• Published 5th Nov 2023
  • 394 Views, 25 Comments

My Final Pony Fantasy IV - Vimtrust5

Princess Luna joins the Mane Six, Shining Armor and Cadence to protect the Crystals from the enigmatic Golbez.

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Chapter 5: The Antlion and the Sand Pearl

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long. Anyway, enjoy!

In the royal chamber, Edward sat on his knees, his head buried in his arms, weeping for the loss of his loved ones, especially Anna. The prince could only sob more and more, which only served to infuriate Rydia who had just come back from healing Princess Cadence.

"Stop crying!" Rydia scolded. "You're a grownup, aren't you?! Grownups aren't supposed to cry! I lost my mom, but I'm not gonna cry anymore."

"B-B-But..." the prince stammered.

"Crying... won't help. It won't bring back Anna or your parents..."

"She's right..."

The two looked to see Cecil and the Equestrians approach.

"Please... leave me alone! I'm staying here with Anna. I will never leave her side."

Letting out a sigh of annoyance, Cecil moved closer to the sobbing prince, grabbed him by the face and slapped him, making everyone wince.

"You're not the only one who's grieving. Anna would not wish to see you weeping forever."

"I believe he's right," said Cadence.

"We have desperate need of your help right now, Your Highness."

"But... I..." Edward said in disbelief.

"Edward... With your parents gone, you are the rightful ruler of this castle, so start acting like it," Shining Armor stated firmly.

"But... how could I help you?"

"My name is Cecil Harvey. These are my companions, Rydia, Shining Armor, Twilight Sparkle, and you are already acquainted with Cadence. A friend of mine has taken ill with desert fever in Kaipo, and needs a Sand Pearl if she is to live."

"We need your help."

"You all need... my aid?"

Everyone nodded.

"We do. Rosa's life depends on it. I beg you."

"This woman you speak of... she means a great deal to you, doesn't she? As Anna did... as Anna did to me."

Cecil nodded. At that point, Shining Armor approached Edward. "We're looking for the Antlion's Den. Do you know where it may be?"

"Yes. It lies in the far east. The pearl you seek forms from the fluid the beast secretes as it lays it eggs in the sand. There is no overland route to its den. We must cross the northern shoals to get there. A hovercraft is docked here. With it, we can reach the creature's cave. It can bear us across the surf to Kaipo as well."

"That's certainly convenient," said Twilight.

"We can save your friend quickly," Cadence added.

"Come. We must hurry," Edward finished. As everyone else ran off to the hovercraft, Edward turned his head to take one last look at his lost love, wishing her farewell.

Once they set foot aboard the hovercraft, the vehicle emerged from the sand and carried them to the far east. Little did they know, a certain dark blue mare emerged from the cave to the south and witnessed them.

Antlion's Den

Walking across the dry ground, our heroes carefully trekked through the caverns while trying to protect their eyes from the sand. The party made their way into an area not to dissimilar to that from the Underground Waterway and found respite...

After eight hours of sleep, our heroes resumed their march towards the antlion's lair, when suddenly...


"Oh my goodness!" Cadence exclaimed.

"What was that?!" Shining said.

"Is someone there?" asked Edward.

Twilight gasped, "That sounds like Rarity! I'd know that scream anywhere!"

Our heroes quickly raced to the scream's point of origin and discovered, much to Twilight's surprise...

"Rarity!! Applejack!!"

Sure enough, two of Twilight's Ponyville friends had somehow made their way into the Antlion's Den. Only... instead of two living ponies stood two stone statues.

Twilight flew over to them and inserted golden needles on their necks. The mares restored to their original state, the two ponies shook off the remaining pebbles and saw a familiar alicorn and immediately embraced her. After letting go of Twilight, Applejack and Rarity surveyed their surroundings and saw her companions.

"Why, it's Shining Armor and Princess Cadence!"

"Who in tarnation are these fellers?" Applejack asked upon seeing the humans.

"Fellers?" Cecil thought to himself, confused.

"Everyone, these are my friends, Rarity and Applejack. Let me introduce to you, Cecil, Rydia, and Edward."

"What is this dreadful place?"

"Let me start," said Shining Armor, as he and the others explained everything that happened so far.

"A Sand Pearl... I see," said Rarity. "Very well. Let us join you."

"'Course we were plannin' on goin' with ya once we got together again, right?"

"That's right, Applejack."

A few floors below, several shining objects lie within the whirling sand.

"This is where the antlion lays its eggs," Edward explained. "And there they are."

From the moving sand emerged two giant pincers... pincers that belonged to the dweller of the cave, the antlion itself.

"EEK!" Rarity and Rydia screamed.

"There's nothing to fear," the prince reassured. "Antlions are quite docile. They won't harm humans."

"What about ponies? Like us?" Twilight said, concerned.

"Never you mind. Here, let me take one of the pearls."

"That doesn't exactly help," Shining whispered to his wife and sister.

Just as Edward approached and was about to lay his hands on one of the pearls, the pincers clamped together, and would have caught the prince, had he not jumped back to the group in time. Just then, the antlion emerged, revealing itself to our heroes.

"Rydia, with me!"

"Cadence, Twilight, Rarity, Applejack! Let's have at it!"

The antlion then let out a huge roar. Just as the creature was about to make its move...


The party turned their heads...

"Princess Luna!" Twilight gasped.

"Yes, it is I," she replied. "Mayhaps you need my aid?"

"With pleasure, Your Highness," said Shining.

The antlion roared again.

"Watch out!"

Our heroes then took up defensive positions. The beast launched fangs towards Luna; the princess quickly evaded by ducking. Applejack charged and delivered a hard buck to the creature's head. The antlion responded by knocking her away and onto Edward.

Twilight flared her horn and fired a magic beam. In response, the beast's white eyes turned red and cast a magic attack of its own!

Applejack got off of Edward; the prince attempted to play a melody to soothe the antlion, but the creature roared in anger, frightening the youth. Rarity then grabbed a potion out of the group's bag and gave to Applejack.

Rydia cast a Thunder spell, causing a moderate amount of damage.

Next, Shining Armor fired his own magic beam which dealt almost enough damage to the creature. Cecil then followed slashing the beast with his blade. Afterwards, Luna butted heads with the antlion which then placed its head in the sand...

"Look out!"

Cadence quickly grabbed her aunt and jumped to the side.


Shining fired one last magical attack at the antlion, but the creature evaded the attack using the sand. Cautiously, the white stallion looked around, hoping to avoid the next strike. The others, too, grew nervous. Confident as she appeared, Applejack steeled herself. Rarity held on to her friends tight; at that moment, the antlion appeared and attempted to snag the white mare but was pushed out of the way by Luna.

Cecil saw this and slashed at the antlion's fangs, releasing the princess and causing a great amount of pain to the creature...

And with one final cry, the Antlion was subdued. The creature then sat near its nest and lay a special item. At that point, Cadence and Luna's bodies were enveloped in a blinding flash of light. Soon after, the two princesses regained a pair of wings and a horn, respectively.

"YEE-HAW!!" Applejack cheered. "Y'all got yer horn and wings back!"

Though the two were happy to earn their features again, one such person was still in shock.

"What just happened?" Edward asked. "It makes no sense. The antlion is supposed to be tame!"

"Ya reckon someone's been controllin' it?"

"Allow me to explain as much as I can," said Cecil. "Monster populations are swelling, and beasts once harmless now turn hostile. Something is afoot."

"I'm willing to bet this Golbez person is responsible," said Twilight.

"Guys! We have to get back to Rosa!" Rydia said.

"Right. Let's go!"

"Is this Rosa special to any of you?" Luna asked.

"Yes," Cecil replied. "We mustn't delay any longer!"

With a Sand Pearl finally in their possession, our heroes exited the cave and hopped aboard the hovercraft.


"This way! Come on!" said Shining.

Our heroes raced toward the house in the northeastern corner of the town, entered and gathered around the bedridden woman. Cecil held out the Sand Pearl over his beloved; a small light from the item shone upon the young woman. Several minutes later, the white mage's eyelids began to move; as they opened, her eyes gazed upon her love.


"Rosa! Thank God you're alright!"

The two wrapped their arms around each other in a loving embrace, making everyone around them smile, Shining Armor and Cadence especially.

"Oh? And... these equines?"

"Please excuse us," Cadence said, causing Rosa to gasp.

"My goodness! You can speak!"

"We get that a lot," Twilight chuckled.

"That voice," Rosa said aloud. "I've heard that voice before. Are... are you the one who brought me here?"

"Well, one of them. I'm Twilight Sparkle, and this is my brother Shining Armor, my sister-in-law Princess Cadence, Edward, Princess Luna, my friends, Rarity and Applejack."

"Pleasure to meet you, Miss Rosa," said Rarity.

"Mighty nice to meet ya," Applejack said, tipping her hat.

"Sister-in-law?" Rosa questioned. "So... you... you can marry?"

The Equestrians nodded. The humans all glanced at each other, wondering how these creatures had much in common, despite the difference in species and abilities.

"I'm glad you're alright, Rosa," Cecil said, before his face turned serious. "So, who is Goblez?"

The white mage closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Golbez... is the new leader of the Red Wings. He appeared some time after you left for Misty Valley. He wants to obtain the Crystals for some evil purpose."

"We know," said Shining Armor. "We saw the Red Wings attack the castle of Damcyan; he has two Crystals in his possession now."

"Then surely, he will attack Fabul next. For the Crystal of Wind."

"It appears to be late," Luna observed. "Let us turn in for the night and resume the journey tomorrow."



"I'm curious. Do you remember me asking about a talking pony that suddenly appeared on your ship?"

The dark knight nodded. "This is him," he said, gesturing to Shining.

"Shining Armor at your service," he said.


The white mage looked up and saw Princess Cadence approach.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you a question."

"What is it?"

"Are you and Cecil in love?"

Rosa gasped as her cheeks flushed a bright red. "Well... We've known each other ever since we were children. My mother was a white mage, and my father a knight of Baron. But I digress. Growing up, the three of us have always been really close?"


"Oh, yes. Me, Cecil, and Kain."

"Kain?" Cadence inquired.

"Yes. Kain Highwind. He is a dragoon warrior following in the footsteps of his father, Ricard."

The Princess' eyes widened upon hearing that name. Suddenly, her mind flashed back to the time when her daughter was abducted by the Palamecian Empire, specifically a dragoon of the same name who fought alongside her, Twilight, Spike and Fluttershy to save the foal from the clutches of Emperor Mateus; the same Ricard who then sacrificed himself against the resurrected Emperor to save their lives.

"Is... something the matter?" Rosa asked.

"Oh, um... It's nothing!" Twilight chuckled. "Right, Cadence?"

"Yeah, hee hee hee..."

Cecil and Rosa then turned to the dark blue Equestrian.

"What of you?"

Luna introduced herself and explained as much as she could.

Later that night, Edward took out his lyre and played a beautiful song in memory of his lost love. Luna looked outside and closed her eyes as she listened to the melody.

Such a soothing song, she thought. It is as if the soul of whoever listens has been cleansed once more, as mine does at this moment. By morning, we leave for this Fabul. I wonder... What awaits us there? And who is our enemy, the one who plots against this planet? Could it be this Golbez the others speak of? Why does he seek the Crystals...?