• Published 5th Aug 2021
  • 1,066 Views, 37 Comments

Lylat Sparkle - Norwegian boy

Twilight ends up on the planet Corneria in the lylat System where she is trying to find a way home with the help of James McCloud.

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Poker Night

Twilight woke up when the sun shined in her face. “I have to close the curtain.” She said to herself as she sat up in the bed and started to rub the tiredness out of eyes, she then look around the room and saw that it was James room, not hers. “I guess I’m still in another world.” She let out a tired sighed. “I wonder if this Beltino can send me home.” Then her stomach made some noise. “I guess it’s breakfast.” She got up, got dress and headed out the door.

Once she got to the kitchen she could see James already there eating, it look like cereal. Twilight could see that he had made food for her, salat.

“Morning.” James told her as she sat down by the table. Twilight just gave him a nod as she started to eat.

While they were eating, James keep looking at her with a worried look and Twilight notice that. “What?” She asked him.

“You were crying last night, I heard you.” Twilight was surprised to hear that. “I’m guessing you still miss home.”

Twilight look down on the table in sadness. “Yes, my friends and princess Celestia might have threaten me like crap before I ended up her but it’s still my home.” She then started to eat her food.

James couldn’t help but feel bad for Twilight, nobody wasn’t to away from home. “Don’t worry, if anyone can get you home to your world it’s Beltion and if he don’t, I will personally fly you there myself.” He then realized how bad his idea was. “If I knew where it was.”

Twilight couldn’t help but laugh of what James said and she didn’t know why. “So, do you usually do something on Sunday?” She asked him.

“I usually go to one of my friends and have a poker night, can you play poker?” James asked the pony.

Twilight shrugged her shoulder. “I have play a few times but I always lose, I don’t have a poker face.”

James just smiled. “Yeah, you go to have a poker face.” Twilight agreed with that.

“If you want to go you can go, I will be fine by myself.” Twilight told James.

James shook his head. “Excuse my language but hell no, I am not leaving you alone in this place, there are too many assholes who would take advance of you.”

Twilight didn’t like the sound of that but she didn’t him to keep protecting him, he had his own life. Then she got an idea. “What about Veronica? Can’t she keep me company while you are with your friends?”

James tried to find anything bad about that idea, he couldn’t. “That’s not a bad idea, if she can and want’s to then I have no problem with it. But, if she don’t want to I’m staying.” Twilight agreed with that because she really didn’t want to be alone in this place, not after she saw someone beat up another person.

“Who are there friends of yours?” Twilight asked him.

“Just some friends from high school and college.” He answered her.

The time had arrived for James to leave and as he was getting ready, then someone knock on the door so James walk over and open it, on the other side stood Veronica.

“Thanks for doing this Veronica.” James told her as she step as so she could go inside.

“You can be glad that I didn’t have to work today and beside, this beat sitting inside and watching the tv all day. It’s a nice change of my daily routine.” Said Veronica as she walk inside.

“And that I promise you money if I won.” That made Veronica smile and James to roll his eyes. “I’ll be back in a few hours, try and behave Veronica.” Before she could answer, James had walk out and closed the door.

Veronica then placed both hands on her hips hand huffed. “Who does he think I am.” She then look over to the pony who was sitting in the chair, just looking at her. “So, what’s up?” Twilight didn’t know how to respond to that.

James on the other hand had managed to get to is car, he was about to open the door when some called out his name. “Hey, James.” He look in the direction of the voice and saw the same bear that was beating up the lion two day ago. “We need to have a talk.”

James wasn’t in the mood for this right now. “What do you want Steve?” He asked in a bored tone.

The bear knows as Steve pointed a finger at James. “Why did you interrupt my business on Friday?”

James raised an eye brown. “Business? You were beating up someone, that’s not business.”

“He owes me money and thanks to you he got away, if you dare to interr…”

James did that by pulling out his gun and pointed at Steve’s head. “Why don’t I just plow your brains out, then your customers doesn’t have to worry about getting beaten up by you.”

Steve back away with his hands raised, he was terrified right now. “Hey now, don’t do anything you will regret.” He really hoped that James didn’t kill him.

“Listen, the only reason I stop you was because someone ask me to do it, she didn’t like to see you beat up someone.” James explained to him. “Why don’t we make out deal if you stop handling your business in the parking lot I won’t blow your brains out, deal?”

Steve was now sweating. “Sure, just don’t kill me.”

That made James smile. “Good. Now, get lost.” Steve ran like he was chased by the devil. James open the door to his car and got in, he then placed the gun in his glove compartment. “Idiot, the gun isn’t loaded.” He said with smirk on his face. then started the car and drove off.

When it came to Twilight, she was still siting the chair looking at Veronica who had her feet’s on table, watching the tv. “Is there something you want to ask me?” That Veronica asked that question surprised Twilight, she didn’t expect it.

“I was just wondering how you meet James, those I have seen that live here isn’t very nice, what makes you so different?”

Twilight thought that Veronica would be mad but to her surprised, Veronica just smiled. “I met James just after I moved in here, about two years ago. Some idiot tried to seduce me, I didn’t want to and he didn’t take no for an answer. Then he tried to rap me but before he could, James grabbed him by the shoulders and slammed his face into the wall, knocking him out.” Twilight wasn’t surprised when she heard what James did, he was very violent her first day. “After that day we became friends which is a good thing concerning most of the men that live in this place are asshole.”

Twilight couldn’t help but wonder how she ended up here. “Then why do you live here? When there are so many bad men?”

Veronica got a gloomy face. “I had to move to this part of the town because I lost my job as a teacher, now I work as striper at the local strip club.” She said with sadness in her voice.

“What happened?” Twilight asked her.

Veronica look at her. “Tell you what, if I tell you what happened to me then you will tell me where you are from, something tells me you are not from Cornelia. Deal?” Veronica then stretched out her hand.

Twilight wasn’t sure if she could trust Veronica, she barely knew her. On the other hand, it look like James trusted her. Twilight wanted to tell her but she wasn’t sure. “I don’t know.” Twilight told Veronica as she placed her legs closed to her body with the help of her arms.

Veronica saw that Twilight didn’t trust her, she had to make her trust her and she knew how. “Alright, I will tell you why I think you’re not from around her and that’s because you are a pony.” Twilight was now confused. “ Ponies are very rare race in the Lylat system, only 0.2 % of the population are ponies.” Twilight didn’t know that. “And I promise to keep your story a secret.” Somehow Twilight believe her so she shocked her hand. “Alright, I will tell you my story.”

Veronica had to take a deep breath to prepare to tell her story. “Ever since I was young I wanted to be a teacher and when I got old enough I got a job as a teacher at one of the schools Cornelia east, that was my happiest day of my life.” Then her face became somber. “But it didn’t last. At the school worked an asshole of a principal and he cost me my job.” Twilight couldn’t help but wonder what this person did. “You see, this principal had the hots for me and I’m pretty sure he wanted to get into my pants.” Twilight just blushed when she heard that.

“What happened?” Twilight asked Veronica.

“He asked me out so many times that I lost couldn’t but I had a rule, don’t go out with the people I work with. He didn’t take it lightly.”

Twilight didn’t buy her ruler, there had to be more to it. “Was it your ruler the only reason?” She asked Veronica.

The cheetah shook her head. “No, that’s not the only reason, I’m a lesbian.” Twilight’s eyes widen, she didn’t expect to hear that. “And the principal didn’t like that I was a lesbian at all, so he made sure to ruin my career by telling that I tried to seduce him and that I forced him to have sex with me, which was all a lie.”

“How did you get fired if it was all a lie?” Twilight asked.

“Because he was the son of some rich asshole who had connections, so the principal’s father made some calls and I ended up getting fired for something I didn’t do.” Veronica had to wipe away some tears in her eyes. “I tried to get work in another school but it was too late, they had heard what the lies and I didn’t get any work, so I moved here and started to work as a striper. I know I could have gotten any other jobs but I didn’t care at the moment, and here I am.” Veronica closed her eyes to calm herself down. “Now, I have told you my story, your turn.”

Twilight couldn’t help but feel bad for Veronica but there was nothing she could do, she wasn’t from this place. Then Twilight started to tell Veronica where she was from and what happened to her before she meet James.

After Twilight told her story, she saw that Veronica was furious which was unexpected. Twilight thought that Veronica would look at her as she was crazy.

“Those little bitches, if I ever meet them I going to give them hell and the bitch Celestia, what the hell is her problem?” Veronica was breathing very heavily. “I’m going to break that horn of her head.” A little to extreme but Twilight didn’t dare to say anything.

Twilight was a little afraid, Veronica remined her when Luna was Nightmare Moon. “So, you believe me?” She managed to ask the cheetah.

Veronica tried to calm herself down. “Well, I have some trouble that pegasus can control the weather but the other part? Yeah, I believe you.” Twilight didn’t expect that. “But I still can’t believe what they did to do at the wedding, they was acting like children. Grow up you assholes.” Twilight decided to let Veronica to calm herself down.

James had finally arrived at the apartment block where the poker night was held, he parked the car, turned it off and got out. Once he arrived at the door where he friend lived, he knock on the door and it didn’t take long before he heard movement on the other side.

“What’s the password?” Someone said on the other side of the door.

James just rolled his eyes. “How about, open this door before I kick it down and kick your ass.” He said with some anger in his voice.

The door open and looking at James with a deadpan look was a golden eagle. “I can still see that you have no humor.”

James just match the eagle look. “I can still see that you don’t have one.” James walk past him. “Jackass.”

“Hey, at least I’m trying.” The eagle closed the door. “And can you stop calling me jackass or have you forgotten that my name is Jack?” Jack told James in an annoying tone.

James just smirked. “Sure, when you stop acting like a jackass.” Jack just rolled his eyes.

James and Jack became friends in high school and they stay in touch ever since, even when James became a space pilot and Jack working at the local electronic shop, Radio-Active.

Jack just walk past him. “Why I am friends with you?” He mumbled to himself.

“Because I have saved your ass more than once.” James told him as he took of his jacket.

When James arrived in the living room, where they were playing, three other sat around a table. Closet to the door was a white wolf, his name is Collin and he was the oldest of them, one year older than James. Collin work as a personal trainer at the gym Power Fitness and he was very fit, James meet him in middle school. Left to him was a lion by the name of Hiro, James knew him since flight school and they fought in the war together, he is now a flight instructor. To Collin’s left was a Cheetah by the name of Bento, he work as a mechanic and owns his own business, Clean Getaway, James meet him in college. As time went on, James introduced them and they became good friends.

James sat down beside Hiro. “Look who decide to show up, what keep you?” Hiro asked James.

“I had to drive from the south, it takes time.” James answered with some annoyance.

“Excuses, excuses. It should take around forty five minutes to drive here, I think something ells happened.” James decided to ignore him, the problem with Hiro that he was very curious and he is almost impossible to stop.

Then Jack came from the kitchen with some snack. “Just leave him alone Hiro, if he doesn’t want to tell, then don’t push him.” He told his friend as he placed two bowls on the table and sat down.

Hiro started to shuffle the cards he had in his hands. “You guys are no fun.” After he was done shuffling he dealt out five to each of the others. “Let’s just play.” He put down the deck and pick up his five cards, the other did the same.

When it came to Twilight and Veronica, both of them were bored. Twilight was sitting the chair watching the news while Veronica was lying on the couch, looking at the ceiling. “Man, if knew it would be this boring I would have brought some toys so I could have some fun.” Twilight didn’t want to know what she meant by that. Veronica look over the pony. “What do ponies do for fun in your world?” She asked Twilight.

“I usually study or hang out with my friends.”

“Right.” She went back to the ceiling. “I forgot that you don’t have technology in your world, must be boring.” Then she got an idea. “I will right back.” She got up from the couch and ran to the door, she open it and ran out leaving Twilight alone.

Twilight wasn’t sure what just happened as she look at the door, Veronica was supposed to keep her company until James return but she just left. Twilight got up from the chair and walk to the door to close it, she hope that Veronica came back.

It didn’t take long before Twilight heard noise from the other side of the door. “What the..?” The door open and Veronica came in with something in her arms. “Did I close the door?” She asked the former unicorn.

“You left and James said that door should be closed, just be glad that I didn’t lock it.” Veronica was glad that she didn’t lock it. “What are you caring?”

Veronica look down at the black device. “This is a gaming system, it’s what I use to pass the time.” She placed it in front of James tv. “I didn’t think to bring before, I feel pretty stupid by that.” Not Twilight was curious, she had no idea what a gaming system was but she wanted to know. “So, do you want to play?” Yes, she did.

Back with James and his friends, James was wining and his friends didn’t like it. “Read them and weep.” He placed the card on the table and it was four queens.

“Damn it.” Said everyone at the same time as the slammed their card on the table.

“How the hell are you so good at poker?” Hiro asked his friend.

James just took their money. “It’s not my fault that none of you have a poker face, your too easy to read.”

Then Collin stood up. “Either way, I’m done. “If I lose more money my wife will kill me.” He then look at clock on his phone. “And it’s getting late, I have to get home say good night to my daughter.”

“I still can’t believe that you’re a father.” Said Hiro as she took out a cigarette from the backed, he then put in his mouth and light it.

“The universes works in mysterious way my friends.” He then put on his jacket that was hanging on the chair. “See you guys around.” He told them as he walk to the door, the others said goodbye.

“I still can’t believe that he’s a father.” Said Hiro as he took a drag of the cigarette.”

Then James stood up. “I better go to.” He then took the cash he had won.

“Don’t tell me your heading home to your wife?” Said Hiro with some tease in his voice.

“If you mean my wife that ran of my two years son, then no. As Collin said, it’s getting late and I don’t want to drive at night in my neighborhood, it’s dangerous as it is.” James was right about that. “By the way Bento,” He look at the Cheetah. “I coming over to your workshop tomorrow to have my back light fix.”

Bento nodded. “Sure, just stop by when you came.” James thanked him and said goodbye to his Friends.

James parked the car in parking lot, turned of the engine, got out and lock the car. Once he reached his door he could hear voices, it had to be Twilight and Veronica.”

“Do you really think you can beat me like that?” That was Veronica and what the hell were they doing.

“It’s my first time, go easy on me.” James had only one thought, what?

James open the door and he wasn’t expecting seeing Twilight and Veronica sitting on the floor playing videogame, it look like Twilight was really into it.

“Come one, yes.” Veronica then threw her hands up in the air. “I beat you again Twilight.” The pony just slumber down in defeat.

Then James spoke up. “What’s going on?”

Both girls look in his direction. “What does it look like? We are paying a videogame.”

“I can see that, where did you get it from?” James asked Veronica.

“I had it for a while and I’m impressed that it still work, are you done playing poker with your friends?” She asked him.

“Yeah, so you can go home, you don’t have to babysit anymore.”

Veronica rolled her eyes. “Funny.” She got up and stretched her body. “Well, it’s been fun but it’s time for me to go.” She look over at Twilight. “You can keep the game console, you need to practice.” James was about to take out some money to give to Veronica, she stop him. “Keep it, you need it more then me.” She walk to the door. “See you two around.” She then left.

Then James and Twilight was alone in the apartment. “She is was very strange girl.” Said Twilight and she was right.

Back in Equestria, Spike was busy cleaning the library. He promise himself that he would keep Golden Oka library open until Twilight returned and he would also do if she didn’t returned, he really hope that she did.

Spike was done with mobbing the floor. “There all finished.” He told himself as he wiped away some sweat from his forehead, he rested his hand on the end of the mob. “I really hope this Libra can find Twilight.” He was about to put away what he used to cleaned when the door open. “Welcome to…” His mood drop when he saw who entered, it was five mares he didn’t want to see. “What are you five doing here?” He asked Twilight’s former friends with venom in his voice.

Rarity was the first to notice Spike’s mood. “You don’t have to be so hostile, we only want to see how you are doing.” The others agreed.

“Oh no, you five are banned from the library.” He told five mares.

What Spike said shocked every one of them. “Why?” Asked Rarity.

Spike couldn’t believe she asked? “Why? Are you five stupide or something? You are banned from the library because how you all threated Twilight, it’s because you five and Celestia that she isn’t here anymore.” They didn’t want to admit but he was right, they were part of why Twilight is gone. Before they could say anything. “I’m going to say this only one time,” He pointed at the door. “get the hell out.” All of them was shocked that Spike cursed but they didn’t say anything, they just left.

Spike was glad they left, he remember the wedding, he was the only one that believe Twilight. Twilight told him to keep an eye on the fake Cadance. But before he could anything, Libre came and took care of her. After he had learned that Twilight had disappeared, he promised her that he would take care of the library and he was going to keep that promised.

Author's Note:

When it comes to Spike and the girls, I thought it would be fun that he banned them from the library.

Comments ( 1 )

Very nice, Spike told them off so funny.

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