• Published 27th Jul 2021
  • 2,250 Views, 124 Comments

Blip on the Radar - Cheer

Sunset got sent to a different world. One with heroes and villains. But being a hero doesn't pay the bills. But someone like Sunset can't stay under the radar forever. Teen Titans crossover

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Chapter 8

In-person recon was the part she disliked the most honestly. It opened herself up to so many risks. But that was why she only made one visit. Recons were always caught by the same person scoping the place out. Sunset was better than that. She just needed to double check the information she got against what she saw. For example, she might see multiple cameras in the plans but if one was broken or bent to look in a different direction, that could cause issues. So, while she didn’t like it, here she was, in the location she planned on robbing in a week or so. She’d spread her other heists further across so as to not create a pattern of visiting a week before.

As she entered she found that it pretty much fit with what she’d read about it so far. Clean, organized (well, as well organized as a corner store could get) and it looked like all the cameras were set up just like she’d figured. Though she did notice one extra one looking over the register from the corner behind it. It didn’t look like a professional one. Probably put in by the owner so they can catch an employee stealing from the register or something. Nothing to really worry about. Maybe she could cook up an emp spell- no, no. She’d thought of that before. It would fry any electric locks they had and then she’d have to brute force her way in. Besides, it would show off more of her ability. She wanted them thinking all she had was fire for as long as she could. Besides, even if she could easily rob this place with more magic, it didn’t make it a good idea. There’s nothing that catches people’s attention more than a perfect crime. No matter how good you do, when you’re dealing with physical money, someone is going to notice.

She went about, looking at this or that and eventually grabbed a little snack. Just something so it wasn’t too obvious she was scoping it out. Leaving without grabbing anything would be dumb. She went up to the counter and hummed a little “Hey. You know anywhere that’s hiring?” She asked as the clerk run her up. Her name was apparently “Jen” and if her nametag was to be believed it was apparently nice to meet Sunset.

Jen looked over at her with a thankfully unannoyed look “Well. We are for a night shift-”

Sunset waved a hand “No can do.”

Jen shrugged “Fair enough. Not for everyone.” She bagged the small snack and hummed in thought. Thankfully there wasn’t a line behind Sunset as she leaned on the counter. “This town has a lot of idiots in costumes. If you’re willing to take a risk I’m sure they’d hire for henchmen.”

Sunset scoffed “I’m not even willing to risk missing out on sleep. No way I’d take that.”

Jen laughed and nodded “I figured. Sorry. Gotta filter out the crazies. Anyway. There’s a place on Fifth and Norway that’s hiring. It’s just a little laundromat but it’s something.”

“Thanks. Something is better than nothing.” Sunset said with a small nod as she collected her change and left.

She took the snack out right away and bit into it. Just because she bought it for a reason other than eating it didn’t mean she didn’t pick one she liked. But as she was enjoying it and going over the information she gathered (especially the fact they were hiring for the night shift. That meant whoever she would deal with would be pretty out of it, ideally) she heard noises from the alley. She didn’t look in but instead leaned against the wall next to the entrance and listened.

“Look. It’s easy. Smash and grab. You don’t gotta psych yourself up for that! It’s like motivating yourself to take a shower. We go in, take what we want and run out. Easy-peasy.”

Sunset frowned. Oh, they were not going to hit her target! The more attention it grabbed, the worse it got. She’d put way too much time into researching this hit. She clenched her hand and put it into her pocket. Now, what should she do? She could always get rid of them calmly and quietly. Or, she could not. She figured that if she just made them leave, they’d just come back. It’s best to just scare them off.

Her hand glowed in her pocket as fire lit in the alleyway. “Yo! What’s up with that?!” One of them shouted as the fire grew and covered the direction that would lead towards her. The fire formed into large words “Choose a new target. LEAVE.” It was simple, clear and she really hoped they took it to heart.

She heard the scramble of feet against stone and smirked as she felt as though she’d done good work. Well… sorta. Sure she’d scared away some thieves but the fact still remained that she was going to be the one that robbed the place.

She released her magic and got rid of the fire message before pushing away from the wall. She was about to step away when she realized she could smell smoke and still hear the crackling of fire. Her eyes widened as she glanced into the alley. There was a garbage fire. She could feel her eye twitch as she snapped her fingers and dropped some magically created water onto it. She was really starting to question her luck at this rate.

She took a deep breath and didn’t bother with anything else. She just teleported away and collapsed onto the closet soft pile of whatever was available.

Seriously, what was up with her luck recently? Or at least today? She took a deep breath and looked at the ceiling as she thought. She was already a little paranoid about her job going well and now it was getting worse. Her mind was working against her. Thinking about how things could go worse.

She shook her head clear. No. There was no reason to worry. She’d planned this all out. She’d prepared and gotten ready. She was ready.

Sunset was all confidence as she made her way towards the store. She was ready and pushed all her worries out of her mind. With all her preparations and research, there was no reason to be so paranoid.

All she had to do was go in, knock out the cameras, go to the counter and play things like last time. Easy peasey.

She pushed the door open and prepared her magic but stopped as she saw something that very much should not be there. She stared and the thugs stared back at her. “What is my life?” She grumbled to herself.

Author's Note:

I look at them.
They look at me.
I look at them.
They look at me.
I look at them.
They look at me and they say "I'm sorry! What did you want again?!"

It's a little short and a little forced. I almost cut it even shorter before I got the idea to end it where I did.

So yeah. Sunset's luck has had a lil bit of a bad run. Hopefully it'll get better soon!