• Published 27th Jul 2021
  • 2,250 Views, 124 Comments

Blip on the Radar - Cheer

Sunset got sent to a different world. One with heroes and villains. But being a hero doesn't pay the bills. But someone like Sunset can't stay under the radar forever. Teen Titans crossover

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Chapter 2

Sunset opened her eyes with a groan. Yesterday was a disaster. A complete and utter disaster. The only way it could have gone worse was if she’d gotten caught. She still needed money, but after the botched robbery...

A simple walk through the streets ensured she could get some cash at least. Someone paying for a hotdog wouldn’t notice their wallet slipping from their hand right away instead of their pocket.

A quick sleight of hand and the bills were in her hand and his wallet on the ground with a noticeable noise.

She kept walking naturally, as if nothing had happened as they turned around, finally noticing they’d missed their pocket. It was nowhere near enough to replace what she’d missed out on last night. Only around fifty bucks, but it was enough for a bite to eat.

Well. It wasn’t like she was broke before. And she still had leftover money saved at home, but the less used, the better.

She made her way into a nearby cafe and ordered a simple unsweetened cheap coffee. As she relaxed and sippled at it, she listened to those around her.

“Can you believe that place was run by the mob?!”

“Eh. Yeah. They were always super rude and had horrible prices. Five bucks for a bottle of pop? They only got business cause the mob probably chased everyone else off.”

Sunset hummed to herself. They were probably right. She wasn’t a good person and she knew that. But the mob was a whole other slimy animal that she wanted no part of. No matter which side she took, she saw no outcome where it didn't end with her catching a bullet in the back or a super-powered punch to the chest.

She overheard a few more conversations about what happened last night but didn’t seem to catch comments about herself. She supposed that weird girl had come with the police and they didn’t notice her much.

As she continued to nurse her coffee she thought of how everything had gone so badly, so quickly last night.


Sunset ceased her whistling as she entered and waved towards the guy at the counter. "Hey there.”

“What?” Was the sharp reply.

“Oof. Aren’t you a ray of Sunshine?” Sunset teased as she put her duffle bag on the counter. “If you would only be so kind as to hand over all your money, I'd be very appreciative.” She said.

To her surprise, his expression didn’t change much, not even a raised brow. She jumped the counter and put a hand on his shoulder, warming it up to the point it would hopefully make her intentions and power clear.

He glared at her as he opened the till. “Step back.” She said, trying to keep a sweet edge to her modulated voice. After he did as she ordered she simply turned the till over into her bag. “Great job! Now, the safe.”

He continued to glare as he lead her to a back room. She whistled as she looked at the safe. It was weirdly big. “This place used to be a bank or something?” She asked

Her hostage just shrugged “Don’t know, don’t care. I can’t open it.” She was amazed how he kept his attitude up this whole time. Maybe she should have gotten a gun? Even a fake one could create fear easier than this.

She shook her head “Whatever. It’s not a problem.” She said as she created a bit of superheated magic flame on her finger and dragged it along the edges of the safe. She had to keep her eyes on both the safe and the hostage but at least thanks to the mask, the hostage never knew which she was focusing on at the time.

After a little bit she spoke up again “Might want to step back.” She said with a grin as there was a grinding sound as the metal safe door began to fall.

“That’s what I’m talking about!” She cheered as she tossed as much money as would fit into her duffle bag. “Thanks for being so-” She began as she turned around, only to see a gun aimed at her. A revolver at that. That could hurt. “Ah… What’s my luck on that being a model?” She asked, worry showing even through her modulated voice.

“Really fuckin’ bad.” The clerk growled as he pulled the hammer back.

“Ponyfeathers.” She cursed before sweeping her leg. She heard a ping as the bullet skid across the outside edge of the mask.

“Shit, shit, shit!” She cursed as she ran off, and threw a ball of fire behind her.

“Stop!” Came a shout as another door slammed open and when the men in suits poured out it reminded her of a clown car. Clowns in suits with guns.

She heard the bullets fire as she slid behind the shelves. “Why are you all wearing suits in a gas station?”

“She’s one of them freaks, boss!”

“Rude!” She shouted back as she tossed another fireball. It wasn’t meant to hit anything really. Just a distraction as she made her way further away. The next moment she felt water falling on her. “Oh, come on!” She groaned, having set off the sprinklers by accident.

“Over there! I’ll teach you to mess with the mob!”

“Do you actually call yourselves the mob?” She shouted out, but it was soon lost in the sound of increased gunfire. While she had a moment she zipped up her soaked duffle bag.

Another quick slide away and she was between shelving and glass. She raised a foot and kicked the window as hard as she could “Agh! The heck is that made of?” She grumbled, having not made even a single crack in it. It would take more than just force to break which was made clear when the bullets whizzing past her had the same luck breaking it that her leg did.


“What do you make of it?” Robin asked as he turned away from the large screen that was replaying the security footage and towards his team.

“Well they’re confident. That’s for sure.” Cyborg said with a small nod.

“They did not seem to have any intention to hurt anyone though.” Starfire spoke up

“That’s what I thought too. When they saw me, they just ran for it. Even while they were running they didn’t throw any of those fireballs at me.”

“I wanted to ask about that.” Robin said as he reversed the video to pause on where the fireball was thrown.

“Magic. At least I think so. I don’t know what kind but it was definitely reminded me of others we fought with magic. Though it's a lot less showy than them.”

“It couldn’t be something like Starfire’s blasts?”

Raven shook her head “I don't think so but, I think they have more they’re hiding too. When I chased them into the alleyway, they disappeared into a boarded up doorway. I’m not sure if it was invisibility, teleportation or if they went through the wall.”

“So they have some tricks up their sleeves? Big deal. Nothing we can’t handle.” Beast boy spoke up with a shrug.

“We might be able to handle it but that’s no reason to get lazy. The fact is they might be specifically hiding how much they can do-”

“Or, they just have limits.” Cyborg piped up. “Maybe whatever they used to run off wore them out? So they have fire and an escape?”

“It’s a good theory. But-” Robin moved the video along until their mask was on screen. “Does that remind you of anything?” After getting nods in response, he continued “With how similar their mask is to Slade, I can’t help but feel like it’s taunting us.”

“So, a trap?” Beast Boy spoke up

“But we can not simply let them continue attacking places of fueling.” Starfire pointed out.

“Of course not.” Robin said with a wave of his hand and shake of his head. “I’m just saying, we need to be careful.”

“I’ll keep an eye on this one then.” Raven spoke up. “If it is a trap by him, then it’s best we don’t all fall into it. Besides, we’ll need someone who understands magic to deal with this.”

Robin nodded as he looked over the group “Right. Then Raven will keep an eye on-”

“Darkfire!” Beast boy shouted out


“Well they need a name!” He said as if it were a matter of fact. "We're not just gonna keep calling them, long haired, dark clothed fire dude, are we?"

Robin sighed and looked back towards Raven, ignoring Beast Boy for the moment “Like I said. You’re in charge of this investigation.”

“Got it.”

Author's Note:

I didn't want to leave this sitting in my document so here ya go. When it gets edited I'll update with that version.

My biggest worry is characterization of the TT characters. So if there are any recommendations or constructive criticism, by all means, lemme know!