• Published 5th Nov 2023
  • 394 Views, 25 Comments

My Final Pony Fantasy IV - Vimtrust5

Princess Luna joins the Mane Six, Shining Armor and Cadence to protect the Crystals from the enigmatic Golbez.

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Chapter 3: True Knights; Shining and Twilight's Reunion

Somewhere far away from the Kingdom of Baron... Princess Luna, the younger sister of Princess Celestia struggled to open her eyes. When she finally did so, she discovered herself alone in a realm of nothing but darkness, with not even a speck of light. Raising one leg, Luna slowly rose and stood on all fours, shaking her head.

"Where am I...?" she wondered. "And... where has everypony gone?" She then attempted to light the area, only to find that she couldn't flare her horn. Confused, Luna attempted to do so once more. "What's going on? Why can't I--" At that moment, Luna looked closely at her side... She no longer had her wings. Surprised, Luna placed her hoof on her forehead and discovered that her horn was also missing. "Wh-What is the meaning of this?!"

"Princess Luna..." an elderly voice spoke, receiving the princess' attention.

"REVEAL THYSELF!" Luna replied in her Royal Canterlot voice.

"All in due time, Your Highness... One of our own is plotting against the blue planet..."

"What do you mean...?"

At that moment, a small portal on the ground, or lack thereof.

"Go, Princess. There is little time... Shining Armor and Cadence need your aide."

"And if I refuse?" Luna inquired, unsure of whether to trust the voice.

"Please, Princess. Your friends and your subjects need you."

The Princess of the Night shut her eyes and pondered whether or not to trust the voice... However, it became clear that if Luna were to find Twilight and the others, she had no choice but to do as it said. And so, she stepped forward and stood still. She was then carried by an unseen force and began to feel herself dissipate into the unknown.

"Everyone is counting on you..."

*music fades out*

A few hours after the incident at Mist, Cecil and Shining Armor regained consciousness and rubbed their heads.

"C-Cecil... You alright...?"

"Yeah... You?"

"What about that girl?"

The dark knight walked over to her and checked her pulse.

"She's still alive, but she's out cold."

Shining let out a sigh of relief. "That's good news."

Cecil then looked around and didn't see his childhood friend anywhere.

"Kain? Where are you?! Kain!!"

He and Shining Armor looked all over but found no sign of the dragoon.

"I don't see him."

"Kain... I hope he's okay."

"We need to help this girl first and foremost."

"You're right."

Cecil lifted the unconscious child and placed her on Shining's back. They traversed the desert and discovered an oasis town. Looking at each other, the two nodded and proceeded to enter.

"She needs rest," said Cecil.

Fortunately, the knights found an inn right in front of them and went inside. Cecil approached the front desk and showed the owner the poor child on Shining Armor's back.

"This is terrible! Tell you what. You can stay the night for free. And... Well, normally the policy states that only humans can stay... But I'll make an exception for this fine creature."

"Thank you," said Cecil.

The two quickly turned left and stopped near a set of six beds. Cecil picked up the girl off Shining and lay her on one of the beds. Upon opening her eyes, the girl looked upon the two and looked away swiftly.

"Are you alright?" asked Cecil.

"How are you feeling right now?" Shining inquired.

The girl didn't answer.

"My name is Cecil. What's your?"

Again, no reply.

"My name's Shining Armor," the stallion spoke.

Shining... Armor? Cecil thought to himself.

The girl didn't answer, still looking away. The two knew exactly why.

"I'm really sorry about your mother. I know you must hate me, and I don't blame you."

"Well... I didn't really... Y-You know..." Shining stuttered, not knowing what to say. "I didn't even raise a hoof and..."

The girl only raised her sheets.

"Will you at least let us protect you?" Cecil asked earnestly.

The girl said nothing, not even bothering to look at the man in dark armor, nor the white stallion. The two knights looked at each other and nodded, silently agreeing to watch over the child. They climbed on two more of them and covered up, preparing to rest for the night. And as the sky turned dark, giving way to night, Shining Armor began to think of everything that had happened so far and.

If Princess Luna were here... he thought. His thoughts were quickly interrupted the loud opening of the inn's door. Awakening, the three were greeted by four soldiers of Baron!

"Ah, we've finally found you, Cecil!" said the group's leader. The girl gasped in shock.

"What brings you here?!" Cecil commanded.

"I am here on the King's orders. He has decreed that all summoners from Mist must be annihilated. Now hand over the girl and the horse!"

"Why do you need my equine partner here?"

"He was supposed to have been incinerated along with the village!"

"What?!" Shining spoke. "So your king sent me to die along with the villagers?!"

"Of course! Now come along quietly."

"If I refuse...?"

"Then you shall die!"

"If you want us, come get us!" the stallion said defiantly.

Cecil unsheathed his dark blade and unleashed a wave of darkness on the soldiers. Undeterred, the general ordered his men to attack their opponents. One of them attempted a vertical slash against Cecil, but the dark knight dodged quickly and countered with a kick to the mid-section. Another took a swipe at Shining Armor, but the stallion evaded the attack and kicked him with his hind legs, sending him stumbling toward the wall. The last grunt then targeted Shining and struck him on the side of his face with the hilt of his sword. Cecil saw this and punched the soldier in the face.

Shining then caught the general about to strike the frightened child with his blade; he rushed over and bit the man in the back of his right leg. Letting out a scream of pain, the general attempted to push the pony away but felt the force of Cecil's dark blade once more. Seeing that his men were unconscious, the general's resolve faltered and so, he retreated, leaving the knights victorious. Both Cecil and Shining's skills increases as a result, but that was not all...

*music stops*

The stallion's body began to glow a bright light, causing Cecil and the girl to shield their eyes, and when it was all over, they gasped at what they saw next: a horn was now protruding from Shining Armor's forehead! The pony looked up and felt it, a smile forming on his face. He could finally cast magic once more!

"Wh-What happened?"

"My horn's back!" Shining said in excitement. "Oh!" He then remembered the girl's presence. "Are you alright now?"

"Yes. And you two?" the child answered.

"Don't worry. We won't let anyone hurt you," said Cecil.


"We promise," Shining said with a salute, making the girl giggle.

"My name's Rydia," the girl finally answered.

"Rydia," Cecil repeated, smiling warmly. He and Shining Armor nodded, gaining a new ally... or rather, a new friend. Rydia then threw her arms around Cecil, who then returned the hug. The white unicorn joined in as well. After the embrace, the three then went back to sleep for the rest of the night.

Two hours after the sun rose, Cecil, Shining and Rydia awoke and proceeded to check out of the inn. Although the fight with the Baron soldiers was settled, the two had to pay a good amount of gil for the damages done to the building. Just as they exited the inn and made the decision to explore the town...

"Shining Armor!" cried a familiar female voice.


"'Twily'?" Cecil said in confusion. At that point, a small purple equine immediately ran to Shining Armor and embraced him.

"Twily! It's you!" Shining cried.

"Another pony? How many of you are there?"

"Several. At least back in Equestria," the white stallion replied.

"Oh, hi there," Twilight replied. "Are you my brother's friend?"'

"Oh, so you're Shining Armor's little sister," said Cecil.

"...What about this little girl?"

"I-I'm Rydia..."

"Nice to meet you, Rydia. My name is Twilight Sparkle. And you?"

"Anyway, I'm just so glad you're safe."

"Thanks, Shining." She then turned to the dark knight. "So, who are you?"

"Cecil Harvey, a dark knight and former captain of the Red Wings of Baron."

"Baron? Then you must be..." the purple pony pondered.


It then hit her. "Come on! Follow me!"

Doing what they were told, the three followed Twilight into a house on the northeastern part of town where they found a sickly woman in bed.

"Rosa!" Cecil gasped.

"I knew it..." Twilight said.

"Cecil, is that...?" Shining inquired.

"Yes! It is! What's happened to her?" Cecil asked.

"She's sick with desert fever," said the elderly man. "The only thing that can cure her is the Sand Pearl, which is said to lie in the Antlion's Den."

"The Antlion's Den,"

"I'm going with you all. There's someone in need of help, and I'll do whatever I can to help!"

"But Twily..." Shining said, pointing his hoof at something that should be there... Twilight sighed, knowing what he meant.

"Yeah. I noticed. My horn and wings may be gone, AGAIN... But I've got some supplies so that should be enough, right?"

"Of course!" Cecil replied. Shining nodded in agreement, as did Rydia. With that, Twilight had joined the group.

Author's Note:

And so, Shining Armor finally reunites with his sister. Stay tuned, because the next chapter will have them reunite with another loved one.