• Published 20th Jul 2021
  • 722 Views, 56 Comments

My Final Pony Fantasy III - Vimtrust5

Twilight's nightmares lead her and her friends into a world where the balance between light and darkness is at stake.

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Chapter 20: Eureka; the Curse of the Five Wyrms

As our heroes entered the tower, they looked around for any signs of Xande and his minions. To their surprise, no monster was in sight, not even their master. They took a moment to observe their surroundings. The interior of the tower was as beautiful as the exterior; the walls, the ceiling and the floor were all made of crystal, giving the structure its common name. Yet, there was no hiding the fact that a sorcerer who couldn't bear the gift of mortality wss using in his bid for eternal life, even going as far as plotting to throw the world into darkness.

In the center of the area was most likely the entrance to Eureka, the land of which Doga and Unei spoke. Cautiously, the party approached the doorway within the chamber. Holding out the Eureka Key, the seal cast over the doorway dissipated, granting them access to the mysterious realm. But before

Once they stepped through, the group looked all around them; it was a different feel than the Crystal Tower or any other place they had visited on their quest. The ground even looked similar to the moon because of the small craters on it.

After acquiring the treasures in the area (a Fuma Garb, ), the party then went to the next room.

"Let's split up," said Rainbow Dash.

"Wait, what?!"

"I got a feeling that that things we're lookin' for won't just fall into our hooves... or hands... or claws."

"Alright," Twilight sighed. "Spike and Refia, come with me. Luneth, you and Ingus are with Rarity and Rainbow Dash. Applejack, you and Pinkie join Arc."

Reaching an agreement, the group split into three parties. As the other two groups ventured further into the realm, Rarity, Ingus, Rainbow Dash and Luneth followed a path and encountered a Ninja dressed in purple.

"You seek the treasures of this land? First you must face me!"

With the Ninja defeated, Rainbow Dash opened the chest and discovered...

"A ribbon? This is it?!"

Luneth sighed. "This... is what we came for?!"

"Not to worry," said Ingus. "According to my research, this item, when worn, protects its wearer against all abnormal statuses. In other words, the wearer will be immune to poison, mini, and toad."

"Oh, thank Celestia," said a relieved Rarity. "I never, EVER want to be turned into a slimy amphibian again!"

"With all due respect, Rarity, it isn't slime; it's mucus."

At that point, Rarity's eyes began to twitch uncontrollably. "Let's... not... talk... about... that... AGAIN," the white unicorn said, gritting her teeth.

Meanwhile, Twilight, Spike and Refia came across a circular weapon floating above a pedestal. Twilight flared her horn, but before her magic could even touch the item, a voice called from nowhere.

"I am Amon. Let us see what you are made of!"

Taking shape, the owner of the voice appeared in the same form as that of Hein, the evil sorcerer who tried to take over the kingdom of Argus.

With a swish of his cape, Amon pushed Spike away and then turned his attention to Refia and did the same to her. Twilight flared her horn and fired a powerful Thundaga spell while Refia took this moment to cast Cura on Spike. The dragon then threw one of his beloved dragoon spears at the skeleton-like enemy causing a good amount of harm.

"Impressive," said Amon. He then activated his Barrier Shift spell, the same as Hein. Acting on a hunch, Twilight cast a Blizzaga spell on him. It worked. Spike then finished the battle by slashing at the entity five times.

The mysterious Amon's defeat awarded Twilight's group with the Moonring Blade.

"This looks so cool!" said Spike.

"Be careful with that thing, Spike," said Twilight.

Luneth's group then appeared and rejoined the three. They then witnessed a katana floating above another pedestal. Just as what happened before, a disembodied voice spoke.

"Defeat me, and I will be yours to wield!"

The spirit of the katana took shape as the beautiful, yet deadly Kunoichi, a female ninja with beautiful, wavy pink hair..

With their combined strength, the Warriors of Light and the Equestrians were able to defeat the ninja. Upon overcoming the fearsome Kunoichi, Luneth grabbed his prize: Masamune, the most powerful sword in the ninja's arsenal.

While all this was happening, the team of Arc, Applejack and Pinkie Pie discovered a floating golden sword.

That... That looks just like...! Applejack thought. Indeed, it was Excalibur. A sword that Setro had commissioned in their quest to defeat Chaos.

"Ooh, shiny!" said Pinkie Pie, who was just about to grab it when suddenly...

"Let us see if your light burns brighter than mine!"

Taking shape, the spirit of Excalibur appeared as a powerful General.

Applejack delivered a flying kick, sending her adversary back four steps. After regaining his balance, the General attempted to strike back at the orange earth pony but was countered by a powerful uppercut. Arc then cast a Firaga spell on him.

The General knelt before our heroes. "Well done. Excalibur is yours."

"Thank you!" said Pinkie Pie.

"Pinkie, A.J.!"

"Arc! You alright?"

After consulting each other, the party then made their way further inyo Eureka and found yet another weapon.

"I am Ragnarok, the Demon Blade. Let us test your strength and see if you are worthy!"

Ragnarok's spirit manifested itself into a Guardian wearing an outfit similar to a ninja.

The Warriors' victory over the Guardian awarded them the great blade Ragnarok.

"You must best me in battle if you wish to use me!"

The spirit in the staff took form as a horrifying, six-headed beast with a cloth-wearing human torso and a lupine lower body with eight legs. Luneth took his battle stance, as did the others.

"Take this!"

With three sharp objects thrown at it, the creature fell and yielded.

Syclla's defeat gave our heroes a new reward: an Elder Staff. Rainbow Dash then inspected the sharp weapons in Luneth's hands.

"Hey, what were these things you threw at it?!"

"Be careful, Rainbow Dash," said Ingus. "Those are shurikens! These sharp objects can be thrown from a great distance at any target. Only the ninja can use them."

"So... just me, Spike and Luneth, eh?"


Going further, our heroes discovered a recovery spring and drank the water, healing their wounds. Believing their trek through Eureka complete, our heroes quickly returned to the entrance. There was one more task to finish.

Upon returning to the entrance of the tower, our heroes went beyond the chamber in which Eureka's entrance was contained and proceeded to the end of the room where they encountered yet another sealed door. Luneth took out the other key; the object glowed a bright light, breaking the seal, allowing our heroes access to the rest of the tower.

The second floor consisted of the typical maze where one could get lost or wind up at a dead end and be forced to find another route. Pinkie Pie took a right turn and found a treasure chest at the end of the path. Opening it, she let an audible gasp, making the others run in her direction.

"Lookie here, guys! I got an elixir!" she said.

"Come on, Pinkie!"

Rainbow grabbed her friend and rejoined the others as they trekked through the rest of the maze and found another elixir along with a Phoenix Down. Proceeding to the third floor, the Equestrians and the Warriors of Light went through a hidden passage on the right, turned left and right to go through another passage. They followed the stairs to the fourth floor and opened two treasure chests. One contained another Phoenix Down and the other: another Elder Staff.

"So many Phoenix Downs," Pinkie remarked. "It's like the story's prepping us for the final battle."

"In a way... you're right, Pinkie Pie," said Twilight.

Upon climbing down the staircase, the party found themselves taking more hidden passages, taking another staircase upwards, and finally going around a bizarre crystalized structure, entered the fifth floor. There guarding the stairway to the next level was a large yellow dragon. Going around the floors carefully, the group slowly and cautiously approached the beast. Letting out a deafening roar, the yellow dragon stood in a battle stance with no intention of letting its enemies through. Throwing the shurikens they obtained from Eureka, Luneth and Rainbow Dash quickly disposed of the beast. After defeating the dragon, our heroes reached the sixth floor.

"I am Thor. You'll never get past me!"

"Thor? Like I'd buy that!" said Pinkie. "I wouldn't even mistake you for that handsome Australian guy!"


"I think his name's--"

"SILENCE! I will not be made a fool of! As a servant of Xande, I cannot let you pass!"

"If it's a fight you want, buddy, I'll take you on!" said Rainbow Dash. "Alone, in fact."


"You guys go on ahead. I'll take care of this?!"

"Did I not say this earlier? I cannot let you pass. If you wish to proceed, you must face me in battle!"

Rainbow sighed. "Alright. But here, it's just you and me!"

The monster roared and swiped at the cyan pegasus, but she ducked and kicked the beast in the knees. She then circled around the creature, creating a powerful whirlwind that carried it to the ceiling and brought it down swiftly, knocking the monster out.

"Good work, Rainbow Dash. Now let's head on up," said Luneth.

When they marched inside the room, they found five dragon statues placed around a large mirror that stood in the center. Looking upon the mirror, their reflections immediately appeared along with an evil laugh from somewhere beyond.


"Fools!" the voice said. "Those who see their reflections in that mirror become affected by the curse of the five wyrms!"

Then, just as the voice finished taunting them, our heroes felt their bodies freeze as if they had been turned to stone!

"Wh-What's happened?!" said Twilight.

"I... I can't move!" Luneth cried.

Twilight attempted to use her magic to try and break the spell, but her horn wouldn't flare, and neither could Rarity's.

"Do not fear!" said a familiar benevolent voice.


"Is that you?!" said Pinkie Pie, wanting to move her eyes.

"I told you that our souls are everlasting, did I not? Only five souls who possess hearts of pure light may break the curse of the five wyrms... I will go and find them! Do not lose hope! I will be right back!"

"Please... hurry!" Twilight pleaded.

Sasune Castle

"Ingus and the others are in danger! Princess Sara, please come with me."

The princess gaso3ed and immediately went through the portal left by Doga's spirit.


"Cid, we need your help!"

"Luneth and the others are in trouble? No need to ask me twice!"

The old man followed.

Tower of Owen

"Desch... I had hoped you'd still be here..."

At that moment, something quite unexpected occurred. Desch, thought to be dead, emerged from the flames of the tower.

"That was close!"

"Desch? You're alive!"

"Yep. Who are you?"

"Never mind that. The Warriors of Light are in jeopardy! They need your help!"

"Geez... I put out one fire, only for another one to show up."

Castle Saronia

"Alus, king of Saronia! Arc is in peril!"

Upon hearing the news, Alus immediately hopped off the throne and following the spirit.


"The Warriors of Light are in great peril!"

"Looks like it's time for us to be the heroes!"

"I only need one of pure heart to save them."

"I'll go. You stay and look after the village," said the leader.

Crystal Tower

One by one, the five people Doga had encountered were transported in front of the five statues.

"Luneth! Arc! Refia! Ingus!" cried Desch.

"D-Desch?! You're alive!"

"Twilight! Rainbow! Applejack! Pinkie! Rarity! Spike!" said Sara. "We will hold off the wyrms' power! Quickly! Into the mirror!"

"You must stop the darkness from covering the world again!" said Cid.


"Be careful, little ponies! And you, too, Spike!" said Alus.

"Don't go dyin' on us, ya hear?" said the lead fellow.

"We won't..." said Rainbow Dash.

Once they looked into the mirror once more, the entire group felt themselves being pulled into another dimension. It was time for the confrontation with Xande. As they traveled through the space in the mirror, our heroes were filled with determination and resolve. Twilight thought to herself: should they stop Xande, her nightmares would surely cease. If not, Equestria would face certain doom. And finally, the Warriors of the Light reached the end of the gateway.