• Published 5th Aug 2021
  • 1,070 Views, 37 Comments

Lylat Sparkle - Norwegian boy

Twilight ends up on the planet Corneria in the lylat System where she is trying to find a way home with the help of James McCloud.

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A Fox Named James McCloud

James McCloud was once a hero he had saved the Lylat system again the forces of Andross. Now, now he a janitor at the local school in Cornelia City. He was once hero he is now a janitor. Fame doesn’t last lone in the Lylat system, James knows that. “Fucking job.” Working as a janitor isn’t a job, James has to moob the floor after school kids and probably the worst thing ever, cleaning the toilet.

He finished the last spot on the floor on the second floor, he wiped the sweat from his forehead. “There, all done.” He looked over his work, he was satisfied. “Time to check out.” He but the mob in his bucket, picked it up and walked to the janitor office. Once there, he opened the door and walked inn. Once inside he poured the dirty water into the sink and put away the bucket and mob, after that he took of his janitor outfit, grabbed his jacket, and signed off in the journal on the desk. He then walked out, closed the door and locked it.

Once outside the school, he walked towards the parking lot and the only car there, it was a Temper R4 model which was the cheapest car one could buy, and it was almost falling apart. “Man, what a piece of crap I’m driving.” Being the saviour of the Lylat system doesn’t pay the bill or get you the fancy car, you have to drive what you can afford. James car had white paint, which was falling off, his tiers didn’t match, and it look like the whole car was going to fall apart. It was the only thing he could afford.

He opened the car door and got in and the first thing he did was opened to glove compartment, where is phone was. He turned it on and saw that he had gotten a text and it was from Peppy, it read. ‘How was work?’ James rolled his eyes when he saw the text, he answered. “Why do you keep asking he same question over and over when you know the answer?” And he send it. “Idiot.” James tossed the phone on the second front seat, he then leaned against the seat and let out a frustrating sigh. “I wish something would happen.” He was about to start the car when he heard some noise in the bushes.

James look at bushes while growling. “Great, horny teenagers.” One problem the school had was horny teenagers, they usually come after dark and have sex on the school property and it was James who had to deal with it since the school couldn’t afford security. He went to glove compartment and took out a flashlight and a gun, why gun? Sometimes a teenager wasn’t the only problem. He also took his phone with him in case he had to call the police.

“I guess I have to deal with the problem.” James got out of the car and pointed the flashlight where he heard the sound and started to walk towards the bush, he had his gun ready. Once there he bushes away some branches and what he saw was not some teenagers having sex but a naked female pony. “What the hell?” It was a purple naked pony, her hair and tail had three different colours, purple with some dark purple and pink? She had some tattoo on her ass. She had to be twenty five, at least. She was lying on her back.

“Miss, are you ok?” She didn’t respond so James put two finger on her neck to check if she was breathing, he found a pulse. “That’s a relief.” He then notice that her breast was C cup, he shook his head. ‘Why am I looking at her breast?’ He thought while not trying not to look at them.

She then started to stir then she then opened her eyes. “Oh, my head.” She put a hand on her head. “What happened?” She ask no one in particular while sitting up. She then decided to have a look around, and then she saw James. “A monster, stay away from me.” She started to back away from him.

James was offended by that. “Hey, I’m no monster. My name is James McCloud, and I am a fox and if you want to stay on my good side, I suggest you don’t call me a monster.”

The pony managed to calm down. “You’re a fox?”

James gave a blank stare. “Yes, I am a fox, and you are a pony. Now we gotten that out of the way, mind telling me what you are doing in front of school this late and naked.”

She tilted her head. “Naked?” She then looked down on her body and notice she was indeed naked. “What happened to my clothes?” She then tried to cover herself up with her breast and pussy with her hands, it kind of work.

She then closed her eyes and it looked like she was trying to a number 2. “What the hell are you doing?” James asked the mare.

“I am trying to use my magic to push you away.” She eventually gave up. “Why isn’t it working?” She then decided to touch her forehead, she started to panic when felt nothing. “My horn, where is my horn?” She then started to look on the ground around her. “I can’t use my magic without my horn.” She as trying to find her horn.

James just watch this weird mare looking around for her ‘horn,’ he then decided to get some answer. “Miss.” The pony didn’t listen to him she just keep on looking, he decided to speak a little higher. “MISS” That got her attention, she stopped looking to look at him. “I am staring to lose my patience here, if you don’t tell me who you are and how you ended up here, I am going to call the police and have you arrested for trespassing on school property, got it?” She nodded. “Good, now talk.”

Twilight didn’t know if she could trust this James, but at the moment, she didn’t have any choice. “My name is Twilight Sparkle and I’m from a town called Ponyville.”

James raised an eye brown when he heard where she was from “Ponyville? Where the hell is that? Up north or something?”

Twilight blinked a few times. “What? You don’t know, where am I?” She asked James.

“You are on the planet Corneria in the Lylat system, this is Corneria city and we are outside Corneria east school.”

Twilight was now confused she had never heard those names before. “Corneria? Lylat system? Are you telling me I am not in Equestria anymore?”

“Lady, I have never heard about Ponyville or Equestria before. I was never any good at geography at school, but I have never heard those names before in my life”

That made Twilight panic even more. “This is bad, I was just trying to teleport home, not to another world.” Then the tears came, she placed both hands on her face and started to cry. “What happened?” She said between sobs.

James felt bad for her, if she was telling the truth, then she was just a lost soul far from home. He looked at the watch at his phone, it was almost nine in the evening. He then looked at the crying pony. ‘I am going to regret this, but I can’t just leave her here.’ He let out a sigh. “Twilight you need to calm down, crying isn’t going to help.” He hope it help, it did, she stopped crying. “Look, I don’t know if you are telling the truth or not, but if you are willing to come with me to my home, I know someone that can help you. Also, it’s getting late, and I am tired from work.” He held out a hand to her. “I promised that you can trust me.”

Twilight looked at the hand and then at James, she didn’t know if she could trust him or not, but there was something in his eyes that told her that she could. “Ok, I trust you.” She took his hand and he help her up.

“Good, come on. I have some spare clothes in the trunck of my car.” He started to walk back to his car, once they were there he opened the trunk he then took something out. “Here, put this on.” He tossed a green janitor outfit the pony.

Twilight managed to catch it. “A janitor outfit, is this your?” James nodded. “You work as a janitor?” He nodded again. “Don’t you have anything ells?”

He closed the trunk. “No, so unless you want to ride back to my apartment butt naked, you have to wear that.” He told her while walking to the drive seat to the car.

There was logic to what he said, she didn’t want to others to see her naked. She put on the janitor dress. Once dressed, she walked over to James, who was trying to start his car.

“Just what is this you are sitting in?” She had no idea.

He just gave her a confusing look. “You’re kidding? Right?” She just gave him a blank look. “This is car, we use it to get to point A to B. You don’t have a car where you are from?”

Twilight shook her head. “No, we have chariot and trains, that’s it.”

James look at her in disbelief. “Chariot and a train, that’s your transportation?” He asked Twilight who just nodded. For some reason, James hit his head on the steering wheel. “Dear god, please tell me that your train is fast.”

“Well, it’s a steam train.”

James couldn’t help but chuckle when he heard that. “Then my world is going to be a shock for you,” he lifted his head from the steering wheel. “go to the other side and get in.” Twilight hesitated for a moment, but she eventually walk to the other side.

James open the door for Twilight, and she got in. While she did that James put the gun back into the glove compartment, he then closed it. “What was that?” She asked him.

“That was gun, a weapon.” Twilight eyes widen and she became very nervous when she heard that. “This world is a dangerous and some of us need something to protect us with.” That made Twilight even more nervous, and James saw that. “What kind of world do you come from? A place with rainbow and candy.”

“I wouldn’t say that but yes.”

James couldn’t help but feel sorry for this girl, she was going to get eaten alive here. “Alright then, close the door so we can get moving.” He told her while trying to start the car again, Twilight managed to close the door.

James turned the key, but it didn’t start. “Come on you piece of junk, start.” He turn the key a few times more and it eventually started. “About time, put on your seatbelt.” James reached for his and Twilight mimic what he did, he put the car in gear, and they drove into the unknown, for Twilight.

Author's Note:

The story is back and this time it's ging to stay, I hope.

In the next chapter we will find out what happened at the wedding after Twilight left.

This story take place ten years before the game Star Fox 64.