb could use the mirror portal to become a pony, but the idea of transforming your physical form doesn't come naturally. Something that Caleb had been actively avoiding until now doesn't immediately pop into his mind as a solution. Nevertheless, it turned out to be an interesting experience for the man.

Art of Caleb pony by Foxenawolf.
Doctor Sparkle image and scenario provided by Airy Words.